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Modeling Contest #27 - Theme Discussion

Which theme would you like to participate in the most? Please read the descriptions!

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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Tier-1 Equivalent ("Footman") - Super useful. Can't wait to see a new version of the Troll Headhunter. : )
Leader - Love Heroes... But wait. You start by mentioning named Wc3 Heroes (Antonidas, Garithos, etc), but then end with "regular" Heroes? Might want to clear that up.
Portable Buildings - SO MUCH YES
Wizards - That's actually pretty interesting, though it sounds simple. But simple "unit" models are not often done?...
Builders - Also super useful.
Tauren - Maybe. I wouldn't hate this... But so many better ones.
Re-imagining - This'd be great.

Oh, and as the great Mogul Khan, Speaker of Truth said:
Trolls of course !


It's been quite a while since the last modeling contest.
... I would, but the last two contests were so long ago...
1.5 months?
Alright, granted, it's actually been 3 months (results came out late(r), as usual :p)... But seriously, that's not that long. I'm all for back-to-back Contests, but... : )

You should also make a list with the themes that have already been made in the past.
Deolrin said:
... I did not include 'critters' because that was already a theme used in a mini-modeling contest.
We already hosted...
Totally. I don't think there's anything wrong with using previous Contest ideas; heck, they were good then, and many of the people competing now never had a chance to do them! If people like it, 'why not' I say. : )

Portable buildings. Basically, a building which can morph into a portable state, as suggested in this thread. Examples are stuff like a gnomish factory which can inflate balloons to lift off and fly, or an undead beetle carrying a factory on its back, which can burrow into the ground to produce, or similar except it burrows down to move underground. Perhaps a giant zeppelin which can land and open hatches where produced units will exit. I could go on all day.
Or a magical mobile Troll tower-ward. Y'know, just Saiyan. :D

You still got (most of) my vote, man.

P.S. I hate trolls.
Don't worry; we hate you too. :D

Level 7
Feb 16, 2014
Tier-1 Equivalent ("Footman") - Super useful. Can't wait to see a new version of the Troll Headhunter. : )
Leader - Love Heroes... But wait. You start by mentioning named Wc3 Heroes (Antonidas, Garithos, etc), but then end with "regular" Heroes? Might want to clear that up.
Portable Buildings - SO MUCH YES
Wizards - That's actually pretty interesting, though it sounds simple. But simple "unit" models are not often done?...
Builders - Also super useful.
Tauren - Maybe. I wouldn't hate this... But so many better ones.
Re-imagining - This'd be great.

Oh, and as the great Mogul Khan, Speaker of Truth said:


1.5 months?
Alright, granted, it's actually been 3 months (results came out late(r), as usual :p)... But seriously, that's not that long. I'm all for back-to-back Contests, but... : )

Totally. I don't think there's anything wrong with using previous Contest ideas; heck, they were good then, and many of the people competing now never had a chance to do them! If people like it, 'why not' I say. : )

Or a magical mobile Troll tower-ward. Y'know, just Saiyan. :D

You still got (most of) my vote, man.

Don't worry; we hate you too. :D


All except the builders.
Level 12
May 11, 2014
I would vote for ancient history , i would like to see some huns and mongols models
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Warlords theme- Warlords of Draenor introduce a new type of energy source - the iron star. Basically the teme would be the warcraft like steampunk or rather lavapunk. The theme would probably focus on machines and siege weapons powered by the new type of energy sources.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
My apologies for being out of this thread for a couple of days. I've been a little bit busy since I've recently outfitted my computer with a brand new SSD and had to reinstall Windows, along with everything else on my PC.

Recreating a character from another game in Wc3?
Or perhaps an attachment-set?

The first is a little bit too restricting and not very original. It's a fun idea for a small challenge between a few people or just for people to model on their own, but I don't think it's very fitting for a contest. Originality is a big part of the judging criteria, and I don't really think you can be original by simply copying someone else's design.

An attachment set is a decent idea, but perhaps a bit too simple? I would think that maybe it would be better suited for a mini-contest, but, added anyhow.

Can I suggest?

Unique Race Hero
Make your own personal Warcraftian hero of your own race


Under-appreciated Race Hero
Why dont you make awesomesauce creep heroes, like a centaur hero, or races that do not have enough hero resources. *cough*harpy*cough*

I'm not sure if I understand you exactly, but we've already had a "Warcraft Hero" contest, just a few contests before this one. I believe "Creep Hero" would fit under "Leaders". A bit too restricting otherwise.

We can probably turn this poll into a thread.
Also I suggest the addition of Circus Set (either 1 doodad, destructible, unit; or a combination of any).

I changed the concept a bit to just "Circus". I think making a "set" could be a bit confusing and create an uneven contest ground, especially with shallow definitions and no clear boundaries.

My suggestion is a fel orcs theme, because there are few models on hive and they are prety popular . Maybe someone will create an Fel Orc Gigant , maybe a fel ogre with 3 heads ?

If you don't mind, may I changed the theme to something a bit more general - e.g, "Fel"? Fel Orcs, Satyrs, corrupted Pandaren and giant spiders... Anything corrupted by demons in Warcraft III lore. I believe that would be a broader and perhaps more interesting theme.

still waiting for the Poll...

suggestion: Domestic animal

when will it start?

This is a bit too similar to 'critters' in my opinion, which is a contest we've already held(as a mini-contest).

Warlords theme- Warlords of Draenor introduce a new type of energy source - the iron star. Basically the teme would be the warcraft like steampunk or rather lavapunk. The theme would probably focus on machines and siege weapons powered by the new type of energy sources.

We've just hosted a steampunk contest, and otherwise the theme is a bit too limiting. Very Warlords of Draenor-focused. It might keep people who are uninterested in World of Warcraft or it's new expansion dissatisfied.

Kyrbi0 said:
Leader - Love Heroes... But wait. You start by mentioning named Wc3 Heroes (Antonidas, Garithos, etc), but then end with "regular" Heroes? Might want to clear that up.
Both fit the concept of "leader" well enough. The Troll Warlord and Ogre Lord would also be considered "leaders". It's a purposefully broad theme. The idea is to create a unit or hero which is clearly not just a pawn, but possesses some form of power over a number of people\creatures\entities.

Kyrbi0 said:
Wizards - That's actually pretty interesting, though it sounds simple. But simple "unit" models are not often done?...
It could be simple or it could not be. You could make a Hedge Wizzard's apprentice, or you could make Ash'tharat the Unburnt, Grand Warlock of the Burning Legion. It's entirely up to the contestant. :)

Kyrbi0 said:
1.5 months?
Alright, granted, it's actually been 3 months (results came out late(r), as usual :p)... But seriously, that's not that long. I'm all for back-to-back Contests, but... : )

The one that came before Steampunk was over a year ago. I'd say that's quite a while in between contests. They're not as tight as they used to be, anyhow.

Kyrbi0 said:
Totally. I don't think there's anything wrong with using previous Contest ideas; heck, they were good then, and many of the people competing now never had a chance to do them! If people like it, 'why not' I say. : )

Frankly, I don't see any real problem myself, but people have lots of ideas and everyone wants a chance. If we just kept re-using old contest themes we'd just lower the chances of making people happy and getting their idea made as a contest. Besides, innovation and creativity are very important, and it's easier to be creative if the theme is completely new to everyone.


Added the rest. If no one has any objections, I'll open the poll thread tomorrow. :)
Level 20
Jul 1, 2012
This one sounds pretty good
If you don't mind, may I changed the theme to something a bit more general - e.g, "Fel"? Fel Orcs, Satyrs, corrupted Pandaren and giant spiders... Anything corrupted by demons in Warcraft III lore. I believe that would be a broader and perhaps more interesting theme.

Waiting for the poll, i'll probably will vote for this one :>
I'm sorry but I haven't got to read the whole list and there may have someone who already did suggest my ideas

I have few themes in mind:

Contestants are to create a prehistoric unit, anything from dinosaurs to early human ancestors and even fictional prehistoric charterers.

Contestants are to create an animal (can be a fictional animal) like a lion, an alligator, a rhino, or even a cross-breed of a wolf and a panther or anything that come to your mind.

Swords, axes, guns, spears, light sabers, and everything you can think of.

-Modern warfare:
Tanks, units, or anything even an aircraft.

a unit with two or more forms that it can shape shift or transform into. anything like bumblebee from transformers to a slime monster that shape-shifts into multiple things.

-Defensive structures:
Catapults, Archer towers, canons and all the defensive structures.

-Tag team:
Contestants are to create a unit that would make a perfect team with an existing unit from either the hive workshop or the Warcraft III game itself, or two units that make a great team together.
(I may update post with more suggestions)
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Like someone said earlier, attachments is not a great theme for a contest as you can easily finish an attachment in a couple of hours. Perhaps for a mini-contest.

"Prehistoric" and "Animal" are also two which i find to be a bit limiting, both in terms of usefulness and creativity. I think a good contest theme should be specific enough to instantly give people lots of inspiration while also allowing freedom to be creative.
Like someone said earlier, attachments is not a great theme for a contest as you can easily finish an attachment in a couple of hours. Perhaps for a mini-contest.

"Prehistoric" and "Animal" are also two which i find to be a bit limiting, both in terms of usefulness and creativity. I think a good contest theme should be specific enough to instantly give people lots of inspiration while also allowing freedom to be creative.
If you want it to be harder, how about a whole attachment set? Like 3-5 pieces including armors and different kinds of weapons with the same theme, forming a set?
Like someone said earlier, attachments is not a great theme for a contest as you can easily finish an attachment in a couple of hours. Perhaps for a mini-contest.

"Prehistoric" and "Animal" are also two which i find to be a bit limiting, both in terms of usefulness and creativity. I think a good contest theme should be specific enough to instantly give people lots of inspiration while also allowing freedom to be creative.

Just like blood raven said, and attachment set/pack? and well there is a lot of things you can do in the prehistoric and the animal categories, there is more than 1 and a half million animals discovered already and 10,000 animals discovered every year, so there is so many possibilities even if every member of the hive decides to participate in this contest.

If you want it to be harder, how about a whole attachment set? Like 3-5 pieces including armors and different kinds of weapons with the same theme, forming a set?

Level 14
May 5, 2011
why not?

Top down view terrain doodad set: a set of 5-20 (just a random amount variable for an idea) doodads that are made specifically to be used in top down view maps and all match each other so that you can create a terrain out of them to display!

They can range from low quality pixel models for an old game feel (might want to do more if you go lower quality) to an intense quality terrain designed for the top down view, but the goal is to be able to make a small little terrain with them in the end that is both consecutive and nice.

This could help branch out a new way to make maps and would be a very fun and new challenge for Warcraft 3. : )

Just an idea for a contest so plz don’t be rude
Level 14
May 5, 2011
hehehe called it first, and not a hard thing to estimate for the reason I said : D.

(although I kinda want it for that reason too and voted for it... wahaha!)

@Kyrbi0: OH, and why not make a big bad troll boss?

since this category has a much broader range of possible ideas that can fit into the category (another reason why it has a much better chance of winning compared to other categories such as trolls which limits you to only trolls). it just has to be a big unit worthy of being a boss is all which is not a complicated thing but will be very important. ^_^
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Level 11
Apr 17, 2011
For Final Boss / Colossus, because right now I can imagine that winning,could I recreate a WoW boss? such as Ragnaros, Akama or something along those lines? Or does it have to be sort of original for Warcraft.
Just had an idea for something I tried to do a while back and would like to try again (Fresh new model of course. Nothing taken from the first attempt as I lost it.)
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
The contest will start within a few days. I believe HappyCockroach was being sarcastic - a massive filesize is never a good thing. The smaller, the better. ^^

It's obviously okay to make a very detailed model with a large filesize, though - it is more or less expected. However, wherever you can cut down on filesize, you should do so. Repeat geosets, textures, materials, excess bones, non-linearized sequences, uncompressed custom textures - you should cut down on all of these as much as you can.
How big these model gonna be? around townhall?

creator, deolrin already gave many tips on how getting you filesize big:
Repeat geosets, textures, materials, excess bones, non-linearized sequences, uncompressed custom textures

don't think you should need more hints than that. in that case the contest would be no fun
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