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grow tree spell help?

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Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
I know this seems like a noob question, but ive been working on making a grow tree spell for an hour now...

this is what ive got..

a unit begins casting an ability

ability being cast equal to plant seeds (dummy spell)

Destructible - Create a crops at (target point of ability being cast) facing random angle with scale 1 and variation 1

the spell does work, except one thing. I cant harvest the "crops" once the trigger spawns them. They appear to have no collision size and there not selectable. So I cannot target them with my peasant.

And when I place the same "crops" via world editor, the peasant can harvest it just fine.

and just for the info, the dummy spell for "plant seeds" is death and decay.
and the crops model is flowers variation 1, pathing texture mushrooms <base>.

basicly what im trying to do is make a farming system, so a peasant casts a spell, then a tree with the model file of flowers appears at the point of the cast. Then the peasent can harvest the tree...

for some reason its just not working for me. its weird.

what would be even better is if i make it so you can build trees with peasents, without the use of a spell. So trees would be units (not destructibles)
Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
already tried this. and it works fine yes, but when i make it so a dummy spell summons it, it isnt harvestable or clickable. and as ive said, when i place them in via map editor it works fine.
Level 6
May 1, 2009
Death and decay destroys trees, I think you should use a different base spell since that could be a problem.

Use a trigger to check the life of the doodad you're creating too, just to make sure they're actually alive.

If all else fails, you could make "crops" a unit/items that is created instead. You could have it so workers have a special spell that can only target them to harvest them, or in the case of items, have workers simply pick them up (like the system in Dark Deeds).
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
1.Okay make a Unit taht has the model
2. Put it on a builders to build list
3. Make a Doodad of it
4. make a trigger that look like this
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins construction
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Constructing structure)) Equal to Crop
    • Actions
      • Unit - Remove (Constructing structure) from the game
      • Destructible - Create a Crop at (Position of (Constructing structure)) facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
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