• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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[Legacy] Modders Idea Factory

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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
First of all, sorry you two guys. I have been pretty busy and them I forggot your request. Only accidentaly I entered here again and saw your pending request. I also like to apologize for the lack of activity of both DJ and kanadoge, and of course, myself. As a good employee I am going to excuse my boss... he was... errr... emmm... ummm... just a sec... in the toilet. Yeah, for a month of something.
Anyway, that said, back to answer'in

Mitenosh, the minotaur - STR


Charge - Point Target
Hero charges towards target point, throwing to the sides any enemies that may block his path, dealing medium damage to them. When hero arrives at the target point, or hits a pathing block, he will strike anything in front of him after X sec. Unit's throwed away that hit pathing blockers will be stunned and receive more damage.
Range: 600
Cooldown: 65 seconds
Notes: Scales strike damage and strike delay, as well as range. If hero dies, before dying he will aply strike with triple damage.


Rage - No Target
Hero enters rage, getting X% extra attack speed per each attack, for Y sec, and increasing movement speed by Z% for each W seconds out of battle. Lasts P seconds. While on rage any type of physic damage dealt by hero increases by 50%.
Range: -
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Notes: Scales attack and movement speed bonuses. Out of battle meaning he doesn't receives damage to.


Axe strikes - No Target
Passive. After casting a spell or succesfully dealing damage, hero has X% chance to deal exponential damage to target, before X seconds pass. Damage scales exponentialy by 0.01 for each hit.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Exponential means that 2 is much more than 1 (about 100 times more) So this deals ridiculous damage with rage.


Powerpush - No Target
When activated, hero will start attacking in area, swinging his axe in circles with extreme force, knockbacking all units hitted by X meters, each hitted unit will receive Y% of hero damage. Powerpush will be aplied to all other spells. While powerpush is active, basic attacks count as spells.
Range: -
Cooldown: 300 seconds
Notes: Scales X% of damage and knockback. Extremely OP with axe strikes.

That's it. Next time I'ill do Sindorei's request.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
So first. Double post because I can.
Second. Hiphop, you request is already made here
Third. This goes with

Anita, the frozen arrow - AGI


Quick shoot - Point Target
The hero moves to target point WITHOUT changing his current facing angle, when she is in the middle of the move, she shoots an arrow in line towards her facing. The arrow will hit the first enemy it touches dealing X damage.
Range: 300
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Notes: Cannot jump walls. Scales damage and arrow speed


Triple shoot - No Target
Hero puts her bow in a special position so she can shoot 3 arrows at the same time. Next basic attack or spell will throw 3 arrows in line and apply any on hit effect. This arrows deal each X% of the original damage of the spell or basic attack and they don't follow target. If no attack or spell is made before Y sec, this effect fades.
Range: -
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Notes: Scales percentage and duration


Electric shoot - No Target
Hero shoots an arrow towards her facing. The arrow chages facing every time hero changes facing, and when it hits an enemy it deals X damage and applies purge. Enemy units/hero's near first target will get Y damage.
Range: 900
Cooldown: 70 seconds
Notes: The range represents the maximal distance arrow can travel before fading. Scales main damage, secondary damage and range


Searing arrows - No Target
Autocast. Basic attacks on hit deal X damage to any unit behind first target. If shoot with triple shoot, arrows will pierce first enemy dealing Y and hit the second dealing normal damage.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Which means triple shoot arrows normally can hit only one target. Scales main damage and pierce damage.


Ice arrows - No Target
Autocast. Basic attacks on hit will slow down target by X% for Y sec. When triple arrows is active, arrows will stun for Z sec instead.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Scales slow and stun duration


Concentration - No Target
Passive. For each sec out of battle, hero gains X damage which stacks. Next attack will deal stacked damage as real damage on hit. After that this passive enters cooldown.
Range: -
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Notes: Real damage ignoes armor or any other damage reduction effect target may have.


Arrow mastery - No Target
Passive. Increases attack speed by X% and spell speed by the same amount each cast. Bonus is lost when hero dies.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Stacking speed is op. There should be a max though


Ancestors shoot - Area Target
Hero channels the escense of her ancestors, and after X sec she shoots a giant arrow towards target area. Deals X damage and Y damage Z seconds after main shoot. Y damage increases by X on each damage dealt by hero to any of the targets that was on the main area. Y damage is dealt to any unit there was in the area regardless they are there or not.
Range: 1500
Cooldown: 360 seconds
Notes: Much MUCH damage. And yes, may be applied with tripleshoot. Scales main damage and interval from main damage to secondary damage

Fourth. I would like to be in charge from now on seems it looks like everybody is so dead. What do you guys think?
Level 8
Apr 16, 2013
I'll request a hero. This is his model.

Primary Attribute: Strength
Map Theme: Any
Map Kind: AoS
Number of Spells: Four (4)
Number of Normal Spells Three (3)
Number of Ultimates: One (1)
Restrictions: This hero should be melee. It should posses dark powers so it means that it's spells should be dark or necro related. This hero should be a carry, good against towers, has two passive spells and he will have no nukes but has a stun.

And I also want to add something for the hero files.

Lafos the Blood Knight - Strength
Suggested Model(s): Blood Elf Swordsman
Description: A talented swordsman known for his superior skills. He is honored and well respected by his people. But one day, he discovered the forbidden talent of blood manipulation. He poured most of his hours perfecting this deadly skill. His whole body was manifested by rage and lust. Eventually, he was discovered practicing the blood magic and was sentenced to death through the powers of the highest mages. But his power was so powerful he managed to survive. Now roaming the lands, he seeks to destroy everything in his sight.

Battle Stats: Armor : 2
Agility : 17 + 2.35
Inteligence : 17 + 1.2
Strength : 21 + 2.85
Speed: Attack Speed : Average
Movement Speed : Average

Blood Stash - Passive (Innate Passive Spell)
Stores the blood of a living creature to improve the qualities of your spells. Capable of storing 20 points maximum.

Masochism - No Target (Innate Active Spell)
Sacrifices 5% of your current health to add +1 point to Blood Stash.

Crimson Dagger - Unit Target
Imbues your sword with dark energy then throws it to your target dealing X damage once it hits and returns to you after. While the dagger is still traveling to your target, the Blood Knight is disarmed until the dagger returns to you. The target is crippled, slowing him by 25% for 5 seconds. You gain +2 points to Blood Stash when your sword returns to you. Blood Stash bonus points will not cause it to exceed the maximum Blood Stash maximum cap.

Vital Fluids - Passive
The blood that flows through Lafos is corrupted with dark energy. The Blood Knight has a 15% chance to block X% of damage dealt to him and additionally he has increased hp regen proportional to the number of points in Blood Stash.

Deep Wounds - Passive
Gives you a 17% chance that an attack will empower your sword with a powerful blood magic providing you with +60% bonus damage for X seconds. This requires 4 points from your Blood Stash. If current points in Blood Stash is less than 4, then damage bonus is equal to +45%(if points is equal to 3) or damage bonus is equal to +30%(if points is equal to 2) or damage bonus is equal to +15%(if points is equal to 1).

Fatal Assault - Unit Target
Breaks the chain that holds life and death. Quickly dashes towards your target dealing X damage + 10 times number of points in Blood Stash. Removes all points from Blood Stash and turns your hp instantly to 15% of your max hp. Applies a buff to your target and lasts for 15 seconds. Attacks on a unit with the Fatal Assault buff will result in a 28% lifesteal. Your hp will not be affected if you cast Fatal Assault while your hp is below 15% of your max hp.

Technical difficulties:
- His spells are only good for single targets.
- Requires a large amount of hit points to survive earlier on the game.
- He needs to fill up his Blood Stash to bring the full effect of his spells.
- Item dependent.

- He can deal a lot of damage to any opponent.
- Good at chasing wounded enemies.
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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
please merge your posts, even if they are meant of separate things. About your request, working on that.


Graskuamaj, dark beast - STR


Dark fear - Single Target
Hero stuns the target with dark fears, stunning it for X sec and slowing it for Y% after stun, slow lasts Z sec.
Range: 400
Cooldown: 55 seconds
Notes: Scales slow effect


smash hit - No Target
Passive. Damage dealt to buildings and other constructions is magnified by X. Each hit has X% chance to cause a small earthquake, that deasl Z damage to any unit in a small area around building, chance of earthquake increases with each hit towards the same building. After an earthquake this spell enters cooldown.
Range: -
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Notes: Hard smash for towers. Magnified means that you first multiply base damage by X and them you subtract X to the final outpot. While on cooldown you can't activate first effect to avoid the abuse. Scales cooldown and damage of earthquake.


Dark beast - No Target
Passive. Hero has an X% chance to absorb Y% of the effects/damage done to him by spells and stack it. Next basic attack will release this stacked damage over target, aplying absorved effects and Z% of absorved damage. Stacked damage and effects are lost after that or after Y seconds without taking further damage.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Insanely OP. Scales absorved damage percentage. Yes this absorbs Stuns/Poison/slow and others CC.


dark fury - No Target
Hero enters in black fury, engulfing himself on black energy. Increases attack speed by X%, each attack steals Y% attack speed from target, for Z sec. Black aura around hero acts as a shiled that denies next incoming damage and fades. Lasts Z sec.
Range: -
Cooldown: 300 seconds
Notes: Speed to destroy towers.Scales duration and mana cost
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Now I can work :)

Faye, Sylvan enchantress - INT


Moon bless - Unit/hero Target
Hero blessed another unit/hero, giving X% of caster's maximal life as extra life to that unit, and healing 1 life point for each extra 5 life points target gets. Last X seconds. Night elves get +Y% extra bonus. Cannot target yourself.
Range: 600
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: Pretty powerfull giving extra life. Scales main percentage and lowers cooldown


Root - Point Target
Hero roots the unit/hero in target point, slowing enemies by X% for Z sec. Allied night elven unit/hero on point will get Y extra armor for Z sec. Other allies will get nothing.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Notes: Armor bonus ridiculous low. Scales slow effect and armor duration.


Touch of the forest - No Target
Passive. Spells casted will heal allies near orginal target, by a max distance of X, by 1 hit point per each 5 hit points missing. Night elven units will get healed 2 points instead. The duration of the heal is the same than the duration of the spell. Heal breaks if healing unit/hero is attacked.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Scales distance a bit, powerfull heal.


Leaf rain - Area Target
Hero casts a leaf rain over target area. For each allied unit inside target area, caster creates a leaf spirit, that copies the spells hero casts and counts for hero's passive. Spirits lasts X sec and are invulnerable.
Range: 400
Cooldown: 400 seconds
Notes: Overpowered. Explanations: this spirits casts the spells you cast at the same targets, buff should stack so. As they count for your passive, they heal allied units around them, and also around their casted spells.

MegaCraft Epsilon Units Request

Number of Units: 12 (6 Infantry, 6 Vehicles)
Number of Units with Intelligence base Attribute: 6
Number of Units with Strength base Attribute: 2
Number of Units with Agility base Attribute: 4
Map Theme: Megacraft, Warcraft, GTA, C&C Reloaded
Map Kind: Long Campaign
Number of Spells Per Unit: 3 (2 active, 1 passive)
Affiliation: Epsilon (see factions info in the campaign development thread)
Notes: Units should have Psychic / Fantasy / Futuristic properties.
Restrictions: Must be Epsilon aligned. Theme should be stealth or psychic or genetically mutation or arcane magic related.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
That's a bigy! It will take it's time. Gonna start with the AGI


Invisible - No Target
The shooter becomes invisible for 10 seconds. Does not break from attacking or casting spells.
Range: -
Cooldown: 60 seconds


rampage shoot - No Target
The shooter starts shooting in rampage towards where he is facing, recoil may change facing, he can't move while rampage is on. Each shoot deals X% of shooter's maximal damage. Lasts X sec.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: Shouldn't last less than 10 seconds. X% should be less than 40% and chance of changing facing due to recoil should be around 60%


Mutagen 1 - No Target
Passive. Adds a cupulative mutation at random which can be: +1 to damage, +10 to life, +1 to movement speed, +0.05 to attack speed, -15 to life, -3 to movement speed.
Range: -
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Notes: This spells starts in cd when unit is created. bonuses should last the whole campaing



Climb - No Target
Unit ignores any terrain collision for 30 seconds. Also becomes X% slower.
Range: -
Cooldown: 90 seconds


Focus - No Target
Unit stops moving and can't turn. While in this position unit's attack will be in line, dealing X% extra damage. Unit shoots automatically at normal attack speed. Lasts Y seconds.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: With this the unit becomes a turret that sends shockwaves towards it's facing (that's the easiest way to put it) also line attacks are casted each X seconds where X is attack speed


Counter attack - No Target
Passive. When being attacked unit has X% chance to turn and attack attacker. This forces to make at least one hit.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Yes this allows you to turn if you are using focus.



Aim - Point Target
Sniper stands still, aiming towards target point. After X, he will shoot, dealing X damage to anything in that point. Has X% chance to do a headshoot and kill anything in that point, chance on hero's is Y%
Range: 1500
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Notes: X% bigger than Y%. Y% should be extremely low.


Hide - No Target
The sniper hides, depending on the type of terrain, he may be spoted from less or more distance. Has no duration but breaks from moving or attacking.
Range: -
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Notes: I suggest that best hide spot should be grass and worst sand or something.


Mutagen 2 - No Target
Adds +10 attack distance, +3 attack damage, -0.03 attack speed, -2 health at random.
Range: -
Cooldown: 200 seconds
Notes: This spell starts in cooldown when unit is created



Scout - No Target
The duo stops moving to increase it's view range. Active again to stop this effect.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds


Certain shot - No Target
For X seconds, the duo attacks have X% chance to deal 2 times more damage, and Y chance to deal a killing blow.
Range: -
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: Y% chance very low.


Recoil - No Target
Passive. If the duo doesn't moves for X seconds, the first enemy that enters it's view range will be automatically attacked. Requires a tech.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Works with scout and certain shot

that's it for now.
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Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
Number of Heroes: 3
Number of Heroes with Intelligence Primary Attribute: 2
Number of Heroes with Agility Primary Attribute: 1
Map Theme: Warcraft
Map Kind: Altered Melee
Number of Spells Per Hero: 4
Number of Normal Spells Per Hero 4
Number of Ultimates Per Hero: 1
Restrictions: This heroes is from the High Elves. I already have 3 heroes which is based from the Blood Mage(changed to Elementalist), Jaina(Priestess of the Sun), and Sylvanas(Ranger General) (they use default models), they still lack suiting spells.
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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
huh, well them, you guys will have to wait them. I will continue Soviet's request:


Crouch - No Target
Unit croushes, evading any attack that would have been targeting before it crouches. While croushing, it has X% evasion and moves Y% slower for Z sec.
Range: -
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: May not evade ultis


Multi shoot - No Target
While active, unit's attack will be in cone instead of single target, but deal X% less damage, lasts Y sec.
Range: -
Cooldown: 70 seconds
Notes: Cones are used on flame breath spells or ice breath spells


Uncertain target - No Target
Passive. Unit's attack have X% to not attack original target but another near it.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: that target may be an allied unit. only one hit if that's the case



Rocket - Point Target
Sends a rocket to target point. Rocket may collide with air unit's that are between point and caster. Deals X damage on landing or colliding.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Notes: Destroys trees


Artillery - Area Target
Sends a rocket to the sky to fall after X seconds over targeted area, dealing X damage.
Range: 2500
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Notes: Move damage than visible rocket


Suit - No Target
Passive. Blocks X damage of incoming damage. Requires a tech
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Just night elven giant spell

Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Thanks, but why no Psychic Units (in my request) yet?

I am working on that, jeez give me a break.



Gravity control - Unit Target
Controls the gravity of target unit, launching it into the air if it is an enemy, dealing to it X damage when it hit's the ground again. If it's an ally makes it act as a flying unit. Lasts X seconds. Can have a max of Y units affected by this at the same time. If units have more than Z distance from caster, effect breaks.
Range: 700
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Notes: Lasts much longer tahn cooldown. The distance thing is only for allied units/heros


Rock smash - Area Target
Lifts rocks with gravity and smashes them in target area, dealing X damage to any unit on it.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 80 seconds


Spark attacks - No Target
Passive. Each hit on the same target adds the damage to a stack number over that unit. When stack reach the value of X or more, all that damage it dealt to that unit and this spell enters cooldown. Stack disapears if target doesn't get attacked for Y sec.
Range: -
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Notes: May activate on multiple targets. If that's the case, they all take damage equal to the value that is in their own stacks at the moment of activating the effect on any other unit. Damage may be added to stack by any unit who has this spell


Take ground - No Target
The unit takes ground, changing it's form and making it unable to move. While in changed form, it has longer attack range and less attack speed, it also can attack air unit's in this form, and it's spells can target air units. Activate again to stop.
Range: -
Cooldown: 50 seconds
Notes: Spells also get longer range


Arcane burst - Area Target
Bursts target area, dealing X damage and slowing unit's inside it for Y sec by Z%.
Range: attack range
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Notes: Very small area.


Magic recoil - No Target
Attack and spells have X% chance to recoil themselves, dealing Y damage on a small area around original target.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Shouldn't deal mroe damage than original damage.



Arcane bolt - Point Target
Shoots a bolt that travels to target point, dealing X damage to any unit that is touched by it. When it reaches target point, it returns towards caster, dealing Y damage to any unit that it touches.
Range: 900
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Notes: Y should be greater than X. movement speed for returning slower than for going to the target point.


Magicless shoots - No Target
Autocast. The tanks attack become magic less, being able to deal damage to magic inmune unit's, but they also deal X less damage and have Y less speed.
Range: -
Cooldown: 5 seconds


Divide - No Target
Passive. When casting a spell or attacking, there is a X% chance that the spell/attack missile fragments itself into 3 lesser attacks. They apply the same effect that the original missile had to new targets.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: They deal less damage than original spell/attack, new targets may be the same target.



Long range shoot - Area Target
Channels for X seconds, while it channels, unit changes shape. When unit ends, it shoots a big magic missile to target, area, that deals Z damage on area. Unit can't move for Y seconds after channel ends.
Range: 2500
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: Yes, this uses alternate form.


Lightning discharge - No Target
Discharges the artillery, making it deal X damage around itself, knockbaking enemies by Y but being unable to attack for Z sec.
Range: #
Cooldown: # seconds
Notes: Can be casted while artillery can't move.


Charged attacks - No Target
After X seconds without attacking or casting a spell, artillery gets charged, so that next attack or spell will deal X bonus damage to hit units.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds



Thoughless - Allied Target
Disables Target unit's brain, making it act instinctively, which makes units attack X% faster and counter attack any attack it takes in his own attack range. Unit can't be controlled by it's controller though. Lasts X seconds.
Range: 900
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: Also makes unit inmune towards enemy mind controlling attacks


Mind break - Unit Target
Breaks the mind of target, enemy, making it go mad for X sec, unit will attack any near units.
Range: 900
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: Unit may cast spells


Psychic barrier - No Target
Passive. Any mind or psychic spells casted in an X range of this unit have a Y% chance to be returned to it's caster.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: You may know which spells are included



Mind blow - Unit/Hero Target
Puts micro-bombs inside targets brain, that blow up when target casts it's next spell. Deals X damage to unit's/hero's mana and disables target's casted spell for X sec.
Range: 200
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Notes: Duration should be half for heros


Static - Unit/Hero Target
Launches static into target's brain, disabling that target of doing anything for X seconds and dealing Y damage.
Range: 200
Cooldown: 100 seconds


Psychic logic - No Target
Passive. Randomly blows up near enemy psychic, arcane or mental related units, dealing X damage to them.
Range: 150
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Can only blow up the same target each X sec
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Hero and Hero background Request

Hello. I have a request, again. I would like to have a hero of the Kirin Tor for my campaign MegaCraft 1.

Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Map Theme: Crossover (C&C franchise + GTA + WarCraft + StarCraft)
Map Kind: Very Long Campaign
Number of Normal Spells 4 (one of them is supposed to be unit spell)
Number of Ultimates: 1
Notes: Spells should be pink + purple + violet + black colored. Aligned to the Epsilon (Subfaction: Kirin Tor)

Hero Model/Skin/Request Response: Hero Request which is Above
Atrribute: Intelligent, Loyal and Stealthy
Little Info on Hero (Hero Name): Value
Little Lore: The hero is fiercely loyal to Jaina and the Kirin Tor -- formerly Alliance aligned, currently a subfaction of the Epsilon. This hero is one of the most talented mages who excels in arcane magics in the MegaCraft Multiverse. Make use of Ice, Arcane and Psychic magics.
Map Theme: Crossover (C&C franchise + GTA + WarCraft + StarCraft)
Map Kind: Very Long Campaign
Notes: Placeholder
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Can I request?

Yes you can

Solaria, priestess of the sun - INT


Sun warriors - No Target
Creates 1 to 3 sun warriors to protect the priestess. The warrios can only attack when caster attacks, are unselectable and invulnerable. They deal X% of casters INT as damage, they have the same attack speed as caster. Lasts X sec.
Range: -
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Notes: They choose new targets everytime their targets die. They can move.


Sun rain - Area Target
Caster make sun rays and chuck of sun energy fall over target area. Sun rays heal X life when they hit a unit and sun energy deals X damage when they hit a unit. Lasts X sec.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Notes: The amount of healing waves and damaging waves is random, they may even be mixed. Lower CD on each level.


Solar shield - No Target
Passive. Adds a shield to hero that blocks next incoming damage each X seconds. If not used when CD is over, shield breaks and hero gains X health.
Range: -
Cooldown: X seconds


Sun blast - Point Target
Hero blasts target point X times. Each blasts deals X damage around point. Each cast costs Y extra mana for Z seconds and this spell enters long cooldown.
Range: #
Cooldown: short cooldown: 5 seconds Long cooldown: 200 seconds
Notes: This spell has 2 cooldowns. After casted it can be caster almost instantly before X seconds pass. Them it enters its long cooldown

Lithoras, Elementalist - INT


Mind unchained - No Target
While actived, hero will be able to cast his second spell, also his attack will deal X extra damage and apply fire, water, earth or wind buff. Costs X mana per second.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: Fire buff deals X damage per second for X seconds. Water slows, earth removes X armor and wind removes possitive buffs.


Element shift - Point Target
Cannot be casted without having the first spell active. When used it stops the first spell instantly and allows to use third spell. Makes the elements shift around target point, applying fire, wind, water or earth buffs to any unit that enters that point for X sec.
Range: 800
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Notes: Same effects than in first spell.


Element smash - Area Target
Cannot be casted before casting second spell. Casting it allows Ultimate to be casted. Deals X damage on target area, and applies wind, water, earth or fire buffs to all units inside area for X seconds.
Range: 400
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Notes: The same


Elements unchained - No Target
Cannot be casted before third spell is casted. The elementalist unchains the elements around him, releasing them around him. Elements deal X damage to any unit in an X range per second from caster and applies elements buffs. Lasts X seconds.
Range: -
Cooldown: 300 seconds
Notes: It's like the orc blademaster ulti but with more area effect.

Nihelia, Ranger general - AGI


Focus - No Target
Hero changes to focus position. Attack speed increases by X% and also attack and spells range increase, but hero moves Y % slower. Lasts X seconds.
Range: -
Cooldown: 70 seconds


Dinamic arrow - No Target
The next attack or spell casted by hero will apply wind, altitude and angle of aim (the angle of aim is set to 60° to normal attacks and to 45° when focus is actived), allowing attacks and spells to reach far longer distance than normal.
Range: ?
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Notes: Wind +/- distance if you attack in the same direction or opposite to it. altitude gives you + if you are higher than target and - if you are lower.


Leader - No Target
Passive. Effects applied to hero by her own spells will apply to near allied units to, for X seconds.
Range: 250
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: This meaning focus, Dinamic arrow and even perfect shoot.


Perfect shoot - Point Target
Hero shoots and arrow towards target point (may not be precise with dinamic arrow active). Deals X damage to any unit on that point. If focus is active, arrow will deal damage in line instead, between target point and caster. If dinamic arrow is active, arrow will deal Y% bonus damage. I both are active, arrow will hit first target it encounters dealing Z damage, which cannot be reduced.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 190 seconds
Notes: May fail target if dinamic arrow is active. I suggest to add a lower CD or CD refresh for this spell if that happens

Request completed, moving to next one.
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Level 6
Apr 1, 2014
Primary Attribute: Agility
Map Theme: Warcraft
Map Kind: AoS
Number of Spells: 4
Number of Normal Spells: 3
Number of Ultimates: 1
Restrictions: This hero needs carrier, Or Hitter Skills.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Nope, I mean, The Hero is a Killer.

That's way easier to understand...


Ghost shoot - Point Target
Hero shoots a ghost arrow in line. Arrow deals no damage to any unit that it crosses. When arrow arrives at target point, it adds X counters to all units it crossed. On hit effects are applied on crossed units.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Notes: Scales range and number of counters that crossed unit's get. Counters stack infinite and can only be removed if hero dies.

Ghost break - Single Target
Deals damage to target equal to the amount of counters it has, deals also X extra damage for each Y counters it has. Applies on hit effects on target.
Range: Vision range
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Notes: Scales extra damage and lowers the amount of counters count for extra damage. Say 3 counters add 10 damage on level 1, on max level 2 counters add 20 damage or something. Uses spell animation

Empower - No Target
Hero empowers her bow. each hit costs X mana and deals X% extra damage on hit. Turns off when mana goes under Y.
Range: -
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Notes: Scales percentage of extra damage.

Phatom arrows - No Target
When actived, next spell or attack will divide in X arrows when reaching target, this new spells or attacks will take new targets. Each one applies on hit effects and deal normal damage.
Range: -
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Notes: Attacks divided this way WONT follow their targets. They will move in line instead. Scales the amount of divisions created and lowers CD

Well she is hard. And very OP
You may want to build up as mush as on hit effects you can to apply a lot of effects on target. Best of all if you have a silence on hit or slow on hit item it will be very usefull for her.
Or you can just build up damage to hit hard with your E+Q. So you don't depend so much on your W to finish targets.
You can even focus on CD reduction to abuse Q+W combo.
A normal combo with her goes this way. R+E+Q+W

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Level 6
Apr 1, 2014
That's way easier to understand...
Yeah, Yeah.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ghost shoot - Point Target
Hero shoots a ghost arrow in line. Arrow deals no damage to any unit that it crosses. When arrow arrives at target point, it adds X counters to all units it crossed. On hit effects are applied on crossed units.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Notes: Scales range and number of counters that crossed unit's get. Counters stack infinite and can only be removed if hero dies.

Ghost break - Single Target
Deals damage to target equal to the amount of counters it has, deals also X extra damage for each Y counters it has. Applies on hit effects on target.
Range: Vision range
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Notes: Scales extra damage and lowers the amount of counters count for extra damage. Say 3 counters add 10 damage on level 1, on max level 2 counters add 20 damage or something. Uses spell animation

Empower - No Target
Hero empowers her bow. each hit costs X mana and deals X% extra damage on hit. Turns off when mana goes under Y.
Range: -
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Notes: Scales percentage of extra damage.

Phatom arrows - No Target
When actived, next spell or attack will divide in X arrows when reaching target, this new spells or attacks will take new targets. Each one applies on hit effects and deal normal damage.
Range: -
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Notes: Attacks divided this way WONT follow their targets. They will move in line instead. Scales the amount of divisions created and lowers CD

Well she is hard. And very OP
You may want to build up as mush as on hit effects you can to apply a lot of effects on target. Best of all if you have a silence on hit or slow on hit item it will be very usefull for her.
Or you can just build up damage to hit hard with your E+Q. So you don't depend so much on your W to finish targets.
You can even focus on CD reduction to abuse Q+W combo.
A normal combo with her goes this way. R+E+Q+W

Thank you so much.
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You got my name wrong spelling.
I know... but I have problems with some things you said.

What do you mean by unit spell?

Which is the model of the request above?

Also, are those 2 request, or one big request? I kinda got messed but with the code...

Unit spell=Innate spell (e.g. Hide)

(No models found for him yet, perhaps you suggest one?)

It's a one big request.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Innate passive them... that's easier.

Malak, the arcane nightmare - Intelligent, Loyal and Stealthy

Black arcane magic - No Target
Innate Passive. When an enemy casts a spell over hero, a dark energy is created and put above it. This effect removes target searching for non-ulti spells and makes ultimates X% slower.
Range: -
Cooldown: - seconds
Notes: If a spell hasn't target search, it will collide with the ground where target was if target moves.

Magic ice - Single Target
Covers target unit in a pink colored ice, which freezes target for X seconds. After Y seconds ice breaks and deals X damage to target, but target won't move until other Z seconds pass.
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Notes: High mana cost. Freeze means unit is stopped in the middle of it's current animation.

Arcane eye - Area Target
Creates a purple eye that watches target area. If targets of any spell casted by hero are inside area, eye copies that spell over the same target after the original spell has finished, them eye explodes dealing X damage on area.
Range: 800
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Notes: This is a pretty OP spell, so make sure it has way to much mana cost or make it have more CD.

Metaphysic aura - No Target
Hero engulf himself in a violet aura which contains physical powers. Aura deflects X% of the damage incoming from physicals damage, and returns Y% of that damage to the attacker. Lasts Z seconds.
Range: -
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Notes: Y% is applied over deflected damage. Deflecting the damage is the same than evading it.

Black Arcane aura - No Target
Hero creates a black colored aura around himself. The aura spins around him, removing light from it's area, negating vision to enemy units that are touched by it. Units which visions area reduced to 0 get X damage. Aura reduces Y vision per second and doesn't affect hero.
Range: 900
Cooldown: 300 seconds
Notes: Note that this also reduces the target adquision of the units affected by it, so that they don't attack, because well, they can't see

Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Because I didn't knew you wanted one. I told you got me messed up with the code...
Loremaster, are you around here? Otherwise I will have to do it myself.
Since our mighty Lore master doesn't show signs of being alive, I will write you your backstory.


Malak, the arcane nightmare - Intelligent, Loyal and Stealthy

Very Long Campaign

Malak is one of the few mages that got the name of nightmare from his enemies, even if he wasn't a darkness mage. Long ago before Jaina, the incarnation of magic on his eyes, and his reason to live found him, he was just another almost dead mage runing for his life. With powerfull arcane magic he was able to convince Jaina to take him with her. Originally wanting to betray her, he soon claimed total loyalty to her when he saw her powers. Now, as the arcane nightmare, Malak brings fear even in the lines of his allies, but always loyal until dead to Jaina.

I am not the best in this sorta stuff.
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