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[Cryptosystem] RSA-CRT w/ FME


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Unfortunately worthless without virtualized integers. integer just can't handle any practical example of RSA.
because the value is always too big? dunno, but I hope CRT and FME fix it

Also, IsRound:

I have found another way to encypt/decrypt huge number by separating the integer into several blocks, which each blocks only contain 3 digits, will try to implement it later..

Edit: You should also implement a debug thread crash verification, and maybe even work around them.
check. thank you

- Added some debug messages
- Fixed some possible thread crashes
- Fixed bug on Power function

next time I will try to make this library capable to encrypt & decrypt strings :)
Last edited:
because the value is always too big? dunno, but I hope CRT and FME fix it

It can be seen in a toy example with small values, but RSA is supposed to be used with 2048 bit modulii -> 617 digit number.

I have found another way to encypt/decrypt huge number by separating the integer into several blocks, which each blocks only contain 3 digits, will try to implement it later..

Better, but probably not worth your time...


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
It can be seen in a toy example with small values, but RSA is supposed to be used with 2048 bit modulii -> 617 digit number.

Better, but probably not worth your time...

so, what must I do? request for GY again? :ogre_kawaii:

btw, the code above has been updated with several hotfixes

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Complex encryption/check sums ares worthless in WC3 as people will just use the map to do all the encryption/decryption.

Might have value purely as an academic task though.

Could possibly be useful when communicating with a hosting robot. However such strict implementations are not good for map long-levity as only custom host robot versions (closed source) can host it and use the feature.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Sorry, I don't think you don't have the Coprime function. It is the most important part of the Totient.
if GCD(m, i) == 1 then
there it is the coprime function (one line) :p did you say it correctly? don't think I don't have?

Kinda makes submitting it pointless.
TH courages me to make this D:


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
just to make sure :p

Complex encryption/check sums ares worthless in WC3 as people will just use the map to do all the encryption/decryption.

Might have value purely as an academic task though.

Could possibly be useful when communicating with a hosting robot. However such strict implementations are not good for map long-levity as only custom host robot versions (closed source) can host it and use the feature.

yup, it's actually just a conversion from c++ (my homework) to jass with some new better and improved algorithms. I think this should work properly as I have tested it when it was still in c++