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Infected Zombies v2.3

Magic Lord


Created by Magic Lord


Map type: RPG, survival
Recommended players: 1-4
Full Gameplay: 2-3 hours
Maximum Level: 12

Game Difficulties:
Normal 100% Enemy HP
Hard 150% Enemy HP
Nightmare 200% Enemy HP
(Mobs gain 70% strength/players)



Gameplay:Fight the undead to protect the villagers, help them with various quest. Defeat epic bosses in the main

quest. Craft armor, shelter,
hunt for food, survive!
Classes: Knight, Warrior, Marauder, Bandit, Ranger, Alchemist, Tinker, Wizard, Lycan

Every class has a description in game with custom abilities, unique gameplay with every class
Classes gain abilities on level 1,3,5,7 and can craft class specific item after level 5.
Ranger have some extra systems such as: Pet system, Advanced Pet AI, Pet leveling - 3 pet level
Tinker with upgradeable Rifle:
3 upgrade can be applied separately, which has in game model for each upgrades

Socket System: for high level armor - level 7 armor - chest:2 socket, helmet 2 socket, boots 1 socket, weapon 1 socket,

it can be applied to items with a
jeweler NPC
Save/Load System: "-save" command create a txt file in your Warcraft 3 directory with the save code, to load type: "-

load <code>" wait for everyone to enter his/her code
then type "-start load". System saves your survivor level, gold, equipped items, inventory items, backpack items, and your Pet too(for ranger)!

"-save as SAVEFILENAME" create a .txt
with a custom name.
Inventory System: 157+ weapon and armor, 13 full armor set, 94+ misc item, equipped items has visual model in game.
Crafting: gather materials yourself or buy from vendors to craft base equipment. Cooking: 9 craft able food in game
Vendors: Vendor buy and sell various items from vendors, there are also 2 traveling merchant in game.
Heat System: watch out for heat level in snowy areas, at night or at if it is raining to avoid freezing to death.

Campfire, Cooking Fire and Tent can
restore heat.
Food System: your survivor need to eat regularly, you can choose from 15 in game food. Cooked meals grant well fed bonus

- 2 to all attributes for 2 minutes.
Weather System: Weather can change from sunny to rain, fog, wind, rain of light
Backpack System: You can buy bonus inventory from every smith in game
City Management: You can hire guards, upgrade their equipment, repair gates, set traps and hire archers to the

watchtowers to protect the villagers from the
undead waves.
Puzzle: Solve the in-game puzzle to get a random legendary item - solution generates randomly at start
Mercenaries: You can hire three different type of mercenaries at every tavern, they follow and help you through your


Main Quest Line with 9 epic quests!
Also you can find 30 Optional quests.
Triggered Bosses with custom abilities, boss phases
Zombies start occupying villages after 20 minutes, then launch an attack every 10 minutes afterwards.

Ingame Commands
Type "-command" for ingame command list
Type "-help" for ingame hints[c]







Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

Picture 9

Picture 10











Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4









3 new models for lycan weapons
New Legendary set for Intelligence and Agility heroes
Mana of Additional inventory now indicates how many slots are full
Drinking Health Potion too frequently will result in less efficient healing effect(effectiveness returns after 120 seconds)

Lycan can no longer sleep in a tent when the Sun is about to rise or set
Cooldown on Summon Barky has been increased from 10 to 90 seconds
Players can no longer pick up tent whilst someone is sleeping inside
Count of legendary cores dropped by bosses now equal to player count
If a Player leaves the game then his Survivor will no longer resurrect
Base duration of Summon Pack for Dire Wolf is reduced from 30 to 15 seconds
Updated the description of Gold Bar
Golden Shield ability no longer makes you invulnerable but increases your defense significantly so you keep your aggro
Golden Armor set bonus now heals for 5x ability power if you are attacked below 50% health with 30 seconds cooldown
Bandit Shadow Strike cooldown increased from 30 to 45 seconds
Bandit Deep Strike cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds
Bandit Execute cooldown from 18 to 1 second
Amount of gold dropped by enemy from 1-8 to 1-4
Ranges's pet now can level up when you are level 5, 7 or 9
Alchemist's Barky became stronger when he is level 5, 7 or 9
Direct damage of Lycan's Swipe from 8x to 6x ability power, bleeding is still 4x over 4 seconds
Improved Boss fight of Baal - once he drops below 50% Blood Whisps start to spawn, reaching him results in heal for 3%
Removed Life Drain and Zombi Summon ability of Baal
Base health of Baal increased by 3000

Pet lost ability levels after revive
Save/Load issue with Ranger
Neutral campfires did not give heat as intended
Description of "Box of wool"
Food level of empty player slots were updated resulting in "hungry" text messages in the middle of the map
Damage dealt to Spider boss did not show
Your additional inventory could be selected by shops
Casting spells with Wizard did not get the attention of enemies
Fixed description of Magic Staff of Fire
Some grammar mistake in quest dialogs and objectives
Text of quest level requirement
Some Guard AI issue when Wave is atatcking
Some boss could move far from their spawn location, now they return after a given distance
Paladin Leoric now casts Hammer of Justice on Dean in the quest "Coming Threat" as intended
The quest "Important Message" did not give gold as reward
Heal amount of First Aid
In the quest "The Siege" enemy units where slowed by Frost Armor
After finishing the quest "The Siege" Paladin said "Weapon Core" and give armor core, now he says "Armor Core" as intended
Description of Darksteel Bow
In the quest "Best Recipe" Captain William Kid could not move and help you in fight
Damage of Mithril Destroyer with red socked was incorrect
Save of item "Hammer of Justice"


Added 4 new quest[r]
Added 5 new item[r]
Zombie attack on player now spawn random undead from 5 different enemies[r]
Map ping for quests[r]
Eating any food now adds a buff -Well Fed- 2 to all stat for 5 minutes[r]
Classes now have detailed description[r]
-Crafting- skill now renamed to -Abilities- with this description -Sleep, Collect items from plants, Craft tools[r]
Updated ingame help list, type -help[r]
Now you can choose how many times your character can revive, 5,10,15,20[r]
Berry bushes now have only 1 collectable item, mushrooms too, glowing mushroom have 2[r]
Small terrain changes[r]
Wheat growing time increased to 100 seconds[r]
Updated few item description[r]
Made few NPC vulnerable after his/her quest is completed[r]
Invulnerable quest NPCs move to north city, after their village is occupied[r]
Zombie reskinned[r]
Pirate Captain reskinned[r]
Maces now display the chance to stun and duration and damage[r]
Minor bugs in some quest fixed[r]
Fixed Ranger/Tinker Craft spell book gone empty[r]

Animal bosses now got abilities[r]
Campfire, Tent, Crafting Table now has 50% chance to drop its crafting materials upon destroyed[r]
Added a new region for deers to spawn near the starting town[r]
Pet now teleport to player when the distance greater than 1250[r]
Flesh Golem got abilities now[r]
Pumpkin Boss now has a passive damage aura[r]
Changed Log Pile and Wood model[r]
Reworked temple[r]
Small terrain changes[r]
Mobs armor type changed to normal[r]
Hunting dog damage nerfed[r]
Ranger Ultimate reset chance decreased to 25%[r]
Spider Boss damage and health increased[r]
Fixed Ask The Priest triggered by any mob[r]
Pets can no longer equip items[r]
Few ability description corrected[r]
Few item description changed[r]
Fixed Mystic Scroll[r]
Ranger and Tinker can no longer equip multiple weapons[r]
Fixed wood gates pathing[r]
Occupied villages no longer ping on map[r]

Added Town Hall for each village[r]
Added a new quest[r]
Tinker now starts with a Crude Rifle[r]
Updates the craftable rifle for tinker - now it can be upgraded with 2 item- scope, reloader, each upgrade[r]
New NPC - Bob - He lives east from the northen city, he sells rifle upgrades[r]
Added craftable bow for ranger, available at level 6[r]
Added mid level daggers for Bandit, dropped from the chest in the mine[r]
Added Coal used to make Darksteel Bar, blacksmith now sell coal for 10 gold[r]
Added 6 new craftable food types[r]
Mines now contain Infected Miners[r]
Class specific crafting now display the items properties[r]
Crafting now display the item properties[r]
Reworked Mining Village[r]
Lumbermill model changed[r]
Only cooked food adds Well Fed Bonus[r]
difficulty system rescaled[r]
Mine Terrain changes[r]
Small terrain changes at snowy areas[r]
Iron supply quest reward changed for ranger, now adds Tempered Bow[r]
Zombies in Lost Cargo changed to Infected Miners[r]
Changed market models[r]
Changed pumpkin model and icon[r]
Healing Potion cooldown increased from 10 to 20 seconds[r]
Campfire item model changed to trashed campfire[r]
Food models and Icons changed[r]
Few item decsription corrected[r]
Few ability description corrected[r]
Fixed Lost Shipment Ping[r]
Fixed Houndmaster Gate[r]
Fixed camera stuck bug in temple[r]
-rc command now set you free from stucked camera[r]

Added 2 new quest - new zone Cript, located in the starting cinema village - New boss[r]
The second quest is located middle town, rewarding a midgame bow[r]
Added 1 more darksteel rifle upgrade and 2 upgrade for crude rifle (all 3 upgrade has ingame model)[r]
Added Weather System - Rain, wind heat lose, Fog - lower heat gain, miss chance, rain of light - no effect[r]
Added city management - you can order to rapir gates and hire guards[r]
Undead Rampager now got lifesteal and bleed[r]
Added 2 Traveling Merchants they sell some basic item, patroling from starting town to middle town[r]
Knight set finished, new boss drops chest and Captain Marcus gives the Helmet and the boots[r]
Barrels and crates now drop random loot[r]
Added more crates and barrels[r]
Added 12 new item[r]
Added a craftable bow for ranger low level[r]
Items names now colored - white-normal green-fine blue-rare purple-epic quality[r]
Skeleton boss now got slam, and enrage on low hp[r]
Spider boss now enrage at low healt and use poison split ability, aoe dot, armor red[r]
Added crafting recipe for Iron Daggers, and Iron Daggers can be sold[r]
Sleeping now reduce armor by 20[r]
Added additional inventory with 4 spaces, can be bought from every smith[r]
Zombie siege strength now based on main quest stage[r]
Night Zombies now spawn every 60 seconds, in a random location near the player[r]
Pickaxe can be equiped, mining grant ore only when you equiped it[r]
Survivors resurrection place now based on main quest stage[r]
Scale Boots stats changed +3 int[r]
Battle Boots stat changed +3 str[r]
Tempered Leather Boots stat changed +3 agi[r]
Rotting Abomination now drop several random, low level item[r]
Spider boss chest now drops rusty scope upgrade for tinker instead of gold chest and Poison Lotus[r]
Flesh Golem drop chanced to Advenced Chestplate[r]
Gold Armor stats changed, and now it can be obtained after the shadow orb quest[r]
Posion Lotus now dropped by Grand Necromancer[r]
Lich spell damage increased[r]
Frost Sword spell damage increased[r]
2 handed sword now display cleave%[r]
Bob quest changed to level 6[r]
Increased HP for animal bosses[r]
Pirates HP and damage buffed[r]
Main Quest bosses HP Increased[r]
Baal abilities buffed[r]
Pumpkin boss HP and damage increased[r]
Pumpkin Slicer attack speed reduced to 30 and added 30% cleave[r]
Battle chest stat changed from damage return to 4 strength[r]
Crude Rifle model changed[r]
Crafting now sorted by 3 category- armor,weapon,refine[r]
Pickaxe model changed[r]
Rifle sound changed to rifleman attack sound[r]
Iron daggers now needed to make Darksteel daggers[r]
Changed fallen wood and wood stump model[r]
Quest NPCs now became vulnerable after you finished his/her quest and can die[r]
Small terrain changes[r]
Sleeping near tent now restore 20 heat[r]
Fixed Nordic Meal crafting[r]
Fixed some house pathing texture[r]
Fixed woodcutting glitch - you can no longer harvest the same tree with unequiping your axe[r]
Fixed some item description[r]
Fixed Enchanted Ring has no effect[r]

You can buy wood from blacksmith[r]
Holy fire ability of the Ashbringer now orange colored[r]
Fallen woods with the old model removed from north[r]
Temple camera changed to middle of the temple[r]
Tent now gives the Tent nearby aura only when it is constructed[r]
Basic Craft cd now 3 seconds to everything[r]
Tent and campfire had farm soundset now it is removed[r]
Battle Sword now add armor reduction as intended[r]
Knight Boots description fixed[r]
Alchemist and Tinker Primary attributes changed to intelligence[r]
Captain William Kid now moves to his position during cinematic[r]
Knight Cleave icon and position fixed in inventory[r]
Crafting Table pick up ability restored[r]
Iron Vein cannot be destroyed[r]
Captain Marcus no longer chase zombies[r]
Corrupted Ashbringer description fixed[r]
Crude Rifle upgrades now can be sold to merchants as intended[r]
Victor the Shephard now move to north if you do not finished his quest and the village is occupied, and became vulnerable after you did his

Crypt key will be removed from inventory after you entered the crypt[r]
Incobus boss now use her enrage ability correctly[r]
Crypt quest reward fixed, Captain Marcus now reward you, and has a question mark above his head[r]
Enchanted Mug and Ring finally fixed[r]
Shadow orb quest mark fixed to yellow question mark from white at the end[r]
Make Tempered Bow and Iron Daggers now has 30 sec crafting time as intended[r]
Pumpkin and Corn now can be harvested[r]
Box of meat will be removed from inventory after you finished the quest[r]
Skeleton and Incobus cannot leave the mine/cyript[r]
Traveling Merchants change city after 90 seconds[r]
Durak zombie fixed[r]
Bomb animation fixed - now it cannot be bugged to stay in the air[r]
If you die in the crypt the camera reset correctly[r]

Added snowy fallen tree to north[r]
Added level 8 abilities and first aid level[r]
New item descriptions[r]
new crafting description[r]
New bridge model[r]
Weather system polished[r]
City management polished[r]
Improved several self made model[r]
Now you can place traps on roads[r]
Changed stone model[r]
Terrain changes[r]
New snowy bush model[r]
Changed Mr Pumpkin cinema[r]
Changed every class starting stat and stat gain[r]
Villagers and allies can no longer be attacked[r]
New Well model[r]
Fixed knight boots description[r]
Now you can buy wood from blacksmith[r]
Zombies do not get enraged in rain or fog[r]
Fixed few quest text

Added 3 new quest[r]
Added Chain armor set for intelligence heroes[r]
Added Hydra armor set for lvl 10 (bandit, ranger)[r]
Added Advenced armor set for lvl 10 (tinker, alchemist)[r]
Added several high level weapons (5)[r]
Added several low level items (level 1-5)[r]
Added new loot to dark mage[r]
Added new crafting recipes[r]
Added Cookin fire - new food[r]
New AREA swamp - you can find it east from the pumpkin farm[r]
Added new mobs[r]
Added new boss - Hydra, Cultist Leader[r]
Max level increased to lvl 12[r]
Added Save/Load system[r]
Added new armor set - Acolyte[r]
Level 7 and 8 now need 500 more xp[r]
Knight armor set armor bonus[r]
Knight set renamed to mithril armor and can be obtained at level 10[r]
Scale armor now uses chain armor as material[r]
Alpha Wolf quest reward changed to a green two handed mace[r]
Advenced Chest removed from flesh golem[r]
The Mystic Orb now dropped by Skeleton Guardian[r]
Skeleton King renamed to Skeleton Guardian[r]
Claymore damage nerfed from 60 to 45[r]
Skeleton Guardian loot changed from Frost Sword to Heavy Iron Claymore[r]
Bandit Leader now drops - War Axe[r]
Poison Lotus stat buffed and now dropped by Swamp Hydra Boss[r]
Changed Mr Pumpkin Cinema[r]
Baal ability damage increased by 30%[r]
Fixed knight chest description[r]
Fixed Best Recipe cinematic phase 2 has wrong unit portrait[r]
Crafting knight cape recipe now only use 1 mushroom as intended[r]
Brood Mother and her spiders now only appears if you got the quest[r]
Fixed additional inventory - it can no longer equip items[r]
Ammo Pounch is now tinker only[r]
Gate repair and hire guard code reworked[r]
If the NPCs moved to north they will stay there[r]
Fixed nordic meal recipe - no longer remove items without crafting[r]
Fixed map borders[r]
Fixed MR Pumpkin[r]
Iron Ore now generated when iron vein takes damage[r]

Added tooltip for save load system[r]
After level 8 players respawn at the swamp village[r]
Orange colored pine tree replaced with oak tree model[r]
Removed Cultist Leader From starting village[r]
Fixed serious bugs with the new save/load system (old codes still works)[r]

Changed tree models on west-south area of the map[r]
Updated crafting item descriptions[r]
Changed The Marauder stat[r]
Fixed new mining system - 30% chance to add ore after you hit the vein instead of attacking attemp[r]
Fixed Iron helmet crafitn description[r]
Fixed Iron Mace description[r]
Fixed The Marauder Slot description[r]
Fixed Iron Vein collusion[r]

Added 2 new area[r]
Added socketing for high level items - 2 gem can be applied for a chest, 1 for helmet and 1 for weapon weapon[r]
Added jeweler NPC[r]
Added 3 high level craftable ring[r]
Gem Vein - located in the new north area - can be mined like any other ore[r]
Added high level weapon for alchemist[r]
Added enrage buff for necromancer and infector - they cast it on zombies[r]
Added Gold Bar for jewelcrafting - sold be blacksmith for 100 gold[r]
Added a horse for traveling merchants[r]
Fully upgraded tinker rifle can be socketed[r]
Added new stat - ability power stat - increase ability strength[r]
Added hotkey (T) for Collect ability[r]
Added melee abilities to ranger[r]
Added Epic high level bow - 2 variant[r]
Lich now use blizzard ability after he summoned minions[r]
Added custom icon for cooking fire[r]
Lot of item now can be sold to merchants[r]
Added a new boss - 20% drop chance for new epic items[r]
Added 1 new quest[r]
Added random loot table for mini bosses and bosses[r]
Added new town guard upgrade system[r]
After the first zombie attack, the second wave now always has a Necromancer and 50% chance for an infector[r]
Frost Sword renamed and changed model - Frozen Axe - 2 variant[r]
Ores now can be stacked to 4[r]
Energy renamed to intelligence[r]
Intelligence now gives 1 mana instead of 5[r]
Strength now gives 25 hp instead of 30[r]
Amulet of Power stat bonus reduced from 10 to 5, health bonus reduced from 200 to 50[r]
Walking Nightmare health inscreased from 240 to 280, damage from 21 to 35 and armor from 0 to 23[r]
Improved AI for city siege[r]
North Gate hp increased from 1200 to 9000[r]
Night Zombies now go and find a player to attack[r]
City attacking zombies now has the same movement speed - 210[r]
Cleave range nerfed from 150 to 100[r]
Cleave damage nerfed - maximum 30% lower weapons 15%-20%[r]
Amulet of Arctic Winds - stat bonus changed from 4 to all - to 2 to all[r]
Ring of nobility - changed from 5 to all stat to 1 to all plus 50 hit points[r]
Mr Pumpkin Fire barrage spell damage increased by 80%[r]
Old Zombie patrol removed[r]
Night Zombie every stat nerfed - bleed damage no longer stacks, they spawn every 120 seconds at night[r]
All mace stun duration changed to 0.5 seconds[r]
Iron Axe damage increased from 20 to 25[r]
Tempered Leather Coif now add 3 agility too[r]
Bears and wolfs team color changed to grey from pink[r]
Drowned miner and Drowned hp decreased by 30% to fit new cleave[r]
Mithril items removed from Crypt quest and location[r]
Enchanted Mug now dropped by Incobus[r]
Tinker Rocket now deals intelligence x strength damage[r]
Power Shot reset ability chance replaced with chance to deal 3x damage[r]
Spider Boss Poison Split ability cooldown reduced to 8 from 25[r]
Improved Bosses Spell usage[r]
Iron Supply quest now has +1 new stage[r]
Removed 1 slot inventory from Barky[r]
Drowned Miner mithril ore drop rate increased to 60% from 40%[r]
Hydra boss abilities cooldown increased split - to 10 from 5, spawn hydras to 15 from 1[r]
Fixed bug with city siege - after 30-40 min zombies started to go in a triangle shape[r]
Fixed Mithril Bar crafting[r]
Cultist Leader now use his abilities as intended[r]
Lot of items said can be sold to merchant - now it is fixed[r]
Fixed new descriptions on blacksmith[r]
Fixed Cript quest mark[r]
Buildings can no longer eat foods[r]
Campfire with cauldron can no longer equip items[r]
Save/Load system bugs fixed[r]
Fixed few minor ability bug[r]
Crafting Table Pick UP ability restored[r]
Fixed several items description[r]
Fixed a load bug when you have a rifle equiped with tinker - now you get level 8 ability[r]
Fixed Blacksmith sometimes randomly sell items from it inventory[r]
Heavy Claymore life bonus fixed[r]
Now only the survivor can enter mines/church etc.[r]
Fixed a bug with Temp_Real variable - using too many times cause it to bug in loop triggers - abilities now deal correct damage[r]
Fixed - some dummy casting random spells with nearby enemies[r]
Fixed Save the villagers - sometimes your hero became invisibble[r]
Fixed mob respawn in swamp[r]
Fixed Pirate Hat - spell works again[r]
Fixed when alchemist dead and barky die while he is dead he do not get summon barky ability[r]

Added legendary dagger - rare drop from hydra[r]
Added legendary 1H mace - rare drop from Yeti[r]
Added legendary shield, rare drop from Yeti[r]
Added craftable - hydra leather quiver for ranger[r]
Added craftable - high level ammo pouch for tinker[r]
Added random loot for Durak[r]
Added 3 new, low level ring for random loot[r]
Added 3 mid level cape[r]
New Pet controll spell book for ranger, Revive Pet, Release Pet, Tame[r]
Ranger Pet now stored in save code, use revive to summon your pet[r]
Ranger Pet now gain level with 3 kill or if fed with 3 raw meat[r]
Added active abilities for pets[r]
Added hotkeys for pet[r]
Added sound for abilities[r]
Added Taverns with interior[r]
Selectable respawn point[r]
Pet Aggressive AI improved[r]
Progress Bar visual changed[r]
Removed few things from preload - maybe it helps with the crash on startup[r]
Ability damage text now displayed with yellow color[r]
Health restore abilities now display the amount of health restored with green colored text[r]
Only Ranger can equip Quiver[r]
Poison Lotus now legendary level - and rare drop from Hydra boss[r]
Town Guard upgrades - hp bonus increased from 100-200 to 150-350, damage from 25-50 to 35-70[r]
Night zombies burn twice as fast during day[r]
Only 2 night zombie spawn during night per player instead of 3[r]
Random loot chance changed to 100% - so small bosses will always drop something[r]
More items added to random loot table[r]
Food value lowered[r]
Marauder Culling Strike now deal bonus damage too, if target bleeding from Sunder Blow[r]
Cooking Fire now restore heat[r]
Hydra Egg health descreased from 350 to 200[r]
Minor Terrain Changes[r]
Changed grass model to a new[r]
Baal Castle improved[r]
Yeti quest polished[r]
30 seconds crafting time decreased to 20 seconds[r]
Quest cinematic changed to floating text above NPC[r]
Knight Cape stat improved[r]
The Looter - parry increased blocked damage from 15 to 25[r]
Survivor respawn in gem mine if died during the fight[r]
Baal lifedrain nerfed by 60%[r]
Dire wolf now with the animals force and respawn correctly[r]
Fixed Hydra Chest socketing[r]
Respawned zombies now with the zombie force[r]
Iron Daggers can be sold[r]
Darksteel bar description fixed[r]
Fixed Claymore socketing[r]
Fixed Forge Mithril Helmet description[r]
Fixed Sunder Blow ability[r]
The Looter Pary icon fixed[r]
Survivor name displayed correctly if frozen to death[r]

Added ingame puzzle, located near Baal Castle (randomly generate the correct order)[r]
Dire Wolf now can be tamed[r]
Added 1 new quest, located in the high level city[r]
Added a high level back item as reward during the new quest[r]
Warrior Terror and Knight Rally now taunt nearby enemies[r]
Added new clothes to NPCs[r]
New gold armor model[r]
Gold armor now can be crafted, (Crafting Station located at the right top corner of the map, entrance: the Cript near the temple)[r]
Dropped armor and weapons now has a new model[r]
Added a new potion recipe to alchemist - Energy Potion[r]
Added new campfire model[r]
Added new model for Village Wooden gate and wall[r]
Gold armor stat changed to high level[r]
Building entrance color changed to white[r]
Pets now needs 10 kill or meat to reach next level (30 overall)[r]
Improved tavern interiors[r]
Alchemist now get pet commands similar to ranger pet commands[r]
Tamed Arctic Wolf damage changed to 12 from 6[r]
Brain Eater bash reworked, now it has 30% to stun for 0.5 seconds with 70 bonus damage[r]
Survivor lose heat 40%-50% faster in snowy areas[r]
Bowl of Stew and Nordic Meal now displays the amount of gained heat and health too, when consumed[r]
Vision at night reduced to 500 from 800[r]
Acid Gun base damage changed from 240 to 180[r]
Ranger Pet Collar now increase the first pet ability, instead of attribute bonus[r]
Removed Ashbringer reward from main quest, Gregor now gives 30 gold as reward[r]
Removed Gold armor set reward from main quest, now Gregor send 2 Healing Potion/survivor[r]
Changed Alchemist Stand model[r]
New model for every potion[r]
Redemption potion renamed to defense potion, remaining life is the scoreboard became yellow under the effect[r]
Leather icons changed and leather padding model changed[r]
Removed box of meat from Houndmaster quest[r]
Knight Shield now rotated[r]
Changed Iron Shield model[r]
Added portrait for food items, cooking fire, potions, crafting materials[r]
Improved collusion for food items, crafting materials[r]
Battle armor set model changed to a new one (Chest, Helmet, Boot, Sword, Mace)[r]
Scale armor set model changed to a new one (Chest, Helmet, Boots)[r]
Updated Campfire with Cauldron model[r]
Scale armor craft now needs Darksteel Bar instead of Leather Padding[r]
Fixed cooking progress bar[r]
Wild Boar Stomp ability restored, lifesteal removed[r]
Fixed few item description[r]
Houndmaster gate now invulnerable[r]
Bowl of Stew Fixed[r]
Fixed a bug with tinker, high quality ammo pouch[r]
Alchemist, sometimes base damage becomed 0 when unequiped acid gun[r]
Fixed when your survivor lost all life, returning the headstone to Gregor ressurect the player correctly[r]
Fixed - Alchemist can summon Barky multiple times[r]
Player name displayed correctly if starved to death[r]
Fixed Acid Gun gemed version - now gives correct attack speed and damage bonus[r]
Fixed Multishot projectile stopped upon contact with corpses[r]
Fixed bug with saving system[r]
Alchemist lost bleed/poison resistance after resurrection[r]
Night zombies do not attack in house interiors[r]
Vein and Beer now gives drunken effect correctly[r]
Iron Vein can be attacked by ranged units[r]
Boar Meat can be sold[r]
Fixed sell value for wheat, onion, carrot, corn, iron ore, bear meat, pork, grilled deer leg, cooked wolfmeat, bread[r]
Fixed Collect ability no longer close the spellbook[r]
Grand Necromancer quest, completion camera fixed[r]

Added a new legendary item, craftable at the holy forge, using 6 gold bar[r]
Added Artificer - buy: green, blue and purple rarity items[r]
Tempered Leather Armor now uses a new model (chest, head, boots, gloves)[r]
Added Paladin rank system - can be purchased at the holy forge[r]
Added Mithril Vein - drop rate same as Iron Vein[r]
Changed the new village wooden wall and gates a bit[r]
Iron Vein model updated[r]
Improved icon for: Darksteel Rifle, Alchemist Gun, Mithril items, Hydra items[r]
Leather Boots, Coif, Gloves model updated[r]
Scale Helmet updated[r]
Brain Eater now replaced with - The Butcher mob[r]
Minor Terrain Changes[r]
Gem Vein Stone drop chance decreased from 80% to 25%[r]
Traveling Merchants now vulnerable[r]
Weather System - Ray of Light during night replaced with moon light[r]
Updated Mithril Ore model[r]
Fixed new gate stand hit animation[r]
Fixed Cape of Old Jack quest counter activates if you load a character with this item[r]
Fixed a bug with mob respawn at swamp[r]
Fixed - First Aid now can be used at level 10[r]
Fixed crafting progress bar[r]

New class - Wizard[r]
New model for church[r]
New unit - Hulking Horror spawn after a village is occupied[r]
Added watchtower to villages[r]
New defense updrage - Traps[r]
New defense upgrade - Hire archers to watchtower[r]
Added 3 item set and 4 weapon - for Wizard class[r]
Added new materials - Jute, Cotton, Silk, Raw Jute, Raw Silk, Dye[r]
New harvestable plant - Jute[r]
New building - crafting station - can made staff, and cloth items[r]
Heat level when reach 0, now deals stacking damage over time[r]
When Energy became 0, the character fall asleep[r]
Bandit ultimate Haste replaced with Knife Storm - AOE damage[r]
Artificer can no longer move[r]
Farm House, Barn, Lumbermill model polished[r]
Strength hp regeneration increased from 0 to 0.1 per strength[r]
Quest Pumpkin and Wolf Hide now can be picked up with full inventory[r]
Fixed Few spelling bugs[r]
Fixed Grass cutting with Axe[r]
Fixed Customer deselect in Town Hall[r]
Fixed ranger pet resurrect after load[r]
Guards upgrade level 3 weapon model fixed[r]
Fixed Paladin Rank XP gain[r]
Fixed Darksteel Bar, now it can be sold[r]
Fixed Houndmaster Wall[r]

Sleeping near tent now hides the player[r]
Updated Silk Robe model[r]
Durak's Amulett model now larger[r]
Loading/New Game selection reworked[r]
Armor now restore 30% more heat[r]
Guards now gain more HP / player[r]
Fixed Raw Jute, Raw Silk crafting, selling[r]
Fixed Acid Gun crafting description[r]
Fixed Vine description and selling price[r]
Fixed Bandit Knife Storm Hotkey[r]
Fixed Butcher - no longer hook buildings, NPCs[r]
Survivor gain heat in taverns from campfires[r]
First Aid now heal target correctly[r]

Added 2 new boss[r]
Added a GAME INFO ability to Simple Joe[r]
Added a new quest which starts in the northern village and send you to the swamp[r]
Added a new quest chain - continued after the Investigation quest[r]
Ashbringer returned as a quest reward[r]
Rock drop chance from gem vein decreased to 5% from 25%[r]
Few terrain changes[r]
Baal castle door now remain open[r]
Durak model size increased[r]
Mithril mine now contains 3 less zombie[r]
Billy zombie model size increased[r]
In the spider mine the 3. zombie pack now replaced with spiders[r]
Removed invulnerability from food vendors, potion vendors[r]
Changed poison gland model[r]
Campfires now restore more heat[r]
Risen Dead damage increased from 25 to 35[r]
Wizard now can use pickaxe and iron axe[r]
Hydra drop has a fixed location to avoid items being unreachable when the hydra dies in the deep part of the lake[r]
Crafting station owned by player 1 fixed[r]
Fixed few bugs with Baal Castle model[r]
Arcane Missile displayed damage text color[r]
The Butcher Hook facing fixed[r]
Magic staff sell price fixed[r]
Wizard Fiery Soul +1.5 armor - removed[r]
Wizard T3 staff damage bonus now 320 as intended[r]
Damage bugged when changed between ranged and melee[r]
Pitchfork sell price fixed[r]
Knight heal no longer heals backpack[r]
Stolen Goods quest mark fixed[r]

2 new quest at the high level area[r]
4 new legendary item[r]
Legendary items now can be sold for 80-110 gold (except crafted)[r]
Yeti become enraged on low hp[r]
Added a Crafting Station to the high level city[r]
New model for wood fence[r]
Mob dropped items de-spawn after 5 minutes[r]
Save/Load - now check your code upon Save[r]
Roll command, type -roll[r]
XP and Gold now displayed after kills[r]
New model for Pumpkin Slicer[r]
2 New high level cloak for agility and intelligence heroes[r]
Save now create .txt file only for the user which playing the character[r]
Save as - new function create a .txt file with a player specified name[r]
New legendary items can be crafted at the holy forge[r]
New materials: legendary weapon/armor core - requires to craft legendary items[r]
New hit points/damage values, every item, mob, boss and class attributes has been modified[r]
XP tables modified, now there is a bigger difference between tier changes[r]
The 5 tier (white, green, blue, purple, orange) now has huge difference in attributes[r]
Few quest has been modified in order to be easier to find some hidden quest[r]
XP from mobs now yield 1% for the current level, quest yield more XP[r]
Gold drop now random from humanoid enemies, the dropped amount is random too[r]
Almost every class have some abilities changed[r]

Every passive ability now replaced with an active[r]
Gems now can be sold to merchants for 15 gold[r]
Nordic meal and Bowl of stew now both restore 100 hp[r]
Golden armor set now gives more stat: +200 HP +6 Ability Power +20 Damage[r]
Player now gets 5 more gold for selling Green, Blue and Epic items to the artificer[r]
Hydra item drop chance increased from 8% to 20%[r]
Raging Blow damage increased from 6x strength to 8x strength[r]
Terror: armor reduction increased from 3 to 10, damage from 5x strength to 10x[r]
Removed +5 stat bonus from warrior, tinker and knight[r]
Small terrain changes[r]
Northern City north gate now opens if the south gate is opened[r]
Bandit ultimate reworked[r]
Iron Claymore, Sharpened Iron Sword model replaced[r]
Poison Lotus replaced with Golden Retribution - dual wield weapon for marauder[r]
Mining chance increased from 30% to 50%[r]
Pork, Boar Meat, Bear Meat, Wolf Meat and Hide model updated[r]
Crafting time reduced from 10/20 seconds to 5/10 seconds[r]
Strenght hit points bonues changed from 25 to 20[r]
1 primary attribute now adds 1 ability power, and do not adds to base damage[r]
Knight Charge now damage now based on ability power[r]
Night zombies AI changed - now they will attack guards too not focus only the survivor[r]
Updated Hammer of Justice model[r]
Several Terrain model updated[r]
Wizard Changes:[r]
All ability now deal normal damage instead of pure[r]
Frostbolt: deal damage on main target, bonus damage applied to slowed targets too[r]
Ice Barrage: launch projectiles 3 times faster, each dealing 1x ability power damage[r]
Cone of Cold: stun increased from 5 seconds to 7[r]
Fireball: deal 4x ability power to main target, apply 6x ability power dot for 5 seconds in aoe[r]
Firewall: duration decreased to 10 seconds from 15[r]
Meteor: Deal 10x ability power directly, and 10x over 6 seconds[r]
Arcane Explosion: damage changed from 10x ability power to 6x[r]
Teleport: now deals 3x ability power on departure and arrival location[r]
Heal: over time now restore 5x ability power instead of 10x[r]
Removed Acolyte Set[r]
New cooldown system for ranged classes - no longer possible to reset ability cool downs with unequip weapon[r]
Fixed Ashbringer aura damaging vendors[r]
Small Pine now longer visible in unexplored areas[r]
Fixed starving do not damage the survivor[r]
Few quest text corrected[r]
Wizard items now can be sold to artificer[r]
Gem vein Stone drop rate was 95% instead of 5%[r]
Well Fed buff messed with base damage on ranged/melee change[r]
Marksman damage now updates with the guard upgrades[r]
When pressing unequipped main hand twice with a ranged class all item model disappear[r]
Fixed a few XP bug with Paladin Rank System[r]
Fixed Tamed Dire Wolf xp gain with food[r]
Fixed Ironwood drop from trees[r]
Fixed few bugs with explosive cocktail and flash bomb[r]
Save/Load system: performance improved on save, bug fixes with item index[r]
Baal no longer drain life on death survivors[r]
Fixed few bugs with gate repair[r]
Fixed several patching issues[r]

New house models[r]
New quest for 1 year anniversary[r]
Armond dps nerfed[r]
Swamp Troll dps nerfed[r]
Frost weapon blizzard effect chance reduced to 10%[r]
Frost weapon nova effect chance reduced to 12%[r]
Frozen Shield effect chance reduced to 12%[r]
Enchanted Mug heal chance from 15% to 9%[r]
Level requirements for legendary items - level 10 [r]
Wizard items also requires a specific level to equip[r]
The Guardian - drop table contained a base warcraft item[r]
Fixed few quest text[r]
Potion cooldown group fixed[r]
Pirate Hat ability fixed[r]
Breath of Frost debuff fixed[r]
Bag with cape and Noble cape model fixed[r]
Grand Necromancer drop fixed[r]
Ironwood Staves upgrade fixed[r]
Arcane Boots upgraded now can be equipped[r]
Resurrect with no lives left now work[r]

New class - Lycan[r]
Added mercenaries: guardian, archer, monk[r]
Mercenaries can be hired from taverns[r]
Town Hall icons changed[r]
Gem vein can not be mined until the quest is finished[r]
Pet AI improved[r]
Warrior Terror ability AOE changed from 600 to 450[r]
Ranger Savage Roar ability AOE changed from 300 to 235[r]
Fixed crafting bug with jeweller[r]
Removed charge from headstone[r]
Fixed resurrection with headstone[r]
Fixed north blacksmith owner[r]
Fixed Mithril Boots save code[r]
Few description fixed[r]
Socketed Arcane boots now can be sold[r]
Ironwood Shipment quest complete dialogue timing fixed[r]
Birthday quest cinematic stuck fixed[r]

New starting weapon for Lycan[r]
Fixed puzzle lever and statues spawn peasant after solved[r]
Empty Bottle - now only this item can trigger the quest stage[r]
Bandit pick fixed[r]
Mercenaries load fixed[r]
Wizard heal description updated[r]

2 new claw weapon for Lycan (lvl 5, lvl 7)[r]
Infect debuff no longer deal damage[r]
Lycan Werewolf form speed increased from 250 to 320[r]
Lycan ability description fixed[r]
Lycan now have Temper ability[r]
Lycan morph weapon bug fixed[r]
Lycan - paladin rank bug fixed[r]
Lycan morph now can mine[r]
Lycan - magic items now works while morhped[r]
Lycan - well feed buff do not disappear after morph[r]

Text Message when a gate repaired successfully[r]
Survivor notified more frequently when tired or hungry[r]
Pets AI improved - now they use their abilities like mercenaries
Dire Wolf tame requires now level 8[r]
Golden Chest HP bonus from 600 to 830[r]
Golden Boots, Golden Helmet HP bonus from 300 to 460[r]
Alchemist Potion-X negative buff chance greatly reduced%[r]
HP scaling for town guards from 100%/player to 125%[r]
Town guards AI improved a bit[r]
Pet - Summoned Dire Wolf damage from 61-79 to 31-49[r]
Alchemist Pet - increased HP, damage, armor for every 3 level[r]
Bear spawning area changed, now the bear boss do not have bears around[r]
Arcane barrage range from 1000 to 600[r]
Arcane explosion range from 1500 to 600[r]
Arcane missile range from 800 to 650[r]
Blink range from 1000 to 800[r]
Frost bolt range from 800 to 600[r]
Ice spear barrage range from 1500 to 750[r]
Fireball range from 800 to 600[r]
Meteor range from 1500 to 900[r]
Lycan claw heal was incorrect[r]
Lycan Rampage fixed, abilities always did 4x AP as damage[r]
Stalker cape inventory bug[r]
Arctic wolf started with Hp bonus 1[r]
Lycan paladin rank leveling[r]
Ranger Pet bonus bugged if died[r]
Ranger Powershot chance to deal 3 times damage[r]
Some spelling(ranger)[r]
Upgraded Guard visual bug[r]
Crude rifle description[r]
Fixed - heat could not be 100 if you were standing next to a campfire[r]
Gate do not close after repaired[r]
Alchemist - pet bugged with mercenary if pet potion used[r]
Ranger - release pet bugged with mercenary[r]
Gem mine sometimes closed before you entered[r]
Lycan did not get heat loose reduction if wearing armor and morphed[r]



Zakuro, epicfree, donut3.5, Ribenamania, Kitabatake, Chriz., Fingolfin, communist_orc, HappyTauren, JetFangInferno, bisnar13, s4nji, inico, Red

Shift, Pyritie, Xazuki,
hellblazer-14, R2D2, Usedwell, PumpkinMonster, debode, Villager, ikillforeyou, M0rbid & Revilo, epsilon, inico, Zion, Skipper, Mc !, ZIR,

JesusHipster, Devine, TLI-Inferno, Red, Leidanx, Blood Raven, darkdeathknight, Astaroth Zion, !!GORO!!, Grendel, Shadow_killer, HammerFist132,
Frankster, Ampharos_222, FrIkY, Jhonny Janbo, KayS, owenfitz, MeteORA, perfjert, Revilo, imforfun, Systemfre1, debode, BloodElf300, nGy, Walle,

InfernalTater, kellym0, Yayoi, Tranquil, Uncle Fester, eubz, WILLTHEALMIGHTY, Sunchips, Fingolfin, tefanstan95, GooS, CRAZYRUSSIAN, PeeKay,

asailant, DevineArmy, Muoteck, Naro, KelThuzad, Palaslayer, StaberFire, UnholyDobry, SkriK, stonneash, maxor_gan, -Berz-, maxor_gan, PeeKay,

SkriK, Thorneon, zbc, The_SilentUncle Fester, SkriK, kola, Ergius, Static, bigapple90, Manoo, Deolrin, NFWar, Mr.Goblin, Naro, Blizzard

67chrome, Dangerb0y, Chriz, HerrDave, Yayoi, Stanakin, Thrikodius, fan, FRENGERS, Champara Bros

If I missed you from the list, please contact me.




Will be added in future updates:

New models for Lycan Fist weapons[r]
New legendary armor set for Ranger/Bandit/Lycan[r]
Boss timer - after expired summon additional enemies[r]
Can re-capture cities from undead[r]
Max player increase up to 6[r]

How to load save code from 1.6.2:
Old Code: xxxxx[xx-xx](xx-xx)xx-xx:xx --> New Code: xxxxx[xx-xx](xx-xx)xx-xx:00

Just write ":00" before ":" in the code. If you have trouble updating your code just PM me.

Set every graphic settings to high or the map will not load

The map is protected
Zakuro has permission to upload this map on makemehost
If you have any suggestion, feel free to write a post on the forum.
Please report bugs on forum or send an e-mail
Contact me at: [email protected]

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description -


Infected Zombies v2.3 (Map)

12:58, 20th May 2014 Orcnet: Map approved, really nice idea for the item system
Level 1
Feb 23, 2009
I really liked this map, its really well done and every class is interesting to play. So far I have played with almost every class and I found some little bugs.

-Sometimes Ranger Pet system doesn't work and I can't revive my pet, or I can't tame a pet for first time if I saved my character with no pet tamed before.
-Alchemist passive ability is not stopping bleeding damage as the description say. I'm not sure if the warrior and the knight increased strength increase is working, it is added as base stat?
-The Progress bar for cooking is bugged. It is slower than the real progress of creating the recipe and a lot of times it never dissapear.
-The gate of the Hound Master for the quest is destructible, and if destroyed the mission cannot be completed.
-Durak amulet doesn't dissapear when the quest is completed.
-The undead waves attacking the city sometimes are impossible to defeat (alone at least). There is a zombie that stuns for too long and with some more of them its impossible to move if they hit you. It's really frustrating, specially if your character is saved on that town and you appear in the middle of the zombie army. (I lost 3 lifes in a row for this reason the first time that I played)
-if you have a revival potion in effect and you die with just 1 life left, the item to revive is created even when you are not really dead.
-Sometimes the gates don't open after a zombie invasion ends, so you have to enter from other place.

-The heat system is really a good detail, but I suggest you to make heat decrease faster in the snow area. At least in easy difficulty it can be ignored most of the time (And you could add a winter armor set to make heat not reduce or reduce slower, that would be great).
-Right now there is no quest that makes you go to the swamp, so it is very easy to not notice that area the first time that you play the game.
-The town's gates as they are right now are more annoying than helpful if you aren't using a ranged class. None of the guards have a ranged attack and you can't pass them if you were out of the town. There should be at least one guard with a gun, or a tower to make them more useful.
-There should be a way to see if a revival potion is in effect, it is confusing.

-How is the revival system supposed to work? (when a player don't have any life left) They don't revive even when I go to the church carrying the item :/

-Is there any way to recover an infected town? Because even when I kill every zombie and buy new guards, it keeps looking the same way and its not attacked by the waves.

P.D.: Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language.
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Level 1
Sep 16, 2014
I love this map
First let me just say I haven't had this much fun with a Warcraft map in years, the well designed class and survival system and detailed world makes for an amazingly fun and immersive experience. Shortly after 1.6.2 was released I went on a binge session testing out every class, their abilities, weapons and armour.

-In two of my playthroughs I noticed the hydras stop respawning after clearing out the swamp for the 3rd time.
-The main entrance to the gem mine doesn’t reopen after completing the quest to kill the yeti. I don’t know if this is a glitch or not but please fix it.
-The smithing progress bar is bugged, sometimes it won't show and sometimes it gets stuck on full green bars(100%) This is most likely to happen when forging armour and weapons.
-Either this is a bug or I must be the most unluckiest person in the world. During my alchemist playthrough I was killed more by potion x than anything else. I literally died 8 times, got paralysed 5, refreshed once and haste 4 times. I never shrunk or got super sized.I started drinking defence potions every time before using potion x.


-Other than slowing down the first undead attack and annoying melee heroes, the gates are pretty much useless unless there is ranged class, maybe add or change one or two guards with bows and crossbows?
-More town defence investment opportunities for the player, like a tower or mercenaries. The second town is poorly protected even with all the guard upgrades and I always find it weird visiting the priest who is chilling all safely in his church while all his friends outside are either dead or looking to snack on someone's face.
-Remove the ability to hire guards and respawn for towns that have fallen.
-Bigger changes for towns that have been taken over by the undead. For every town that falls spawn a unique strong undead that hunts the player(s)
-Either stop or remove the invulnerability for travelling merchants that have one of their towns overrun by undead.
-Please add a mithrill mine, I played alone so the rate at which mithril is dropped multiplied by the amount of players and amount of mithril needed for epic items equals a long slow grinding process and possible arguing amongst friends.
-New travelling merchants between towns with unique items.
-New classes like a mage, cleric or monk.
-Don’t stop adding stuff to this map. Seriously dude, this has been insanely fun to play.

cheers :)
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Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hey guys,

It is good to hear that you love my Map and thanks for your comments feel free to post any suggestion or idea.

Hi Minion,

Thanks for your comment and suggestions I will implement some of them.
The main entrance at the Frozen Mine does not open becouse it is intended.
Potion-X has only 5% to instant kill you(you were really unlucky:ogre_haosis:).

I will release next update at this weekend:thumbs_up:
Level 6
May 17, 2014
Map updated to 1.7

Hey Guys,

Map updated to 1.7, please read the changelog
I had to modify the Save Code, due to the new Paladin Rank System, so you have to update your Save Code manually.


Old Code: xxxxx[xx-xx](xx-xx)xx-xx:xx --> New Code: xxxxx[xx-xx](xx-xx)xx-xx:00:xx
Just write ":00" before ":" in the code. If you have trouble updating your code just PM me.
Level 6
May 17, 2014
bro, when i throw bomb from alchemist skill to grand necromancer suddenly my game fatal error..

Hi sabishii,

I do not know what cause the fatal error, I tried what you wrote and I did not crash or even have fps drop. I used Explosive Coctail many times and I am sure it is not causing crash.:S

Maybe if you can give me details about what you did before it happened and how much time passed it may help me to resolve the problem.
Level 2
Apr 26, 2014
I found something weird,when i'm about to cut a tree,i missed the tree and clicked on the grass instead,means i 'chopped' the grasses with my axe,and it gives me wood o_o
Another weird stuff,after the guards are dead because of an Undead siege,i hired more guards,but they just keep moving back and forth from the town hall to the front gate,i was like "What the flip are you guards doing?"
Please fix that in the next update ._.
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Level 2
Oct 2, 2013
I found something weird,when i'm about to cut a tree,i missed the tree and clicked on the grass instead,means i 'chopped' the grasses with my axe,and it gives me wood o_o
Please fix that in the next update ._.

i know, at front of gate first town right?
we can cut grass and got woods.
Level 2
Apr 26, 2014
I say it once more,this is an amazing map,feels like Skyrim in Warcraft,in fact,there is a puzzle resembling one of the Skyrim Puzzles.
Bleaks Falls Barrow Puzzle,am i right?
Level 1
Jan 24, 2014
Some bugs about S/L sys:
In v1.7, I can't load my ranger with lv12.
I've tried many times, I can load my ranger lv11 with pala rank lv 17, but can't load lv12 with pala rank lv17, lv 21, lv 22, or lv 25.
ID: RPGplay_Di,
code lv12 pala17:-load flrkbh[cN-c4-bq-cK-aK-ce](0F-cX-c2-)0k-0N-cv-:bv:iH
code lv12 pala22:-load flrpbh[cN-c4-bq-cK-aK-ce](0F-cX-c2-)0k-0N-cv-:bw:iU
also, I lost my two-hand weapon sometimes after load.
The pala rank may has some bugs. It levels up incorrectly with every 30 kills: sometimes it will have a lv jump(lv1-lv3, lv3-lv10,), and sometimes it won't do anythiny (once it did nothing after 120 kills).
Level 11
Jun 15, 2011
First try took me 3+ hours to finish.
Next tries, finished the game in 2 hours and 30+ minutes using "Tinker".
WITHOUT using any cheat!

I have some suggestions:

*Add a special effects for Paladin Rank (Any level or level 30), which you can turn on and off.
*Add another hidden High Rank, maybe "Necromancer", the counterpart of Paladin.
*Allow players to level up more than 12, depending on difficulty. So that I can level up more on the highest difficulty. (Right now my hero is at max level (12), max Paladin Rank (30), max saveable gold (3500), already finished the game in all difficulties and I have nothing more to do.)
*Max Level should give HP Regen... It's funny how my max level hero + max level Paladin Rank can't regenerate at least 1 HP per sec after being attacked by some weaklings. I know there are HP regen items but my current items are irreplaceable hehe.
*Heat Loss/Starvation should drain HP instead of insta-kill.
*Tireness causes auto sleep (with death animation) instead of insta-kill.
*Make some kind of forging that makes non-socketed item socketable.
*Add some hidden non-quest monsters. You know like the so called "Myths" from the GTA Games. You have Yeti in your map as quest monster though. And 'dat Ancient Hydra! has awesome intro lolz.

Anyway... Great gameplay, great terrain, the best zombie map I've played so far. And one of the best slow-paced map I've ever played. (When I say slow-paced, I mean like the LOAP maps where it takes you many hours to play, simulating something like real life, etc...)

Great job sir Magic Lord.

Some more things I found:
*Add some info/tips in the Quest Dialog. A Great Wall of text would be good.
*Artificier can walk by giving him an item, then use him to take the item back.
*Campfires in the Bandit Camp and Taverns should prevent heat loss.
It may be considered as free campfire, but they are immovable unlike the Campfire/Tent items, a player can just sit there all night. Specially inside the Taverns, players can chat while drinking wine!
*Floating texts for NPC dialogs are too small. Can't read them.
*Plants can be killed by the AoE Damage of the Tinker's second skill.
*Quest should have "Failed" status if the Quest NPC dies.
(Right now even if the Quest NPC dies, the quest still eventually becomes "Completed")
*Set items should have bonus when you wear fully. (Like the Golden Set)
*The Tinker's Second or Fourth Skill's Missiles sometimes does not disappear.

*Are those purple zombies the one with the tentacle bursting out animation?
How 'bout make certain trigger conditions to make one of them release their ten'acle?
*Is it possible to make all quest-related-items disappear on pickup? Like the Wolf Pelt quest. 'Cause it's hard sometimes I need to drop some of my items just to pick the quest item. Or maybe that is a part of the challenge.
*The intro can be improved. It looks too random I think. And the villager's bodies are still there while they "transform" into zombies. (Unless they're not really transforming)
*The Local Bandit leader has a scary chance of bash. T'will be very hard to defeat for newbies. He's like the second hardest boss for me. But now I'm overpowered haha!
*Your map is nearly reaching 8 MB. And you can't play maps with 8 MB size in Multiplayer.
If your map gets into the 8 MB limit, would you still continue by making Singleplayer version? Or will it be the stop?
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Level 1
Oct 12, 2014
Played v.1.4 and 1.7, love your game a lot :D. I think it is one of the most addictive and greatest maps I ever played and thank you for making this. Keep up the good work. Anyway, I want to suggest could you add more quests the next update. Love to see more about Dean, possibly make a fight between the player and him. Look forward to your next update :3
Level 1
Aug 25, 2014
The guards at top right town are different from the others. Do the town serve any special purpose other than Paladins?
Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hi karassu,

Thank you for giving great suggestions I will implement most of them and fix these small bugs. "Myths" sounds cool.

Hi brendonboy,

Adding more quest is planned to connect the Main story with each part of the Map. Dean's quest will be continued.

Hi Awakened,

The guards at top right town are different from the others. Do the town serve any special purpose other than Paladins?
City is not finished yet(There will be city siege and upgradable guards too).
Level 1
Oct 10, 2014
hi, i am xerocheco

i have a question:

how works your items equipament system? how you did it?

how you do to: whenever i click yo equip an item, the game hide/remove the item and create the atachments and the respective buffs, and, create an ability in a spellbok to unequip the item, how you do that? pls tell me bc i am creating a map and i need that information.

Level 1
Apr 24, 2013
Great map

Thanks MagicLord, for this awesome map.

Bugs i found:

- I was lvl 2, game time around 19 minutes, the game crashed when i tried to upgrade the towsguard, i had to save the code and start a new game, load my save code, and the first thing i did was to upgrade the towsguard, this time it worked fine, without crash. I had this bug two times, first with a lvl 2 Warrior, then second time with a lvl 2 Tinker).

- I got the quest to kill the Lich on the frozen lake, but i decided to craft some itens and do another quests before doing the "Lich quest", i saved and loaded the game(not the code) once or twice, after about 30 minutes i decide to finish the lich quest, and every time the game crashed after the lich fully rises from the ground(the very end of the cinematic). I was lucky i had one save game just after i got the quest to kill the lich, this time i gonne straight to finish this quest and everthing worked fine.

- The bonus movement speed from boots are not working(i had the Warrior boots, not sure about the other classes boots), and the bonus movement speed from some capes are not working according to item description.

- Darksteel bar cannot be sold.

One Suggestion:

- Artificer should be able to buy legendary itens, price 50-100 gold.
Level 2
Apr 26, 2014
I'm playing with level 4 Archer, tried to upgrade the Guards, game crashes.
Playing with a level 6 Marauder, tried to upgrade the Guards, doing fine.
I guess i'm not made for Archers, i have the true heart of a Warrior/Knight/Guardian,then.
Just like in Skyrim, i prefer swords and shield.
Coincidence? I think bug.
Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hi Badah,

I will try to do something with crashes but it is really hard. Movement bonuses will be fixed and Darksteel Bar selling too.

Hi Kibougamine,

You born to be a Warrior:ogre_datass:

I hope I can release next update in a few days with many bug fixes and new stuffs.
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Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hi KazuyaRegret,

Go South from the gate of the 2nd village, go over the bridge(down) go straight on like 900 units then you will see a small dirt/stone road on the right, just follow it until it's end.
I hope it will help you to find The Houndmaster :)
Level 2
Apr 15, 2014
Hey Is it a Bug or It's just normal that I found out those Marksman Doesn't have a buff on the Darksteel Equipment Upgrade?

EDIT: i found out some bugs when the butcher uses its hook on a building like townhall etc. the building moves to the butcher's place of comeback.
EDIT2: not only townhall but also Invulnerable NPC ohh shit... eg: Blacksmith man
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Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
Captain here,I found some very major Bug in this game that not only Ruin the Pace of the Game but also potentialy discourage player from playing this map again,the list are:
-Inventory Bug (You cannot un-equip nor Equip anything when playing certain class Tinker/Rogue in my case)
-Once there was a undead siege which took place at the same time,East and South Town go raided at the same time in just 15 minute into the game(which totally ruin low level player potential to fight back)
-Sometime the Portal to the bar won't work and you can't go back to the Overworld
-The church portal in East Town won't work
-The mission where you need to kill *DAREK* and retrieve his ring,his ring gone for some reason
-Town Guard attack Animal instead of Zombie that attacking them
-Sometime STATS gained from gear and accesories doesn't apply to the character
-Lastly,pls balance the fuck out of the zombie raid,i know that without it we don't have to worry about town and stuff and only care about ourself,but for most player who play solo or just 2 person,this is a big resposibility that they probably couldn't handle
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Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
Suggestion for this Map:
-Make Mage and TInker the MOST Difficult Class in the Game,like Tinker and Invoker in DOTA 2,it need skill to master those class/heroes,but if you capable of doing so it could grant you not only free win (in case of DOTA 2) or someone who other should allow receiving the major quest price and upgrading the town (in case of this game) but also able to quickly dispatch the horde of zombie in case an allied is being pinned down by them

-The Town Guard really need to be Buffed,i mean seriously 4 Bandit could take down the entire City Guard (8) with steel upgrade,while only wearing leather armour,are you F*cking kidding me?:ogre_icwydt:

-The Number of Zombie in the night should increase to 3/4 instead of just 2,So That player realise that they need to actually get the Fuck inside town or in some sort of hidden place instead of wondering around acting like a badass

-EXP might need a little boost on gaining it,especially when you are still in low lvl

-Add some sort of system that allow you to sleep inside the Tent (i freaking hate how i got surrounded by a bunch of zombie just because i want to regain heat near a tent):ogre_rage:

-Town Hall can be made into enterable building

-Pls add some sort of defense mechanic for the Villager so they may run into safety instead of just plead to death by walking few step away from the Zombie
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Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
Do this game needs teamwork? it says RPG, and Survival.
RPG, Care about yourself.
Survival , Care only yourself.

Depend on your playstyle,but i think it suit more on RPG cause the survival part really isn't necesearly if you menag eto reach lvl 4 or even better 8,also the main objective of this game is to defeat the final boss and optionally make sure the village is safe,so yeah it require some teamwork but Solo playing is still possible (For example a Knight/Tinker/Ranger class could easily Solo game with right gear and well prepared)
Level 2
Apr 15, 2014
Why all of the New Players ALWAYS PICK YES IF THE QEUSTION SAYS" you have load?"
then they pick yes. <-------------------------THIIISSSSSSS SUCCCCKKSS! NEED TO BAN EM

EDIT:Bug Found. Acid Gun Advanced blacksmith tooltip says damage is 240 But When crafted it says 180.
when equipped does the right 180 damage addition and the armor negation of 12.
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Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hi guys,

I will fix major bugs tomorrow, and rework the load selection buttons.
I will also rebalance the zombie waves, it is too random now.

Durak quest bug - Don't now what bugged it works for me, maybe the ring bag too small I will make that larger

Thanks for your replies!
Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
Recently found another bug while playin as Alchemist,when i was doing mission to kill the grand master of necromacy the zombie suddenly attack the south town & The butcher littereally Hook a Building A Fuckinh invicible town hall and ssome sort of clothier into the black smith.:vw_wtf:

(which by the way kill the invicible blacksmith guy and me while were in the middle of a clash) I was like Wtf i though it was the a.l that getting smarter but it turn out to be another major bug.:ogre_icwydt:
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010

Gave two Raw Jutes to the crafting station, but it won't craft them (crafting leather on the other building works fine).
Ranger: Casting First Aid on another target heals you, not the target.
I tried switching weapons by clicking on the new one, but it doesn't work.
How do you chop down trees? Clicking the axe doesn't do anything, and you can't attack the trees either. Same for mining.
The Broodmother belongs to Zombies instead of Animals.
Tamed Dire Wolf doesn't eat anything, the meat just drops to the ground (it worked with the tamed boar).
Zombies attack villages you haven't been to yet.
Paladin rank doesn't work, I've killed more than sixty times since getting it with no increase in stats (though I was at max level when I got it).

I would suggest making quest items clickable, so you can ping the location it needs to be taken to.
Heat loss should be prevented by clothing, as well as being indoors and next to doodad fires (I was inside a tavern next to the campfire and was still losing heat).
Make the Town Hall different, it looks just like the other buildings.
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Level 6
May 17, 2014
Map updated to 1.8.1

Hi cleavinghammer,

Weapon switching is not supperted by my inventory system but I may add it sounds good. In order to chop trees you need to equip an axe then open your inventory and use its skill, for mining you need to equip a pickaxe then force attack the vein("A" default button). I may forget to add Tamed Dire Wolf to pet feeding system, I will do it in the next update. If zombies attack a village you haven't been there before it's ok, it's intended.
Unfortunately I found Paladin rank systems bug after I uploaded 1.8.1 it's happens when you kill more then 1 enemy at the same time.
I will make quest items clickable it will help newbies.
Thanks for your comment:thumbs_up:

Hi epicfree,

Thanks for your replies and suggestions I will implement from them.

Hi danielwalk,

I reworked new game / load game selection now you need to enter "-new" to start a new hero I hope you won't rage in the future anymore:ogre_haosis:
Marksman haven't got upgrades yet.

Hi TinyTeaser,

Thanks for reporting bugs.

Hi Kibougamine,

Good to hear that:grin:
What does that means? "Akihiko Sanada, Persona 3"
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Level 6
Dec 9, 2010
Hey MagicLord,

I'm not sure if I'm just stupid or what... but I can't select a class at the start of the game. The cinematic plays, then it puts dialog options for Difficulty and Life Setting, and after that... nothing. It says to select a class to start the game, but I can't even figure out what I'm supposed to do. My Basic Joe has no movement, and everything in his range is just a shop...? He also has no abilities or items or anything with which to select a class.

If you could let me know what's going on, I'd be grateful. Thanks,


Edit: Just saw your post about typing -new. This is really not intuitive. You should at least add this VERY crucial command to the -help/-command text.
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Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hi cleavinghammer,

I meaned weapon swapping not switching sorry. No you aren't stuck with your starting weapon press Esc to pop up a list then select a slot which you want to unequip. Game does not end with beating the Main Boss.
Level 1
Aug 6, 2014
i found bug with some hero such as wizard, everytime unequip anh equip weapon its reset cooldown skill
its look like bandit's skill lv 2 doesn't increase attack speed
Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
Found another Minor/Major Bug:
-In the Quest Where you had to kill the Hydra,sometime if you done correctly/terribly wrong to early,the loot might drop into the ocean or stuck near it unobtainable
-The Crystal or Mithril? Mine the drowned miner seem's to spawn Endlessly,which make camping mining Difficult without company,or unless you are a Knight lvl 7-min with Best armour or Highly skilled Tinker lvl 6-min
-Also the Silk/jute that was dropped from the Drowned miner was said to sell for 2 Gold each,but when i sold it even if it's from the First Drowned miner i get Nothing 0 Gold,while other item sells normaly
-In the Final Mission there is a bug where even when the Final boss has Finished draining your health,you can still lose your health and he refill himself (kinda like infinite draining)
-In the Final cutscene of the Main Quest if you kill the Final boss on the Same intersection as where the Priest will give his final speech,he would blew up and Kill the Priest and the Player that standing there,even if the priest was supposed to be Invulnirable
-The Zombie Horde Number seem's to be to random,some early wave might have been stronger that later one,which by the way the Butcher really are the Bane of this game (Hooking every single thing Building,Civilian,Items,Object,Heroes,even through Gates and Walls)
-A bug on Knight Class where when you send out some sort of cry which increase stats,you get stuck in that position for 1 second
-Annoying thing on Gems mine,is that whenever you hit the rock the chance you get an actuall gem is very slim,while the chance to get rock is over 9000,although it still nice addition that we had to be patient to get the expensive gem,but seriously being surround by over 900 Rocks is not fun and can cause a Fatal Error if not stopped.
Level 1
Dec 27, 2014
add more Player slot

first of all i say this is great map and good innovation too actually i played with my friends but only few can join :( , so i suggest to add more player.. and all job can be pick and we can play hardcore mode with full party :D thx
Level 2
Dec 5, 2014
the map load, but when i upgrade the armor of the militia of the town, the game have a critical error, please help me
Level 6
May 17, 2014
Hey guys,

Thanks for your suggestions and bug reports. Sorry for late answer I was busy recently.

Hi cautron,

Cooldown reset is a w3 mechanics and I can't do much againts this.(maybe a timer which would remove your skill while it's on cooldown), Bandits passiv works fine I tested it.

Hi epicfree,

Thanks for your suggestions and bug reports.

Hi danielwalk,

I will fix this load bug, thanks for reporting it.
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