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Curse of Time RPG: Nevermore v1.35c


CoT RPG Nevermore v1.35b (Map)

1. Choose a Hero unit's order icons (Stop, Move etc.) do not have DISBTNs (green squares on F10/pause). Use these to create the necessary icons: Button Manager v1.8.2 BLP Lab v0.5.0 Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons How to Make an Icon 2. First...
I see this is all being updated once in a while. That's a good sign of... Approval.
Level 2
May 9, 2018
it happend again with another character at level 10. This time, it has 0-0 atack damage. I think maybe the shop items are bugged. Try to see that
Level 7
Mar 10, 2013
Yes, that is correct.

I've had in the past some specific people that have issues with consistent desync. Have you tried running Wc3 using Admin Rights see if does any good?
Level 2
Oct 7, 2016
still desync after 25-30min, map looks better tho gj so far.

Yea me also. I'm trying to play on entgaming bot on bnet with my friend but we are also getting desync after some shor amount of time. It's very disappointing cuz we really wanted to check this map out.
Level 1
Dec 20, 2011
first, Thanks for your awesome map :)

i played about 3 hours at first time

but i had problem about save/load

so i saved my characters to go next time

but it didn't work when i load characters

so many i tried, -load my code -> it didn't work too

when i typing -load -> "warning - the code returned from the profile is empty" this message appeared again and again

so.. what am i gonna do? T.T
Level 1
Dec 20, 2011
well.. idk where the "custom map data" is

i just have profile code and save code when i typed -save

Level 2
Sep 14, 2017
How does one enter chaos world? I acquired the three keys, killed the final goddess and destroyed the world generator thing.

A message appears saying the chaos world is being set up.

Then I end up next to a paladin saying He saved me and heroes stronger than level 160 couldn't be saved or something?

Then outside the new town are all the lower level monsters. There are no monsters around my level. Is that chaos world? Am I doing something wrong or is Chaos world currently bugged?

If anyone knows what's going on please let me know.

My current class is Master Rogue, my level is 161 if that helps and I had this issue in version 1.33.5b and in the newest version 1.33.6b
Level 2
Sep 14, 2017
You need level 300 for the chaotic world!

Oh? So I'll have to grind more then? I was a bit confused because the map description has a bullet point under map features that reads,

  • 3 Worlds, all with different enemies. Normal world, (level 1-120) Paladin World (level 1-120, if chaos world has been activated, but unable to attend due to level requirements) Chaos World (Level 120-500)

I assumed you needed to be at least level 120 to activate chaos world. If level 300 is the required level the map developer may want to update the description.
Level 2
Nov 5, 2017
The new map versions are buggy. i plyed the version 1.32.
And in this version u need 300.
Level 1
Jul 1, 2011

I like this Map.

One problem -

In Single-Player I enter -save and it says "Hero saved",
In the "Custommapdata" folder in document map, it doesn't give anything for me.. the Custommapdata is empty

So I cant load :/(
Level 1
Jul 1, 2011
Wow, this is really cool, if you restart a fresh COT game you can write -load and it loads your old hero from another "game"

Anyone who wants a good WC3 RPG try this, 9/10!!
Been wondering, i used to play this map long time ago. Where does the other heroes go? I am pretty sure that there are tons of heroes in this rpg.
They were removed because of balancing and scaling. Those heroes did not have a stat modifier for spells and to recreate jass spells for that many heroes was too much work at the time. We do try to add more heroes when possible though! The current ones are all much more custom and scaled appropriately for levels 1-400.

How does one enter chaos world? I acquired the three keys, killed the final goddess and destroyed the world generator thing.
A message appears saying the chaos world is being set up.
Then I end up next to a paladin saying He saved me and heroes stronger than level 160 couldn't be saved or something?
Then outside the new town are all the lower level monsters. There are no monsters around my level. Is that chaos world? Am I doing something wrong or is Chaos world currently bugged?
If anyone knows what's going on please let me know.
My current class is Master Rogue, my level is 161 if that helps and I had this issue in version 1.33.5b and in the newest version 1.33.6b
You need 170 to enter chaotic world, or 150 if you're hardcore. I'll be updating the description soon to better reflect the changes we made recently.

I like this Map.
One problem -
In Single-Player I enter -save and it says "Hero saved",
In the "Custommapdata" folder in document map, it doesn't give anything for me.. the Custommapdata is empty
So I cant load :/(
Glad you enjoy it! Single player codes are stored in a cache, separated from online data.

well.. idk where the "custom map data" is
i just have profile code and save code when i typed -save
You can find it here: C:\Users\*YourUser*\Documents\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\CoT Nevermore 1.33
This makes it so you don't have to type your code out each game.

Don't forget to try out our codeless saving as well!
As for those with loading issues; we're trying our best to sort out the bugs associated with it, so please bare with us.
Level 1
Dec 20, 2011
Thx for your kindly answer! :)

I'm really enjoying this game!

in playing this game, i have one more question.. about Legion's claymore

There is a 'very expensive' cost to upgrade to Legendary.. 999 plat, 99 arc, 999 crystals.... It looks so weird..

Is it really intended?? or.. is there a way to solve this upgrade? lol

plz Don't tell me "Chaotic Bosses in hardmode Drops legendary items.." :)
Thx for your kindly answer! :)
I'm really enjoying this game!
in playing this game, i have one more question.. about Legion's claymore
There is a 'very expensive' cost to upgrade to Legendary.. 999 plat, 99 arc, 999 crystals.... It looks so weird..
Is it really intended?? or.. is there a way to solve this upgrade? lol
plz Don't tell me "Chaotic Bosses in hardmode Drops legendary items.." :)

No, bosses only drop rare (not +1 or +2) you must upgrade to legendary from either the rare or normal drop (rare has a much lower chance of dropping)
Also, as for legion's claymore -- the upgrade is not worth it currently and it was just easier to implement with the rest than go back to it. Next release it will be an appropriate price and an item worth upgrading to.
Level 6
Sep 24, 2015
Nice map, but could have some "noob guide" to help new players. Otherwhise it's nicely done !! Good Job !
Level 2
Nov 23, 2017
where can i download version 1.33.2b?

I don't like some changes in later versions!

And my Warcraft can't load the newest mapversion. Need i something to load this map? a higher Warcraft Version or something?

/edit... ok now i can start the new version (Warcraft 3 needed an update). Buf if there a way to load my old characters from Version 1.32.5b? I don't understand this profiles.
I don't want to lose all my prestige levels!
Last edited:
Level 1
May 17, 2018
Was playing the most recent version (1.33.7b) new character, everythings going fine, get up to level 7 and build a nation... and then i get 'gods curse'

now its been quite some time since I've played CoT seriously, but as i remember it you get this curse when you attempt to fight the gods and fail... and there are certain buildings which can 'resist' this effect, allowing for you to try it again... am i wrong here? does it just trigger when you buy a nation and you have to kill the gods before they kill you?
Level 1
Jul 30, 2018
there is a bug, after the load is complete, before the *Press a key to...* appears the game is quit cuz of error message: Requested 380 gigabyte of ram, critical error. Any suggestion?:) thanks
where can i download version 1.33.2b?

I don't like some changes in later versions!

And my Warcraft can't load the newest mapversion. Need i something to load this map? a higher Warcraft Version or something?

/edit... ok now i can start the new version (Warcraft 3 needed an update). Buf if there a way to load my old characters from Version 1.32.5b? I don't understand this profiles.
I don't want to lose all my prestige levels!

We code wipe between most major version releases, and occasionally in-between. Anything before 1.33.3 will not work on the current version.

Edit: If you seek older versions, you can check the website for direct downloads.
Release – Curse of Time RPG
Level 2
Nov 23, 2017
We code wipe between most major version releases, and occasionally in-between.

Really? Why then Prestige? This make no sense for me!!! I Level Prestige, want to play the newest version and if you guys think it is time for a wipe we players
lost all our Time we spend in this Map?
Level 2
Aug 24, 2018
Edit: The other version allows for playing the map but one major issues happens. When my game crashes (when seems randomly) and you load a hero (at least on solo play), you no longer get xp and have to repick to regain xp again.
Last edited:
Level 1
Aug 30, 2018
is there something i need to download or install to be able to play this map? I can play the older versions.
Why all time code-vipe?
So i have no prestige!
We haven't code wiped in a while, since 1.33.3.

Edit: The other version allows for playing the map but one major issues happens. When my game crashes (when seems randomly) and you load a hero (at least on solo play), you no longer get xp and have to repick to regain xp again.
Unfortunately we have a lot of issues due to current wc3 patch. When they update it again, we'll update cot to work again. We just tested it on the PTR today with good success.
Level 2
Nov 23, 2017
We haven't code wiped in a while, since 1.33.3.
Really is this the answer? I ask WHY... why you guys wipe this Code? We level our Prestige on a Version and you guys thinks
it is time for a wipe!?! For what? What is the reason for this crap?
I like your Work. This Map is nice but this Code wipe is a "feature" you can skip!
Sry 4 my English. Isn't my language ;)
That was not the quest ;-)
Really is this the answer? I ask WHY... why you guys wipe this Code? We level our Prestige on a Version and you guys thinks
it is time for a wipe!?! For what? What is the reason for this crap?
I like your Work. This Map is nice but this Code wipe is a "feature" you can skip!
Sry 4 my English. Isn't my language ;)

We wipe to add new content. We have everything stored in the save code, but as we add more heroes/items/etc we have to apply it to save as well, which forces a wipe. The second reason would be bug abuse, to prevent people from going back to earlier versions and having an unfair advantage. We do not code wipe for no reason, we only apply it when it is necessary to proceed further with development, or to prevent exploits.

As you can see, every version ever uploaded here is marked (b) for beta, as the map is still under heavy modding and all of these aspects should be expected. We try our best to not release with any major bugs, but we can't be perfect every time.
Level 2
Nov 25, 2009
Latest version downloaded, CTD after loading complete, following errors appeared in logs folder
9/27 17:01:17.990 GameMain Started
9/27 17:01:17.990 Command Line: "F:\warcraft iii\Warcraft III.exe" --game=w3 "--gamepath=F:/Warcraft III/" -uid w3
9/27 17:01:17.990 Current Directory: "f:\warcraft iii"
9/27 17:01:18.540 Telemetry Launch Info:

Warcraft III.exe Agent.exe"W3XP*W3XP

9/27 17:01:37.536 GameMain Ended
9/27 17:01:18.569 Error (UI\FrameDef\UI\ConsoleUI.fdf:96265736): Expected ",", but found "AlphaMode"

9/27 17:01:18.569 (UI\FrameDef\UI\ConsoleUI.fdf//96265736) Warning, unknown keyword in context: Literal String
9/27 17:01:18.569 (UI\FrameDef\UI\ConsoleUI.fdf//96265736) Warning, unknown keyword in context: ,

Tried in single player and multiplayer and same problem
Latest version downloaded, CTD after loading complete, following errors appeared in logs folder
9/27 17:01:17.990 GameMain Started
9/27 17:01:17.990 Command Line: "F:\warcraft iii\Warcraft III.exe" --game=w3 "--gamepath=F:/Warcraft III/" -uid w3
9/27 17:01:17.990 Current Directory: "f:\warcraft iii"
9/27 17:01:18.540 Telemetry Launch Info:

Warcraft III.exe Agent.exe"W3XP*W3XP

9/27 17:01:37.536 GameMain Ended
9/27 17:01:18.569 Error (UI\FrameDef\UI\ConsoleUI.fdf:96265736): Expected ",", but found "AlphaMode"

9/27 17:01:18.569 (UI\FrameDef\UI\ConsoleUI.fdf//96265736) Warning, unknown keyword in context: Literal String
9/27 17:01:18.569 (UI\FrameDef\UI\ConsoleUI.fdf//96265736) Warning, unknown keyword in context: ,

Tried in single player and multiplayer and same problem

From what I understand, you crash directly after the loading screen -- this game must be played on maximum warcraft 3 settings,
here is an example of how it should look. You should also restart warcraft 3 after every game you play.
Level 1
Dec 20, 2018
As I said before, if you're playing alone, it saves and loads from cache.
What idiot makes an rpg that you can only save one time per game? With all the desyncs in wc3 nowadays i save several times to ensure i dont lose my data. This game will waste your time,unfortunately. Then other players will force,hardcore mode and new players die and cannot save, huge waste of time.