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Crash The 3rd Party

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Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Still waiting to see the supposed Anti Map Hack you have. I've been all through Xantan's Dota AMH. Its got enough map-validation code to scare off even the more prudent coders. However I looked through almost every line of code, and its definitely not fool proof. I heavily doubt there is any more competent detection methods out there though, and if there are I'd definitely like to see them. Please share the code with the community.

BTW I checked out the sight, and I found that there download/upload system has been made public. Couldn't find Anti-map hack code you talked about. Except of course Xantan's. (Which he released in one of his map addition packs I believe) Also in DOTA AMH. But I don't see any ground breaking methods, so please share the code you found. It may have been removed by now for some reason or another, or mabey I just can't find it.
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Level 1
Dec 10, 2007
you know... if it wasnt for dota about half of these malicious things wouldnt even exist... and why do u want to get rid of banlist? they help to stop hacking somewhat
Level 1
Dec 10, 2007
nothing can completely stop hacking but... if some1 is known as a hacker or if they make one obvious slipup they can be banned, also in the future if said person changes their name it will show up as the same ip.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Nope, IPs now days tend to be variable so he probably will not have the same IP. Easiest way is to notice any mistakes, like behaving like he knows more than he should as that is the only form of hacking that can happen. In WC3 there is no such thing as a invincibility hack or unkillable hack or instant kill hack, as those will require a virus on the other player's computers that also preforms the memory hack so as to stop OUS. Thus only map hack is a problem, which most noobs let them selves be easily detected when using it by knowing more than they should or spamming "I map hack".

As for map protection, in WC3 there is no way to stop maps being edited.
Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
As for map protection, in WC3 there is no way to stop maps being edited.

I belive I found a method, becuase the site that used to hack versions of my map could not hack the last version a few months ago and gave up on it...

You just need to make your map so that it detects major chages in the codeing and there is a special way to protect it...
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Even then a smart coder can not be stopped. This is because to detect a major change you need to use code... So if you spent enough time, you could remove the various code protection methods.

However I still think that code is a #@$ when its been through an obfuscator.
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