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General map-related survey

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Level 8
Nov 5, 2005
This is just a quick survey to see what people in the public think of different map ideas, genres etc.

1) Out of the TDs you've played, what was the most entertaining?

2) What made this TD stand out above the others?

3) DoTA, is it getting old?

4) What ruins a map for you (even if everything else is fine)?

5) If you make maps, do peoples comments make you change the map?

6) Are single player maps higher quality than multiplayer?

7) Is pure combat better than something that makes you progress slowly?

8) If warcraft 3 had a fifth playable race (naga was more of a subrace) what would you like it to be?

9) Is it better to be challenged than to finish maps with ease?

10) If you could play maps over 4 megs on the net, would you be willing to wait throug the load time?

Thank you for taking the survey (assuming you did take it)
Level 22
May 11, 2004
1) Out of the TDs you've played, what was the most entertaining?

Probably Skibi Castle TD and Naga TD

2) What made this TD stand out above the others?

They were not poorly done

3) DoTA, is it getting old?

Getting old? Its been old. Modly sort of old. The kind that needs to be put in the trash and taken out.

4) What ruins a map for you (even if everything else is fine)?

Multiplayer-only functions and no terraining.

6) Are single player maps higher quality than multiplayer?

Really depends on the author, but its seems frequently so, since there is no limit to how much added material can be imported to spice things up. But to make a quality map without the use of any imports is a talent of its own.

7) Is pure combat better than something that makes you progress slowly?

For b-net purposes, faster maps are nicer (in my opinion). However, LAN maps are nice if they are long.

If warcraft 3 had a fifth playable race (naga was more of a subrace) what would you like it to be?

Naga :?

9) Is it better to be challenged than to finish maps with ease?

The outcome is whats most important. If you can push out a quality map and still have it be made with ease, then more power to you.

10) If you could play maps over 4 megs on the net, would you be willing to wait throug the load time?

Depends if the wait is worth it. If its a junk map that just happens to have 20 megs of imported songs into it....

1) Out of the TDs you've played, what was the most entertaining?

Lasers & Rockets TD.

2) What made this TD stand out above the others?

Very original towers combined with cool models and a neat minigame in the middle of the map! Also nicely balanced...

3) DoTA, is it getting old?

Not really.

4) What ruins a map for you (even if everything else is fine)?

Bad grammar and crappy terrain.

5) If you make maps, do peoples comments make you change the map?

Depends what comments I get.

6) Are single player maps higher quality than multiplayer?

I never play single player maps, I find it very boring.

7) Is pure combat better than something that makes you progress slowly?

Depends on the map itself.

8) If warcraft 3 had a fifth playable race (naga was more of a subrace) what would you like it to be?

A alliance of Ogres 8)

9) Is it better to be challenged than to finish maps with ease?

Depends which type of map your making and how advanced you are with working with that type of map.

10) If you could play maps over 4 megs on the net, would you be willing to wait throug the load time?

I never download maps over BNet.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
1) Out of the TDs you've played, what was the most entertaining?

Wet TD

2) What made this TD stand out above the others?

Interesting tower system unique path aragement and good teraine with a required team work.

3) DoTA, is it getting old?

YES its very old and dull and a waste of time playing a simple laned map with crap spell and cheap heros, people should much rather play EotA

4) What ruins a map for you (even if everything else is fine)?

Leakage, bad triggering, Imbalences, lack of AI, unessary cinimatics, stupid NO SP kick when playing single player, bugs, bad terain.

5) If you make maps, do peoples comments make you change the map?

Im making a map and its not finished yet.
Once it is I will change my map to a degree if people comment for the change and only if I agree for it.

6) Are single player maps higher quality than multiplayer?

not realy there are sucky SP maps and sucky MP maps.

7) Is pure combat better than something that makes you progress slowly?

I prefer slow complex and well made maps over fast "bloody" maps.

If warcraft 3 had a fifth playable race (naga was more of a subrace) what would you like it to be?

One word. . . "Dragons".

9) Is it better to be challenged than to finish maps with ease?

I prefer maps that require a level of team work to win over maps where one can win solo.

10) If you could play maps over 4 megs on the net, would you be willing to wait throug the load time?

Yes if it was a well known good map. No if it is a new or sucky map chain like LOAP.
Level 3
Feb 13, 2006
1) Out of the TDs you've played, what was the most entertaining?

I like the Bayus Firestorm TD

2) What made this TD stand out above the others?

It had a very different system of playing.

3) DoTA, is it getting old?

Yes. I'm tired of it drowning out the better maps.

4) What ruins a map for you (even if everything else is fine)?

Biggest thing: really bad spelling. Not just a typo, but really really bad spelling.

5) If you make maps, do peoples comments make you change the map?

Yes and no. If a lot of then agree on something (in different tests) then I'll absolutly consider adding or changing it.

6) Are single player maps higher quality than multiplayer?

I think so, but I like playing with people.

7) Is pure combat better than something that makes you progress slowly?


8) If warcraft 3 had a fifth playable race (naga was more of a subrace) what would you like it to be?


9) Is it better to be challenged than to finish maps with ease?

I like maps that challenge me to not play halfway, but I like non-impossible maps.

10) If you could play maps over 4 megs on the net, would you be willing to wait throug the load time?

It'd depend on the map. If the game was only going to be 30 minutes long, then 90-120 seconds seems reasonable. But if it's a 2-hr + game that doesn't lag, I'll wait 5 minutes, or maybe even more if I love playing it.
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