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Errr help with a weird trigger...

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Level 3
Aug 10, 2004
I need to know how to make a trigger so that when a unit walks near a ward it is removed from the game completely I know how to remove the unit from game I just dont know the event and how to set the ward type and everything.



Level 5
Sep 11, 2004
hmm u can try the unit within range event... u might have to use variables or something to get the ward to be removed since a different unit is the entering unit though :? but if u really need it i can improvise a way... im not the best out there ya know :wink:



Level 5
Sep 11, 2004
Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Pink, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark,

whats with the pink lol
Level 3
Aug 10, 2004
Rad said:
Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Pink, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark, Dark,

whats with the pink lol

I dunno lol

Well anyway I was trying that unit thingy and stuff but I cant firgure oout how to make it so that that one specific unit is da ward... Ill keep playing with it and I'll figure it out I usually do
Level 7
Jul 30, 2004
i'm not sure i understood u correctly, when unitX walks near wardY, you want unitX to be removed from the game completely?

event - unit comes within 64.00 of WardY
cond - unit is equal to unitX
actions - remove (entering unit)

if the wards are created by trigger
create WardY at LocationZ
add event (unit comes within 64.00 of last created unit) to trigger RemovalTrig

if u want when unitX walks near wardY, remove wardY then u can use a periodical to check within the range of all wards every second or so (u have to remove mem leaks if u plan to do that way) or dynamically create regions around the wards and asign them to variable arrays (assuming u have more than 1) so u can index them correctly



Level 5
Sep 11, 2004
OOOOOOoooooooooooo ok!!! i guess i did... anyways i look over it now and i dont know wtf i was talking about i get it now lol
Level 3
Aug 10, 2004
I was wondering... I wanted it so that any unit would be removed from the game completely if they walked in the ward. So would it work If I took out unit = unitx would unit mean any unit??? I'll playy with it a little more and im sure i'll get it.
Level 5
Jul 11, 2004
XxDark_KingxX said:
I was wondering... I wanted it so that any unit would be removed from the game completely if they walked in the ward. So would it work If I took out unit = unitx would unit mean any unit??? I'll playy with it a little more and im sure i'll get it.

you want all units to be remove if they are near the Ward ? then dont need to Conditions just
Event unit within range,,,, action remove entering unit from the game...most of eazy triggers dont need variables just (event, conditions = if nessessary, and actions) also you dont need to play with it...:)
Level 3
Aug 10, 2004
wait... sorry I messed up I want enemys of the ward owner so I guess I could play with it a little more but if someone could help that'd be great

OH and one more thing 4 the unit comes within range how do I make the variable so I can make the wardY into that blank Ill play with it and hopefully I'll figure it out. thanks.
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