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Elimination Tournament 2

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005

A tactical shooter map, best described as "Unreal Tournament in Warcraft 3".

ET2 Forums

Elimination Tournament 1

This map is heavily based off ET1, which was made by GaDDeN & iNfraNe.
Special thanks to them for opening up the series & to iNfraNe for granting me permission to continue on, making newer & improved versions.


  • 9 Guns/Weapons, granting a wide selection, all with their own unique mechanics.
  • 10 Add-Ons, fully complementing & enhancing your preferred game style.
  • 9 Gadgets, for spending all that hard earned gold on.
  • 8 Unique Arena's, allowing more diverse games.
  • Rematch & Rebalance features, to keep the game fun & entertaining.
  • End Multiboard, allowing you to compare & contrast your endgame statistics.

Latest Version

Change Log v2.9
  • Fortress, reworked, redesigned & overall improved quite a bit.
  • New Gun added, the Ion Cannon.
  • Guns are now classified into 3 categories, heavy, medium & light. Heavy takes -15 movement speed whilst Light grants +15 movement speed.
  • Minigun buffed. Damage is 12 up from 10.
  • Sniper Rifle buffed. Damage is 55 up from 50.
  • Missile Launcher buffed. Main damage is 40 up from 35, area damage is 25 up from 20 & flame damage is 5 per second up from 4.
  • Greatly improved the aiming/shooting when firing up/down cliffs. It is now alot simpler.
  • Boots buffed slightly. Movement speed 45 up from 40.
  • Fixed a big where it spawned way too many barrels on certain levels.
  • Barrels can no longer spawn inside spawn areas.
  • Added alittle blink effect on new barrels spawning.
  • Made explosive damage more 3-dimensional taking into account your height & overall distance.
  • Stim buffed. Lasts 2 seconds up from 1.5 & costs 15 health down from 20.
  • Tweaked the powerup colours.


  • ET2 v2.9.w3x
    990.2 KB · Views: 856
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Level 12
Jul 11, 2007
I personally think it would be best if you add vehicles. (testing it now, I know I loved the original)

EDIT: It's amazing! But it could use more maps and such. For example:

Guns: You could use some more weapons

Grappling hook- will pull units towards you to pull them into cliffs and can be used to maneuver you across the map.

Rifle- would be like the sniper except less damage, shorter range, and faster reload.

Grenade launcher- Will launch grenades at low angles and fast speeds

Rocket launcher- I've always wondered where the rocket launcher was in ET​

Game modes: The worst thing about ET1 is that there is only capture the flag, please try to not follow these footsteps. Try to add different game modes

Slayer- First team to acquire so many points

Eliminator- Would be a FFA where there is only one gun that is a one hit kill​

These are just examples of some things you could add to the game. But above adding all those things, you should add some Unreal tournament like vehicles. That would be cool.

I'll help or test if you ever need it.
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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
I still think you should change the minimap! :/

I always loved that preview pic.
In the future thou perhaps a new one, but it will have to be a very good one :p

I personally think it would be best if you add vehicles.

Heh, well maybe someday. Perhaps the steam tank or something.

Guns: You could use some more weapons

Grappling hook- will pull units towards you to pull them into cliffs and can be used to maneuver you across the map.

Rifle- would be like the sniper except less damage, shorter range, and faster reload.

Grenade launcher- Will launch grenades at low angles and fast speeds

Rocket launcher- I've always wondered where the rocket launcher was in ET

- Grappling Hook could be interesting, but perhaps a little awkward.
- For rifle, theres the Phase Pistol, it has a low range & low cooldown, try it out.
- Grenade Launcher, well in future versions each gun may get a secondary/alternative fire, so a launch grenade could go nicely on the Shrapnel Gun.
- Rocket Launcher, yes I'm keen on adding one but need some ideas on how it would work & what woudl make it unique.

Game modes: The worst thing about ET1 is that there is only capture the flag, please try to not follow these footsteps. Try to add different game modes

Slayer- First team to acquire so many points

Eliminator- Would be a FFA where there is only one gun that is a one hit kill

Yea I've added a Team Deathmatch Arena in next ver. Gave it a few tests already.
It works out quite well but is a little boring, so I'm hoping to add a little extra to make it more appealing.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
You should make some powerfull weapon which does after damage if you hit the unit or some lightning gun which slows/stuns/purges.

I personally think it would be best if you add vehicles.
Adding vehicles in a good way would be hard.

Game modes: The worst thing about ET1 is that there is only capture the flag, please try to not follow these footsteps. Try to add different game modes

Slayer- First team to acquire so many points

Eliminator- Would be a FFA where there is only one gun that is a one hit kill
I dont think there should be any games like deathmatch or ffa generally, theres really no meaning in mindless killing which doesnt require much strategy at all.
It would also end up with alot of camping and kill stealing, like some guys battling at middle then some sniper guy shoots both of em since they are on low hp.
I think you should stick to special team games like CTF, control points, assault or something funny team based which requires a little of strategy.

I got an idea for making gameplay a little unique.
I dont know if you removed the level thingy or not, but heres a little different idea of using hero levels.
For every level you gain (meaning 2-3 kills for each level) you will walk slower and slower, but you will have increased bounty from the kills by each level.
For poeple who wouldnt want this could turn it on/off at start.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Nudl9 said:
You should make some powerfull weapon which does after damage if you hit the unit or some lightning gun which slows/stuns/purges.

Try out the Acid Gun, Shock Grenade & soon the Shotgun :p

Nudl9 said:
I dont think there should be any games like deathmatch or ffa generally, theres really no meaning in mindless killing which doesnt require much strategy at all.
It would also end up with alot of camping and kill stealing, like some guys battling at middle then some sniper guy shoots both of em since they are on low hp.
I think you should stick to special team games like CTF, control points, assault or something funny team based which requires a little of strategy.

Yea, I've been testing TDM mode online a bit, it is fairly boring :/
I'm hoping to add something in there to make it alittle more exciting & ofcourse open to suggestions!

Supermj said:
Well.. you could make a mode like VIP where each team has 1 VIP that can't attack and has 200 health and the goal is to be the first team to kill the opponent vip (they can be moved)

Not to sure about that, but there could be a survivor/overrun mode.

How it works:
- Each player gets 1 life, the teams fight it out until 1 team is dead, then a new round starts.
- Ofcourse there would be say a 2min time limit per round, so if
- At end of each round each team gains 1 point per ppl who is still alive
- After X rounds, team with most points wins the game.

Pretty simple, focuses strongly on teamwork & co-operation & goes slightly beyond mindless killing & the main objective is to survive.


DaSkunk/HeretoDLStuff said:
Besides the bug report I gave on the helper (Daskunk) it seemed OK. Haven't gotten good a chance to play it becuas of that bug, though.

yea thx for the bug report, its fixed in next ver.
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Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
1 mode that i often enjoy in games is Zone Control.
Put like 5 "Zones" around the map and whenever a unit stays near it for 3 seconds it will turn to his teams color. For each second passing the teams will get points equal to numbeer of zones conquered. First to 500 points wins!
(number of points were just randomly made up, that may require some work)

Anyway this is a nice teamwork mode that is not based on mindless killing but more "tactical killing":razz:
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Or maybe a Control Point type game mode, like in Team Fortress 2. So there are about 5 points: 1 for each team (2 teams) and 3 neutral points and you cant capture the other team's point untill your team controlls all the 3 neutral points. The game is over when one team has all points.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Ok new version released:

Changelog v1.03

  • Shotgun
    - The shotgun has been added. Try it out, especially on Facing Worlds :p
  • Shrapnel Gun
    - Now correctly works just like on ET1, with the shrapnel shards exploding outwards.
  • Add Ons
    - Add Ons are now free & you can only have/use one at a time. They don't take up an inventory slot, basically working exactly the same as Guns.
  • Crossroads
    - A new Arena added to the mix
  • Phase Prism
    - Has been completely redone into a new/different item. Try it out!
  • Tips
    - Random Tips now display every so often, giving useful hints & advice.
  • Multiboard
    - Has been re-arranged slightly to display ppl's Add Ons. Ppl's name will now go grey when they are dead.
  • Balance
    - Booster cost increased from 15 to 20.
    - Sniper, damage increased from 50 to 55.
    - Shrapnel Gun now deals 40 damage on a direct impact else 25 medium splash + 12 small splash per shard.
    - Phase Pistol, damage increased from 35 to 40, damage amplified reduced from 100% to 50%.
  • Bug Fixes
    - Flags no longer sometimes mysteriously vanish, never to be seen again.
    - Now pings the correct locations when flags are taken.
    - Death messages are now displayed correctly when blown off the edge of a cliff/side by a Shotgun.
    - Gloves now work properly with Acid Gun/Shrapnel Gun.
    - Can now booster out of Lava without taking damage.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I like the way the game is going towards now, for example by making the upgrades (boots, gloves, etc.) free.
Then you can make funny combos with the guns such as shotgun and boots for hit & run, sniper and regen for camping or smg and faster reload for multi-combat situations.
Anyway theres still things that should be nerfed.

My opinions on items/upgrades:
-Shotgun: Pushback variates much i see, but sometimes u get pushed far far away even when your not even close to the shooter.
-Phasergun: It seems it deals 60 damage due to amplifier, when it actually says it deals 40 damage, so i suggest you fix it! ;)
-Minigun: The range is really too far and dmg is extreme, if you stay just a little in the rain your gonna lose about 60-120 hp.
-Boots: 40 ms seems a little too much really, even though it doesnt seem your walking that fast, but anyway 25-35 ms would be best i think.
-Phase thingy, cant remember name: I dont know if its too imba yet since people never really uses it, but what if a guy takes a flag then the moment before he scores he uses it.
Wouldnt he in a way then almost become invulnerable?
-Acid: Poison make you too slow, either duration or slowness should go off a bit.

Also im not sure wether you removed bounty or not, but hell you never get any gold at all to shop for.
If you do increase the gold make sure to balance the map because more gold = more items = more chaos >:D = arenas need to be bigger!

Keep up the good work, i like the new speed of the gameplay! :p
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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Shotgun: Pushback variates much i see, but sometimes u get pushed far far away even when your not even close to the shooter.

Its starts off at 400 & gains +50 for every other bullet that hits you. Theres 8 bullets in total, so potentially 750, although very hard to get that.

You're right thou, perhaps I'll update it a little so the distance bullets travel diminishes the push back a tiny bit.

Phasergun: It seems it deals 60 damage due to amplifier, when it actually says it deals 40 damage, so i suggest you fix it! ;)

Yea its meant to do that, quite strange you ask why :p
Deals 40 damage, if amplified gains +50% damage, so 60?

Minigun: The range is really too far and dmg is extreme, if you stay just a little in the rain your gonna lose about 60-120 hp.

Hmm well, I always pwn Minigunners, so not real sure about a nerf.
There very easy to take down, just annoying if they get in a tactical position & spam.

Boots: 40 ms seems a little too much really, even though it doesnt seem your walking that fast, but anyway 25-35 ms would be best i think.

Well the other Add Ons are very strong as well, 40 is only like +15% move speed.

Phase thingy, cant remember name: I dont know if its too imba yet since people never really uses it, but what if a guy takes a flag then the moment before he scores he uses it.
Wouldnt he in a way then almost become invulnerable?

Ah yea I wouldn't say thats imba thou.
Remember thou grenades ar eun effected by the Phase, so the'll annhiliate him.

Acid: Poison make you too slow, either duration or slowness should go off a bit.

It rapidly wears off, returning movement speed.
So starts off very big, but dimishes.

Also im not sure wether you removed bounty or not, but hell you never get any gold at all to shop for.
If you do increase the gold make sure to balance the map because more gold = more items = more chaos >:D = arenas need to be bigger!

Hmm, I always have to much gold, I could increase it a little.
New Arena's of different shapes & sizes will be added :p
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Yea its meant to do that, quite strange you ask why :p
Deals 40 damage, if amplified gains +50% damage, so 60?
Well isnt the amplifier supposed to take effect after you hit someone, else you might aswell just set the damage to 60 and remove amplifier.
I thought it was a gun made for supporter situations, but now its... "just-another-average-gun", see what i mean?

Hmm well, I always pwn Minigunners, so not real sure about a nerf.
There very easy to take down, just annoying if they get in a tactical position & spam.
No seriously i deals way to far damage and with that bullet length increaser (which should just get removed).

Ah yea I wouldn't say thats imba thou.
Remember thou grenades ar eun effected by the Phase, so the'll annhiliate him.
Well what if you dont have any grenades because you only could afford 1 because of the little gold you get and you've already used it???
This item is far too imba and is like a normal invulnerability potion item, thats why it should be removed.
It may seem like a cool feature to you, but you should seriously consider removing it.

It rapidly wears off, returning movement speed.
So starts off very big, but dimishes.
I dont think you know how much people got raped by that gun yesterday when i played with Taur and Raging, if ur 2+ in a group your going down (which in ET1 would be pretty easy to survive).

Hmm, I always have to much gold, I could increase it a little.
New Arena's of different shapes & sizes will be added :p
Lets compare the gold in ET1 to ET2, in each time i respawn...
In ET1 i could afford 3 nades/medi packs + 1+ stun and in ET2 (with same amount of kills and time passed) i could afford only 2 nades/medi packs.
Well in version 0.99 or whatever it was the bounty was 2 gold and im not sure what your using now, but you should increase it to 6-12 gold.

Also you should remove the bullet length increaser add-on aswell.
Just like with that phase thingy it may seem like a cool feature, but actually just fucks up the game.
For example:
Shotgun + bullet increaser = aint no shotgun anymore, too imba.
Minigun + bullet increaser = sniper minigun, nice! xD
Sniper + bullet increaser = do you need this?
Laser + bullet increaser = again do you really need it?
Phaser + bullet increaser = nice, now you got a sniper + more dmg!
Acid or SMG + bullet increaser = ok maybe the only items it works average with...
Shrapnel + bullet increaser = havent tested...
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
ALERT ALERT. I mysterioulsy stopped spawning after my 20 something death. the other players continued respawning, but me blue, didnt. and also, some people think the sniper is bugged, it does like 90 damage without double damage.

Yea Ive seen that respawn bug appear before, I'll try & fix it.
Sniper deals 50 damage, it can be enhanced with Explosive Shells, Double Damage & if target is Phased.

The scope needs to keep the range the same as it usually is. The speed boost is fine enough...

Perhaps I'll split them up, I'd really like to keep the range boost as an AddOn thou.



I didn't notice your reply, else I would have replied sooner.
I'll be releasing a new ver here very shortly which has alot of changes/tweaks, many of which address the things youve spoken about.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Ok another update:

Changelog v1.1

    - New Arena, Outpost 2 has been added in, replacing Plunge.
    - New Add On, Imbued Shells has been added.
    - Rebalance feature implemented.
    - Rematch feature implemented
    - Facing Worlds, Lava 2 & Crossroads have all been improved slightly.
    - Tooltip adjustments, Shrapnel Gun & Acid Gun now display their damage in more descriptive terms.
    - Game messages, all players names are now colored in their teams color & all TeamA/TeamB msges are also now colored.
    - Removed Tips.
    - Game Over changed to Time Left on multiboard.
    - Laser, damage down from 40>35, cooldown up from 2.0>2.5
    - Minigun, damage down from 12>10
    - Submachine Gun, damage down from 8>6
    - Shrapnel Gun, damage down from 40>30 & shards down 12>10
    - Acid Gun, damage down from 25+5 per sec>20+4 per sec
    - Phase Pistol, damage down from 40>25, cooldown up from 1.5>2.0
    - Gold income/bounty reworked. You now gain:
    - 1 gold every 4 seconds
    - 1 gold for a kill, more if target had a bounty
    - 10 gold for scoring
    - 5 gold for returning a flag.
    - The numerical value after your name [X] is your bounty value.
    - Your bounty increases whenever you kill, score or return a flag.
    - Starting Gold has also been reduced back to 50.
    - Powerups nerfed, i.e. Shield & Speed.
    - They now take 30 seconds to spawn after a game has started & 60 seconds upto from 30 to respawn.
    - Grenade AoE reduced from 250 to 225.
  • BUGS
    - Jump delay fixed.
    - Shock grenade will now correctly disable someone with a speed powerup.
    - Shotgun no longer knocksback barricades.
    - Helm now reduces damage from grenades as well.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
-The regenerator item tooltip says 1.0 regen, but it gives only 0.5
-When you play the map where are "jumpers" they wont work, if you dont play that map as a first.
-When I used booster, I hit to a tree and fly over the map, died, and I didnt spawned anymore.
-More maps pls. -I mean, arenas ..
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Dark.revenant said:
Macs still desync after a while.

Hmm, I really don't know what causes this sorry :-/

Super-Sheep said:
-The regenerator item tooltip says 1.0 regen, but it gives only 0.5
-When you play the map where are "jumpers" they wont work, if you dont play that map as a first.
-When I used booster, I hit to a tree and fly over the map, died, and I didnt spawned anymore.
-More maps pls. -I mean, arenas ..

- I double checked the regenerator, it is 1 hp a sec. Although it was 0.5 in previous versions.
- I've fixed the jump pads in rematch, thx
- I'm looking into that bizzare bug.
- Yup, more Arena's on the way!
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
New version released!

Changelog v1.3

  • New powerup "Enhancer".
  • Carrying the flag now reduces movement speed by 15%.
  • Stronghold has been redesigned & remade.
  • Crossroads & Lava 2 improved slightly.
  • Zoom in/out command added "-cam xxxx". Takes (1650-3000)
  • Added/Fixed all the gun/shooting animations.
  • Shops, can no longer be accessed by enemy players.
  • Improved the end games layout, text, time etc.
  • Each time a player scores, now also shows the total scores (X/X).
  • Shrapnel Gun shards bounce fixed/improved.
  • Switching teams via balance, now refreshes health.
  • Submachine Gun damage up from 6>7
  • Acid Gun, dmg overtime no longer stops a med pack.
  • Phase Prism now dispels poison (Acid Gun) & phased (Phase Pistol)
  • Gold intervals enhanced from 1 gold every 4>3 seconds.
  • Camera duration increased from 180>240 seconds.
  • Armor, health increased from 25>33
  • Helm, damage reduction increased from 2>3
  • Regeneration, health regen increased from 1>1.5 per second
  • Fixed the bounty bugs, when you shoot someone off a cliff.
  • Fixed the rematch, clearing all the units (barricades/cameras), refreshing jump pads, clearing powerups & fixed the levels/text.
  • Fixed various rematch/end game features such as text & pings appearing.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
I dont know is this a bug or something, but if you take a flag in crossroads and have about 3-4 boosters, you can fly with them over camera boundaries and then nobody can actually know where you and the flag is.

It was verison 1.1 when I played. :i
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
New version out!

Changelog v1.4b

  • Added a new arena "Plunge".
  • Added abilities shortcuts for Booster & Phase Prism.
  • Added some information in the Quest Menu (F11).
  • Added an extra column in the multiboard for Bounty.
  • Improved the Grenade & Shock Grenade visual effects.
  • Updated some of the gadget descriptions for greater clarity.
  • Timer in rematch now displays "Rematch in " instead of "Remaining ".
  • Phase Pistol:
    - The +50% bonus damage phase gives is now increased further if the Shooter's shot was using Explosive Shells and/or Double Damage.
    - Example: A shot with double damage would now increase damage target takes by +100% (Half of bonus carries through).
  • Sub Machinegun:
    - Damage lowered from 7 to 6.
    - Shooting speed increased from a shot every 0.06 to 0.05 seconds.
    - Angle/spread increased from (between -4 to 4) to (between -4.5 to 4.5).
    - Projectile speed lowered from 1250 to 1150.
  • Shotgun:
    - Damage lowered from 8 to 6.
    - Number of projectiles increased from 8 to 10.
  • Minigun:
    - Angle/spread increased from (between -5 to 5) to (between -6 to 6).
    - Projectile speed lowered from 1250 to 1150.
  • Shrapnel Gun:
    - Explosive area effect increased from 160>175.
    - Shard area effect increased from 130>150.
  • Scope, reworked, now only increases range. Shrapnel/Acid Gun now fire further with it, (Maths has been corrected).
  • Shield powerup now always increases your current health by +50. (Previously e.g. 50/100 health would just become roughly 50/150 etc.).
  • Bounty reward increased:
    - Returning a Flag up from 5>10.
    - Scoring up from 10>20.
  • Fixed the lame rematch crash bug!
  • Fixed a pretty big leak.
  • Dead units can no longer bug & cause collisions.
  • Rebalance, now works correctly:
    - Can only swap when teams are imbalanced.
    - Can shop as normal.
  • Fixed the animation bugs:
    - Grenades sometimes exploding mid air (Acid effect).
    - Units jumping seomtimes showing death animation.
  • Helm now correctly reduces Acid Gun damage overtime by 3 (instead of 2).
  • Sudden Death is now reset in a rematch.
  • Barricades no longer give vision.
  • Laser can no longer get 'stuck'.
  • Flags now correctly get reset in a rematch.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
No, thats a bug with the system, which is beyond my control. If however, I find a better system to use in the future, it should go way.
But I did add a "-revive" command, where you can debug/forcefully revive yourself if it happens, although its quite rare.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
The physics system, it very rarely causes units to vanish but not actually be dead.
This causes the revive system bugs up.

So I added a backup command -revive.
Although I think I just may have the cause of the physics system bug now.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Omg, this is starting to get hosted on US West... A lot... Umm are madsen and infrane not making anymore of the original ET? 'Cause your map is great in all but none of the ET clans play it over the original ET.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Omg, this is starting to get hosted on US West... A lot... Umm are madsen and infrane not making anymore of the original ET? 'Cause your map is great in all but none of the ET clans play it over the original ET.

GaDDeN you mean? Yea they pretty much quit modding/war3, although I've played ET2 with iNfraNe once or twice online.

Just need more time really, it only been 2 months now (development wise). ET1 had aleast a year :p


Also btw, theres a new version:
Download Here

Changelog v2.2c
(Skipped ahead, due to numerous bnet users thinking it's an old ver)

  • Plunge arena completely remade.
  • Facing Worlds improved.
  • Added a new weapon, the Missile Launcher.
  • N/A
  • Fixed the horrendous lag on Plunge.
  • Fixed the angles of descending projectiles.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
GaDDeN you mean? Yea they pretty much quit modding/war3, although I've played ET2 with iNfraNe once or twice online.

Just need more time really, it only been 2 months now (development wise). ET1/ had aleast a year :p

Lol oops, i ment GaDDeN... always get them mixed up. If it's true they've both quit wc3 then I'm glad you are continueing it. Contact the ET clans and tell them to play your map as it's continueing, and reg' ET isn't.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
So does this actually use SEE now, or still iNfraNe's modified system?

I would really like to, but still iNfraNe's system atm.
It's just I had a few probs with SEE, such as:
- I cant just have a separate trigger per weapon/gadgets etc. in its own trigger.
- Not many showcase examples in the test map :-(

I'll give it another try thou & once I get the hang of it, I'll try to implement it.
But would be very nice you added some more examples :p

[quote="Campir]Lol oops, i ment GaDDeN... always get them mixed up. If it's true they've both quit wc3 then I'm glad you are continueing it. Contact the ET clans and tell them to play your map as it's continueing, and reg' ET isn't.[/quote]

I don't actually know any of the ET clans :p
Are they generally on west then?
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Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Just tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to make it. :p

You CAN have separate gadgets/weapons in its own trigger. I just designed the system so that they would all be kept organized in a library, but all of the content of that library is NOT private, so it can be accessed anywhere. Thus, you can place your weapon/gadget definitions anywhere.

I think. :p
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
I haven't updated this thread in quite a while, although there have been quite a few new versions. So without further adieu:
(P.s. anyone know how to use hide bb codes on this site?)

Latest version

Change Logs:

Changelog v2.3e
  • Fixed a critical lag bug caused by Phase Pistol.
Changelog v2.3d
  • Quickly fixed a bug with selecting Arena's in rematch
Changelog v2.3c

  • New Gadget C4 added!
  • Added a revive time scoreboard when you die.
  • Added knockback on all explosions causing death.
  • Added sounds to all shops (shared control).
  • Added/improved the lumber/food icons & descriptions.
  • Each game teams will now spawn on random sides.
  • Can no longer pick same arena for rematches
  • Re-organised the arena order.
  • Improved some of the gadget hotkeys.
  • Improved the visual effects of enhancer combined with grenades.
  • Increased gold income from 1 every 3 seconds to 1 every 2 seconds.
  • Reduced gold reward for Scoring from 20 to 10 & from returning flags from 10 to 5.
  • Shrunk corners on Plunge slightly.
  • Fixed the lag on Plunge (again).
  • Fixed the conditions with -balance command.
  • Fixes gloves not working on some guns.
  • Fixed shotgun not claiming kills when shooting someone into Lava.
  • Fixed the visual effects left on the ground, when you enter an area for first time, when opponents have purchased items. (boons/chests of gold etc.).
  • Fixed green units appearing on the minimap by Missile Launcher.
Changelog v2.2c
(Skipped ahead, due to numerous bnet users thinking it's an old ver)

  • Plunge arena completely remade.
  • Facing Worlds improved.
  • Added a new weapon, the Missile Launcher.
  • Fixed the horrendous lag on Plunge.
  • Fixed the angles of descending projectiles.
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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Haven't posted/updated this thread in quite a while, atleast a month.
There's been quite a long list of changes that have occurred since then.

Here is the latest version:

Change Log v2.8

  • New Arena, Fortress.
  • Lava 2, expanded the sides.
  • Phase Pistol, now increases damage target takes by 50% and reduces damage target deals by 50%.
  • Added an effect when Laser bounces.
  • Jumping outside the Stronghold Arena, will now kill you.
  • Barrels now correctly respawn.
  • When powerups spawn for the first time, they are now pinged.
  • When an enemy flag is captured, it will now privately ping the carrier, the destination to carry the flag too.
  • Reduced the ping time for capturing a Flag.
  • Improved the powerup colours.
  • The Flag carrying buff that slows movement speed, is now immediately removed upon dropping the flag.
  • Fixed a typo in 'Godlike'.
  • Fixed multi kills/kill sprees not working properly when shooting ppl off of cliffs.
  • Removed the health bars on C4's.

Map is attached to main thread, or you can download from here:
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Probably the best map I've ever played or at least one of the best maps.
What you have to add is:
---Bombing Run mode (Play UT2003, you should REALLY have to make this)
---Computer AI (if possible)
---1 or more vehicles (maybe)
---Also I think you may use a weaponless marine model and weapons should have displayed on our character, there are tons of excellent weapon models
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Thx for the feedback, much appreciated.

ZsG.Zexix's idea: if you fall down from a cliff that is 2 or 3+ cliff levels higher u damage yourself.

That's an interesting idea, but I'm a bit split on this.

Probably the best map I've ever played or at least one of the best maps.
What you have to add is:
---Bombing Run mode (Play UT2003, you should REALLY have to make this)
---Computer AI (if possible)
---1 or more vehicles (maybe)
---Also I think you may use a weaponless marine model and weapons should have displayed on our character, there are tons of excellent weapon models

- Next update, I will be concentrating on a new mode + new Arena's to go along side it.
- AI would be awesome, but will take to long & be to complicated to code.
- Vehicles are always a possibility, most likely being specifically for a new Arena.
- If I could get a modeller I'd definitely do that, but they are hard to find :p


New Version:

Change Log v2.9
  • Fortress, reworked, redesigned & overall improved quite a bit.
  • New Gun added, the Ion Cannon.
  • Guns are now classified into 3 categories, heavy, medium & light. Heavy takes -15 movement speed whilst Light grants +15 movement speed.
  • Minigun buffed. Damage is 12 up from 10.
  • Sniper Rifle buffed. Damage is 55 up from 50.
  • Missile Launcher buffed. Main damage is 40 up from 35, area damage is 25 up from 20 & flame damage is 5 per second up from 4.
  • Greatly improved the aiming/shooting when firing up/down cliffs. It is now alot simpler.
  • Boots buffed slightly. Movement speed 45 up from 40.
  • Fixed a big where it spawned way too many barrels on certain levels.
  • Barrels can no longer spawn inside spawn areas.
  • Added alittle blink effect on new barrels spawning.
  • Made explosive damage more 3-dimensional taking into account your height & overall distance.
  • Stim buffed. Lasts 2 seconds up from 1.5 & costs 15 health down from 20.
  • Tweaked the powerup colours.

Map is attached to main thread, or you can download from here:
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