• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Model created for Modelling Contest #25, as a hero version of the Infernal Cannon/Contraption/Machine.

Animations specificities:
Birth: morph from an Infernal Cannon
Attacks: melee (one) and ranged (two)
Spell: spell throw to fire cannon

Object editor values:
Combat animation backswing point: 0.74
Combat animation damage point: 0.26
Art animation cast backswing: 1.20
Art animation cast point: 1.00
Art projectile launch X: 30
Art projectile launch Y: 10
Art projectile launch Z: 235
Art death time: 5.00

You can use it at your will as long as you give proper credit for the model creation.

Edit 1: Jaw slightly improved
Edit 2: Orb attachment improved, hero glow scaled down

Infernal Wheel Contraption Machine Demon Morph Hero

InfernalWheeledWarrior (Model)

00:13, 26th Oct 2013 HappyTauren: Very nice looking, extremely fluid, creative and polished plus an extreme cool factor. Good job, sir, on your first Director's Cut!




00:13, 26th Oct 2013
HappyTauren: Very nice looking, extremely fluid, creative and polished plus an extreme cool factor. Good job, sir, on your first Director's Cut!
Level 22
Sep 7, 2013
Awesome! :O

I love the birth anim. ♥.♥
I think it could be used as a morph from the normal cannon though.

Thank you, but i'm not sure i understand your last remark...
Are you refering to the fact it is a Birth anim and not a Morph anim?
If so, i made that because in my mind if the morph idea would be used, it would not be through an actual morph ability, but rather a replacement of an existing standard unit with a newly created hero one (with a trigger indeed).

Oh man, i fucking love it. The flaw is his jaw, in my opinion it's way too low.

Actually it's based on the Infernal face, which looks quite good without the mask.
But you're right, with the mask only a small part of the jaw is visible and it looks strange.
I agree with you so i have updated the model with this little improvement.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Thank you, but i'm not sure i understand your last remark...
Are you refering to the fact it is a Birth anim and not a Morph anim?
If so, i made that because in my mind if the morph idea would be used, it would not be through an actual morph ability, but rather a replacement of an existing standard unit with a newly created hero one (with a trigger indeed).

Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant with the morph thing. I was thinking of a stronger looking cannon as the normal form but yeah, I guess you're right in doing that. GJ again. :)
this is way too awesome, and a well-deserved DC. i'm glad people noticed its sutile way of being a totally outstanding model.

i think we should avoid giving ratings to contest models before the contests end. the fact this model achieved DC might cause a bias at the contest result... or might just put things right :>
but it was an old rule we had, to never rate contest models until the contests end, and it's starting to fade away :v
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I can understand that. To be honest, I'm not sure why we even allow people to upload (WIP & "final") Contest models to the Resource section before the contest is over in the first place... Everyone can get the most updated version via the Contest thread, and it only encourages behavior we want to discourage (i.e. rating contest models before Poll, or authors linking to their resource upload instead of the actual model in their "FINAL" post, etc...).
Level 22
Sep 7, 2013
Well, as i was new to the site i hesitated, and i chose that solution because others did that...
By uploading the model as a ressource you get a better presentation, and much more feedback (since more users will see it, not only the few on the contest topic), that's why i did it that way.
I agree that it should not have been moderated before the end of the contest, that's why i clearly stated that it was made for the contest in the description.
Anyway, now i'm (of course) happy with that "director's cut" and i thank you all for the kind comments on this model :goblin_yeah:
Level 8
Sep 10, 2013
Note to self: Never judge models until you test them.
This is awesome :D The screenshot doesn't give it the credit it deserves. I like all its animations and the texture is flawless.