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Is it possible to get the map size bigger then epic?

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Level 12
Jan 30, 2009
Yes, use World editor Unlimited it can go up to 512 I think.

Last I heard WEU is all messed up cause of the newest patch. Is it usable now?

I was going to download it, but I heard it was all screwed up, so I didn't. I also wanted a larger map than the max...but I already started this map, so I'm not gonna mess with it for now, lol.

EDIT: And as for the above question on why you would want it bigger: Not all maps are multiplayer maps. I'm working on a campaign, and campaigns can be as big as you want (Theoretically), and in my experience, maps tend not to lag as much in single player as they do on bnet anyway.
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Level 2
Feb 11, 2009
WHy, because warcraft 3 has ugly graphics, making it bigger makes it more detailed and prettier.
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