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Identify System [1.00]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Hi this is my first System written in vJass

It is a system to easy to identify items.

This kind of system will be familar to those which are playing guildwars or diablo ^^

You have an item, for example a ring --> "Ring (unidentified)"

now you use your identifying spell/item on the "Ring (unidentified)".

Than your Ring is identified and you get maybe a "Ring of Protection".

This will also be useful if you have an Item "Ring of Protection" and identified you get a "Ring of Protection +1", "Ring of Protection +2", ...

You see the uses are (nearly) infinite ^^

Identify, Diablo, Guildwars

Noch eine WARCRAFT-III-Karte (Map)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/identify-system-1-00-a-183934/?prev=r%3D20%26status%3Dr2%26page%3D4115:56, 4th Mar 2011 Bribe: Post the triggers. I don't download a map just to take a look at the code. For now: Rejected until updated




http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/identify-system-1-00-a-183934/?prev=r%3D20%26status%3Dr2%26page%3D4115:56, 4th Mar 2011

Post the triggers. I don't download a map just to take a look at the code. For now:

Rejected until updated
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Moin moin =)

Just to make it short: You created a system, when a player use this ability, the target item is replaced (random chance) with another?

Sorry, but for me it isn't this special, but the idea is cool. Else you don't! should use the Red Bj's - fix them.

Hmm don't know.. the idea at all isn't bad, but in the end it's just an item replacement ...

Greetings and Peace
Dr. Boom
Can be easy realised on JASS without JNPG \ vJass

Can be very easily realized with JASS :)

I know and I thought about it and will put the jass triggers also into the testmap, but i think it's easier to copy one libary than copying some triggers ^^

@ Dr. Boom: Hmm thought I dont used them.. where I forgot to replace them?
Level 16
May 1, 2008
First in this line you got 2 red marked Bj's:
call SetItemCharges( GetItemOfTypeFromUnitBJ(GetTriggerUnit(), IdentifyItem), ( GetItemCharges(GetItemOfTypeFromUnitBJ(GetTriggerUnit(), IdentifyItem)) + 1 ) )

And here is the third:
   call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )

Greetings and Peace
Dr. Boom
Level 15
Jul 6, 2009
Or you can use SpellEvent :D Damn you Helpers (xBlackrose loves me that's why I'm telling this =) )

GT, SpellEvent, what's the difference (Please don't answer this)?

Btw is it even a matter of seconds? I think it's less than milli seconds.

You can cut and paste in less than milli seconds o_O? Or type it out in less than milli seconds? I'm human so it'd take me a few seconds, I dunno about you though o_o.
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
the easiest way is in gui,
or complicate it a bit in vjass.
you'r choice,
in gui you make 1 loop trigger for checking random/if its in a list,
the other trigger is for setups, like an hashtable, with 1 jass script that organizes it right,
then you loop thru those lists to find the correct items and randomize what gets out of it..
something like:
ItemBase = Ring
ItemPossible[1] = Ring Of Fire
ItemPossible[2] = Ring Of Ice
ItemPossible[3] = Ring Of Lightning
ItemChance[1] = 10 // this indicates chances for the ring to get to this ring exactly.
ItemChance[2] = 50
ItemChance[3] = 40
// dont forget to tell people to make it 100% exactly
call ItemSetup(3) // the 3 indicates amount of possible items.
ItemBase = Sword
ItemPossible[1] = The Sword Of Olympus
ItemPossible[2] = God's Champion Sword
ItemPossible[3] = Rusty Sword
ItemChance[1] = 5
ItemChance[2] = 10
ItemChance[3] = 85
call ItemSetup(3)
// and so on and on..

im sorry if this seems odd, just dont have world editor,
and i've been coding in visual basic for a while, so got used to it =]
Level 4
Aug 15, 2009
Could be make with triggers.
The system creates a random item from a region and it gives it to the unit who is identifying the item.
The chance of any item is determinated by the amount.
EXAMPLE: 10 items(total amount), 3 rusty swords, 1 shield, 2 leather armor, 1 ring, 1 gloves,1 amulet, 1 boots, 1 belt
rusty sword has 30% leather armor 20% and so on. If u put 3 item each has 33.33% chance.
hope u all like it


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Level 5
Jul 2, 2009
This isn't a resource, and you prove nothing by posting something completely irrelevant. Please try to refrain from doing so in the future.

Back to the topic, it is a relatively simple system. If you could make one that had random stats for, let's say a strength ring with only a few items used, then it'd be impressive. Right now, though, it's nothing amazing.
This isn't a resource, and you prove nothing by posting something completely irrelevant. Please try to refrain from doing so in the future.

Back to the topic, it is a relatively simple system. If you could make one that had random stats for, let's say a strength ring with only a few items used, then it'd be impressive. Right now, though, it's nothing amazing.

mate without an cusom item system that is impossible ( i think you think of items link in TKOK ^^)

If i missunderstand you plase let me know ;)