• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

dont read this

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Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
ack, sprite animations, 99% of them are horrible. sprites movies are extremly boring and overdone, and most likely features either zero or mario. if photobucket shrinked your file to a such dimension then your file must've been really massive, im glad there isnt a attachement feature here :)

and no, if you open it in an animator it doesnt get bigger, since this is a .gif , and what we see here is the exact size.

EDIT: and here's the pic for anyone that don't see it.
Level 7
Mar 26, 2004
it's to small and i'm to lazy to make it larger. for first animation not that bad
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
the laws of human nature also state that if (for example) Darkey's "favorate war3 site", many people will vote for the first or last ones on the list because its asthetiaclly pleasing.

"Oh God." -Ghandi
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Actually, the middle choice on that thread should have the most hits, because they cannot decide which they want to vote for so they make the difference up by splitting it. The human mind is actually very predictable, but some people like to follow the crowd voteing for first on list and some people woould rathe flow backwards (voted for last), the rest think for themselves make their vote anywhere between.
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
actually humans have been compared to lemmings where they follow the common people. pretty much everyone does, conciously or not
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I love psychology lessons

But to the people who don't follow, they just wait as a equilibrium
Where the only thing that happens to them is (caused by others
Where motivation is not welcome
Therefore, By being completely different from everyone else you just fall into a trap, one that is cured by drugs and further p;rovoked by p;eople

People with "leadership" skills seem to follow a "higher power" where they share what they've been through and find things that are fun based on previous times they've followed

It may be true the human mind is predictable, but that is an easy statement to make
Once you've told the person what they were thinking i've noticed they grow a bit of hatred towards you

Why, because everything is based on pleasent feelings, and having your mind read is not a p;leasent feeling

Kerrigan your action of p;osting quotes after every p;ost can be caused by the love of random things, but random things can not grow to be respected since they are come and go

Sansui, your thinking seems to be more correlation then causastion, i p;ersonally didn't care where i post my vote, they're all the same

Grey archon its good that you havn't really opened yourself so i really can't read you, but it seems you have love for the ironic, deep beauty and satire and it seems to be a them in a lot of your work

You should rethink how you observe people rather then saying they're easy to observe

PS- Somebody read me :D
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
the one time a go to a psychologist, i almost got him to sit on the couch and me take notes. needless to say, it was really fun to mess with his mind
is that wrong?

"Star Wars isn't nerdy!" -I wont tell for their sake :D
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I'm suprised that would ever hap;pen, i p;ersonnally think he was using an ap;proach that one of my relatives use, get p;ersonnally iinvolved with your client

He was most likely trying to come down to your level to relate to you, but taking it too far and you realized that at that p;oint you owned him

Psychologists have yet to find a standard to get into somebody elses self conciense without the p;erson asking for help

At the time kerrigan you p;robably were rather closed minded to the idea, thats the best way to get a shrink of your back

@konblade- thankyou, i've become a keen observer over many years and i know how to relate to people. I also have Learned many tricks a psychiatrist uses to get into your head (family as well as i once had one [he turned out to become a good freind of mine]) You only truley need a shrink if you need a shoulder to lean on.
(they're taught to be receptive)
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