Do you really want to out yourself?
He's just cocky due to the few icons he's made. He seems to think his word is the word of god and that if he says something it must be done. But seriously? Don't just say "that sucks" say "that's pretty good, but here is how to fix it" or something to that effect. You just sound like a dick right now.
On the topic: Nice improvements, looks ALOT better than the two pieces of blade split apart ;D But some shading and detail would make it really good.
I am not god. I am not crazyrussian (who is close to god in my opinion). i am not kel thuzad nor mr goblin. i am far from being any of them and i do not claim to be one. but i can, as every normal person should, differenciate between good and bad.
for those of you who do not understand it.
'good' means:
-matching blizzard style
-decent quality
-decent painting/drawing skills
-decent and realistic shape
-good highlights and shading
an icon matching those is 'recommended' and if it is of extremely decent quality 'highly recommended'
a 'useful' icon should match at least point 1 and point 4 as well as parts of the other points.
lacking icons are to be improved in the coming future unaccaptable icons are not to be approved.
many of you also do not seem to understand the 'director's cut'. an icon is awarded with dc when it is of outstanding quality and even better than the normal blizzard icons and it has to fit all the points mentioned to a point which isn't met normally.
'bad' means:
-not the things mentioned above
and seriously, if you tell me i am a stupid and ignorant idiot then do that. but i at least know what is a good icon. when you look around at the last few pages then you should recognize that only a few of the icons can reach the 'useful' rating.
those made by darkmoon, by d3ath, the one done by friky, the one from juan ann, by marenko and paladon as well as maybe some of nfwar's icons.
still, all of them are no icons i would actually use in my map. dunno if you would....
so please, people, before you criticize me, get some good arguments which you can base your opinion on.... if something isn't good, i don't say it is good. that's it.
apart from that, it might be right that i should give closer reviews on each icon and to fill your desire here it is:
Let's have a look on your icon.
First, the overall appearance. When looking at it we can see a dagger or something similar to it. You get the feeling that something is missing on this picture. There is too much black as for the badly drawn object could fill it.
To the object itself. I looks really plain and in my opinion much too unrealistic. The filling technique is lacking as well, it seems the dagger consists of many lines (-> unrealistic)
also, the dagger has no real form. its shape is rather crowded, and the texture does fit stone more than iron.
also, the object misses shading (-> makes it plain) but despite to that you use an extreme highlight to define the edge of the knife.
problems gathered:
-filling technique
-object shape
-too empty
-the handle appears as a single piece of wood at the moment, divide it into handle and guard or remove the guard completely
-add a light source to define the shadows
-give the handle a round shape
-change the iron texture
-try to add shadow between blade and guard
-make it more realistic and try to orientate on blizzard icons
after you made those changes we shall see again
PS: sorry for the broken english, i'm in a hurry currently
else it makes me sad that the only thing i get for trying to improve the section is anger and hate from people like chief-oblivion