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Feedback / General Questions

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Level 3
Jan 4, 2007
Download map.
Paste map into C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Campaigns\

Open Warcraft
Go to Single Player
Click Custom Campaign
Double click on pyrities adventure
Level 3
Nov 22, 2007
I Know the Song in the City!

I have not seen the Credits. And the Song in the Dragon City might be in the Credits. Anyways, i was watching Cartoon Network cause i was bored. And i found this Movie on there. I kept watching it. It was great.

Anyways, the Song is from: Spirit - Stallion of the Cimmaron. I heard it in the beginning of the Movie. Oh and the movie is great! :grin:
Level 12
Jun 22, 2006
Yeah for starcraft the instruments used and the tune of it just sounds pretty sci-fi at some point.

You might want to look for something more upbeat and less serious for the starting chapters before having more powerful music because the phases of your plot at the moment is much like LotR.
Level 1
Apr 15, 2008
I like this campaign a lot. but I have to say, the camera fixed on the player (or however the setting is called) is a serious pita. like, really, it's driving me nuts. It's very vexing to "navigate" in dragontown ( :wink: ), cause youre lacking overview, I kept walking (well, flying) in circles. really. I got hate attacks vers my keyboard :angry:, but it's too cool to get smashed. so, yeah. any possibility of it getting changed? :cute:

oh, and I never understood the pancake eating stuff. probably I'm noobish, but "mashing the arrow keys" is no very elaborate description. I only manage to eat pancake by accident, it seems, when I'm whacking my keyboard in any possible way... :huh:
I like this campaign a lot. but I have to say, the camera fixed on the player (or however the setting is called) is a serious pita. like, really, it's driving me nuts. It's very vexing to "navigate" in dragontown ( :wink: ), cause youre lacking overview, I kept walking (well, flying) in circles. really. I got hate attacks vers my keyboard :angry:, but it's too cool to get smashed. so, yeah. any possibility of it getting changed? :cute:
Well I did add some camera controls. Did you try using those?

I'd make the camera be overhead, but that doesn't work. All you see then is trees.

And this way is more realistic. If you were in that city, you wouldn't be able to suddenly fly up and see yourself from above, right?

oh, and I never understood the pancake eating stuff. probably I'm noobish, but "mashing the arrow keys" is no very elaborate description. I only manage to eat pancake by accident, it seems, when I'm whacking my keyboard in any possible way... :huh:
Everyone else seems to understand it. I made it as clear as possible without going into too much detail.
Level 1
Apr 15, 2008
yeah I did use the camera controls. still, probably just cause I'm more used to the other way (being able to look whereever you want to on the map without walking there), and the limits which are set (like offset and distance limits), I don't easily adapt to this kind of setting. whatever.

the pancake thing... it's been the same with the hot coffee mod in san andreas. you were told to push left and right arrow keys. but how? like, in sequence or at the same time? with pause in between or just repeatedly as fast as you can?
I probably make a fool of myself, but whatever. (I have a tendency to say that quite often, apparantly...)

sorry if I sound demanding or unfriendly, I'm not really adept in interhuman communication.
Level 7
Mar 16, 2008
I just found out i can move any npc in the game xD Its actually fun to make a wolf go against the fruit seller and be killed by towers Lol, you should fix that since i can actually move the food seller and all npcs, too bad i can't move buildings Lol.
This is where i put my villager, i was putting him in his place lol:

i messed with this ones too, justso you know i could walk aroung with the train and go to the wolves with it, i could also send innocent villagers to be killed

Look who it is!!
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Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Overall great first 2 chapters. 8.5/10. I think that when you're doing the wood collecting quest, I think it should be made more clear that to get the last 4 you have to go through the tunnel. I couldn't figure that part out for the life of me. Anyways good work.
Level 7
Mar 16, 2008
well yeah i actually kinda was walking around since before i actually was only missing 4 lumber i tried to go in there and it said had to finish my chores and so when i was only missing 4 wood i didn't try entering.
Level 1
Sep 4, 2008
I didn't get very far in it yet, I got stuck a few times... It's pretty buggy at points, but honestly? Some of the things done in it just seem impossible. You made a better use of the engine than blizzard did. :p I've always been a fan of adventure custom maps, and this one plays beautifully. I would suggest you give people a choice of camera angles somehow, and that you use less recognizable background music... ESPECIALLY for the campaign selection screen >.<

Oh, also, I can't find my mic right now but I'd love to contribute my voice to this. I can do a pretty good "cute" voice and with a bit of help from my audio editing program I could do a convincing "evil" voice. And on top of that, I'll no doubt be idly doodling the characters in flash for a while, I might post them...

Oh, and I ended up having to skip the first chapter because I couldn't get to the peices of wood outside the fence. using "iseedeadpeople" I could see the wood next to a cave but whenever I tried to go through the cave I wasn't allowed. Halp? D:
I would suggest you give people a choice of camera angles somehow, and that you use less recognizable background music... ESPECIALLY for the campaign selection screen >.<
I have various camera controls if that's what you mean.

Oh, also, I can't find my mic right now but I'd love to contribute my voice to this. I can do a pretty good "cute" voice and with a bit of help from my audio editing program I could do a convincing "evil" voice. And on top of that, I'll no doubt be idly doodling the characters in flash for a while, I might post them...
No thanks, I already have all the voices I need.
Level 1
Mar 30, 2008
Possible that I am just an idiot, but after chilling with the king of dragonthingymajig i went off to find this scorch cat that was mentioned to me yet I can't this cat anywhere, I think it is behind the wooden barricades but can't find my way past, is there some quest I need to do to get in there? is this a glitch? or am I just an idiot and cannot find my way in? or is it the wrong area? pretty sure I searched whole area but may have missed something

Peace and Love
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