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Currently working on ... (Daily update)

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Level 2
Mar 25, 2010
I have an idea so when there are more than 2 people and one of them is a cleric and they fight against many mobs, cleric somethime cant target the other player cuz there is many mobs.My think is make it like another rpg forgot his name at where the left side of the screen is all characters HP and MP and just target Their HP and MP and be able to heal/buff.I think its gonna be really more easy.
Hope u understand what i mean cuz my explanation part is not so good ;/
Level 3
Mar 22, 2010
I'm pretty sure he means like world of warcraft. where your entire parties portraits are on left side and you just target their portrait to heal them and you can see their hp bar with the portrait.
Level 4
Mar 27, 2008
Those party frame thingies are really usefull zwieb and makes targeting some easier. So if you want to use them here is the line to do so:
call SetPlayerAlliance(Player(the player), Player(with who), ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL, true)

ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL <-- only allows a hero portrait to be shown and nothing more you cannot control the hero in anyway it only shows the portrait
and use this line:
call SetReservedLocalHeroButtons( 1 )
so all portraits are shown nicely below each other;)

GL mate with the map it's great:)
Those party frame thingies are really usefull zwieb and makes targeting some easier. So if you want to use them here is the line to do so:
call SetPlayerAlliance(Player(the player), Player(with who), ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL, true)

ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL <-- only allows a hero portrait to be shown and nothing more you cannot control the hero in anyway it only shows the portrait
and use this line:
call SetReservedLocalHeroButtons( 1 )
so all portraits are shown nicely below each other;)

GL mate with the map it's great:)
That would also add the other player's bag and material bag to the quickbar. But I will do some testing with it. Thanks for this idea; I never played around with shared control that much and didnt know that you can have those icons without having real shared control.
Level 2
Mar 25, 2010
u can make it only whit icons not whit other players bag.For what i need the other player bags?
Level 4
Mar 27, 2008
zwieb if you still want to use it you can maybe id the bags as workers so you could still select them left down on the screen (dunno if this will work out ok:p)
and GJ on the progress;) this is gonna be a major update:D
zwieb if you still want to use it you can maybe id the bags as workers so you could still select them left down on the screen (dunno if this will work out ok:p)
and GJ on the progress;) this is gonna be a major update:D
Then you wouldn't be able to pass items to the bag by drag&dropping items on the quickbar icon. As you can see, theres always a drawback in every solution. That's why I am so sick of WC3 ... -_-

PS: I changed the developement plan now. Instead of working on optional quests, I switched over to creating items now, so that I can get the new update working asap. When the items are done, I just need to add pathing blockers and the new content upgrade is ready to be released ... if there is enough time left, then, I may add some more quests.
I will keep you informed about the item making process. I plan adding like a 100 new items. Let's see how long that takes.
Level 7
Aug 14, 2009
Then you wouldn't be able to pass items to the bag by drag&dropping items on the quickbar icon. As you can see, theres always a drawback in every solution. That's why I am so sick of WC3 ... -_-

PS: I changed the developement plan now. Instead of working on optional quests, I switched over to creating items now, so that I can get the new update working asap. When the items are done, I just need to add pathing blockers and the new content upgrade is ready to be released ... if there is enough time left, then, I may add some more quests.
I will keep you informed about the item making process. I plan adding like a 100 new items. Let's see how long that takes.

Try adding as much quests as you can, Zwiebelchen. If you keeped us waiting until now, at least make it worth it.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Try adding as much quests as you can, Zwiebelchen. If you keeped us waiting until now, at least make it worth it.


Many of us have been waiting since Feb 4th for a new version, if the date were to be extended a few extra days I really don't think it matters at this point. We all just want to see as much content as possible in this version especially since it could potentially be the last version on Warcraft III

Many of us have been waiting since Feb 4th for a new version, if the date were to be extended a few extra days I really don't think it matters at this point. We all just want to see as much content as possible in this version especially since it could potentially be the last version on Warcraft III
Usually, adding new quests doesn't take very long. But with Starcraft II editor coming closer and closer, you might understand that I want to have the option to release the map once it is 100% playable. I will use every additional day after completion to add new quests, if possible.

PS: I finished the armor items. Gonna work on the weapons now. I think I will be done with all the items stuff in like 4-5 hours. ... Maybe also including new recipes, but we will see.

EDIT: Phew ... I'm currently working my arse off, but I'm almost done with the weapons. Hopefully, I can finish all the item data today, so I can concentrate on setting up the loottables and stuff tomorrow.
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Level 7
Aug 14, 2009
Oh, and another question: You say you will pass the project to SC2 as soon as it gets out. As far as I know (irony), SC2 is a futuristic sci-fi game. Basically it has no medieval models, terrain, etc... So, how many time (years) will take to make all those? (I hope it's not an idiotic question) :)
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Oh, and another question: You say you will pass the project to SC2 as soon as it gets out. As far as I know (irony), SC2 is a futuristic sci-fi game. Basically it has no medieval models, terrain, etc... So, how many time (years) will take to make all those? (I hope it's not an idiotic question) :)

Well pretty much everything is Custom on Gaias on Warcraft III. The entire Tileset is not in the actual wc3, so importing the exact same tileset or a medieval time style models into sc2 is not impossible. Or in other words you can make sc2 maps look exactly like wc3 maps or exactly like the current version of Gaias.
Level 7
Aug 14, 2009
Well pretty much everything is Custom on Gaias on Warcraft III. The entire Tileset is not in the actual wc3, so importing the exact same tileset or a medieval time style models into sc2 is not impossible. Or in other words you can make sc2 maps look exactly like wc3 maps or exactly like the current version of Gaias.

Well, as far as I know the developers said that Warcraft III models won't work on SC2, as the format is different. But we will live and see, I guess...
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Well, as far as I know the developers said that Warcraft III models won't work on SC2, as the format is different. But we will live and see, I guess...

Even if this is true, you are allowed to create models and tilesets for SCII so you can create an entirely looking fantasy setting world if you really wanted to.
Level 5
Mar 8, 2010
I wont be able to play online until saturday. I wonder if I wil lbe lucky by then!

Though I have quite the question:

Background: So I needed just 2 cotton to make the Thurm(whatever) robe, and silly me thought " well. rubies seem rarer than cotton...but i have one. this should be easy!" 4 hours later of constant farming:

Gold: 8000
1 cotton
4 rubies


so....What are the drop rates for materials?(don't answer me if you have somethnig better to do, like creating item tables!)
I wont be able to play online until saturday. I wonder if I wil lbe lucky by then!

Though I have quite the question:

Background: So I needed just 2 cotton to make the Thurm(whatever) robe, and silly me thought " well. rubies seem rarer than cotton...but i have one. this should be easy!" 4 hours later of constant farming:

Gold: 8000
1 cotton
4 rubies


so....What are the drop rates for materials?(don't answer me if you have somethnig better to do, like creating item tables!)
Hmm ... maybe try other mobs? I can not tell you about the droprates because I do not know them exactly ... (every mob type has his own droplist), but gnolls and those highlevel thieves should drop pretty good.

PS: Content upgrade either friday or monday. Depends on how much I can get done today. The items are almost done, but there is still a lot of terrain polishing to do (like pathing blockers, some more details, invis platforms, etc.).
Level 7
Aug 14, 2009
Hmm ... maybe try other mobs? I can not tell you about the droprates because I do not know them exactly ... (every mob type has his own droplist), but gnolls and those highlevel thieves should drop pretty good.

PS: Content upgrade either friday or monday. Depends on how much I can get done today. The items are almost done, but there is still a lot of terrain polishing to do (like pathing blockers, some more details, invis platforms, etc.).

Don't rush it, just do what you have to do.
Don't rush it, just do what you have to do.
After almost 4 months of developement, I can not prevent the adrenaline rush of the goal coming closer and closer ...

PS: Finished the items. Now setting up the attachment models for them ... I think I need some model editing for that, so it might take one or two hours.
Level 5
Mar 8, 2010
After almost 4 months of developement, I can not prevent the adrenaline rush of the goal coming closer and closer ...

PS: Finished the items. Now setting up the attachment models for them ... I think I need some model editing for that, so it might take one or two hours.


also, yes I was farming the gnolls and the 2 high level theives. I finally got the cotton i needed, and now have the nice robe.

I jsut don't know what to do with the gold i have...it's too much. Maybe i will buy some items for noobs or people who remake characters
Also, you won't be able to sell potions and scrolls of TP anymore, to "trade" money.

And don't worry, I added some very great items to the vendors of Mytargas that cost a good amount of money ... You will be able to spend your gold, don't worry.

Btw ... as you can see in the first post: The "Still To do" list is gone ... Only the "Currently working on" list is still active ... ;)

The map is now fully playable at this point.

Let's see how long the final polishing will take.

PS: Wow, it was actually pretty fun to set up the loot tables of the dungeon bosses. I felt like a went a little bit overboard when creating the items ... in fact, I made so damn much of them, that I had trouble to assign every single one of them to a loottable. The four new Dungeon bosses all have more than 10 items in their droplists ...
Level 3
Sep 30, 2009
Really like hearing the progress of the map progress.. =D! Gets me excited about all of the new content and what all of those items are that drop from each of the bosses!
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Going back to this Concept:
I jsut don't know what to do with the gold i have...it's too much. Maybe i will buy some items for noobs or people who remake characters
What if every time you died you lost a certain amount of gold, except if -pvp is on. Like based on your level and the amount of gold you currently have would determine the amount you would lose per death. This would be a relitively easy and quick way to limit the amount of gold in the game so people must worry about not dieing and just get a surplus of gold. Several games have done this and have been quite successful. Diablo II does it, WOW does it with Repair bills, I believe TKoK does it, and plenty more. It would be a pretty effective money sink hole I believe.
Level 5
Mar 8, 2010
Going back to this Concept:

What if every time you died you lost a certain amount of gold, except if -pvp is on. Like based on your level and the amount of gold you currently have would determine the amount you would lose per death. This would be a relitively easy and quick way to limit the amount of gold in the game so people must worry about not dieing and just get a surplus of gold. Several games have done this and have been quite successful. Diablo II does it, WOW does it with Repair bills, I believe TKoK does it, and plenty more. It would be a pretty effective money sink hole I believe.

I like this Idea. except make sure that if you get Resurrected by a cleric, you don't lose gold.
Going back to this Concept:

What if every time you died you lost a certain amount of gold, except if -pvp is on. Like based on your level and the amount of gold you currently have would determine the amount you would lose per death. This would be a relitively easy and quick way to limit the amount of gold in the game so people must worry about not dieing and just get a surplus of gold. Several games have done this and have been quite successful. Diablo II does it, WOW does it with Repair bills, I believe TKoK does it, and plenty more. It would be a pretty effective money sink hole I believe.
Great idea ... I wonder why I haven't thought about this yet ...
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Can't you just go to the old version and give items to noobs and let them save so they can upload it to the upcoming version?

Those old items will be obsolete with new gear and everything

EDIT: Although they could still log on the old version to buy gear for other people and have them sell it for gold if they REALLY wanted to get some money. It's this reason, and the fact that so many people have already grinded D2 so many times, and have aquired the best gear, all the skills, and max levels (my mage is level 37 for example) that I feel the game should get a code wipe. I know many people would strongly disagree with me since they worked so hard for their high levels, but I'd personally welcome a code wipe. It'll be much harder to exploit gold and gear in new version + if gold loss per death is implemented it'll even keep the gold down, making gold much more valuable, and since everyone would be wiped there would be no one who has the exploited recipes that other people made or the surplus of gold for new content plus personally It would be no fun being 10+ levels over the new content and having 30,000 gold at least for me, which is why I intend on remaking all of my chars anyways.
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Hmm, for those people hoping that the new version comes out today: I think we won't make it in time.

TBH, the one thing that is left before the map is ready to be played is also one that is some kind of slave work: Placing invis platforms and pathing blockers.
The whole sewers thing is an awful amount of blockers, sight blockers and invis platforms. There is literally no spot in the sewers that comes without those little helpers >_>

Other than that, the amount of pathing blockers required for the town is also insane.

I expect this work to take at least 10 more hours. If not more. Also, we have to calculate the shadowmap again, which also takes like 8 hours (although I do not need to do something during that time ... XD) of waiting.

Expect the map on monday or tuesday evening. Until that time; stay tuned for the most awesome content upgrade of Gaias Retaliation!
Level 2
Mar 25, 2010
omg omg i dont have many patiens more :D i wish to release it 2 sec after my post and to start playing -,-
Level 3
Feb 5, 2010
Hmm, for those people hoping that the new version comes out today: I think we won't make it in time.

TBH, the one thing that is left before the map is ready to be played is also one that is some kind of slave work: Placing invis platforms and pathing blockers.
The whole sewers thing is an awful amount of blockers, sight blockers and invis platforms. There is literally no spot in the sewers that comes without those little helpers >_>

Other than that, the amount of pathing blockers required for the town is also insane.

I expect this work to take at least 10 more hours. If not more. Also, we have to calculate the shadowmap again, which also takes like 8 hours (although I do not need to do something during that time ... XD) of waiting.

Expect the map on monday or tuesday evening. Until that time; stay tuned for the most awesome content upgrade of Gaias Retaliation!

well all i want to say is,when we could w8 so long,better to w8 2 days more to they make final details and preparations perfect...
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
there are 15-20 new quests (minus class quests)

I know they were initially planning on adding an additional 15 quests on top of the 5 class change quests, but I don't think he ended up doing it. I think only like 2-3 were added. Zweb wanted to get the map 'playable' as fast as he could since the SCII World Editor was coming closer to being released. I could be wrong though, and he may have added all the quests he was planning on adding.
I made 5 additional quests (1 introduction in riversdale + 3 farmland + 1 dungeon quest). But I feel like this is okay. The new content is almost not about outdoor content, as the new area with outdoor mobs is very limited.

The dungeon, however, is HUGE and contains 4 bosses, one of them being a special summonable mob that requires a special item from the last boss.
This special boss is also very hard compared to the others (which are also hard ;) ) and contains a very special loottable.

Also, there are some special red-named items in the game now, some of them dropping on bosses at a very small rate and some of them sold at the town for masses of gold and mana crystals, which now can be found at two of the d3 bosses.

So all in all, the new release is about the class change quests and the dungeon anyways. But I guarantee you that it was worth the waiting time. ... the new dungeon is like the total opposite of the existing ones. Bosses are not nuke-fests anymore, but require movement skills and also some special tricks you might not notice at the first try ...

Also, I think the class change quests have turned out to be very difficult (but entertaining), so expect to require maybe like 5-6 trys on each one.
Level 5
Mar 8, 2010
Believe it or not, but the new version was finished one minute ago.

I will calculate the shadowmap tomorrow. After that, a single testing game will be made and if that returns no bugs, then the new version will be released. :thumbs_up:

wooo! so, to be kinda greedy...what time would you think it will be released if there were no problems (I'm running on US Mountain time)
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
we have to calculate the shadowmap again, which also takes like 8 hours (although I do not need to do something during that time ... XD) of waiting.
Then there's the test run of the map which I'd estimate no more than an hour-two, if they don't start the shadowmap testing until their tomorrow morning I'd say it would probably be done by our Monday Night
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