Light and Dark v1.85c

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
「Light and Dark 1.85c」

By dotieris123

Strategy map, Max players 6, You have to pick a hero equip him with items and battle for your side. You will win if you Destroy the main Tower of the enemy. Creeps which spawn every 30 seconds gives you plenty of gold and exp to build your equipment. Neutrals are hard to kill gives you no experience but a lot gold and some neutrals that seems more like heroes which are very strong might drop an item or gold. The map is mine Im dotieris123 I just have Jimaras5690 as name in Hive. Good Luck Have Fun!!!!



Credits To: [if I forgot someone let me know]

Tranquil: Great Lightning, Castle Tower
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNSpell_Nature_Lightning, BTNSpell_Fire_FlameBolt, BTNSpell_Holy_DevotionAura, BTNINV_Weapon_Bow_06, BTNINV_Wand_06, BTNINV_Wand_05, BTNINV_Wand_04, BTNINV_Hammer_17, BTNINV_Axe_15, BTNAbility_BackStab
s4nji: Blizzard Missile
KelThuzad: BTNKing
Ampharos_222: Obsidian Overlord, Undead Fire Mage, Silhouette, BTNNecrotic
Vermillion Edict: Elementalist
Elenai, Frankster: Arch Angel
Mr.Goblin: BTNPumkin, BTNFelOrcRider
Thrikodius: Jack o' Nightmare
EdwardSwolenToe: Eye Beam
Mc !: Nature Sword
WhiteDeath: Spirit Bolt
NFWar: BTNBattlePriestsHammer, BTNWarAxe, BTNRuinedShield, BTNFireWand, BTNClothGloves
Dan van Ohllus: Aura of Death, BTND1KingLeoric, Hero Archmage on Foot BTNManabolt, BTNFieryExplosion
D4RK_G4ND4LF: DarkVortex
-BerZeKeR-: BTNNetherBolt, BTNWarStomp, BTNCarrionSwarm, BTNBerserkersBoots
lelyanra: BTNEvadeNE
UgoUgo: OrbOfFire, OrbOfSeas, ShadowAssault, BluefireBolt
Nudl19: BTNTremor
00110000: Golden Light, Mini Comet
Darkfang: BTNSolarium, BTNWaterOrb
bananaHUNT: BTNPhoenix
stonneash: BTNIceShard
CRAZYRUSSIAN: BTNCRSummon, BTNcrHOLYllllclowd, BTNCRBladestorm
PeeKay: BTNMagician, BTNSphereOfWater, BTNSphereOfFire, BTNPowerCarapace, BTNHalfArmorOfDarkness, BTNDeadProphetStaff, PeeKay's PunishMissle Model
Redeemer59: BTNSunburst3
Infinitynexus: BTNSoulBurn
Hellx-Magnus: BTNDaemonicMight, BTNNerubianScepter, BTNAxeOfAshes
dansaDisco: BTNdDMeteorRain
JesusHipster: Water Orb Attach, SoulArmor, Poisonous Demon/Mind Ripper, Devotion
NightSkyAurora: Cosmic Insperation
Power: UndeadMissleGreen, Inferno Armor
Tarrasque: Deadeye,
Pyritie: Starfall (Caster)
Ket: PotionHealing
Frankster: Orb of Ice, Orb of Fire, Big Mana Potion, BTNBloodelfPhoenixArcher, Bloodelf Phoenix Archer
Misha: Onyx Nether Drake
Ultimata: Northrend Mage Tower
Nightcrime: [N]OracleHPBar.blp
Zeatherann: human-tooltip-border.blp
sPy: Holymagic_Projectile, Deathfire_Projectile
Tigerian Slicer: Tigerian Slicer
Jhonny Janbo: Fireworks Dragon Head
nGy: DarknessBomb
Marenko: BTNStarfallsmall
HappyTauren: BTNSkeletonFireWarriorMage
Apheraz Lucent: BTNMoonchantSoulguard
Palaslayer: BTNIceBolt
GooS: BTNheartofwinterGS, BTNgreenEApotionGS, BTNblueEApotionGS
Mobilize: BTNGreenSkillz
Blood Raven: BTNForestEmerald
67chrome: BTNFireby67chrome, BTNDragonFire
Kimberly: BTNDemonDragon
Marcos DAB: BTNDecayMastery
Gruss Christoph: BTNChaosSpider
Anachron: BTNANAWindWalkV3, BTNANADarkFlameOrbFixed
Kenntaur: Obsidian Golem

-Goldmines removed and gold is increased by 5 per second.
-1 Hero added to each side.
-Ultimate Berserk which mountain king had removed and replaced from a divine hammer which falls from the sky and does damage to all units in Aoe [Allies too].
-New icons imported and new items created.
-Neutrals Gives no exp but a lot of gold.
-In the place of Goldmines The Boss: Onyx Drake placed.

-Bugs with items while selling fixed.
-Silence Cooldown increased from 5 to 6.
-Ethereal Axe now gives 15 to all stats.
-Mask of Death remaked due to some instabillity.
-Flaming orb costs 1000 and not 1500 tooltip mistake.

-Some item bugs refixed.
-1 Hero added to Undead.
-New Icons and units added.
Map Description Generator 「By Vengeancekael」


Light and Dark v1.85c (Map)

Level 5
Jul 17, 2013
Fix the description. The description now is very messy and it isn't clear. You must separate different things:
1. What the map is about?
2. Presentation. (imgs/screenies)
3. (Changes)
4. Credits
5. Any other thing you want to point out

+ You don't have to credit Blizzard.
well I dont know how to put different window for every section and sometimes images said failed to upload