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Finaly Gilnea smain gate is created.Enjoy it,say if you olike i and if its good and useful.Thanks to all of you,Oh jesus iam really tired...:p credit sgoes to me...Enjoy it and enjoy it and say to all of worgens they civlizization si safe because they have now the bigges and safes gate in the wolrdof Azeroth...


GreymaneWall (Model)

17:43, 8th Nov 2009 DonDustin: I kinda like the idea of this gate, but I have a problem with its current quality, because you could also get a similar result with ingame doodads+gates. That`s why I suggest that you search for other textures which...




17:43, 8th Nov 2009
DonDustin: I kinda like the idea of this gate, but I have a problem with its current quality, because you could also get a similar result with ingame doodads+gates.

That`s why I suggest that you search for other textures which fit your concept, but which look much more high quality and detailed( the ones in the ui folder of the MPQs for example). Your model will become much more useful. :)

DonDustin: edit---->looks much better now, but I think you should try to decrease the file size because ~100kb is quite a lot.

DonDustin: changes made. Very high poly. That's why I suggest simply not to spam it in your map :>
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Its called Greymane Wall.
But it looks kinda bad, a bit not like in Cataclysm, and too much polies man.

You should do more freehand in it. Right now, I'll wait for you to make it better, until I put rating.
Also, you could add some animations to make it like a building, so there would be sence in downloading it.
Level 39
Feb 17, 2008
The most funny part is that i am sucha big idiot to say it is Gilneas :D if i say its a main gate of some village nobody will say its doesnt look like original..:D oh i will never do the same mistake again..Ok i will fix it in this week when i will have just a little time,coz you know chool and this craps takes some of your time...But thank for critis :thumbs_up: without you -modeling is boring
Level 39
Feb 17, 2008
Oh Damn!Your are right!Halloween is today isn it?! Oh my lord! I did a worgen model but i dont have it on this PC,crap that should be the best day for releasing :/ ...but i have to fix the gate first...I will fix it and i will change name,and after i will make new gate - and i will take some time for it -coz i want to make really Gilneas gate-like.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
Looks okay, I can't say much more than what has already been said but maybe some alternate deaths, like explosive or battering ram centered. Anyway, nice job.
Level 3
Oct 26, 2010
Good concept. I dont be downloading it now, but I'll add it to my bookmarks and wait until it improves (less size and open-close animations) Good work Sellenisko :)