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Elite Shooters

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
this is my first map, is still in testing

is a war between Orcs and Marines

orc shooters have a first person camera

and must use your skill and aim to kill opponents

Marines just need to invade the enemy base, until all the orcs are eliminated,using skills,itens and teamwork.

elite, shooters, space orcs, marines,fps

Elite Shooters (Map)

17:33, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
First of all you should improve the description at Hive and add in-game one.
Secondly the terrain over the map is really poor. The fact that you made the "fortress(or smth)" look good doesn`t make the whole terrain to look so.
Also as orc shooting sucks. I have to press that damn 'm' and move with arrows and mouse at same time. You should make shooting when pressing right-klick on the mouse.
Also when I destroyed left leaver it showed 'right traps Di...' while the left one was disabled.
Also it`s kinda too easy and boring. You could make maybe some random waves at the castle, etc.

Improve it. So far I`d give it... I don`t really know... Maybe smth like 2/5.
Begin from improving the description.

EDIT: Also when as marine you get to the circle and do mirror image you are able to move it on the circle so it will score a point too.