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Get involved in a campain

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Level 4
Sep 1, 2004
hay guys.
I know how to skin but I do not have the skills or programs for modeling.
I was wondering if any one out there is intderested in helping me with my new campain by making a few models.

What I need is:

1. A Raider model with a troll head and a pike or spear. I need the wolf head to be shortend a little and the tail thined out to look more like a lizzard.

2. A Troll Shadow Priest with a wooden mask (like original shadow hunter) and a new cool looking staff.
Also i would like it if his eyes were glowing (also like shadow hunter).

3. Any cool modifications done to the troll house creep building or Shadow lodge.

4. A cool lokking troll alter

(*NOTE: i do not desperatly need numbers 3 and 4 but would greatly apresiate it if they were done.)

If any one whant to help that would be fantastic and would get a place in my credits and heart.
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