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Catapult by chilla_killa

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hey Guys,

I once made this Catapult for my Age of Empires Project, but then I never finished it.
Now I've found it again and added the last animations.

It uses only ingame textures and was custom animated in MS3D.

Thanks to PyadmideHe@d, who helped me once with the attack animation.
Special thanks to olofmoleman, who inspired me with his Trebutchet.

medieval, catapult, stonethrower, stone, lotr, mechanic, heavy, wood, trebutchet

Catapult by chilla_killa (Model)

23:21, 20th Mar 2010 DonDustin: I really like your concept, but the mesh looks really lacking to me right now. And the wheels could actually look like real wheels aswell. I'll keep it to pending for now so you can get some additional...




23:21, 20th Mar 2010
DonDustin: I really like your concept, but the mesh looks really lacking to me right now. And the wheels could actually look like real wheels aswell.

I'll keep it to pending for now so you can get some additional comments&critism

anarchianbedlam: This model has been up long enough. No changes have been made. Death animation is floating in the air; no decay animation; multiple UV wrapping errors; stretching smudge etc. ; simple boxes as a mesh. Good concept but needs work.

Level 9
Aug 18, 2008
There are four things that should be improved.
1. Wheels!
2. Texture choice, it looks too bright
3. Model looks too clean, it feels empty.
4. Model lacks teamcolour

First things first, the wheels look awful.
ZIR's suggestion was good.
I suggest you take a look at the following textures:
Hut.blp (Pig Farm)

Now for number three on my list.
If you look at the Warcraft III seige units you will notice they all got one thing in common when it comes to appearance.
They all got something dangerous in the front
I think your catapult would look splendid with some metal spikes in the front.
I imagine something like this model, protecting the front of the catapult.


Also on the sides or the bottom of the catapult I suggest you put teamcoloured leather hides. Like the ones used on the centaur or tauren tents.
Besides this, I suggest you take a look at the HumanDestroyerShip.mdx. To simply have a tiny flag as teamcolour works aswell.
Last edited:
Level 1
Jul 14, 2009
Ermm, did I ask you to fix it?
Did I give you the permission to edit it?
The answer of your question:eek:f course not,
In our place, it called

Sharpen the craft
I didn't consciously,In privately "EDIT" it.
I truly not to pay tribute,With out to ask your opinion first

I have deleted that post,hope you will calm more :zip:
Catapult by chilla_killa
Mesh: 5/15
Although it is very low-poly in most of the model, it has easily-spotted problems, such as geometry weirdly crossing over itself and depth fighting. It is composed of primitives in majority, you could instead merge everything and fix it up, making effective and good-looking joints and not disconnected objects.
The aesthetic factors of the geometry aren't that bad, though. The shape is fairly good, there's not a lot to change there.

Animations: 5/10
The attack animation is physically logical and attractive. The impact provoked by the catapult was a good shot, it plays rather smoothly. Stand is okay, there's a bit of movement, more than that would be too much.
In the other hand, the walk animation is too stiff. Considering that this is a medieval catapult, it can't walk that smoothly. It should shake a little. In-game, the walk anim looks just boring.
The worst problem we got here is the death animation. There isn't any kind of impact, or falling apart, or even some dust to tell it is destroyed. Also, it isn't good to rely that much on the blending time.

Skin: 3/10
Wrap is pretty linear and boring. You should've done something more dynamic and attractive, specially on the wheels, like this, for instance:
There should be more variation across the wood, and specially on the tips, like some cut wood texture. (In the top right corner of your texture)

Mechanics: 2/5
The death animation, which is way too simple, doesn't execute that badly in-game. Also, it launches projectiles well, fit with the game atmosphere and it can be selected easily.
Nevertheless, it has no portrait camera, no attachment points and no decay animation - it just disappears after a while. In addition, it doesn't have teamcolor.

Effects: 0/5
No effects whatsoever. Death could use some dust particles, at least. Or even an alpha change when the stone leaves the catapult.

Creativity: 2/5
It isn't original, nor the most creative thing ever, but the attack animation shows that some creative effort was put into this.

Overall rating: 17/50