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DotA... Oh, no.

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Couple weeks ago, on some other WC3 site (I think it was Revolution, Revelation, i don't know), i found a forum topic called: "Nubz". Promising name. So, I check it out, and look... First post is: "Lol u ar all so nubs this insn Warcrat3 the game is calld dota lol"
10 minutes later, this reply: "Really? Then why don't you go play your precious DotA, and we will play "Warcrat3". Then, again, the DotArd replied: "STFU ***hole u ar a nub its DotA" Then, a reply: "Then why is the game you enter called Warcraft 3 and not DotA?" DotArd: "U noob its a program to play dota i did your mom last night rofl"
God, finally, he got banned. I know because I checked it, to see has the justice been done.
That map RUINED WC3! Half of the community plays DotA and calls the game itself DotA! I just hope IceFrog doesn't make DotA for SC2...
And, if you agree with me, sign this: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/dotahatred#signForm
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Obvious troll?

Level 3
Jul 12, 2006
Believe it or not i emailed icefrog, he said he had no plans of making a dota for sc2, this was awhile ago tho.
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
It's hard to get a map popular when another map already is that popular.

It's the same as linux and windows. Linux actually IS better. It's free and can do more than windows but it will never replace windows as it will not become that popular.

So Icefrog managed to get his map popular by updating it and keeping it mostly balanced.

Today no other map will become that popular anymore (as the times of wc3 are ending anyway..)

Nether the less it's not a bad game and it has a great multiplayer potential. (I don't say that there are not better games around)
Level 11
Aug 4, 2007
I love dota, because it provides new gameplay to warcraft 3. Without World Editor, warcraft 3 would have failed early. Dota is the successor to Warcraft 3, as it is almost like a new game, which uses the Warcraft3 Engine. Without Dota, Warcraft 3 community and the modding community probably wouldn't have lasted as long as it has.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
It's hard to get a map popular when another map already is that popular.

It's the same as linux and windows. Linux actually IS better. It's free and can do more than windows but it will never replace windows as it will not become that popular.

So Icefrog managed to get his map popular by updating it and keeping it mostly balanced.

Correction, Eul started the map and Guinsoo peaked it's popularity.
No srsly, but if you compare DotA with other AoSes, you see that DotA looks like a bag of crap against a bag of win. Many games have been made and burried because more people kept playing DotA.

See, the thing is:

RoC players played DotA. Which eventually became overrated. DotA was thought to be the best map, since it had the biggest number of plays as being the best old AoS.

This changed however. When better maps were played, the most of Wc3 players were used to DotA. So they saw the name: Xtreme AoS and said: WHAT THE F*CK is an AoS? with lots of games saying "DotA" below it. Everyone thought that it was the best game just because it was played by players that didn't even know what other games were. Honestly, i don't know what's more stupid. Icefrog or his community?
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
I love dota, because it provides new gameplay to warcraft 3. Without World Editor, warcraft 3 would have failed early. Dota is the successor to Warcraft 3, as it is almost like a new game, which uses the Warcraft3 Engine. Without Dota, Warcraft 3 community and the modding community probably wouldn't have lasted as long as it has.

'Almost like a new game..." That made no sense! It was just a map like any other!
Level 1
May 5, 2010
Just cause you dont like it doesnt mean others cant. Just dont play it, it hasnt ruined anything.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
dota is more popular map than all maps together. you might not notice it at first in public game list but its played so much in all kind of leagues and gaming happenings. therefore dota "is" warcraft 3. dota might not have over-jassed spells or sexy terrain, but it got very large choice of game modes, heroes and items. and what most importantly is the balanced and competitive gameplay. of course there are whiners about balance but its techincally impossible to balance every hero versus every other hero and reducing number of the heroes would drastically reduce the fun and "every game is difference" factor.

live with the fact that dota is dominating wc3 and will always be, or be useless person who wants to down it
Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
DoTA should be called the redeemer and nothing else. without it, WC3 would last as long as Armies of Exigo. We should learn to appretiate how DoTA changed the way wc3 community works. Everyone wanted to make maps better than DoTA which made thousands of people to even try to learn the language of Jass (lol) which will in hope to make thier map better. Problem is, with every gods there are believers and haters. This is a hate thread and it sucks.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
'Tis not a Hate Thread. 'Tis one Anti-Fanaticism/Freakism Thread.

And who in the fucking fucked up hell gave MortAr- permission to be a necrophile?

And since when does Hate Threads suck?
Trolling is an integral part of playing DOtA - you can't be a DOtA player without trolling non-dota players and flaming noobs. It's second nature to them.

/continues necro

DoTA should be called the redeemer and nothing else. without it, WC3 would last as long as Armies of Exigo

A farfecthed claim, Wc3 has many games that are popular that have nothing to do with DOtA. Most likely someone who buys the game just for DOtA will be playing DOtA only, which is no help for the rest of the community. Your not making an AoS because you want to compare it to dota, your making an AoS because you want to make one - not that your trying to make a second dota, or outcompete dota, but because you have an idea and you want to make it work. If you get into a spiral of trying to compete with it, your game will just end up what it is: a bad clone of a clone.

Also I wouldn't call DOtA a god, moreso like a cult or political party.
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