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Improving A.I.

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Player versus Player: (PvP)

Druid: Druids are usually some sort of restoration spec and take advantage of that a lot in combat. They often spam Moonfire and Wrath on their target (if they have it) and transform into a cheetah to escape their attackers; when they get far enough, they transform back to their normal self and begin casting ranged attack spells again. Druids usually keep themselves and their party mates buffed. Druids also like to melee their targets when out of mana and are unable to escape combat.

Hunter: Hunters never PvP without a pet. It simply defeats the purpose of them being that class if the do not have a pet or if it isn't summoned. Hunters are usually the ones to start the fight with you by ordering their pet to attack you. While that is in effect, the Hunter tries to kill you from a range with their bow and ranged spells such as Steady Shot. Hunters always cast Hunter's Mark on their targets before they begin attacking from a range and usually do it about the same time they issue their pet to attack you.

Mage: Ice spec Mages like to defeat their foe(s) from a distance, keeping a wide enough gap between himself and their target and constantly using missiles that slow the target's movement, giving the Mage a better chance of survival and victory of the fight. If the target manages to get close enough and if the Mage of course has enough Mana, the Mage will cast Frost Nova which will immobilize their target and give the Mage enough time to make a gap between him and the target to repeat this process.

Fire spec Mages also like defeating their foes from a distance with fireballs and instant spells. When their target gets close enough, they usually make use of instant spells and try to deal as much damage with that as they can. If they have a wand equipped, they'll try to use that against them until their mana regenerates enough to cast another offensive spell.

Paladin: Paladins try to keep themselves and their party-mates buffed at all times, especially when in PvP or PvE combat. They melee 95% of the time and will use spells such as Hammer of Justice only when a low HP target is too far to melee, but close enough for the spell to him them. They also use Hammer of Justice to fleeing targets.

Warrior: Goes into an offensive stance

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I was watching this Diablo3WarCraft video and realized that this could be a pretty good reference for assisting in what the A.I. for player bots should be like. Warriors take on the action first-hand while the ranged/support classes get out of range/lose the aggro by running away a bit so they can safely cast offensive spells on their enemy targets and supportive spells on friendly targets.

I'm also looking up a lot of World of Warcraft PvP and PvE gameplay videos to study how players of certain classes usually act so we can define how each class's AI should act in situations.
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