• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Doodad Creators

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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
I would like to do another request if that is possible.

Category: doodad
type: Structures
image: This is just a refference!

description: I am using a gate for transportation. It's the following model:

I've altered it so that I can use it in my map. But now I need to re-texture it and make it a northrend/ice gate.

I have attached the altered version that I created of the original model. Please be so kind and re-texture this for me, It would be greatly appreciated!

Credits and rep will be given.


  • portal.rar
    90.5 KB · Views: 74
i have an idea for Hashjie's request ,just flip the red to blue(use paint for that) and add some ice parts and use the northrend snow tile as a texture,this will fit the map good i think...
I would like to do another request if that is possible.

Category: doodad
type: Structures
image: This is just a refference!

description: I am using a gate for transportation. It's the following model:
Dark Portal Main Menu

I've altered it so that I can use it in my map. But now I need to re-texture it and make it a northrend/ice gate.

I have attached the altered version that I created of the original model. Please be so kind and re-texture this for me, It would be greatly appreciated!

Credits and rep will be given.
well what is this map called,it seems good and when its finished i would love to play it so send me it when its done;)
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
i have an idea for Hashjie's request ,just flip the red to blue(use paint for that) and add some ice parts and use the northrend snow tile as a texture,this will fit the map good i think...

well what is this map called,it seems good and when its finished i would love to play it so send me it when its done;)

Actually my idea was to use the same texture as the icecrown statue in the ultimate terraining map, then change the rocks to ice glaciers and change the cinematic effects like the glow and fire gust to be blue.

I would re-texture this myself if I had enough time and more experience in texturing :(


The map will be released to the public when my clan has decided to make it public. We still need to update a few bugs, ballance it a bit and ofcourse finish the terrain and upcomming new gameplay.
This map is already being hosted by our clan but in a previous version. I'm just working on the newer version at this moment.
For now the map is called Hero Push, but I think the creator wants us to think of a new name. Needs to be a bit more unique...

Here is an overview of the new version:
This might have some visual anomily's due to the distance of the camera.
So a few things don't look the same as they actually would.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009

What map are you making? My first thought is a melee or a altered melee but I doubt its not.

I don't really like the concept myself that much but oh well.
It's just a side project for me... I have lots of other things to worry about in the meanwhile.

There are 4 teams of 2 players who all have their own base that spawns units.
The units will automatically attack-move to the other teams base through the lanes.
Everyone can upgrade their spawned units just like in footman wars.
It's also possible to buy combined items and other usefull things for your hero.

Each player gets it's own random hero from start. The purpose is to kill each others base in order to win.
The teleports can be used to teleport your hero to the forest where neutral enemy's will wonder.
Every ... minutes or so a boss appears in the middle area of the map.

In order to get there the hero's have to go through the forest to the icy teleport I just requested so that they can fight the boss. The team who kills the boss gets some kind of advantage, not sure yet...
Whenever the boss is dead everyone in that area will be teleported back to their base. Hero's can fight each other inside the boss area to make it a bit more challenging.

That's all for now.

I also have a concept of 1 year ago which was way more complicated, I guess I'll work on that when I'm going to start my game design education next year.
The concept I created is a 36 pages pdf file ^.^
It's a unique and new type of gameplay...
That game will become a standalone client created in Unreal Development Kit.
The type is: Multi Massive Online Profile Based Hack and Slash RPG/TD 60 minute game with a unique touch to it ;)
Ow did I mention I'm going to create it with a third person view?
That's all I can say. I don't want people to steal that idea from me.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
The concept I created is a 36 pages pdf file ^.^
It's a unique and new type of gameplay...
That game will become a standalone client created in Unreal Development Kit.
The type is: Multi Massive Online Profile Based Hack and Slash RPG/TD 60 minute game with a unique touch to it ;)
Ow did I mention I'm going to create it with a third person view?
That's all I can say. I don't want people to steal that idea from me.

What? 36 pages? Hahaha

Yup the gameplay is unique, but this was the kind of game that wasn't really being played that much. (Only loyal followers do)

But with the third person view, I think its quite cool,(I always use third person on my camera and I have plenty of them, I even create a movement system with it.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
You said this, I can actually imagine how the game will work.

There are 4 teams of 2 players who all have their own base that spawns units.
The units will automatically attack-move to the other teams base through the lanes.
Everyone can upgrade their spawned units just like in footman wars.
It's also possible to buy combined items and other usefull things for your hero.

Each player gets it's own random hero from start. The purpose is to kill each others base in order to win.
The teleports can be used to teleport your hero to the forest where neutral enemy's will wonder.
Every ... minutes or so a boss appears in the middle area of the map.

In order to get there the hero's have to go through the forest to the icy teleport I just requested so that they can fight the boss. The team who kills the boss gets some kind of advantage, not sure yet...
Whenever the boss is dead everyone in that area will be teleported back to their base. Hero's can fight each other inside the boss area to make it a bit more challenging.

That's all for now.

I DL a map like this
Auto spawn creeps then can upgrade the units, but on that game you build the building where the auto-spawn units will spawn. Also you have your own hero.
and it gets boring after a 10-20 mins. If I can find the map on the net I'll send the link to you, so you can get some ideas for your own map

Okay if you will reply just VM me we are spamming Eubz workshop right now.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Please cancle my request, I've re-textured it myself.


It was way easier then I thought...

(It looks blurred because the model is zoomed out inside the model editor. This doesn't happen inside JNGP...)
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
Category: nondestructible
type: Item
image: (check links below)
description: It's actually a simple change. What I need is the "Shiny" effect from this model transfered into this model (It would be a "shiny" effect replacement). I don't like the bag shine at all, and it doesn't even match in my map like that.
I have permission from the authors to edit :)
Project Link: http://potsland.blogspot.com
Last edited:
Somebody can make the Outland->Enviroment->Floating Rocks->variation 3
to dont move, so without that floating animation and without that much height (i want the rock lowest point stay on ground and not float in air)

well i think u mean that u would like to get the third variation without animation and to have the selection circle on the ground,and make the model low too

well i think i could help u,extract the mdx (i use warcraft 3 viewer2)
convert it to mdl and follow my tut.

step 2:
re-convert the model(convert it back to mdx) and import it to ur map
put the doodad in the area u like and the n to set the height hold the
(CTRL) and the (pagedown) buttons to make it go down,cold (CTRL) and (pageup) to make it go higher .

wish i helped
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
ok i removed the animation
problem is i want cut the height to because in game dont work the negative flying height..

i dont got tutorial amount how can i do this or where :p


  • Outland_FloatingChunks11.mdl
    24.4 KB · Views: 67
  • Outland_FloatingChunks21.mdl
    33.1 KB · Views: 67
  • Outland_FloatingChunks31.mdl
    20.9 KB · Views: 99
Hey eubz do you mind making a statue of the Blood Mage like in World of Warcraft for Warcraft III?
Here is what I'm talking about:

Have a request

Category: Non-destructible
Type: Tree

Description: I'll use it as one of the decorations in a city on my project. I want it animated just like what your other animated trees and flowers. Could you use the texture on the image? I don't care how big the filesize will be.
Project Name: Project Ghost

Both are done. PM me if there are something to be edited in the model.


  • LowPolyTree.zip
    426.6 KB · Views: 102
  • BloodElf_Statue.zip
    250.1 KB · Views: 140
ok i removed the animation
problem is i want cut the height to because in game dont work the negative flying height..

i dont got tutorial amount how can i do this or where :p

How about these.


  • Outland_FloatingChunks21.mdx
    12 KB · Views: 122
  • Outland_FloatingChunks11.mdx
    9.2 KB · Views: 115
  • Outland_FloatingChunks31.mdx
    8 KB · Views: 128
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Can i request a very simple doodad..??

DESCRIPTION: It is just like the FENCE (WOOD) in WE but i want to have it a SUNKEN RUINS Skin.SHORT AND LONG FENCE
RESOURCES:Vengeanceneakel just recommend that i put a fence on my platform.My map based tile is sunken ruins so i would like it to have a fence which has a sunken ruins texture. My map is WAR OF ACCURACY V1.5 AI
How important is this?...very...it will add more beauty to my terrain...pls. i really need this doodad.
How about me??
I guess stonneash accepted you request.

Can i request a very simple doodad..??

DESCRIPTION: It is just like the FENCE (WOOD) in WE but i want to have it a SUNKEN RUINS Skin.SHORT AND LONG FENCE
RESOURCES:Vengeanceneakel just recommend that i put a fence on my platform.My map based tile is sunken ruins so i would like it to have a fence which has a sunken ruins texture. My map is WAR OF ACCURACY V1.5 AI
How important is this?...very...it will add more beauty to my terrain...pls. i really need this doodad.
Just have patience.
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Categorys : None-destructible
descriptons :

1) Chest with Master Sword that sword stuck in it.

2) Chest, with Sword Of Darkness this stuck in it (pref. at a different angle than the others, as iwth all the other chests

3) same as last except Sword of Destiny

4) ExtremeSword

project link: n/a
Categorys : None-destructible
descriptons :

1) Chest with Master Sword that sword stuck in it.

2) Chest, with Sword Of Darkness this stuck in it (pref. at a different angle than the others, as iwth all the other chests

3) same as last except Sword of Destiny

4) ExtremeSword

project link: n/a

are u talking about....welllll i dont know what u mean
i mean what master sword and what extreme word
Last edited:
Category: nondestructible
type: Item
image: (check links below)
description: It's actually a simple change. What I need is the "Shiny" effect from this model transfered into this model (It would be a "shiny" effect replacement). I don't like the bag shine at all, and it doesn't even match in my map like that.
I have permission from the authors to edit :)
Project Link: http://potsland.blogspot.com

You sure you've got permission? I need some linked conversation between you and the two authors for sure.
Categorys : None-destructible
descriptons :

1) Chest with Master Sword that sword stuck in it.

2) Chest, with Sword Of Darkness this stuck in it (pref. at a different angle than the others, as iwth all the other chests

3) same as last except Sword of Destiny

4) ExtremeSword

project link: n/a

What do you mean by "Chest", a person's chest, animal's chest, or something like a chest of gold in War3? Just for clarification.
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
You sure you've got permission? I need some linked conversation between you and the two authors for sure.

Tr!KzZ said:
Lightskin said:

Sure why not? It's some basic Effect from Magos Model Editor.
Feel free to copy it for your own needs ;)

As for guardian (the author of the bag)
he left the hive. Check:
"Last Activity: 08-17-2010 12:57 PM"
Level 1
Mar 21, 2012

Category: none-destructible
type: decorations
image: http://deadpathy.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/four-horsemen-void-zone.jpg
description: Round black patch on the ground, the edge give of some smoke (middle part of the circle does not).
It isnt particularly animated, the smoke on the edges moves a bit. I guess it had a birth/death animation but it consists basicly of nothing but a short fade in for birth, and a short face out for death. (but i could do without birth or death animations if its too much trouble).
It tends to exists in a great variety of sizes so make scaleable would be prefered.
Project Link: Need it for at least 2 maps im working on.

If anyone picks up the request please let me know, thanks in advance :)
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