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Change Unit Name

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Nop, there isn't.
You can only display the player's name above the unit with Floating text, with the action
  • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads (Name of (Triggering player)) above (Triggering unit) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
But that's all.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Well, if you had multiple versions of the unit you could replace hero with name A for hero with name B. You could also play around with the Chaos ability for trigger-executed unit transformation. There is a bug with the Chaos ability that seems to stack hero attributes or something, so I would only recommend it if you either know exactly what you're doing, or you're not using this method for heroes.

Heroes could be transformed with other methods though, too, try playing around with the things I have mentioned.
Level 8
Jun 16, 2008
Nop, there isn't.
You can only display the player's name above the unit with Floating text, with the action
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads (Name of (Triggering player)) above (Triggering unit) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency

But that's all.
Doesn't work it just leaves the floating text where your unit was.
You could always just use a periodic timer and set it to the position of the unit.

But anyway, for the first question, there is no actual way (as you can tell by the posts above). Unless you are able to make a hero for each name combination possible, (which would range in the billions or trillions or most likely more =P ) then there is no other way. However, you could always set the player's name to reflect the hero's name. =)
Level 12
Sep 4, 2007
thanks for the feedback. I can't really change people's name's cause i'm gonna use save/load system based on nickname. can't use floatingtext either because my map have "hiding features" that don't involve the invisibility spell (actually just involves hiding behind places, putting a floating text above just ruins that.)

anyway, thanks for the feedback. I suppose my only option would be make hero with a lot of proper names (of course not trillions or millions). =)
I doubt there will be over a trillion name possibilities.

26!/(26-15)! = 26!/11! = approx. 10^19 =D But I guess that is kind of off-topic...

@Lelyanra: Why not just show floating texts for the players that need it then? Or possibly only show the floating text if the hero is in range. Or, better yet, just save the person's player name at the start of the match, and then you can change the player name to reflect the hero. That way, you can get their names without having your save/load code malfunction.
Level 12
Sep 4, 2007
I don't get it, why do you want a player to be able to change his name then?

Since it's a save/load map, although not precisely an rpg (but with many aspects of one), I'd like to get the characters to get more "unique". Almost all the features of the map are customisable (you can choose the race, sex, improvable weapon skills (no class selection, just choose the weapon n' go) e.t.c...)

So a player would have it's characters with the proper name the player wanted they to have.

So your night elf druid would not be an Night Elf Druid, but Nicolah Shadowleaf or other strange name like xXxEmoElf213xXx.

I suppose i'd have to give proper name choices instead (inputed in the custom unit's hero proper name). isn't that much fun as I wanted but i think is more possible... right? if it is, how do I do to get n' choose n' change a proper name (between like 10)? I know i can do this with different custom units, but would be better if i could just do with the proper names.
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