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FlightSim 1.5

This is my Flight Simulator.

It is not meant as an arcade game or anything like that, it's really more a simulation.

Just try it. Movement bases on physical simulation.

This video is recorded in an earlier version:

And here's a newer one:

Curent Features:
the updated main engine (friction surfaces, thrust vectoring, 3d-rotation, angular+linear velocity, inertia, ground collision), landing gears, stalling, bullets, missiles, bombs, flares, wind, air brakes, interface, precise bullet/missile/bomb/flare collision, simulated engine sound (using doppler and sound delay effects), simple ai and multiple camera settings.

Current vehicles:
F22, MiG29, A10, B2, Bf109, Cobra (Helicopter), Destroyer (Ship) and a Transport Aircraft

The map does not have any given tasks, however, you can easily challange yourself, just try to land an aircraft, that should be difficult enough in the beginning^^ try evading incoming missiles or hit your enemy with missiles... (add bots in the normal wc3 menu, but dont spam them!! On some computers a single ai may already be laggy, because all the physics have to be calculated twice)

It is probably impossible to play it online, theoretically it should be possible, however, due to lagg it would be hard to control.

Damage is disabled in this version due to fun reasons.

Have fun playing around with it!

FlightSim, Flight Simulator, Aircraft

FlightSim 1.5 (Map)

12:57, 15th Nov 2009 ap0calypse: Approved Not suitable for a game, but a very realistic simulator. Even though it is a system, it is still playable and there is an AI, making it a map as well (so it does suit this section).




12:57, 15th Nov 2009
ap0calypse: Approved

Not suitable for a game, but a very realistic simulator.
Even though it is a system, it is still playable and there is an AI, making it a map as well (so it does suit this section).
Level 4
May 25, 2009
Nice idea but still need improvements.
The first time i played something happned and i got massive messages saying something for ID (can't remember).I have played Flight Simulator games and i know but they work, but how can you make the airplane go up or down? there is only a speed increase and decrease.
I am going to post more comments when i have more time

I saw the video.............JUST IMBA!!!!!!

Add the video here istead of giving a non-clickable link or just make the link clickable

Is this map hostable , i mean can other players play?
Level 10
May 26, 2005
dont know whether it can be played online... its a bit laggy, thus requiring even more skill to fly the planes... so i doubt its playable online well

you can take off by pressing W like three times, and then using arrow keys (did not mention that anywhere, true :D )

so accelerate, and press the down key to take off

Unable to allocate ID for bla probably... Hm... That means my script has a leak somewhere (a struct leak)

EDIT: Which plane did you have? and were you standing on the ground?

and: did you remember the struct name? Either vector, or quaternion or matrix are the most likely ones.

EDIT2: I found a single vector leak... One vector per bullet/missile fired... You did not fire 8192 bullets/missiles, did you?^^ or ai? uploaded the fixed version

EDIT3: ah, got an idea: How many AI planes did you use? maybe it was too much for the code so the code stopped executing and did not reach to the vector destruction part... I will test this tomorrow
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Level 4
May 25, 2009
Y that was the problem: unable to allocate.....
I had the starting plane (don't know its name) and i was at the air flying , but i remember that i crushed on water, then spammed Reset a few times :D and then got the error. That was the first time and i put full house so the error didn't happen bcs of the spammy bullets/missiles but from the bots.
I am not sure but i think it was the Vector error
Level 10
May 26, 2005

(do not play full house^^ the maximum players i tested it with was 4, and performance is already lower than normal. Its best to try with only one player or 2)

probably the bots did spam bullets / missiles. However, I will either reduce the maximum player count or fix that problem for many players. or both.
Level 4
May 25, 2009
For some uknown reasons the plane can't stay at the same high all the time.The machine just gives it power to go forward but there is nothing to let it fly really , it always falls down and u have to make it go up again.I mean you have to spamm the up arrow key if u want your plane go forward if u don't, it will go down with a small angle.

AIs are something like enemies right? Red plaeyr should be able to attack(missile) them but you can't see them anywhere and if im right they are behind all the time and just hunting u

This map is for 1 person only or others can join too?
Level 10
May 26, 2005
the plane does not fly straigt forward? yes, but thats what planes act like. you have to fix that by hand. (using the height rudders - up/down keys)

did you retract the landing gears? they add friction to the plane under the center of mass -> they rotate the plane downwards.

Red is able to attack them, just slow down and the AI will fly by and you will be able to attack it.
(why would the AI want to fly in front of you voluntarily?)

others can join, but they might have delay
Level 4
May 25, 2009
Have u played any Flight Simulator games?I mean the real good Flight Simulators like Microsoft Flight Simulator.If you find the perfect spot when you are flying on this game your plane can go forward without trying fix the angle or it's just don't falls so fast it goes so slow that it doesn't really matters.

About the AI i can just feel they are behing them but i can't see them.Minimap doesn't show them ,even with a hard to see colour

I am going to test it with a friend and see how it goes.

EDIT: done with testing ........ not really , i was on the airway and looking the airplanes.Finally i decide to start with the helicopter.I press W ultin power reaches 100% and wouala a nice blue screen of death (that's the way it's called)(im not sure if the blue screen was bcs of the map so don't take it personal).I am going to test again :D

EDIT:tested with a m8 again.Again blue screen(Only for host---->me).Played alone: everything were running smoothly

If u land somewhere(after your first take off) the ai will fall on the ground too
All the airplanes except the starting one have less than their full hp.
How do u know if your missiles hit an ai?
Water isn't visible at the minimap
And last thing, WTF is going on with the ship it falls to the sides if it is on ground or in the water
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Level 10
May 26, 2005
Microsoft Flight Simulator is no real flight simulator.
Do you know X-Plane? thats a flight simulator. Microsoft Flight Simulator is more of a game.

You cannot see the AI? Theres an option to change the camera.

bluescreen? I did not know that this is possible with wc3... and makes no sense... so well, then play it single player.

the AI is no real AI, its just following you, so... it simply flies to the position where you are.

HP? why do you complain about that? I mean, nothing damages your plane or anything like that, the HP simply do not play a role.
And all planes start with full HP, just the maximum hp displayed by warcraft arent the maximum HP the planes have.

How do you know? Watch
Water is invisible on the minimap? yes, its custom water, could only make it visible with a custom minimap. Dont pay too much attention to the minimap.
Cant see the bot on the map? It has no icon.

The ship: doesnt fall to the sides, if you put it into water gently. However, the ship's physics need some work, thats true. (as helicopter and B2 probably need)
Level 4
May 25, 2009
Never heard of X-Plane can u explain me what it is and where i can find it?

Bluescreen can happen by warcraft , i had an almost same problem when i bought my new pc , every time i was opening warcraft i got a bluescreen

How do you know? Watch

Sucky answer , is there any way to tell that it hitted the target?

Even if they have full hp it's just look bad for the first airplane to have full hp(100/100) and the other to have less (50/1000, 78/200 etc)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
This simulator is as realistic as possible with warcraft and it is very stressfull for the game, so I never expect a game for this... it would just require too much memory.
When playing with 5 AI's, I've seen a lot of problems (Attempting to destroy a null struct of type: vector / double free of type: vector/matrix).

Of course, as I've said before: it requires a lot of memory to calculate the physics the way you have done it, so it's only normal that keeping 6 planes in the air stresses the game a lot.

I don't see any problems with the physics as they are now, I can only suggest to lower the amount of players (to 3-4, maximum), that should reduce a bit lag.

I've been testing and playing this for a while, never had a blue screen of death, the worst thing that happened was that I had to use the end-of-the-world-spell to close warcraft (when playing with 4-5 AI's).

I was succesful in driving the boat (from the moment it's correctly in the water, it's really easy), but it was so slow that I instantly switched to another plane.
The chopper is very hard in this version... the last version seemed easier for some reason.

All in all: very good work, but not suitable for a game.
Approved anyway.
Level 10
May 26, 2005
Updated it!

Version 1.1:

- Added assistance to make it much easier to control airplanes (especially permanent angular velocity is fixed by this)
- Added some effects
- Added a camera following your target all the time, making it easier to find it, and check whether your attack was successful

For all of you who thought that flying the planes as too difficult, this gives you a very nice improvement:
Assistance mode

its activated by default and can be turned off with ESC to get the old behaviour. You simply no longer control the rudders by hand, but a little script does this for you. For example, you press the Right-key, then the script tries to apply a rotation around the x-axis to the plane via rudders. if theres no key pressed, then the script will keep the currently pitch/yaw/roll angles, as long as its possible with the rudders.

Also, theres a new camera: it has your plane on the screen and the camera is pointing towards your enemy. it is available as soon as you fired any weapon targeting an enemy. this will be your target then.
Level 4
May 25, 2009
I got a blue screen again , but this time was on single player.
Don't know why it really happens

Now planes are easier to control (in the few minutes i played)
Level 10
May 26, 2005
yeah, i dont know :D that happened to me, too... often... ^^ but did not know how to fix it... the destroyer starts to rotate too fast and then pushes itself... maybe the values for inertia are wrong or warcraft is simply unable to handle such big numbers (about 1 billion^^, and then in another step 1/1billion, i already changed something there, but dont know...) doesnt happen when the ship is slow... something about the friction surfaces, however, the only thing i changed there was that about stalling and the destroyer kept on going crazy when i disabled that part... (lift is now also dependent on the air flow parallel to the friction surface, no longer only perpendicular, using my own calculated formula :D )
EDIT: Checked it again, and disabled friction completely... the ship started to spin like crazy nevertheless... its about the transformation from angular velocity to angular momentum and back (which is done each step, because otherwise rotating the ship into one axis where it can be rotated easier wouldnt accelerate the rotation and vice versa) i will think about it, maybe simply reduce the inertia or calculate it differently
EDIT2: Instead of inverting the rotated inertia tensor I now rotate the inverted tensor... just a different order of operations, and it works better as far as i can tell, not perfect yet ^^

so better dont use the destroyer, or place it in the water VERY carefully... (when you play with the AI, they use the destroyer... and it works) its boring to swim around with it anways, becaue its so slow (normally^^)

by the way, heres a new demo video^^:

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Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
I love it when people "screw-around" with W3 and turn it into anything from 1st person shooters to flight-simulators. Reminds me of -Meatfactory-'s "Mecha Isle" in that way XD.
I wish the enemy air-craft or ship would be visible on the mini-map, but eh...I've got no other real complaints except for the visual aspect and over-all simplicity of the map. Nothing really "shinny" to violate my eyes with joy, but the ride was smooth and enjoyable!

Rating - 4.5/5 (*sniff*) +Rep!
Level 10
May 26, 2005
You like to see Warcraft used for something completely different? Maybe you should follow the links in my signature ;) (except for Battle Tanks) , though I'm not really working on that things any longer... combat zone would still need some work but could be worth a try for you, too... supreme commander is perfectly working
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
ummm no offeence hellgate, but its waaaayyy more complicated then that. You forgot that in pyshics, speed is not the only thing that moves something forward.

i bet a huge computer crash would occur. If you set your velocity to 0, and then you press the accelerate button....... it doesnt sound to nice. either you wouldnt move at all, or you would spin in circles. i guess
Level 10
May 26, 2005
actually it is as easy as that :p

call obj.vel.setXYZ(0,0,0)
call obj.angVel.setXYZ(0,0,0)

only the orientation could still be at a weird angle and that could cause some smaller problems (because inertia has to be rotated, too, but i think that isnt a problem if its wrong for a single timestep):

call obj.orient.setXYZW(0,0,0,1)

Some of you may know these notation from warcraft models, it really turned out to be useful for 3d rotations ;)

and maybe:

set obj.pos.z = 0

So its at water level


I wanted to keep that system as general as possible (for example class definitions can be done in one trigger only, even the elevator models, collision, physics simulation, thrust vectoring, nothing of that is included in the main loop, only in that class definition)
an "if" asking for the destroyer class would violate this principle^^

AND the ship's behaviour is a bug, and it should be fixed anyways... that would not be a real fix...

AND if you want to skip to another vehicle, then the ship stops your movement and your F22 will be at water level, not moving at all... ^^ annoying

and actually: speed (or velocity, thats the vector of speed) and angular velocity (rotation) are the only things moving an object. Forces acting on the object simply have an effect on those values, and sometimes a change in velocity can cause extreme forces... for example a plane increasing its fly height at an angle of 45 degrees, if you set the obj.vel.z = 0, then the angle of the plane would be wrong (by 45 degrees), and a plane moving with mach 1 with a pitch of 45 degrees... that isnt healthy ^^ though the speed was just reduced.

in some other cases its actually important that you do not set those variables, because maybe the speed is used to calculate the earliest time of collision with another object and uses a timout (thats the case for bullets in the flightsim), or some values depending on speed (like impulse) are used parallel (in the flightsim, they are recalculated before every step, so that would not be a problem)
Level 1
Dec 23, 2009
This is an amazing map and great idea what you should add is a compass type thing cuz using the map alone gets kind of hard
Level 5
Dec 16, 2007
There you go again Bob, with your crazy systems.
I have returned to War3, I can't wait to see your maps again.

I'll try this new version immediately!
Level 5
Dec 16, 2007
I love it nazgul,
Auto aiming machine guns! (AA boat time)
Missile systems!
3D physics!

Things that could be better:

How the bombs fall, They seem to accelerate when they have a lock, they should just be able to JUST slow down (not speed up, theres no thrusters on the bombs), and change direction.

Perhaps you could add more control over the AI? Allow us to choose their vehicles?

More ground vehicles? I know it's a flight sim, but why not add an AA battery or a SAM site? It'd add more use for the bombs.

Maybe you could add this system into Combat Zone. That would make it truly awesome.
Level 10
May 26, 2005
yeah, i noticed that with the bombs, however, they actually only change the direction...

but they are accelerated towards the ground, get faster, then change the direction and then also get faster in ohter directions than Z... probably need to reduce the possibility of bombs to aim, or alternatively increase the friction.

ground vehicles: main problem would be the scale. planes are quite big in reality. jeeps and so on are VERY small and slow compared to planes. another big problem is the camera: the camera eye cannot go any lower than the camera perspective at takeoff or landing.... that would be annoying for a SAM as you do not see anythin ^^ ego perspective coould work, but well... idea, costs time, and i have other projects (supcom, combat zone maybe) i would also like to work on, if at all, because it is very time-consuming... and i have better things to do maybe...

currently my laptop is being repaired anyways, so i am waiting and have no wc3 available.

put this into combat zone: yes, that was the initial idea... but it turned out to be way too laggy.
it would be a good idea to rewrite combat zone with my new knowledge, but not with the idea of creating a simulator, but with the idea of creating a clean, fun, non-lagging action game. The result could be great ^^ but time-consuming again...

thanks for feedback nevertheless, glad you liked it ;) (did you watch the videos? :p)

EDIT: ah, by the way, the auto-aiming for the guns and the better aiming of missiles (compared to combat zone and supcom): it is complicated to script, but not very cpu-heavy, so that would be a good idea to use for a possible combat zone update or combat zone 2. the physics are too heavy for the wc3 engine.... it would probably run witout any lag if it was coded as a stand-alone game. perhaps sc2 allows such codings, but till then something around combat zone is the best i can achieve without lag for more than 2 players.
Especially flight simulation and the very precise collision detection are responsible for it, that would not be necessary for something like combat zone. maybe 3d rotation would even be possible for something like cz, in an easy way....
However, cz allowed lots of bots without too much lag, would probably no longer be possible... i know some ways how to get some more performance out of cz which can be used for extra stuff, but i dont know whether its enough for 3d rotation (and especially using SetUnitPostion and SetUnitLookAt then, those are slow, well i dont have to move the inactive objects all the time... already developed an object-sleep system for a 2d physics map, did i show it to you?)
Level 5
Dec 16, 2007
Nazgul, We have a problem.

Your code is solid for SP, but however it's leaky for MP

Memory Leak when a player in a game with more than one player, enables AI control.

Desync when a player in a game with more than one player, when the host has a computer play added.

There is a buildup of LAG, the lag gradually become stronger the longer the game lasts, this only seems to occur in multi-player games.

If we can get a MP revision of this engine going, we're go to go for an implementation into CZ.
Level 10
May 26, 2005
I would not want to copy the code for a new CZ, i would rewrite most of it to fit the needs of an "action"-game and no simulation. so this bugs wont happen in a possible new version of cz.

About the problems of flightsim in multiplayer: cant check it right now....
but i remember that i used some code of which i thought it might cause desyncs and i just wanted to try it because it was much easier and with less lag (as long as it worked, the first tests made me think it works)
multiplayer leaks? hm they are quite unlikely, however, i noticed that once, too... well i did not know where to search for the bug and single player worked perfectly, so, as it is meant as single player originally, it was okay for me... i did not thought people might really want to play this online, because it lags, especially for more than 2 or 3 players...

maybe i will look at it when the laptop is back, but that isnt sure...

are you sure they are memory leaks? task manager shows a growth in ram usage? because my code does not create any handles at all ^^ (except for dummy units which *should* be recycled, not a single unit is destroyed in normal flight / fight, only when changing the plane, but destroying a unit correctly is no leak either, so... dont know)

a good idea would be to check whether it gets also laggy when both players are just resting somewhere with their planes, not using weapons... (because that creates units, effects and so on)

and what about same game time with human + ai?

ah guys, maybe i got it now? strings do leak... then its just that multiboard with the lot of different numbers (-> strings) changing often... disabling them temporarly would be worth a try, there are other possibilies (for example a leaderboard, the right column takes integers, not strings there, and i doubt the internal conversion to strings also leaks)

all other "leaks" would not lead to lag, but to error messages (could not allocate...), because i would be leaking structs

memory leak with ai control... hm, maybe the ai controls the rudders differently, flies differently and causes more string leaks? dont know ^^ or its because the ai fires rockets randomly across the map

that could all be found out by testing, BUT i dont know whether it would be worth it...

if i really decide to make a new CZ version, then there would not really be a need to fix the flightsim map, as single player would be enough... (however the string-thing is worth a try in any case, its not much work)

and: an implementation of this engine into cz.... not for 2-3 players... the cz engine should be capable of at least 12 vehicles at the same time (though it would be okay that 12 vehicles start to get a bit laggy)

i am already thinking of ways how to reduce lag: reduce collision precision, reduce simulation, maybe make ground vehicles use more or less 2d-physics, as in combat zone, im not even sure whether it would be a good idea to let aircrafts roll like in flightsim, or maybe use a flat ground again (easier for camera, easier for ground collision, easier for vehicles' placement and rotation, easier for the players to aim, possibility to use SetUnitX/Y instead of SetUnitPosition for aircrafts, and no need for GetLocationZ any longer, which is otherwise called up to 1000 times a second), "sleeping" objects when they are not moved is a good idea, too, slower physics framerate (and interpolation between the steps), calculating the minimum time a bullet would need to collide with the next object, and then stop checking for collisions for that time, maybe filter possible objects from the beginning, create bounding volumes for collision shapes, no 3d rotation (though that would be one of the main improvements), or maybe no 3d rotations for ground vehicles, but only for aircrafts (though maybe its even for an action game that the control is easy, helicopters would maybe be a bit difficult to control for example)

we will see

EDIT: by the way, the 2d physics: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=fadpoc
i dont have wc3, so i cant tell you the current properties set in the map, just try it...

EDIT2: got another idea!!! combat zone only used a flat terrain and was... well... okay...
and terrain height is the only thing you cannot easily change with scripts, SO, it would be possible to create random terrains when a flat ground is used :) random streets, buildings and so on, that would probably also be interesting, also interesting for me^^
Level 5
Dec 16, 2007
I just had a little idea about the scale. You wouldn't really need to worry about it.

Most radar guided missiles can attack aircraft from outside visual range.
And also, with the airplanes being THAT small, you still wouldn't have to worry about scale because them being that small simulates aircraft being at a HIGHER height, so to a ground player, an aircraft with your sizes in the game at 300m would look at a life-size aircraft (in game) at a higher elevation, possibly much higher, and with the aircraft small enough to disappear from view, it'll simulate the aircraft being more than 16km away, (gotta remember my unit conversions from English to metric here.), Being out of visual range, but missiles will still lock on, because radar missiles can engage outside of visual range. So you might not have as big of a scale problem as you think.
Level 10
May 26, 2005
ehm, i have that problem....

1: if the size is good for planes, then the size is way to big for ground vehicles, and they will never meet on the map.

2: with small scalings, aircrafts can fly high, yes, but the terrain looks ugly and edged.

3: with small scalings, the minimum distance of the camera from an object (100 units) would be like 200m instead of 10m, but having the camera 200m behind a soldier would net let you control it properly...

4: on the other hand, with normal scalings planes would not be able to fly as high...

5: with normal scalings sight range is quite limited for planes, because they are fast and would need to be able to look farther... (the fact that radar missiles still work doesnt mean that it would be fun to play this way... never seeing an enemy, just pressing the misle button)

for combat zone this would mean the relationship between the sizes would need to be wrong (as it is in current combat zone), and planes would have to be slower (maybe only WW2 planes and helicopters)
Level 10
May 26, 2005
3) set the camera position to the unit offset by x facting angle of "the unit" (sry i'm a triggerer ^^)

believe me or not, i know something about the wc3 editor... and i know how to place a camera....
its way more complicated than you describe, still easy with all the functions already written, BUT:

this isnt the problem, the problem is as said: theres a minimum distance of the camera to an object... to any object. every normally visible is no longer displayed when the camera comes close to it, it just cuts it.

maybe you know the FARZ constant? or fog? it limits the sight range... the minimum distance works the same way, except you cannot change it. its 100 wc3 units and anything nearer than this wont display
Level 10
May 26, 2005
My laptop is repaired. I would now be able to change something in the Flight Sim, in Combat Zone, in Supreme Commander, create a Combat Zone 2, create something else or simply stop working on anything related here. Maybe wait for Sc2.

How big is the demand for Combat Zone 2? I mean, it's quite a lot work and i don't want to start something and not finish it, so I ask this questions now.
- Aren't there enough multiplayer shooters / games like battlefield?
- What was so special about Combat Zone, what was the fun factor?
- Is there anything you miss in Warcraft 3? Any wishes / ideas for a cool map?
- Would you already be interested in a stand-alone game? (I think about learning another programming language and then start from scratch with a mate, however, multiplayer is always a problem then)

EDIT: My current idea is to move to a 2d physics game for wc3. but not from the side like in the demo. The physics are ready for all perspectives. My idea is to create something like G.T.A. 2.
I already got a quite nice terrain from combat zone, i got the skills to build a lag-free, mass-object 2d pysics engine and the wc3 graphics/interface does allow a 2d game quite well.
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Level 5
Dec 16, 2007
1 & 2. No, Combat zone had a system that made it unique, vehicles. Air vehicles especially. No other shooter has it. You should capitalize on it. I mean. And remember those soldier type suggestions i gave to you in Combat zone? Those would also make it unique in the fact that anything could counter anything, but you have to know how to use it.

3. I don't know, the high diversity in maps. How powerful the editor is for the time. Wc3 is essentially just an engine and the maps are the games!

4. Ohhhhh yes, If only my knowledge of Visual Basic (VB9 & VB10b2) could help.
Level 10
May 26, 2005
GTA with quite nice 2d physics...

As always, arrow key delay will probably kill it...
In GTA its probably possible to use a mouse control to move around, but still use the physics. Would you like something like that?

Really, i could just add that sniper aiming to combat zone... but... it would be a shame to release a map with such bad physics (from my "new" point of view ^^ i know way more about it than when i created combat zone)
Level 10
May 26, 2005
Heres some demonstration of the collision response.
however, doesnt really tell you whether the collision detection is very exact, but the fact that it does NOT tell you about it, tells you, that it actually isnt that important ;) (to be honest, it isnt thaaaaat precise :p but its enough so you won't notice mistakes in most cases)

Additionally, I added some kind of water (reflective blue surface), this is still to be improved (sky box isnt reflected yet), but pimps the appearance already :p

textures still missing...

the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jtj6elt8dw

if you are interested i could give you the GTA sourcecode, but you need some knowledge of how things work if you want to use it... i wont work on wc3 any longer.
maaaaybe an update for my supreme commander maps, fixing balancing issues, making the gameplay faster and applying some of my new skills :p

by the way, alle the models are made by myself, too. Maybe they are portable to warcraft in some way, at least the structure is similar (geosets, materials and so on), I can export them in many formats (including .obj, what is what i use and it seems to be easy to convert it to .mdl)
Level 10
May 26, 2005
What do you mean by the water is the same as the ground?

here's GTA (uses vJass): http://www.muenster.de/~mariusb/GTA.w3x
(link is not guaranteed to be working forever)

its sad that i stop working on wc3, yes, thats true... but the memory remains ;) its just... warcraft is not really efficient for doing things i wanted to do... like that flight simulator, accessing keys in general, building highly customized games... the only thing i really will be missing is pathfinding :( and maybe the UI.... but pathfinding algorithms are quite difficult to create (in tds you can see how well it works, with very long routes through the mazes... on the other hand they sometimes get stucked, but its still quite efficient)