• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


A member of the website messaged me with a request to make icon for Cho'gall model made by Tauer, I took upon the request since it seemed like a challenge and something different to make since I didn't try fitting 2 heads into one icon yet..

Process is same as my usual process, screenshotting the model, resizing the image then color reducing to create blobs that I polish with pixel art methods.

Here's process file:

192x192 enlarged file:

BTNCho'Gall (Icon)

BTNHeroCho'Gall (Icon)

I'd move the left figure down and resize it as its chin looks like quite dominant feature. Different perspective would help as well. However it looks nice and got a character. Approved.
Thanks.. It took a lot of effort to make them look more like ogres especially the head on the left, the mustache and the hat-looking thingy made it read as a Centaur to me and it took awhile to figure out how to ogre-fy it. :p

I have a question ... how do you do to make the Blue Border? It gives an aspect that I would like to get for my icons.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I have a question ... how do you do to make the Blue Border? It gives an aspect that I would like to get for my icons.

A friend of mine made the layer for me, since I'm totally photoshop(insert all the other more advanced programs here) dumb.. I was having difficulty creating the border and she made it in like 2mins haha
Here's the layer if you wanna use it:

One issue about it is that it applies the blue to the inner outline of the grey border of the icon, so I have to touch it up afterwards a bit (if you apply it to 64x64 icon).. I also add the 2 inner shades around the edge by changing darkness of the picture by -50 then taking 1 row of shadow and then reducing the already darkened picture by -50 more to get the first row of shadow.
Like so:
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I'd move the left figure down and resize it as its chin looks like quite dominant feature. Different perspective would help as well.

However it looks nice and got a character. Approved.

While working on it I felt like the right face is the more dominant one and felt like there's little I can do to improve that, but as I was changing and trying to stretch the other face a bit to make it look more like ogre I think I managed to make it stand out more. I'm not sure if the chin makes it the more dominant one though, I feel like they're about same since the right one has some interesting features about it that grab attention.. And with the blue border on the chin is quite covered.
As for perspective maybe I should've went with something that would make the faces look like they're more part of one body, since currently there's a bit too much separation going on between them and sometimes I can even see it as 2 separate portraits.

Thanks for the feedback and approval.