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[Discussion] Gold, spells, resets, Code wipes, and more!

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Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I get why spells were reduced in cost and personally I think I may enjoy this feature. This however may have inadvertently caused a different issue.

What is the purpose of gold now? What money sinks are still in the game? Let's recap:

* You no longer lose gold if you die under level 10 [Note: There may be a bug with dying by the way. You have to click off your hero then back on the tombstone to get the revive button to appear right now and there's no longer a 60 second countdown bar that appears which would be useful for healers trying to res before they lose gold levels 11+]

* * Spells are substantially cheaper * *
- Riversdale spells 150G
- caravan/trade route 250G
- Mytargas 750G

* Respecing talents and stats is basically a thing of the past

I had made a new character and have been playing him over the last few days. By level 15 I had every spell I could buy under 25 and already had roughly 1k saved up give or take a death or two.

Shitty gear that no one wants to buy in the first place costs more than or as much as spells now. I can buy my spells in Mytargas for 750, but a spiritual flute is 700. Is a spiritual flute truly worth almost the cost of say "summon Nymph" or are spells weighed too lightly? I just don't see the value with gold anymore and I think that might be a HUGE issue. I believe that money sinks are a crucial element in the game that we can not over look. I'm not certain what could be done to fix the gold situation but I think we should all brainstorm here and try to tackle it. SOMETHING needs to be done about it.


This brings me to another point. All of these changes coupled with the new talent system basically overhauled the entire game. I think since the entire game mechanics have been changed we need new characters to properly test the mechanics from level 1 to 50 for balancing purposes AND as of now there is nothing preventing people from just leveling/playing 1.2A(8) or lower and leveling to 50 then loading 1.2A(10) and playing at level 50 avoiding the mechanics.

As a result I propose we do a code wipe. People will cry, people will bitch, but people will keep playing and it's a big step in the right direction I think on what needs to be done.
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Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
I think that a code wipe would actually be really good for 1.2b

Also can crusader please get a talent getting rid of the malus effect of celestial zeal pleeeeaaasssseeee, or maybe a talent to change it from 15 strength reduction to 15 attackpower reduction so we'd have the same attackpower bonus in the end, but shield slam will hit harder
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I think that a code wipe would actually be really good for 1.2b

I would almost argue the code wipe might be needed sooner. As much as I'd hate to delay 1.2b further it'd be nice to have everything working properly and give us time to level back up to 50 while we wait for 1.2b to come out. (giving us more reasons to play gaias while zwiebel works his magic)
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Level 7
Apr 16, 2014
K but seriously, I am totally sick of sitting through waves trying to get the reds from Firelord. I'd love for them to have upgraded versions, as it gives reason to play D3, but its getting really irritating trying to max out reds on accounts just to have them wiped away.
Level 5
Dec 27, 2011
I would have to object to this, about a potential code wipe that is. If said code wipe was done; then not only many players would be discouraged from playing again, but the system zwieb implemented so we didn't have to deal with code wipes would be pointless...

Yes I understand the balancing issues and stuff, but I believe that all us veteran players out there should do this re-learn and re-level part of it.

So, basically just rename your main heroes so the new ones you make don't get overlap.
And just play the game; since we know the game rather well, we would know what to look for.
But it shouldn't be at the expense of losing all our stuff just b/c a code wipe is the only thing you guys can come up with.

Now I made a new character and i have been soloing. mainly b/c i accidently overwrote my original codes. but i don't mind it.
however, the point i want to make is that while i relearn the game itself and what build i desire to play. for those who still have their mains, can easily customize their mains to what you learned from the new characters you made.

So not only would you be doing an evaluation on the game mechs and stats, but you would also have a main to see end values with newer builds and newer setups.
and like i said before, since most of you been playing for so long, you would be able to identify any values that need adjustments.
all in all, we don't need a code wipe, just create new guys on our own and go back to our mains when we are done. Forcing everyone to start over like that is just unneeded.
Besides i would hate to lose my new guys that i already made...
I already have plenty of purposes for gold and MCs ready for 1.2B...

But I can't do much about the absurd amounts of gold people have from just playing, playing, playing even if there isn't anything left for them to do. ;)

Besides, you guys were asking for cheaper abilities... :/

Enchanting will definitely add a big gold sink to the game as now you won't vendor every item you find. I'm also thinking about adding a gold penalty to people playing in groups. Currently, everyone gets the same amount of gold, no matter how many people are around. It would make sense to divide the gold amount by the number of characters nearby.
Level 7
Aug 23, 2014
So there is at least one real reason to make code wipe in 1.2B.
Allowing Crusaders access to books/trophies would require a code wipe as it changes the internal item registry.
Books will add to Crusader second viable role as a DPS with Two-Handed weapon and some holy magic tricks.

Also i can add second idea that will require code wipe - break load code in two parts:
- first part: hero, backpack, material bag
- second part: storages

And increase storages number to 4:
- first cheapest storage in Riversdale (1000g, maybe only with 4 slots?),
- second storage in Mythargas (current first storage price),
- third storage in lumber camp (current second storage price),
- fourth storage in dwarven village (an even higher price).
+ plus you can teleport from one purchased storage to another.

More generally, when you type "-save" will be generated two load codes. For loading you can use only first code (game will store it somewhere) and later you can use second code once to load storages (game will check saved earlier load code, so you can load storages "on demand").

P.S. Not so long ago there was a [thread=261314]similar thread[/thread] about code wipe.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
P.S. Not so long ago there was a [thread=261314]similar thread[/thread] about code wipe.

That's just the way things go. Unfortunately many things get repeated on the forums. I've suggested many things over the years that others bring up time and again. I've also posted things that with certainty have been asked as well. Even more so when a new version like this comes out and it get spammed with threads, many of which are comments deep. I've suggested multiple code wipes over the years(some have been used, and some not) and I respect always the outcomes. In the end, as long as it's not spamming and clustering the threads, I think it's good to get new threads like this posted with somewhat frequency as the game is constantly changing and things that were current a week ago may not be this week.
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
Now Zwieb is going to make everything expensive as hell..... and we will be like... i need to farm gold for 8 hours to buy my new skill :vw_unimpressed:

I dont mind a code-wipe. I always enjoyed starting over in Gaias. In the end you cant please everyone...
For those that maxed out every single char, got every single item etc etc i think you guys shouldnt do that :ogre_haosis:. Control the addiction !
I remember Zwieb replying to me that there is not going to be another code-wipe but me being a wise person knew that those things cant be 100% predictable in a project in progress :ogre_haosis:

I am all about diversity!
I would like to see Druids having access to:
Cloth armors
Staves (this should be number 1 choice for druid weapon not bow)
Small shields
One hand weapons (except daggers)

Monks having access to:

Berserkers having access to:
Light armor


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Monk staves: maybe fine, but may look horrible with his animations.

Druid: No, no, no what is the point of this? More cosmetic options is the only likely reason. Druid has no melee animation, so if you are so keen to see a staff on your druid, go make those animations for Zweibelchen. Keep in mind that this is not World of Warcraft. Druids/rangers/hunters don't magically have all the required things for a melee weapon to be given to them.

Berserker light armor: if you mean leather armor, I say no. If you mean a low AR mail dps armor, then this is already planned for the next versions.

Final notes: The problem with adding other armor types to a class is larger than you can imagine. I believe it is a cosmetical issue with the switchable textures that only fits for the unit model they were made for, correct me if I am wrong. Also the endless rolling on every item will only be annoying. And then there is balance.

Diversity is good, especially if you have 100 slaves to help you implement it, but Zweib is only one guy, and therefore a small amount of quality is much preferable to a large amount of half finished stuff
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
Diversity is good, especially if you have 100 slaves to help you implement it, but Zweib is only one guy, and therefore a small amount of quality is much preferable to a large amount of half finished stuff

You were waiting for my comment to remind the community that Zwieb doesnt have 328328 slaves to work him? mmmmmmmmmmm
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Adding all that stuff to Druid just wont work because of animations, and small shields WTF is a small shield because theres only shields, so, we would need custom animations to allow a druid to use shields, use staves and one handed weapons.

Cloth armor would also defeat the purpose of having intelligence leather, which theres gonna be way more to come in future updates.

also at this rate, why dont we have magician wear mail armor and use 2h weapons because wouldnt a battle mage be fucking awesome, bishops use trophies, crusaders use daggers for the sake of diversity
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