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Dark Elves?

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Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
How hard/easy would it be to whip up some basic dark elf models? The Hive's gallery has basically like, none. Seems like it'd be pretty simple, simple just the color palette of the regular elf models a bit. (In fact, that might even be why they're not hosted here - being too simple.)

I have a few ideas/projects I could use these kind of edits for. Is there any way someone here could make some for general use?




Seems like it'd be pretty simple, simple just the color palette of the regular elf models a bit. (In fact, that might even be why they're not hosted here - being too simple.))
It actually is pretty simple as it is just a simple recoulor. If you know how to use GIMPit is very easy to create the needed sources, whereas complete new models require a lot of time.

If you need simple recolour skins I could offer my help as it requires only some minutes per skin.
They won't be accpeted on Hive tho as they do not match the rules that require 75% freehand work, that is why these resources are hardly in the gallery.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
It actually is pretty simple as it is just a simple recoulor. If you know how to use GIMPit is very easy to create the needed sources, whereas complete new models require a lot of time.

If you need simple recolour skins I could offer my help as it requires only some minutes per skin.
They won't be accpeted on Hive tho as they do not match the rules that require 75% freehand work, that is why these resources are hardly in the gallery.

Is there any way to take these skins and attach them to nearly identical models? So that way you can have Dark Elves and Blood Elves in the same map?
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