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Custom Ultimates

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Level 7
Nov 17, 2019
I want to get some ideas for custom ultimates, like lets say summoning special units, or increasing the hero's attack by a factor of 2 for a short duration, any ideas are welcome...
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
The age-old response to threads like this:

For what kind of a map?
Under what constraints?
In what theme?
What other things exist in the map?
Do you have model(s) in mind?
What other spells do these heroes have?

Seriously, give some context and information. The kinds of 'custom ultimates' that might work in a Footmen Frenzy are not likely to be ultimates that work in a Hero Arena, for example.
Level 10
Aug 19, 2008
Make an ultimate that makes sheep fall from the sky using a two-dimensional Laplace probability distribution to determine the X and Y coordinates a sheep spawns from. We'll call the ability "LaSheep" and is exclusively available yo the Tauren Cheiftan. Where the sheep land they heal anything around them.

The caster turns into a rabbit (use hero passive transformation method). It makes all enemies unable to attack it due to its cuteness. The rabbit has the following abilities:

  • Jump - Leaps into the air. Does nothing else.
  • Squeak - Makes a squeaking noise. Makes all heroes in 300 range instantly drop to the ground due to cuteness overload.
  • Sexual assault - Attempts to sexually assault nearby units. Can target both friends and enemies. Only works on units smaller than the hero.
  • Self destruct - The rabbit self destructs, creating a nuclear blast of unparalleled dimensions. Damages all units, buildings and destructables in 2000 range, dealing 5000 damage and exploding all units that were killed in the blast. Surviving units are affected by radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning deals 500 damage per second until the unit dies.
Level 10
Aug 19, 2008
Here's another idea: Have the hero recite a passage of your choice from James' Joyce Ulysses (use BJDebugMsg to display text). The number of letters divided by the number of words of the recited passage will be a factor of how much damage the spell deals. It should target all (enemy) buildings and neutral critters in a half-square, half-circle centered around a targeted gold mine. You can balance total area and base damage numbers to fit your map.

Level 7
Nov 17, 2019
The age-old response to threads like this:

For what kind of a map?
Under what constraints?
In what theme?
What other things exist in the map?
Do you have model(s) in mind?
What other spells do these heroes have?

Seriously, give some context and information. The kinds of 'custom ultimates' that might work in a Footmen Frenzy are not likely to be ultimates that work in a Hero Arena, for example.
modified melee
warcraft theme
regular melee with custom heroes
not yet
haven't started with them yet
Level 6
Feb 23, 2010
I'm gonna assume it's for melee. Here is my random melee idea for a new class in each race.

Something construct/engineer related. They don't necessarily fight as strong as others, but they help in different ways relating to buildings. You have an infinite amount of ways to take this hero.

They boost economy, food, upgrade speed, build speed, train speed, make items in your shop better, allow faster res time in altar or gives your altar the quick res ability. Low tax rates. Increase lumber/mine speed.
Allow buildings to produce two of a unit at once. Abilities that make the items in shops better. Repair faster.
Maybe Humans have a Bloodelf Engineer has "scout tower" spell.
Maybe Undead's guy can place blight "tumors" like a zerg queen from sc2.
Night Elf's can restore moon well mana.
Orc's have a "tower level up" ability boosting Orc burrows or towers to be more effective. (producing more food/attacking faster)

Anyway. That's the direction I'd go for a small, big change.
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