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Footman16's Custom Races

This pack is just a gathering of all my custom race maps. More might be added but the Fel Horde will be my last for a little while.

Each map can be downloaded individually

Blood Elves - Very powerful magics but weak when used in a full out fist fight without tactics.
High Elves - Very powerful magics and good at ambushes whilst it's melee units distract the enemy.
Dwarves - Their sturdy constructs and enhanced defences allow their units to win any war of attrition.
Fel Orcs - Can kill any enemy quickly with little damage to themselves. Weak to magics and versatile forces.
Scarlet Crusade - Can decimate Undead very easily but find it hard to fight against non Undead enemies.


WoW, Blood Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Fel Horde, Orcs, Fel Orcs, Warcraft 3, Warcraft Races, Custom Races
21:05, 10th Apr 2014 PurgeandFire: Approved.
Draenei is on hold until a full list of fitting building models can be found. Me and sellenisko had a long conversation about his models and I'm excited to wait for his finished products I won't give the full details of the conversation in case for his sake but maybe sometime later this year we'll see the Draenei.

Some other ideas I was playing around with was full Orc tech tree or ancient, with which I had a brilliant concept I would want to implement.
Level 16
May 25, 2004
yes, while custom race maps are nice, I find often people lack the balance of their new race to the original races, and unless they make 4 custom races, or simply balance one race.. its not enjoyable since while they new race is cool, and the new race is fresh, it's not balanced and can easily overpower the old races.

I like how footman16 Polishes thier race before releasing them. I do have high hopes to see them all in one map one day
It's funny you mention that, one thing that helps me is that, I work on the original concepts of the Blizzard races and mix it up a little.

Right now what I'm doing is remaking the High Elves (again for the fourth? Fifth time?) as the Hero abilities are really poor, it was my first map after all, and after looking at the rest of my maps I want them all to be of equal quality.

Another thing I am working on right now is totally reworking the four races into four unique races with all custom lore and play styles. I have ideas for two of them and one is very far on in development.
Level 16
May 25, 2004
It's funny you mention that, one thing that helps me is that, I work on the original concepts of the Blizzard races and mix it up a little.

Right now what I'm doing is remaking the High Elves (again for the fourth? Fifth time?) as the Hero abilities are really poor, it was my first map after all, and after looking at the rest of my maps I want them all to be of equal quality.

Another thing I am working on right now is totally reworking the four races into four unique races with all custom lore and play styles. I have ideas for two of them and one is very far on in development.
I still play regular melee (for fun) if you need balance tester, let me know.
I would LOVE to do that for ya
Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
It's funny you mention that, one thing that helps me is that, I work on the original concepts of the Blizzard races and mix it up a little.

Right now what I'm doing is remaking the High Elves (again for the fourth? Fifth time?) as the Hero abilities are really poor, it was my first map after all, and after looking at the rest of my maps I want them all to be of equal quality.

Another thing I am working on right now is totally reworking the four races into four unique races with all custom lore and play styles. I have ideas for two of them and one is very far on in development.

btw you still doing alternate melee maps or are y making a pause right now ?