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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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"The use of magic requires abilities, wisdom and will. Without a staff, it's harder to gather mana, to fight the enemy and when stuck in an dungeon, to light the way before your eyes."

BTNStaff (Icon)

Icon is not decent enough for approval in its current state.



Level 32
Sep 23, 2012
Assuming the main presentation is the staff, you kinda overdid the effect on this one, the surrounding aura is getting more attention than the staff itself, which is awkward in my opinion.
Try stronger/higher saturation colors for the staff and a more pleasing colors for the effect so they don't blend together.
Take a look at Kimbo's Tutorial if you find the time, especially step 5 to 6 if you want to know more about aura drawing, it's easy to understand and in the same time a very useful tutorial.
Level 10
Nov 17, 2013
Assuming the main presentation is the staff, you kinda overdid the effect on this one, the surrounding aura is getting more attention than the staff itself, which is awkward in my opinion.
Try stronger/higher saturation colors for the staff and a more pleasing colors for the effect so they don't blend together.
Take a look at Kimbo's Tutorial if you find the time, especially step 5 to 6 if you want to know more about aura drawing, it's easy to understand and in the same time a very useful tutorial.

Thank you very much for your feedback! Soon I'll make update.



Level 32
Sep 23, 2012
Thanks for reminding me, Yaser.
About the icon, as I mentioned before; for better transition, you should avoid using black brush for shading and use darker shade of the object's color instead.
Since the handle is not visible anymore, it looks more a necklace than a staff. An aura of the same color from the object is not going good either.
You would probably need to reconsider the angle and proportion if you intend to present a staff with the model design.
We await further improvements.