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Clash of the Beasts

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Level 5
Aug 16, 2010
Clash of the Beasts

( I apologize in advance for my bad English. Please report any grammar or punctuation mistake by p.m.)

CotB : Origin

Actually, I came up with the idea when I was creating the Omnislash spell in WE. During the test phase, I made a giant Abomination (1.6 scale value!) to test the spell on. When I saw the Blademaster and 2 other heroes trying to kill the monster with their spells, suddenly an idea came to my mind:
A map with players trying to kill (or tame) monsters to gain an advantage in the battlefield against real opponents. And eventually I started to expand it and finally it became what I'm going to show you now...


The main concept is fighting monsters, getting gold and killing them and/or using them in battle against your opponents. There will be tons of unique heroes, items, upgrades for your base, monsters (each having an AI specially made for them), and other stuff. But this is just the beginning! I have plans for some other modes. But for now, I want to focus on the normal mode.
Here's a short introduction to the Normal Mode:


Each team starts with some gold and a fully built base (so players can focus on battles and monsters instead of boring things like building structures). In the base, we have different hero taverns which are categorized based on hero classes. There are also neutral hero taverns outside the base from which unique heroes can be hired. There are also upgrade buildings which are described later.
Other buildings (except a few) are really common like defense towers and such. (However they can adapt to different situation through upgrades, etc.)

Game Style

In this mode, you must make a team with a combination of different heroes from a variety of classes. Then head for monster camps or the single lane in game and fight alongside your creeps. after a you've collected enough points (different than gold, a variable that is used to allow access to new heroes, upgrades, abilities and even new monsters to slay! I'm looking for a proper name, if you know one , inform me and you'll be credited (even the smallest things should be credited) you can hire better heroes and buy new items which are necessary to kill or tame bigger monsters.


Now comes the main part, Monsters! This is the main focus of this map and so a huge amount of work is needed for it.
There are 5 different monster levels:

  • Light Monsters
  • Moderate Monsters
  • Heavy Monsters
  • Mega Monsters
  • Boss Monsters
All of these monster camps are available from the beginning of the game, but obviously you can't defeat a level 30 (or any level!) Boss monster with a cute level 5 hero.
First you have to defeat a monster (here, defeating isn't necessarily killing) and then, you can either kill it or tame it. Each way has its own advantages:

  • If you kill the monster, you may find a really rare and valuable item (based on monster's level) and you gain experience and gold, too.
  • If you tame the monster, you can use it against your opponent and usually high level monsters are too powerful to be overlooked. So you can spare some gold (although some BIG gold which can be used to purchase some items that ONLY money can buy!) to gain a worthy ally on the battlefield.
Choosing between these two options can be very difficult indeed, since you can tame and take advantage of monster's ability's and power; or kill and gain gold (if it's a Boss, you won't regret it!) to buy unique stuff. (and maybe unique heroes)


What I need

I hope the introduction was interesting enough to convince to join the map development group! (Further details coming soon)
Actually, this map is just about its initial phase. I mean I have simply done NOTHING, except implementing needed systems*. To be honest, I'm horrible in terraining and other stuff and the only thing I can handle is making spells or something related to triggers (Better be vJass, but I know a bit of GUI too). Thus what I need is:

  • A good terrainer
  • Good triggerer(s)
  • A good AI writer who will work on monsters and creeps behaviour (maybe I can help with this one, too. But not sure if I'm skillful enough)
  • 2D artist for icons
  • A 3D version of the above for models
  • Someone who can write a short background story for heroes
  • New ideas for spell (state your ideas in this post and if it's implemented or even the concept is used somehow, you'll certainly get credited)
  • Good ideas about anything!
If you contribute to map development or help make it better in any way you'll be credited. Major helpers are listed in the Start Screen, too!

*:Since I wanted the triggering and spell making stuff to be easy, I decided to use any system needed and not use my own. But I just wondered is it right to use for example ABUff in my map (of course I'll credit Anitarf!) I mean isn't there any problem with using 10 systems?! )

A complete list of needed things will be added soon. Also a list of current people who are working on map is to be added.
Well, I'm waiting guys! Hope you're interested and willing to help me finish this project. I really appreciate any help. :wink:
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