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Coder needed for ORPG

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Rise of the Corruptor ORPG will, with your help, become one of the most played ORPGs out there. Why?

Here are some reasons:
- It is easy to understand (no complicated inventory, talent system or anything like that).
- Has many ways to level up (Quests, Mini-games, Dungeons, Mazes, might come more).
- Game starts very easy but gradually becomes harder (but not impossible).
- All Dungeons can be played in Normal or Heroic mode. Normal mode will be easy and fast for the casual players while Heroic will be more challenging but so much more rewarding!
- A map with great lore which you can feel while doing Quests and Dungeons.
- Fun End-Game content for all players! Dungeon with a Legendary item quest line, 4 Battlegrounds for PvP, 2 Neutral factions at war (choose one side and earn reputation with them to gain entrance to their capital cities which contains great rewards!)
- Maybe adding in professions like Alchemy & Blacksmithing. You would then need to collect Herbs or Ores throughout the world which would give you Profession Points. Profession Points is then used to craft items that you learn. To learn to create new items there will both be a level requirement and you will need to bring the Trainer certain items.

Now to your part, the coding.

You will code pretty much everything as I've found my triggers are bugged here and there.
- Quests: Repeatable, Chains, Once per Game.
- Dungeons: Boss fights, Dungeon events, (mabybe cinematics)
- A creep respawn system
- A Hero Save/Load system which saves your Hero, items, items in one extra chest, gold, lumber, PvP points, Reputation Points with the factions and MAYBE profession points (PvP, Reputation and Profession points will only show on a Multiboard.)

If you are interested just give me a PM and I will let you take a look on the map so far and we can discuss more about it.

Thanks for taking your time reading this :)
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Bump, some more info if you want is that you only need to make one trigger for things that will repeat themselves. For example Quests, you only have to make the first one, then I will just copy/paste and change everything else to the new values.

So me myself will make all the long/boring work hehe ^^

Ofcourse there are things that will take longer time to make like Save/Load system and stuff like that, but I suppose it could be based off one of the systems that are already on the hive. Just make it save those extra values.

Anyway, hope to hear from someone soon :)
Level 4
Nov 13, 2010
I looked for the exact same kind of person you are looking for.. found noone capable enough to do the neccesary stuff :ogre_icwydt:
Gave up and started making triggers myself(though my reqruitment is still up for anyone interested). Quite time consuming but there are tons of great tutorials for both GUI and JASS out there.

I wish you Good Luck on your search :goblin_yeah:
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Thanks Chiller, I'll see what I can find and do my best :)

Darkgrom: That would be awesome :) Hehe, well you will level up pretty fast, I will try and aim for a lvl 1-100 (including the class advancements) to take around maybe 3-4 hours at its fastest. (Being a Full House will grant the most XP and doing Heroic Dungeons will be the fastest way to level) so if you play single player and just doing Quests it will ofcourse take much longer.

But ofcourse I will try and make those hours interesting aswell since most people will probably level up many different classes :)
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