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"Click panels in your selected order.
Items you click will grow and grow with each turn.
You will complete the game when all panels' level is max.
They effect each other as they grow.
So you have to think about the clicking order."



What can I find in Grow?

• A short relaxing game
• A logically challenging game
• 120 various combinations!
• Sounds and music from original Grow games
• Ingame menu (New!)

• Percentual score
• Three secret endings (New!)

• Another alternative way to use Warcraft III


Grow Leveled Up!

• New terrain
• Ingame menu
• Two new secret endings
• Loading screen
• A few new features
...a lot of little improvements.


Grow is a simple game, which you play by choosing single elements in a particular order. In each level, the elements grow and naturaly level up - and interfere with the others.


The goal is to bring your "virtual garden" to perfection. It can take a few tries... or lots of rage and frustration.
Are you ready to take the challenge?


Loading Screen






Note: The map is fully in English, only my W3 user interface is Czech, sorry for that. :)

Youtube Trailer (New!)

My gratitude belongs to Czech www.wc3kampan.cz forum, for all the support and fun over the years.

All the credits for the concept and the name belong to amazing japanese project Eyezmaze, which inspired me a lot.

Try those, the original Grow games:

Grow Island

Grow Cube

Grow RPG

Grow, Warcraft, Eyezmaze, Mini, Game, Awesome, Japanese, Level, Island, Mysterious, Magic, Relax, Logic, Logical, Mini-Game,

Grow (Map)

23:07, 17th Oct 2014 Orcnet: It took me a while to understand the game value of the said Grow games, its very much a slight resemblance to the idealism of Visual Novels or its prime source of game point known as the "decision making" type of...




23:07, 17th Oct 2014


It took me a while to understand the game value of the said Grow games, its very much a slight resemblance to the idealism of Visual Novels or its prime source of game point known as the "decision making" type of games, where picking an option could lead on a different path worth different endings, and this one bites the concept a lot.

The game play is simple, pick a button and least to win the 100% challenge of the map, it can be tiresome but the game replay value is really nice. You might want to add little sub-variations to the game to enhance it.

Terrain however could atleast given a massive intake due to the small size of the view it has, given it you have more micro management to the matter, I may suggest you could add grass, more rocks or any doodads t hat could make the view ever-lasting, somehow the horizon looks monotone, give in a cloud-like custom doodads to hid it and return replace a wonderful sight.

Overall, this mini-game is a recommended chart, a must for those who more chooses a casual map.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
It's a 10 minutes game (one game takes about 2 minutes), which you can play to relax... Or on the other hand, you can take it as a logical challenge and try to get 100% as quickly as you can!
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Level 10
Nov 16, 2012



+ [ Good ]
+ Every scene that something happen has a good grammar and correct spellings. Those grow or level up are perfectly made. The battle between the Archmage and the Darkness has a good special effects.
+ It's a good thing that you didn't let the map become flat. You raise some of them and mix some tiles.
+ The game needs a brain to complete. The salamander then there's a fire is a good idea. The fire salamander attack the human and the end of the game. That's a good idea to make every player hard to complete the game. All of the ending is good, you don't need to change them.
+ The music is nice to hear for me. They aren't annoying for me, somehow they are a nice idea.
+ The scoring looks working fine for me. Every triggers looks no leaks and working fine. You work hard for it and worth it.

- [ Bad ]
- The terrain looks like a little bit empty. Yeah, you raise some of the part of the map to make it not a little bit empty. But the terrain looks still nearly empty for me.
- The scoring system is working fine. But it looks like it's still a low percent for me. Like the Mage (Kael'Thas) that are died in fighting the Darkness. I got 54% I think, that's too low.

Suggestions -
- How about add some flowers ? Trees are not yet enough to make the terrain impressive. Add some grave yards, make the tile of the Darkness dark tiles.
- Increase the percentage or scoring system. But it's still your opinion, for me some of percents are too low.




Level 4
Sep 13, 2011

Many thanks for a good review!
Well, the map is not leakless - however, there are just a very few variables/leaks throughout the code - the bad stuff would be periodic events with leaks or something that occures a lot in the map - like spells. There is no possibility that those few not removed variables could slow the game at any rate.
Both suggestions are something I've been already thinking about.
• The terrain - it was actually supposed to be empty - somehow dissociating it from the classical
look of Warcraft III. But maybe it's true, maybe it's actually a bit unattractive, unpleasant to watch - for it is really totally empty. Gonna think about it, I could improve the terrain really easily.
• The score - I didn't choose how many it would show, actually it's something about 4,35 % for each level of anything. Maybe I could change it somehow, maybe make some of the elements more important - one level of them could increase the percentile for twice as many - or something like that.

Hope you enjoyed!
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Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
CamboStrike - thanks, Grow games always seemed very strange to me...
Well maybe that's why I loved them. :)

andreariona - thanks, the gameplay is actually very simple.
Just five mouse clicks... For all the people tired of a keyboard. ;)
Hope you enjoyed. :)
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Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Can you make more of this ? :p
Always loved Grow.

After 10 attempts I got -276% :)

Hey, I didn't expect the map to be so well received, thank you. :)
Actually, this map was supposed to be something like "ok, let's try if the concept works" and I was thinking about doing more of those... Not sure now, maybe I could make another one after some time, it's quite a fun to create Grow map. So my answer is: yea, it is surely possible.
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Level 6
Aug 2, 2013
If there is anything that makes me rage really hard its grow. It has always been a huge pain in the butt. Funny is that this one is even harder. After over 20 tries still no 100%, but in grow games i usually get 100% in about 5-10 tries, but the gameplay is cool. Triggers are working fine and cool surprising endings.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Nice map I see. I've played most of the Grow games on the internet but one in Warcraft is truly an original idea. Anyway, as all maps, this one has defects too:-

- The terrain looks really empty and you didn't use the tiles effectively. I see the main part made of grass tile only. The forest also is made of grass only. Next, the terrain strongly lacks of decorative doodads. No shurbs or bushes in the forest, no cattails or river rusher nearby the water, no skull piles and remains scorched in the part of the demons. To summarise everything, the terrain looks definitely empty and so it looks pretty bad
- The icon for the rock is passive while it could be into an active one
- No fog which would really have a good impact on players
- When any unit plays an animation, you do not reset its animation so it stays immobile like a statue

- The terrain requires a lot of enhancements, especially in terms of doodads. Add some shurbs, flowers, bushes, some logs to the forest. You could also try using Ashenvale trees for that part. For the main part, some river rushes, cattails and lily pads on water would be good. Applying some dark grass and grassy dirt would be cool too. For the demonic part, use skulls on sticks, skull piles, remains scorched and some blight as terrain. The part where the demons appear should have a doodad. I recommend using the Black Citadel's Runes, variation 1. It's a red circle and it suits really well
- Add a fog of a bright colour (preferably white) from Scenario ---> Map Options ---> Use Terrain Fog
- Here is the text to obtain an active icon for the rock ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNHardenedSkin.blp
- Make sure you reset the animation of any unit which plays an animation

In conclusion, I'd say this simple map is good and original. It is still a bit lacking but acceptable. Let's say I give it 2.5/5, rate 2 but vote for APPROVAL
Level 7
Feb 16, 2014
I played the original grow flash games (after reading about them here) and yours too. Haven't completed any. Yours latest was 94%. Interesting for mini map. But very small and once won then map completed in 1-2 min. I hope u can make many grow versions inside 1 map and ask users to choose which grow version they want to play and proceed accordingly.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
XanX: Maybe luck, maybe skill! Thanks :)

A Void: Thanks, I hope you enjoyed.
The terrain - I have literally no time for WE right now, but I'm gonna add some solid terrain in a few weeks, that's no problem. The sky - there is sky, isn't it? Or did I accidentaly reupload a version without a sky?

taavidude: Even harder? That pleases me. :)
Thanks for playing!

Shadow Fury: Thanks for a comprehensive review.
You basically say the horrible terrain ruins the map.
Ok, truth, gonna change it.
Thanks for lots of suggestions, especially the rune for the demonic part, that's a nice idea. Active icon for the rock - why not, thanks for the path. The animations - I know about it, I've already fixed a few I guess, gonna fix them all as soon as possible.

lokharke: Thanks for playing... more grow games in one map?
That's a cool idea... I was thinking about another grow map but that sounds really interesting...

Garylau: I hope you enjoyed the game and tried more endings. :)

Hold on guys, soon everything will be fixed!
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XanX: Maybe luck, maybe skill! Thanks :)

A Void: Thanks, I hope you enjoyed. The terrain - I have literally no time for WE right now, but I'm gonna add some solid terrain in a few weeks, that's no problem. The sky - there is sky, isn't it? Or did I accidentaly reupload a version without a sky?

taavidude: Even harder? That pleases me. :)
Thanks for playing!

Shadow Fury: Thanks for a comprehensive review.
You basically say the horrible terrain ruins the map.
Ok, truth, gonna change it.
Thanks for lots of suggestions, especially the rune for the demonic part, that's a nice idea. Active icon for the rock - why not, thanks for the path. The animations - I know about it, I've already fixed a few I guess, gonna fix them all as soon as possible.

lokharke: Thanks for playing... more grow games in one map? That's a cool idea... I was thinking about another grow map but that sounds really interesting...

Garylou: I hope you enjoyed the game and tried more endings. :)

Hold on guys, soon everything will be fixed!

The sky is normal, but I recommended to use one of my uploaded sky-boxes that I have in my resources. They are much more high-quality. It could improve the visuals/ feeling since the camera always seems to looks in the sky. You should also add more choices and more buttons, it will add-up to the repeatability. If you don't mind I could even help you out with making the terrain. :)
Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
XanX: Maybe luck, maybe skill! Thanks :)

A Void: Thanks, I hope you enjoyed. The terrain - I have literally no time for WE right now, but I'm gonna add some solid terrain in a few weeks, that's no problem. The sky - there is sky, isn't it? Or did I accidentaly reupload a version without a sky?

taavidude: Even harder? That pleases me. :)
Thanks for playing!

Shadow Fury: Thanks for a comprehensive review.
You basically say the horrible terrain ruins the map.
Ok, truth, gonna change it.
Thanks for lots of suggestions, especially the rune for the demonic part, that's a nice idea. Active icon for the rock - why not, thanks for the path. The animations - I know about it, I've already fixed a few I guess, gonna fix them all as soon as possible.

lokharke: Thanks for playing... more grow games in one map? That's a cool idea... I was thinking about another grow map but that sounds really interesting...

Garylou: I hope you enjoyed the game and tried more endings. :)

Hold on guys, soon everything will be fixed!

Okay , i will try more ending and told you all.
My name is GaryLau not GaryLou...
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
The sky is normal, but I recommended to use one of my uploaded sky-boxes that I have in my resources. They are much more high-quality. It could improve the visuals/ feeling since the camera always seems to looks in the sky. You should also add more choices and more buttons, it will add-up to the repeatability. If you don't mind I could even help you out with making the terrain. :)

I haven't had any time for editor (and THW) last weeks, however, I guess I should be able to handle the terrain myself (it's a work for a few minutes).
I'm really honored by your offer nonetheless.:) And I will definitely take a look on your sky-box, that sounds really great.
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Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
I test another way to get 100% , the way almost same just a little bit change.


Give u some suggestion:
1)Give a dialogue that RMK and Leave Game .
"Rmk"just remove all the thing and give selection to player .This way rmk more save time than go back to the loading screen and rmk.
"Leave Game" just kick the player.

2)Add more selection for player and more ending.
Some version of the "Grow" game have "Fire ending" or "Galaxy ending"

That's all
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Garylau: These are some really nice suggestions.
Well, ingame rmk is something that could be actually realizable... And very comfortable for the player...
Add more selections?
You mean the buttons? Well... it's already 120 combination, one another button would increase it to 720. That's really a lot and it would need another dozens of endings and combinations and conditions...
But I could make more of those alternative endings, that's true. :)
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Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
Gaarylau: These are some really nice suggestions. Well, ingame rmk is something that could be actually realizable... And very comfortable for the player...
Add more selections? You mean the buttons? Well... it's already 120 combination, one another button would increase it to 720. That's really a lot and it would need another dozens of endings and combinations and conditions...
But I could make more of those alternative endings, that's true. :)

Selection = Buttons .
One more thing to tell u , u can also add a "Undo" command or "Undo" Button for player so that while they click wrong , they can undo and choose again .
You say wrong my name again...
Selection = Buttons .
One more thing to tell u , u can also add a "Undo" command or "Undo" Button for player so that while they click wrong , they can undo and choose again .
You say wrong my name again...

thats terrible, undo button is a bad idea. players will abuse this and just click randomly each time they got it wrong. Wrong idea.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Garylau: Sorry, sorry... :D
Well, undo button...

It doesn't sound good to me. It could be a little bit more difficult to create but what really matters - it would make the game much easier... or you know, you'd be able to look to the future a bit each time, you wouldn't slowly learn from each game and it would lose something I guess.
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Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
Off-Topic: Can you post posting in different font and color? It is not advisable to do that. If a moderator or administrator sees this, you could get a reply about it to stop posting.

On-Topic: I agree with Ariagil, undo button removes much repeatability.

Opps , sorry . I will change font to default and colour to black .
That "Undo" is refer in all the "Grow" game , in all of the "Grow" game has the same function that "Undo" and "Reset".I just give for suggest only , if cannot , sorry for the suggest.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Garylau: Don't apologize for a suggestion! :)
It's never a bad thing, this time it helped me to realize which aspects of the game are important and should be improved.
Reset surely is in the Grow games, undo... I don't remember that button. Well, I guess it wasn't in all of them - and I didn't use it. That's why I don't recall that button, however, it would be actually too complicated for something that would possibly decrease the repeatability and maybe even degrade the game somehow.

Updated Grow is on the way!
A "Try Again" button was a really great idea.
It's already being implemented to the map - in the end and whenever you press esc, I've actually made kind of a little ingame menu.

More endings?
One or two new secret endings will be added... :)

Release Date: Saturday 23.8.2014
Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
Garylau: Don't apologize for a suggestion! :)
It's never a bad thing, this time it helped me to realize which aspects of the game are important and should be improved.
Reset surely is in the Grow games, undo... I don't remember that button. Well, I guess it wasn't in all of them - and I didn't use it. That's why I don't recall that button, however, it would be actually too complicated for something that would possibly decrease the repeatability and maybe even degrade the game somehow.

Updated Grow is on the way!
A "Try Again" button was a really great idea.
It's already being implemented to the map - in the end and whenever you press esc, I've actually made kind of a little ingame menu.

More endings?
One or two new secret endings will be added... :)

Release Date: Saturday 23.8.2014

Look forward to the next update.In next version , i will try my best to get the secret ending and try to check out all of the ending .:ogre_haosis:
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
PlankingWolf: I mean... uh, nevermind. :D

Garylau: The satanic ending had already been in the original version. :)
So there are still two new endings for you to be found.
And thanks, you found a second way to do it, I haven't realized it can be done this way. :D (altough it's very easy to find out when I know exactly which button needs which level - strange I haven't realized it)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
The update improved the map I see. However, updates bring new issues. I only found one small issue in this. When the footman goes to fight the powers of hell, the Dark Summoning effect is not destroyed and so it remains forever even when I retry.
Still, this won't stop me from raising my rating from 2/5 to 3/5, good job!
Level 7
Feb 28, 2014
I already get the way to break that 2 secret ending.



And the previous ending


1)Human-Demonic Level
2)Arcane-Demonic Level
3)Fire-Demonic Level
4)Stone-Demonic Level
5)Animal-Demonic Level

Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Nice little map.

Took my quite long to find all endings.

100% - Mage ending
Dragon - Orc Shaman ending
Holy - Paladin ending
Satan - Demon ending

i guess those are all, quite inspiring too be honest that a basic mechanic like this can deliver so well.

Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Shadow Fury: Thanks, gonna fix it!

Garylau: Congratulations! :)
I'm not really sure if this spoiler isn't inappropriate here but I will assume the players will play the map first and then look there afterwards.

A]mun: Thanks for playing, good job.
It's actually a very simple principal, just a lbunch of if conditions.
Don't forget to leave a rating. ;)