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Button Manager v1.8.2

This tool originates from here

Button Manager can create borders in wc3 style for specified file (files). Features:
- Supported file formats: *.bmp, *.jpg, *.tga, *.psd, *.blp, *.png;
- Processing multiple files;
- Importing multiple files in archive;
- Resizing images to 64x64;
- Support of non-standard borders.

+ It supports alpha channel creating (for infocards, scorescreens or specific user borders);
+ It can save both in compressed and paletted BLP formats;
+ It has special features to make resulting BLPs even smaller;
+ It supports user created borders;
+ It can operate multiple icons with ease;
+ It has some settings to customize border applying;
+ It has user-friendly interface;
+ It can open BLP2 textures.

- It works on Win compatible systems (and emulators) only.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: My antivirus says that this program is virus!
A: If your antivirus detects this program as trojan, you probably have McAfee, Comodo, eSafe or Prevx. They don't know anything about exe-optimization-by-hands and UPX. Therefore I recommend to change antivirus.

Q: What's all those BLP settings for?
A: Check butman_readme_eng.txt.

Change log for v1.8.2:
  • Extended PNG support
  • Fixed bug when saving icon with enabled transparency view
  • Fixed bug with incorrent saving in JPEG format

If you have found bugs or you have new ideas, feel free to post it in this topic.

Copyright © 2006-2010 Shadow Daemon (aka Spec).
Program uses SFMPQ.DLL by ShadowFlare

Button Manager, BLP, TGA, PNG, BMP, JPG, PSD, texture, infocard, scorescreen, import, border, icon wizard, swdn, spec

Button Manager v1.8.2 (Binary)

14:10, 22nd Dec 2009 TriggerHappy: This is an awesome and useful to for creating icons.
Level 14
Nov 23, 2008
Does this have a create all types of icons with 1 click?
No. I think, it's rather useless, because there are no cases where you need icon with all borders in real map.

Also, are you going to implement a hotkey for Save file ? Maybe "Ctrl + S" for save file and "Shift + Ctrl + S" for save as :D
Hmm, yes. Hotkey will save a bunch of time. I think I'll bind "Save" to "F2" ("Save as..." will remain bounded to Ctrl + S).
By the way, there are two options for putting border and saving to file automatically (Tools => Settings => General), you can also use it.

Besides, I don't know, what to add/change/fix in the new version o_O (except hotkey for save)
Oh okay

Besides, I don't know, what to add/change/fix in the new version o_O (except hotkey for save)

Ha yea, those two questions were all I could think of :p

Although that Tools>General only does 1 border. I think having a "all icons" would be useful. When I make an icon I throw up every border except Scorescreen unless its a unit.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2004
Having an issue. When I click on a unit that has one of the icons created by the program, the game crashes. Works the same if the icon is a Hero icon on the side of the screen, items, ect ect.

Not sure why this happening since the icons work properly in every other program Ive tried.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Having an issue. When I click on a unit that has one of the icons created by the program, the game crashes. Works the same if the icon is a Hero icon on the side of the screen, items, ect ect.

Not sure why this happening since the icons work properly in every other program Ive tried.

That's interesting. Give details as to your wc3 installation and system please.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2004
Nope, set at highest. No real idea whats wrong, but the solution Ive found is to run the blp's through WC3Viewer and then they work fine, though I do miss out on the smaller file size...But thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully if anyone else is havin' the problem they can try my quickfix.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
It's just, Photoshop won't work. And converting file formats does not, too; It just gives me an error saying "Incorrect file format" or something else I can't remember exactly.
And about bmp, that means...Using paint... Which will not really make it correctly..As I know, (and I think most Hiver's here do)Paint is the failiest drawing program of the year. >.> Anyways good tool, good job.
Level 14
Nov 23, 2008
And converting file formats does not, too; It just gives me an error saying "Incorrect file format" or something else I can't remember exactly.
No screenshots or/and "bugged" files - no errors o_O, that's obviously.

And about bmp, that means...Using paint...
I don't see the sense in this.
BMP is very simple format, which is supported by every graphic editor (paint, paint.net, photoshop, photo-paint, gimp, etc).
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
No screenshots or/and "bugged" files - no errors o_O, that's obviously.

I don't see the sense in this.
BMP is very simple format, which is supported by every graphic editor (paint, paint.net, photoshop, photo-paint, gimp, etc).

I do not use screenshots. Or "bugged files"..

WHAT? So BMP supports Gimp? Well then I have a question.
How would I save Gimp files in BMP ? I did try saving as .xcf and rename it to BMP..Not working.

Anyways, changed my mind, this truly deserves 5/5.
Level 14
Nov 23, 2008
I do not use screenshots. Or "bugged files"..
No, I mean if someone posts message about bugs in program, he could provide screen shot of error window or/and file, which threw error in program, or description of all actions made by user. For what? To reproduce bug on developer's computer.

WHAT? So BMP supports Gimp? Well then I have a question.
How would I save Gimp files in BMP ? I did try saving as .xcf and rename it to BMP..Not working.
1. File => Save as...
2. Click "Select File Type (By Extension)"
3. Select "Windows BMP image"
Also, you can save to other formats, like .tga (TarGA image), .png (PNG image). PNG is better due to lossless compression.
Level 5
Dec 13, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions said:
Q: What's all those BLP settings for?
A: Check butman_readme_eng.txt.

Best answer ever, lol.
Useful program anyways because some ability/item icons dont have an auto-cast icon.
Level 1
Mar 28, 2009
tnx a lot! very useful program and it works on windows 7 and winXP...gj! 5/5
(suggestion to users; use photoshop effect "Poster Edges" to make real-life picture like a drawing and then make a button with this program)
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
best and most usefull tool out, glad its still bieng updated

Edit: just curious, how did u make this program?