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Goroth Empire

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Level 5
Mar 24, 2009
.:Hello!XxHunterkillerxX AKA Gromorion (US east) presents you a forged RP story about a empire from a map known to be Titan Land. Before you going to gonna comment let me tell you this. This story is not going to be done now at this time. I will change the thread at some time. So yeah enjoy:. /Gromorion


The Story of Goroth Empire
Chapter 1: The start (Year 0-450)
Cosmosis, the grand titan of the universe, created a land by asking Gaia, titan of eath to make the landscapes. He asked Hrundel, the titan of water to make water on the lands and asked the last known titan Gromorion, the titan of fire, to make mountains with volcanos. Everything started well and Cosmosis at the end created mortal races with clay. The known races were the humans, the orks and the drow elves. They were the most potential races of the nameless land. Everything went well. Cosmosis really cared about the humans so yes there was a group of humans that made economical towns. Humans do trading, crafting and diplomacy with each nation. However there were a group that cared about themselves and they are far more superior than the other nations. They call themselves the Blue empire. The blue empire made a big city at the heart of the land. So at that time they were the peacekeepers of the land. But there was also another alike nation. And that empire is called Goroth empire. The goroth people don't believe on super natural being and they don't have any faith. The goroths are strong and intelligent and cared about science philosophy. They even crafted bad-designed bots but hey the bots works. So yes they goroths rarely do diplomacy and trading with the blue empire. But one day they were attacked by a group of bandits with the blue color on the armor. They even holded the blue empire banner. The goroth leader, known to be called Sarion Gorgorothar, was not happy about it. So the empires were at war. Blue empire lost a lot of men and so did the Goroth empire. There were no peace for the great empires. Great wars were raging for years to come.

Chapter 2: Corruption (Year 451-700)
At this rate the blue empire lost 22% of the population and Goroth empire 34% after all the wars. But they have finaly decided to go at peace... although Sarion Gorgorothar the Vll have a great grudge with the blue empire. One day, for like 4 years after the long wars, a group of friendly orks visited Goroth empire. They asked the emperor if they can be mercenaries for the Goroth empire. Sarion accepted their offer and so they became. The orks did deeds for the Goroth empire and as a return the mercenary leader also known for having no name asked the emperor to have the comrade's families at Goroth's empire. Sarion Gorgorothar the Vll accepted. Years to come the population with orkish mercenaries were increased and the Goroth empire had 75% humans and 25% orks. Orks worships greatly the titans. These mercenary orks worshipped titan Gromorion. But Sarion Gorgorothar Vll knew that the orks slowly corrupted the human-beloved empire. So the empire went war with the orks. Yet the orks had Gromorion's magic on their mortal hands and corrupted the humans. The goroth humans didn't die. They became the undead of the world. However they were able to fight on and murdered the orkish mercenaries. At this rate they lost their strength so they was going to become a religious empire, worshipping Gromorion for a unknown purpose.

Chapter 3: The cataclysm (701-1000)
Now that the Goroth empire is corrupted now they doing raids on small towns and empires for resources. The resources goes straight for Gromorion statues and sacrifices. Blue empire didn't liked it and started to attack Goroth empire with force. Goroth empire was ready for this to come and used the same magic the orks did with them and turned the blue empire army into the undead. The undead don't wanna join the Goroths so they ran away. And that was 15% of the blue empire's force. It is unknown what they call themselves now but rumors says that they serve Deathor, a great lord of dark magic, at the corner of the world.
Deathor was suprised and visited the Goroth empire. Deathor was impressed and offered alliance with the Goroth empire. The followers of Deathor didn't liked it but before Deathor accepted the followers he boosted power for the undead leader of Goroth empire. Power for summoning Gromorion himself into the mortal world. The goroth emperor summoned Gromorion with the dark magic. And it worked. When Gromorion was summoned he went insane but still remained calm when he was on the surface on the land. The goroth emperor asked the great titan to destroy blue empire's city. Gromorion accepted the command and started to create volcanos on the grand city. Many people died yet there was some survivors yet including the loyal family of the blue empire. Gromorion, however, didn't go back. He was too insane and started to destroy lands instead. The neutral city, known as Terethar, was the first target. He used Osoresai, Gromorion's hammer, to bash the city of Terethar and Gromorion created one long and one short lava scar that gonna last forever people believe and he summoned meteorites that destroys the land. Cosmosis sensed Gromorion's action and teleported to Gromorion. Cosmosis and his fellow titans tried to ask Gromorion to stop but Gromorion's sanity is loss and went fight with the titans. He injured Gaia but Cosmosis and Hrundel fights Gromorion and at the end Gromorion was defeated. Cosmosis personally putted Gromorion in Cosmosis's eternal prison which resides at Cosmosis's sanctuary. And as for the Goroth empire they survived from the cataclysm. Drowelves can't die because they are immune to most spells, orks died the most and the humans fight on the new monster creatures that has been created during the era of the cataclysm.

Chapter 4: A new world (1000-1010) [Last]
Ten years after the end of the cataclysm the titans restored slowly the world's balance and new world were made. They refilled most of the scars that Gromorion have caused and theres water now on the scars, meteorite shards has been removed and everything will be back to normal except for the new race known as the undead. Yet the world is not safe yet. Gromorion mindcontrol clans and tribes to worship him, he command them to recruit all races for their factions to get Gromorion back to the mortal world. In addition Gromorion have asked the mortals to paint blood that symbolies demonic runes and that's a mystery for everyone that don't follow Gromorion's mind controlling. What will the future hold for Cosmosis work? Will the end of the world come for everyone or will heroes from the remaining races find out the mystery of everything? We will wait and see.

-Objective for the doing-
Right now there is a Titan Land - Cataclysm going on. I'm doing a remake of Andy2Win and Slick's vision of Titan land. The following, normal races are

Humans - Human (Normal humans with normal skins and so.)

Orks - Orc (Small, green men with long ears. Looks like goblins but the orks have yellow skin.)

Undeads - Undead (Instead of caster's magic is necromancy the undead does demonology instead and fire magic.)

Drow Elves - Night Elves (Permanently casts shadowspells and enchants the arrows with dark magic. However they are not religious.)
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