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Game Cache and implementations

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I need some clarification on the game cache and how implementations to a campaign (read: expansions) can work together.

Let's say I have a campaign and I save a lot of data between maps. This could be hero level, the position of NPCs, whether or not a building in a map has been entered and so on.

Now the question:
I want to expand the campaign with a few new maps but I don't want the player to start all over with the campaign (this could actually also accord for fixes on certain existing maps in the campaign).
Due to all data is already saved in the game cache isn't it possible to just add those new maps/fixes and simply load the already stored data in the game cache and move on?

If true, are there any issues I should be aware of?
Yes, but you need to make sure all object data is the same across maps.

Right. I only use the campaign object manager so that will not be a problem.
A concern of mine is that while all the data is saved, won't I run into problems if the map the player's current save is attached to gets altered/fixed?
If the data get's altered, it might have problems... that is if you alter any of the already saved data... but adding new data shouldn't be a problem...

Hmm so fixes like fx. moving a house in a map would cause a problem if the current save is located in that map. That kinda rules out all small map fixes in general.
Unless I can circumvent it somehow?

But for adding new maps. That sounds like it completely possible.
Changing positions of objects? I don't think it will cause a problem... only data that you save in the cache will be affected... like if for example, Thor's Hammer weapon is already saved in the cache, then you changed it into Ban Hammer, then when the player loads, he will now have Ban Hammer instead of Thor's Hammer... so oh well, it's a bit troublesome to the player
That is if you use the normal save method, it's not a GC problem... The normal save method checks the map's internal version... Even saving a game, then open the map on WE and hit save button on WE without editing will render the old save useless... Frankly, the default save/load system cannot be utilized for maps that updates...

Since you're using GC, why not go all the way and make the user save/load using the GC too?
That is if you use the normal save method, it's not a GC problem... The normal save method checks the map's internal version... Even saving a game, then open the map on WE and hit save button on WE without editing will render the old save useless... Frankly, the default save/load system cannot be utilized for maps that updates...

Since you're using GC, why not go all the way and make the user save/load using the GC too?

Now that is a pretty neat idea.
I will look into ways of doing so when more present matters have been accounted for.
Thanks for the answers so far.
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