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Disease Cloud Help

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Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
I tried to change the buff for disease cloud from disease to sumthin else, but when i made my unit run up to some enemy units they had the disease buff instead of my custom buff, so i was wondering if there was a way to change it? I need disease cloud specifically because it still hurts the enemy for awhile after they leave the disease cloud gy's aoe. Hope to get a response soon :grin:
Level 4
Dec 10, 2007
I do not know what you would be talking about but i think i got an idea, u wanna make it so that the lil icon on the enemy says ur custom buff instead of disease cloud am i correct? if thats the case then try changing icon around abit, take a screen shot or 2 and i could be of more help. By the way love ur avatar :)
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
i think what he tried to say is that he makes a unit to have the skill desease cloud but the enemy has the normal desease cloud buff... what you need is to change the buff on the skill description in object editor... but first... copy and paste the ability and create a new desease cloud (a custom one) with your buff on the buffs part... if you want it to last more edit the hero duration or normal duration part of the skill...
Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
I tried ur way Redillusions editing the original disease cloud buff, and it worked! I tried ur way Darkrider copying and pasting disease cloud(spell) and even the buff too and it ddnt work :( what i need tho is a way tht i could make multiple disease cloud spells, all of em with different buffs for them so with only editing the original disease cloud buff im kinda screwed :(
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Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
Well, i just want to know how to make multiple disease cloud spells( all different of course) and have them each have their own buff. Which it seems like you can't normally do, i tried doing it the easy way just changing the buff from disease to my custom buff(virus), but it failed...somehow. I went to go check if it worked ingame and when my disease cloud gy got close enough for the spell to take effect the buff wasnt my buff(virus) it was just the regular "disease" buff. Hope thts descriptive enough, im actually bad at tht lol.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
take the skill you modified (from disease cloud) and change buff effect to <your buff> thats all you gotta do... if you want different clouds.... edit more disease clouds and add them the different buffs you want...
Level 4
Dec 10, 2007
well if you want it to look different change the model of the buff, also if you want to do multiple different ones, just make different buffs, like a virus buff for instance, say i want a poisonus gass buff, then i just make it and make the poisonous gas skill and u can also have the same model. hope that helped, if it still didnt work tell me what EXACTLY should happen. AND I MEEN EXACTLY! :p sorry if i seem like yelling, 2l pops can be a pain to drink :)
Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
I tried going to object editor and changing my virus spell's buff to virus. Then ingame i sent my dude with the virus spell near some creeps so that my virus spell would take effect. I clicked on the creeps who were by my virus gy and the buff they had was disease, not my buff(virus). So it seems that just going to object editor, going to my spell(virus), and changing the buff from disease to virus dsnt work :( I dnt know if its because tht buff is for the plague ward tht comes out when ppl with disease cloud die, or if its because where it says Plague Ward Unit Type and i dnt have one, or if its just because you can't change the disease buff for any custom disease cloud spell. Hope tht hlps u gys hlp me :)
Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
Of course i did(for both) i've managed to get up to the custom disease spell, and its buff, and i gave it to my hero, but when he's close enough for it to affect anyone the buff on the enemy says "disease" not my buff virus.
Level 4
Dec 10, 2007
i think thats just normal, usually it does that but just try changing some text for tooltips and the such, and change icons around, like go to art and text and tooltips, and anything u see change it and see if it works, if it doesnt then i guess its just normal :)
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