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Hero Craft CTF 1.14

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
GLB'S custom hero capture the flag

<<<<<< I. Introduction >>>>>>
Genre: capture the flag
Number of Players: 12
Language: English
Main-Feature: custom hero

<<<<<< II. Main-Features >>>>>>
-custom heroes (at the moment there are about 40 hero models I think)
-a lot of triggered spells (I tried to make the game as creative as possible)
-6 diffirent arenas (!)
-86 spells (about 65% of them are custom triggered spells, all made by me)

<<<<<< VI. Screenshots >>>>>>

<<<<<< VIII. Change-Logs >>>>>>

-finished loadingscreen made by CrazyRussian
-bug fixing (heroes don't revive anymore, when player leaves the game)
-minor changes (infernal, medicine, etc...)
-game renamed to "Hero Craft Capture The Flag"

-92 spells
-1 new spell (Static Clouds)
-"-repick" added
-some balancing

thanks! ciao! :thumbs_up:

capture the flag, ctf, CTF, GLB, warcraft, custom hero, custom heroes, felwood, sunken ruins, lordaeron

Hero Craft CTF 1.14 (Map)

03:58, 31st Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 3
Apr 10, 2009
To change map size go to the menu up the top entitled scenario. Then go down to the entry named Map Size and Camera Bounds. Use the arrow keys to change the size.

The number of models is fine. But if there are any usable models that come with wc3 adding them would be cool. I'll think of some ideas for items / spells when i have some free time. Good luck!
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Level 1
Jun 6, 2009
I'd came up with new arena idea. It may look confusing because I drew the map unclearly in paint lol.

Click here to see an image of what the arena would be like.

So I think its best to briefly describe them in dot points.

  • An ice terrain map with snow falling
  • A river in the middle with ship docks
  • Heroes can't walk through the river
  • Each hero will have to buy a free boat to cross the river, the boat will cost 1 food so they can't spam
  • Boats can attack and be destroy and so you have to keep repurchasing
  • At the start make the ship dock have like 6 (one for each player if full house) boats in stock and the maximum is 20 for both sides
  • One minute cooldown for each boat
  • Each side of the base will have two entrances around the hill, the flag is up the hill, the enemy will have to walk around either side to get to the flag point
  • Base wells in on the hill along with the shops.

Arena level: experience players, average players to the professional.
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Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Oh no!!! I s am so sorry, with-u-din! I saw your post too latly! I have already created a new area. I am so sorry. Thanks!

<<< up-date 1.08 >>>

-a lot of new spells (with crazy effects: e.g: genkidama)
-new merchant
-new items (4 new items)
-new arena (Naga Maze, extremly difficult)
-balancing (Archimonde, Bash, etc.)
-new random (random model + random spells)

-Items: 42
-Spells: 74 (about 50% are triggered spells)
-hero models: about 50
-arenas: 4

with-u-din, when I will have managed to fix the (new) lag sources, and my map will run easier, then I will create your arena! There is still enough space. I wanted to add a nice loadingscreen, but unfortunatly it takes too much size.

By the way, has anybody some ideas for a new map title? I find that "GLB'S custom hero capture the flag" sucks? I like " Xtrem CTF " very much or some like that!

Make a catchy loading background so newbies won't leave at start. But keep the players loading thing up so we can bag the slowest comp. =)

I thought a bit about what you said. A loading screen takes approximativly 256 kb. That's quite a lot, but if you really think that it keeps players in the game, I will look for something that matches to my map. If you find some thing, or, even better if you can draw a loading screen, I would be glad to use it ^^
Last edited:
Level 1
Jun 6, 2009

Some things I'd found.

  • Still a gold typo in F9 Gold section. "You gain golg only..."
  • Typo on 'Energy Shield' at the turtle NPC. Last word is meant to be invulnerable not unvunerable.
  • Typo on 'Divine Shield' at the sheep NPC. Same as above, its invulnerable not unvunerable.
  • The 'Teleport' skill, it is suppose to not teleport through the NPC's and the resurrection stone?
  • Typo on Dual-Cross Sword. It says it gives +200 life in the shop but really gives 300 mana.
  • Typo on Holy Sword. It says +20 damage in shop but really gives +10 damage.
  • Archimonde's Sword can damage allies? Bug, no?
  • Can build tower/buildings on top of NPC.
  • Items that gives bonuses to all stats. It's stats not states.
  • The 'Charge' skill can move off the arena, and can be buy new skills.



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Still a lot of typos... I am not english nor american. My english is bad I know :-(
I will try to correct them.
Archimonde's sword was not supposed to deal damage to allies.
charge= big bug! I will fix that.

anyway, the "state/stat" typo is quite funny ^^ I will change that!

Level 1
Jun 6, 2009
Some things. :wink:

  • Typo on the description on Totem Pole. Whole team not hole team.
  • This area can't be walk through on new arena. Bug, no? Picture
  • Archimonde's too strong. At level 15 he has 198 total stats, while all other heroes have an average of 133 stats.

  • I feel capture the flag just using items that gives stat/damage/bonuses/etc are not skillful enough, so I though of these items.

  • Eye of Illusion: Drops a ward on the to watch that area for 300 seconds. Any enemy heroes that walk nearby past 100 range, it will create an exact image of them and attack them.
  • Flag detector: Shoots a rocket towards the person that capture your flag, stunning them for x seconds. Rocket range map wide.
  • Spray can: Target a enemy hero and makes their screen all filled with colours blocking everything from sight for x seconds. Lol this would be cool if you can do it.
  • Wind storm, creates a wind storm in the ground at a target area that sucks in all enemys into it for x seconds and does x damage for the duration of wind storm. Enemys that is sucked in the hole will not be able to move.
  • Tornado flare, shoots a flare into the sky to cause a tornado, all nearby enemys are caught into an tornado for x seconds. Heroes are invulnerable or not while in air and can't move.
  • Stopable ring, cast a ring on the enemy to stop them from moving and so are you. You are invulnerable while the enemy is not.

  • Make when the enemy or you capture the flag the other team cannot capture the other flag unless when they have return it.
  • When each night begins, and a team is losing by 2 points, try to make a doomguard (your model at the top) come down to help them defend their flag for half the night. He is invulnerable and not too strong but not too weak. (I say about 250 base damage?) Also chases the person that stole the flag.



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Concerning Bugs:

* I will correct all typos
* I modified the hole arena "naga maze" (west was easier to defend than east, and some areas were inaccessible, like the small corridor you showed me)
* I already balanced Archimonde. True he's too strong

Concerning Bugs:
*the flag detector is great. Approved and will be added
*I know that my items suck. I am not creative. Thanks for your Idea
*spray? I will try my best to create it

Concerning Bugs:
*wind storm, approved! will be added
*your tornade flare sounds a bit like the normal tornado from the sea witch.
*your "stoppable ring" is too imba in my oppion.

Concerning Ideas:
*the doom guard thing is not a good idea I think. I will add a trigger that gives additional exp to the team that is loosing
*I am not that sure that making the flag untouchable when the other team has your flag would balance the game.
(but I am thinking of adding a fonction like in the Unreal Tournament CTF, that disables you from getting a point when you bring the enemy flag to your base, but when yours has been captured before. That means, to get a point you need your flag in your base and the enemy flag!!)

I really like your item ideas. They are creative and useful. I alreay balanced Naga Maze cause it was really imbalanced.

Thanks with-u-din! :cute:



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
little up-date 1.09

-2 new spells
-1 new items
-a lot of balancing
-terrain bugs fixed
-new mode: all random
-new feature: You only get points when your flag is in your base!

This is just a minor up date improving some bugs and imbalances...
Level 1
Jun 6, 2009
Regarding new things.

I was thinking the flag detector was more like a used item like Book of the Dead and Land mine, because I doubt people will spend 685 gold on something that doesn't give stats and with such a long cooldown.

Wind storm, just let people know its a channel spell, so when you move it disable the spell.



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Regarding new things.

I was thinking the flag detector was more like a used item like Book of the Dead and Land mine, because I doubt people will spend 685 gold on something that doesn't give stats and with such a long cooldown.

Wind storm, just let people know its a channel spell, so when you move it disable the spell.

-Don't worry! I already changed the Flag Detector ([1]shoots a missle on the flag carrier [2]shoots a missle on a random nearby enemy unit dealing 120 damage)
-you're right, some of the battle.net user aren't really smart. I will add this to the discription

i created two new items:
1. Uther's Ring: +15 armor, heals the allied hero who carries the enemy flag. No range limit
2. Hunter's Heart: +13% chance for critical strike (*2.3), +10 damage, +16 armor

I even changed some of the old items. Some basic items are now more expensive (water wand) or have new items/new bonuses.

Level 2
Nov 17, 2008
First of all great game and at an early stage its already showing alot of promise. And i feel for a solo project you are doing amazingly well, how you are able to keep up with spells,game systems,triggers and terrain by yourself is beyond me.

Just a few things i'd like to point out:

1.-Spells combinations are somewhat limited cos you group your spells according to their hotkeys (q,w,e,r). For example i cant have 2 spells from the same group.However if spells are not classified according to hotkeys then spells with the same hotkeys would cause a problem so i see your dilemma.

One way to solve this that i'd like to suggest:

By GUI(not exact coding, just a rough guide):
Trigger:When hero learns spell X

Condition:If hero already has spell Y(a spell with the same hotkey)
Condition:If hero already has spell Z(a spell with the same hotkey)

Action:Give hero spell X (BUT this one a copy of the same spell but with a different hotkey).

This way all spell combinations can be made(not including ulti) for q,w,e. The only problems i foresee is that it is extremely tedious because you have to make 3 copies of each q,w,e spell each with different hotkeys and make a GUI for each one. Also extra memory might be taken up from all the extra spells.

Some ideas for changes to be made:

-I honestly think you should remove the ability to build towers from the game.
3 heroes building tie towers and such at a spot is a bit much. And in the late game you can have up to 6 towers at a spot. Not only is this troublesome but it also makes the map much more crowded, even with anti tower spells its hard to destroy them.
Intead build towers around the map and make them neutral at first( not belonging to anyone and does not fire at all). Then teams have to capture these towers and upgrade them. e.g start them from harmless scouting towers and allow teams to upgrade them.For teams to capture towers they have to channel a spell for x seconds, but enemy towers have to be low health to be captured, e.g below 20%. I THINK MY IDEA ROCKS!!

-Powerups and items at the middle of the map disappear after a while to avoid to many items in the map a one time.

-1v1 Deathmatches?: At intervals of a game, the game stops and copies of 2 opposing heroes fight in an arena with heroes who are not participating being spectators.With the winner earning money for his team and earning rank for himself. This idea adds a little variety in the game and gives losing teams more of a chance.

-Make spell's damage depend on abilities, e.g intelligence,str,agi. To avoid intel heroes learning strength heroes spells and so on. For example its quite wierd to see intel heroes learning spells like thunderclap and actually being effective. You can do this by using GUI triggers:
e.g when X casts Y on target
X damages target by integer ( Intelligence of hero X)

Minor but somewhat neccessary things to point out:

-Why do you learn your spells from turtles,sheeps etc etc?........lol wtf

-Your spell descriptions are quite wierd. For example (spell does..blah blah blah and targets take less damage). Im quite sure you meant little and not less.


Spell suggestion:

-Earthshield(taken from world of warcraft): When cast on an allied unit, the shield heals target for x amount when the target gets hit. The shield cannot heal the target more then once every e.g 5seconds. After healing for 4 times the shield vanishes.


Thats all i can think of for now. Hope you find my suggestions constructive and i look forward to seeing your reply.

By the way i really think my tower idea rocks!! i wanna see it in the game!



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
-Why do you learn your spells from turtles,sheeps etc etc?........lol wtf
I wanted something neutral. So I chose animals ^^

-2 new arenas
-about 86 spells
-and many more ^^
-new loadingscreen from CrazyRussian

This up-date was my biggest up-date atm. I hope you will like it.

Here it is: my new version 1.11. I changed a lot of things and I added some new spells etc. I hope you will like the up-date.
@with-u-din: I couldn't add your arena idea cause it didn't work. When you loose the flag in water, you never cann't get it back.
Level 1
Jun 6, 2009
Nice to see alot of cool changes. Items look cool, though I haven't tried them yet.

I played the special map. It looks so weird when its zoom over the middle of the other maps in the mini-map. So maybe make the whole mini-map black?

About my own arena, you can change things if necessary. Like instead of a boat river, just make it a wall-past river.

Also you typo my name in the credits... its wth-u-doin not with-u-din
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Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Man, this is getting me sick! I hosted my map several times on batlle.net and people joined. But once they saw they were loosing or their hero died, they left. It's not my fault, of course, but it makes me really sick :sad:

Anyway, I changed some things making the game easier to play/understand. In 1.14, the message informing about a leaving player shows from now on "Player
X (East) left the game" or "Player X (West) left the game). Heroes do not revive anymore, when their player left the game. A lot of balancing was made.
And now I am working on a duel system, making two players duel in a special arena. But this won't appear in 1.14.

An AI? This will be very hard to create and I have absolutly no idea how to male something like that! If anybody is interested in my map and really knows how to create a bad-ass AI, just pm me ^^

Level 2
May 25, 2009
experienced war3 error, shutting down my warcraft 3.
sometimes host can't choose at initialization.



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
experienced war3 error, shutting down my warcraft 3.
sometimes host can't choose at initialization.

I hope I removed that initialization bug. But concerning the other bug with the "expierenced war3 error" (!), I had seen this one, too, but I thought that it was due to a spell I tested and that I didn't add in the final version. Strange...

However, here's the latest version :grin:

-92 spells
-1 new spell (Static Clouds)
-"-repick" added
-some balancing
Level 4
Jun 4, 2006
This looks really fun. Custom hero maps are among my favorites. Sadly, of some reason I cant log in to my native B.net server and even tho I can host I dont think its a good idea hosting maps playing on other servers due to high latency >_<.
I will however download it and check it out.

Edit: one Solution to the flag problem could be to replace the item with maybe a trigger vaule that determines the carrier of the flag, and one ability that can be used on frienly heroes to give the flag to that player. Preferably an ability that only shows up when you are carrying the flag.
Level 1
Jun 6, 2009
Wow, time has really gone by fast. I played this 10 months ago... but it seems like a few days ago. This map was really fun, if the creator still comes to this site, you should really take up this map again.

My top 2 CTF maps!



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Wow, time has really gone by fast. I played this 10 months ago... but it seems like a few days ago. This map was really fun, if the creator still comes to this site, you should really take up this map again.

My top 2 CTF maps!

funny to see that some people are still interested in my map. That's really nice of you! Unfortunatly I had so much things to do for university and bla bla that I hadn't time for mapping for several months. Anyway, for some weeks, I have worked on a new map (AoS), that, btw, I will put on THW by the end of juin (publicity! ^^). And therefore, I will give up this CTF map. Unfortunatly.

@Wth-u-doin: I remember you and your being interested in helping me. If you are still interested, send me a message. I will send you an unprotected version of 1.14, if you want me to do.

Level 2
Jan 18, 2010
wow, maps awsome. Heaps of heros with advantages and disadvantages and heaps of differant spells and play areas.

could you make an ai for offline?
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