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[models] walls

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Level 6
Aug 24, 2006
If I have time I'll see if I can do some of them. But for the next three or so weeks I'm going to be pretty busy with exams and I've got a few essays to get done.

Off-topic for this thread:

I'll send you the tiles as soon as I find all of them. The fence I'm having issues with because the textures aren't, for some reason, working, not sure what I'm doing wrong, so that might take a bit longer. I think I'm exporting it wrong, but I don't know.
Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
o well nothing has happened yet has it therefore all he has done is said he was going to do something isnt that correct because as of this point he has acculy not done anything for me but say that he will help me so i will rep him at which point in time that i recive help from him
Level 6
Aug 24, 2006
o well nothing has happened yet has it therefore all he has done is said he was going to do something isnt that correct because as of this point he has acculy not done anything for me but say that he will help me so i will rep him at which point in time that i recive help from him

While attempting to read this, I believe there was a period (right around the spot where you wrote acculy) where I had serious contemplations of suicide, due mainly to my inability to understand why certain words were in there, which ultimately made me conclude that you've formed a long series of sentence fragments and joined them together in an attempt to form some kind of synergy, but instead ended up with a run on sentence of sentence fragments. So, perhaps we can fix it up a little bit:

As of yet, he has not done anything save say he will help me. When I actually recieve help from him, I will then give him rep.

I'm sorry, but I felt it was necessary....

Also, I sent you an Email with the tiles in it, and I'm trying to get the texture path things to work appropriately still. I'm looking for a way to do it outside of 3DS Max because that program has given me almost nothing but grief since I've begun any attempts at exporting models for use in Warcraft.
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