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Avataria - Roleplaying Thread

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Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
A sudden memory passed through me, and a great shiver too. Something gigantic and powerful entered this world, and the world did not like it. For I noticed my body.....fizzled for a moment. It was a strange one, I was falling, without fear. And then....... colors, and...joy? A strange memory indeed, it would be wise for me to disdain this thought and return to the rest of the group. And find my other weapons, I found Rave's curse was less potent if I concentrated on my memories whenever it occurred, it still hurt though. "Don't even move Elf!" A voice shouted, expressing the word 'elf' like an insult. I looked about, it would seem I am surrounded by dark elves, I'd heard tales of evil elves but hadn't seen any until now. I wasn't one to take orders from others really, so I whipped out my rifle and started blasting em all. It would seem they thought my weapon was demonic, for after six of them died, the rest started bowing before me. "Mercy great one! MERCY I BEG YOU!!!" They chanted, who knew people were afraid of technology? I chuckled, and said "If you wish to live, then tell me the way to Hillcrest!" all the while waving my gun to intimidate them. "Forty meters southwest great one! If you wish, you can take this sword we found, it seems to be very....angry." An elder said, angry reminded me of something, Gaia! "My sword! Give it to me please!" I asked, somewhat hastily though. The elder quivered, as if afraid of getting it, but also seemed relieved to be rid of it. A moment later, he was back with a box, that blew open and a sword shot towards the ground infront of me. "Brutish heathens!" Gaia shouted, to which the locals screamed in horror, as if this were an enraged goddess, who was about to bring hell down upon them. I laughed aloud, then ran for Hillcrest, who knows I might reunite with the others possibly!

Meanwhile, Razet was testing his body out, he seemed regenerated. He thought of ways to torture Aaron, but he did not sense as much agony. No matter, soon, he shall make sure Aaron does. "Pitiful fools, I live for torment MUAHAHAHAHHAAH!!" He shouted to no-one in particular.

In a different realm, a man was on the run, he wasn't exactly a human though. Why? because he was actually dead, long dead infact, resurrected with the aid of a angel's spirit necklace. A powerful amulet angels generally don't give away, for it contains much holy power. Unfortunately for the human, in his past life, he didn't make many friends. Infact, he used to be a bandit, and the city did not forget that. Hence the reason why he was running, why couldn't the angel resurrect me somewhere away from the city guard? He didn't magic, it felt weird around him, unlike others who feel comforted by the presence of the light and magic. He pushed away his disdain, and opened up a portal, he didn't explain to it any specific destination and leaped through. He couldn't do such feats of magic before, but the amulet granted a fairly good amount of magical prowess, it also got rid of most evil desires. So now, he wouldn't go and scam people for money, it didn't mean though that he did not forget these memories though. He landed in the middle of the sky, and had nothing to break the fall with. "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" This man screamed in terror, he fortunately landed onto a temple made of wood. "Phew, thought my life was gonna end again! Now where am I?" He wondered, only to feel an arrow fly past him, "Yipe! Who's there!?" A warrior stepped out, he seemed abit rebellious. "Are you a servant of the kingdom of evil? Answer me!" He shouted, confusing the ex-bandit. "Kingdom of evil? The hell is that?" The ex-bandit asked. "Ahhh....another visitor, you look like a good man, come with me to the rebel camp." The soldier said. "Camp? Rebels? I wish I stuck with getting hanged again." The ex-bandit complained, he had a bad event with rebels in his past, he couldn't remember of what though. "Hey, slow down, I can't seem to remember some things from my past. Why is that?" He asked. "An effect of traveling between a realm and this one." The rebel said simply. "Well, can't say that I missed them anyways." He replied.
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008

Dracor: You are welcome. I go prepare some spells while you think of a strategy.

Not knowing what the decision of Am'ar would be in the end, Dracor thought that what should be done should be done anyway. He left the tent, and headed towards the outer gate of the camp. As he went there, he saw the refugees of the camp - soldiers in armors, women cooking or treating the wounded. Strangely he didn't meet any children on his way, but as a camp at war, it didn't really have a meaning for him.

As he reached the gate, called for the closest soldier.

Dracor: Get everyone away from the gate on both side. No men should be close to this section of wall, nor the gate on either side. Send all the men from the wall down if there are any.

After some minutes of ordered chaos, no men were left around the wall and Dracor could start his long, power consuming work.

Dracor: No matter what you see, stay away from both me and the wall. Understood?

Soldiers (strangely, all at the same time): Yes sir!

Dracor stuck his staff into the ground in front of the gate, and left it there. He slowly walked up to the gate itself, while on every step, a magical circle full of symbols, texts and runes appeared around the staff. Each ring was bigger than the last one and was completely different. As he reached the gate, he put his right hand on the right gate wing, and his left hand on the left. In a low voice, the ancient language of dragons are sounded from his throat, and the rythmical chanting is louder and louder. And now it's not only him - with a dazed look on their eyes, the soldiers watching the entire thing are beginning to chant as well, one by one - and still, no one notices how strange it is.

Dracor's eyes are already glowing, and his hair suddenly turned to white. The magic is getting stronger, now everyone with magical capabilities could feel the spell inside the camp, and those with hidden potential got a strange feeling. Even Dracor's hands have to help the magic - his human hands were now scaled until the elbow, and his nails turned into claws. The ancient magic took effect as runes appeared on the gate symmetrically on both wings, and some smaller runes even on the surrounding walls. The chanting were getting stronger and stronger, with every passerby joining in subconsciously.

The stone, which the wall was made of, turned red because of the heat, and even the steel joints of the gate glow with a warm light. The gate was now already covered with a huge, symmetrical magical symbol made of thousands of lesser ones, while bigger and bigger runes appeared on the walls, and the runes quickly spread until the point where the inner and outer wall met. The wall itself reformed a bit, giving the archers on the top of the wall even more protection and better sight on the ground with an unorthodox design - magical orbs formed on both sides of the wall, and the place for the archers became totally walled. Throught the orbs, anone standing before them could see what he could have seen from outside of it, and even shoot through the orbs as one-way dimensional rifts.

Two huge lying dragon statues were formed near the two wings of the gate on the outer side, both watching forward - the magical beasts were ready to protect the gate, should the controller of the magical orb right above the gate (in the archer gateway) say so. But even the gates look different now - the only runes that could be seen now were the ones on the steel joints, that were shaped differently than before. This new, good-looking design was crowned with a dragon head pattern on the middle, on both sides of the gate.

Dracor was exhausted. As he fell to his knees, his arm turned back. His staff was glowing, and the runes around it already disappeared. The chanting stopped, and the people were dazed from what they saw - they didn't know for a moment, where they were, but then one by one they realized what happened. Without their help, Dracor could have not finished the magic. It drawn upon the hidden purity of the human souls, and used their heart and voice to gather mana even from afar. But because of this, the magic could be felt by magicians from extreme distances.

The King felt the magic from his throne, and with a grin, he stood up and smashed a hole into the nearby wall. This magic was too pure and too great. Somehow he should stop that "beast", but he didn't know yet, how.

Clarox and Zynn felt it too - Clarox looked at the direction of the gate with sudden instictive fear. This kind of spell should not even be cast by Dragons, and especially not humans. He realized that this must have been a special spell designed to gather a huge amount of mana without too much strain on the caster's body, but the released energy was much more than the absorbed mana would suggest, leaving the option of an extremely powerful spell, combined with the might of a powerful caster and a lot of supporters to enable this degree of magic.

Other beings from around Avataria could feel it also. For some, it was a new, dangerous force. For some, it was a new ray of hope. That is why the name of the newly formed gate became known in the history as the Gate of the Ray of Hope

As Zynn's answer was hardly helpful, Clarox had to take action. With demonic words echoing in the void where he really were, he begun to assemble his real body on the field where Zynn and Azal were. This form was even more terrifyig than his normal one, as he was now empowered by his king against the unknown force. He had black spikes grown out of his back, four muscular hands with claws, two legs and a powerfully looking tail. His entire back was covered by armor-like black bone plates, and strange black bones stood out of his shoulder, capable of impaling anything he bashed with them. Where he had no bones to defend him, his white skin gave him the feeling of the dead coming right from the crypt.

Clarox: You didn't understand me. I don't know, what you want with those crystals or where they are, but I ask you again: what do you want on this land? Be wise about your plans - a wrong step, and you will find the worst enemy you can think of.

His deep voice echoed in their ears and minds at the same time. It's not an easy thing to take the demon's words lightly thanks to the innate magic imbued in them. It was so strong, that for a moment, Zynn took it as an immediate threat and drawn out his rune-enchanted blade. As it left the sheath, the runes glow up one by one, emitting a green light for a moment. But as Clarox looked into the light for that moment, he saw his own death as close as if it was already happening. Then the effect faded. The demon knew, what happened, but the wraith had enough power to take him down. Taking on this monster would be the role of his sole sister, but noone knew, where she were.

Zynn: Stay back, demon! You already know that opposing me is futile. Tell your master, that if he wants something from me, he better come to me himself! But be ready, that by the time he comes, this forest will be already mine!

Clarox felt, as the echoing voice, full of power ordered him. It was no easy task to oppose the words, it was one's who is used to command and who knew how much power one had.

Clarox: I will do that, I see the...

He couldn't finish the sentence, as he felt an extremely powerful magic being released. As the gate was being reinforced, the wave of magic reached him. Clarox looked at the direction of the gate with sudden instictive fear. This kind of spell should not even be cast by Dragons, and especially not humans. He realized that this must have been a special spell designed to gather a huge amount of mana without too much strain on the caster's body, but the released energy was much more than the absorbed mana would suggest, leaving the option of an extremely powerful spell, combined with the might of a powerful caster and a lot of supporters to enable this degree of magic.
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Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
Zynn the great was a wraith who had too much belief in himself, or perhaps the one who knew he could not be defeated. In any way, there is no being in any world, not even in Avataria which is not able to be defeated. Self confidence seemed to be his biggest problem, thus he was often caught in the stories as a dark and mysterious villain who only seeks to conquer. It was sort of true, because he only cared about his goals and nothing else. Zynn carelessly shoved his enchanted green lighting sword back into sheath on his back, raising his head up in the direction of the incoming spell.
Zynn: Do you have any idea what is this? I know it beats both your and mine capabilities, weakling.
Clarox casually shrugged, still looking amazed in the direction of that spell.
Zynn turned around and faced Azal, speaking with loud and rough voice tone, which was echoing around the area like some sort of disease.
Zynn: Keep on moving, you maggot!
Not long after that, the duo started making their way down the road they previously were on, completely ignoring Clarox by the looks of it. Zynn seemingly had no interest in Clarox and his capabilities, his only goal was to find the crystal whose power have drawn him to it.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008

At the end of the ritual, Dracor crawled back to his staff and stood up, leaning on it. The wall were slowly cooling down, revealing the black stone it was made of to be now white - it wasn't marble, but something purer and stronger. He wandered back towards the commander's tent, hiding his mouth with his remaining hand - the magic took too much out of him, exposing his fangs, and if someone would have taken a closer look, his claws. They could be hardly seen from a distance, and thanks to his robes, noone noticed these features, apart from his white hair. As he closed in to the tent, commander Am'ar rushed out of it.

Am'ar: What happened out here? All of the soldiers are talking about a mir...

Then he noticed the white wall behind Dracor. This breathtaking moment would last in his mind for eternity. A wall, entirely different from the black walls of terror stood there, with a new gate that even the elves and dwarves would call masterpiece.

Dracor: As I've... *cough, cough* ... said, the base needs reinforcements... *cough* ... <lies>I had and artifact that could... *cough* ... reinforce the walls... It's over the *cought* gate, but even so... it took all my powers...

Am'ar: I can't believe this... You... Who the hell are you exactly?

As Dracor tried to answer, he fell to his knees. This spell was way too much for his human body, but he had to retain it, causing it to be damaged. Am'ar runs to him and helps him stay up. He still doesn't know the identity of the dragon, but he notices the claws, though he does not mention them. He feels that the "human" is shaking, and helps him to get into the commander tend. He nearly even shouted for a healer, but then he realized that it would be no good. The stranger seemed to have his secrets, and he didn't want to offend him. As they got into the tent, he laid the mage into a bed. Dracor looks at him, and Am'ar notices the reptilish eyes with the strange colors.

Am'ar: You are not human, are you?

Dracor: N.. No...

Am'ar: I don't know whatever you are, but you help us with everything you can, and that is all that matters. Don't worry, I will keep your identity a secret.

Dracor: Thank you...

With that, Am'ar left Dracor and went back to the map. There were various marks on it, but now he had to redraw it. He carefully erased the line of the old wall, which have been marking a point of last defense, and now the new wall could become the primary defense point they had. With that, he begun to reorder the figures on the map - archers to the new wall, scouts on the other side of it. A mage should be placed on the gate, and some common footmen to the gate itself. Apart from these, he could now move the footmen to the inner walls, and maybe even send some of them to aid the Duke.

Meanwhile a new individual has arrived to the gate. The ex-bandit //OOC: You better give him a name soon, clockwork// was excited to see the newly build gate. He didn't know about the recent events, but the size and design amazed him. As he went closer, he could feel the two stone guardian's look on him, which gave him an awkward feeling.

Ex-bandit: Heya man, how do you make these funny watching statues?

As he asked from the warrior who escorted him, he walked up to one of them and knocked on it's leg - the dragon turned it's head to him and growled, causing the bandit to jump back in fear.

The gates opened before him as the warrior shouted to the guards, being even more confused about the situation than the ex-bandit.

Warrior: Hey guys, what happened here? Open this huge gate and let me in, then someone better explain to me what happened to the walls.

As they moved in, the ex-bandit saw something he was quite familiar with, but not in this form - a huge camp, similar to a bandit camp, stood on the other side of the wall. The differences were only that it was much bigger and it had armored soldiers with crests around. The rebels became a lot stronger since the arrival of Commander Am'ar: they got enhanced shields and even some fabricated firearms, thanks to the knowledge of the outsider.

Then, a strange feeling got him, coming from his amulet - it guided him to a person, totally unknown to him. As they got close to each other, they already knew what happened - the magic that kept Regex alive reacted with the holy magic of the amulet.

Ex-bandit: So, you are Regex... At least I'm not the only one here whose heart is not beating anymore... Hey mate, don't be so sad, let me invite you for a drink!... Oh man, we can't even drink anymore!

Regex didn't know, wether it was a joke, but he found the man to be angering and funny... at the same time. At the same time, the one with the angelic amulet wanted to shake hands, but tripped... And in the process, he even pushed Regex off, causing both of them to fall...

It took minutes for Clarox to cool his head down, and now he saw that the wraith was gone. It angered him, but then he remembered what the wraith said. He couldn't leave it like that, since going back like this would mean a straight death even for him. He ran after the wraith and decided to stop it using a spell. As he uttered demonic words, a black-ish ball, empowered by his fear and anger, appeared in his upper right hand. He then used all of his hands to squeeze the ball, while still following the wraith. After it was barely seen, he retook it with his right hand, and threw it after the wraith. It begun to rotate and glow with an unearthy light, only to disappear when reaching Zynn, leaving a barely visible waving wall of air, as if it has hit a wall. The wraith didn't even look back, only his humble serveant did, who stretched out his tongue.

Clarox(to himself): If this is what you want, then so be it. If you are so high and mighty, you won't mind if I use all my mana for my most powerful attack...

The demonic words left his mouth as he draw magical cirlces into the air with all of his hands. As the circles were formed, he reached over them, grabbing something on the other side of them in an other dimension. As he pulled out his hands, an enormous amount of mana was released, and four black rays of light conected his palms to the cirlces - he pulled out pure black and chaotic magical energy, and he kept on pulling it out, but for this, he had to use a lot of mana. When he got to the end of his powers, the corcles closed, and he had and enormous ball of power between four hands - it was empty, black and colourful, evil, chaotic and different colours of lightning were released from it. He squeezed it, and when it was the size of a snowbal, throw it into the ait right above himself. The ball appeared, and a second later, it reapearred high above Zynn. Magical signs appeared around it, controlling its power, and just before it was released, Zynn drew out his sword, and raised it over his head. A blackish ray of power was released from the orb, hitting Zynn... But it was stopped at the tip of his sword, causing no harm at all. The dim green light the sword emitted fleshed up for a moment as the ray reached it, but nothing else happened... Then Zynn sheathed his sword, and with Azal, he continued his trip...

Clarox was exhausted, but he had no choice except going back to his king...
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
OOC: His names Jerag
Chapter 41:
"Names Jerag, long story short. An angel decided to revive me, taking most of my evil personality away, was being chased by guards and teleported ere. Now let's get drunk!" Jerag said, having very little formality. He then noticed what his kind called 'quite the ravishing trophy'. "Heeeeeey hot stuff oof!" Jerag said, only to be replied with the hilt of a rapier smacking into his groin, not surprisingly it stung like hell. "You'd best learn manners pig!" The girl said, walking off. The camp found this to be amusing, for many almost burst into laughter. "Sheeeesh, wish that angel took away my flirting said too. ooff, that stung!" Jerag said, "Who is that girl anyways?" He decided to not wait for a answer and take a nap, being a ex-bandit, he was used to sleeping on the ground. So he did, much to the confusion of the warriors.

I was almost home, what the? This wall was not here before, it feels, very holy. "Amazing." I said simply, and knocked on the gate. The door opened and Alaina went out to hug me. "I was soo worried about you! Where were ya anyways? A really wierd man just got here, tried to flirt with me, the nerve!" Alaina said. "Long story, and let me deal with him." I said. I walked around the camp, and saw a peculiar thing, a man sleeping on the bare ground. "Hey, wake up. This ain't the time for a nap." I said. "Awww what is it! I just got beaten up by a girl. Leave me alone!" The man said. Letting loose my rage, I kicked the man into a target dummy. "THAT WAS MY FRIEND! Hands off, or I'll break your bones." I said. "Yeeesh, I get the point, names Jerag. Whats yours scary dude?" Jerag said. "Aaron, sorry bout that." I said, "Lemme get ya on yer feet." "Ooooh no, I'll get up myself!" Jerag said, hastily getting up, then putting some distance between us.
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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009

Regex suddenly stops reacting to what is happening around him, and feels a voice in his head:

?: I have told you I'd come.
?: You have waited and now I arrive.

Regex then once more begins to pay attention, but is wondering who's so desperate to meet him.

A few kilometers away from the walls, an average meteor begins to fall out of the sky. Some of the more true sighting people would be able to see it.

?: Waygate of Inferno!

The figure begins to build out of the meteor, taking on a form of what seems similar to an Inferno.

?: I was not mistaken, The Forbidden One was defeated in this land. It wasn't a single person either by the flow of energy around the area.
?: It is time for me to find the person I've contacted 2 times thus far.
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
Jerag and I looked about, a meteor? "One strange camp here mate." Jerag said, to which I nodded. "It feels magical, should we be worried?" I asked, looking at Regex, who seemed especially interested in the meteor. I went over to the meteor, and touched it, it felt cool to the touch. I looked at the being who emerged. "Who are you?" I asked, my hand sliding to Gaia, just in case. "Mind your own beeswax!" The figure said, and seemed interested in Regex. How odd.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009

?: How interesting, so you've come to me by yourself

Regex: Are you the figure from my visions?

?: That is correct. I am a being created by the forbidden Auxion. I am given complete freedom, not a single piece of mind of his lies within me.

Regex: Then speak; what is it you want?
He believes it wishes to avenge Auxion, so he pulls out a gun from his pocket.

?: For someone who fought and defeated Auxion, you know very little.

Regex: I did fight him, but I didn't defeat him at all!

?: Hmph, that does indeed change everything.
?: ...Who was the slayer?

Regex: I am not certain if it's wise telling you something like that.

?: Well, actually it doesn't matter. I am here now and you shall help me.

Regex: What exactly is it you are trying to achieve?

?: Does the name Arkrion tell anything to you?

Regex: Nothing at all.

?: It is a legendary creature, which is stronger than anything you can imagine. Supposedly it is created by the union of the divine gods of Light and Darkness.
Anyway, I'm going to slay it.

Regex: If you're only a part of Auxion, I hardly think you'll succeed.

?: I am the strongest Waygate, that's a fact. But it's far from enough, I need you to help me absorb all 6 Waygates of Auxion.

Regex: That makes no sense, I don't even know your name and you want me to grant you such powers?
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
"Yea, I don't condone talking with sentient heaps of lava!" I shouted, lunging at the thing. "You dare strike me?" It simply said, and threw a really BIG fireball at me. "YIIIIKES!!!" I yelped, jumping away, only to have it follow me. The being smiled at my pain, while I busied myself putting out the fires on me. "Lemme try!" Jerag said, throwing a impressively large ball of poison magic at the being. The being merely sent it flying at me. "HEY!! WHY THE HELL ME!" I yelped, this was getting really painful, "I don't suppose you can heal me can ya?" Jerag responded by siphoning green mist off me, and the pain actually lessened. "Thanks!" I said. "Your welcome, guess my magic is poison based. Makes me feel weird though." Jerag said, "Now whaddya want?" "That is for this man alone to find out." The being said.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Chapter XLII / Chapter 42

Kargath pushed himself to the limits, the hills of hot sand seemed endless, and he no longer had company from his rebel friends. The sandstorm continuously scratched his blue scales. Draconians can do long without water, but he knew that it had been too long already. If only he had wings like the rest of his family, then he could fly out of this cursed desert, but strangely they never grew from his back.
He still carried around his metallic bloodied battle axe, but even though it was heavy and made each step harsher to take, he would never abandon it. It was a gift from the elves of Getax, his beloved homeworld, and meant the world to him.

He remembered when the terrible sandstorm started, and the horrifying screams from the creatures who killed the other soldiers. He was forced to slay several of them, while standing on the corpses of his friends, before getting the opportunity to escape. And for what? Dying in the desert sandstorm?

He stopped and rested for a moment. He could see no more than 10 meters in front of him. He sighed and continued forward, dragging his axe in the sand, leaving a straight line behind him. And so he went on and on for miles, he had no idea in which direction, only to collapse later on...

A soldier, in his early twenties, walked up to Kareena, who was sitting alone on a chunk of grass, studying the beautiful details on her guns - the legendary shapeshifting weapon known as Excalibur.

"I'd like to thank you again. I'd never expected such responsibility from a child. Glad to be proven wrong", he and two other soldiers were some of the latest to be found.
"Always glad to help, Dillich", Kareena smiled, and revealed cute dimples below her blue eyes.
"If there is anything I can do..", he continued, with respect in his voice. He was the lazy type of man, but he felt like he owed her the world.

The soldiers all acted so kind to her, and with good reason. She was only eleven years old, yet she had managed to save many of them from a painful death in the unbearable heat. When the sandstorm separated the soldiers of the duke's army, Kareena and a small group of soldiers luckily found an oasis, and with her magic they were able to lessen the sandstorm, and search for other lost soldiers. They had already found several, and brought them back to the oasis.

"Actually, I'm about to take another short search in the nearby hills - you can take some water from the lake and go with me if you want", she said with a voice full of experience, nothing you could expect from a girl on her age.

"Of course, the least I can do", Dillich said, while sighing in his mind.

Shortly after, the two were on their way out in the desert. Dillich loaded with leathery waterskins in his belt, and Kareena focused to summon her powers over the wind, she raised her hands - same way she did when she saved Dillich and the many other soldiers. Her eyes and hands started to glow light blue, and as expected the heavy sandstorm changed into a light breeze.

Kareena had a hard time speaking while doing magic, so the search would be a silent one. After walking for about half an hour, Dillich noticed something blue lying among the sand.
"It's the draconian!" he shouted and ran towards it. Was it dead?
"Hey pal! You alright?". The scaled rebel didn't answer, and Dillich looked confused at his girl companion.
"Give it... some water", she muttered, and Dillich hastily did as he was told, trying to figure out the right way to pour it into the inhuman mouth.

The draconians eyes opened, and without words it suddenly grabbed the waterskin himself, much to the surprise of Dillich. After emptying it incredibly fast, the draconian weakly asked for more, and the speechless Dillich handed another waterskin over. After finishing that one as well, the draconian stood up, shaked off some of the sand that was stuck between his scales.

He picked up his battleaxe and looked at the two humans who saved him, "Thank you, Kareena and..?" he said with a deep gracious voice.
"I'm Dillich, now let's return to the oasis we came from".
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008

As the time passed, Dracor became better - he fell asleep, and as Am'ar checked him around once an hour, he noticed as Dracor's features turned to human hour by hour - his claws, his teeth disappeared slowly, to be replaced by the images of human ones. He didn't spend too much time with it though, he only checked the dragon so that no problem arises.

He went back to the map. It took him hours, but it seemed like he could finally assemble a formation that it efficient enough. Thanks to the new wall, he could send out some scouts as well outside the wall, so he could get more information about the newly arrived enemy. He also checked the wall once himself, so he could see how it would fare. As he went closer to it, he noticed the familiar pattern on the gate.

He just stood before it for half an hour, then he realized where he had seen some parts of it before - on planet Getax, the dragons had ancient artifacts made with these symbols, though these had a bit of alteration in the pattern. Still, it was a strong magic, and Am'ar realized, exactly what Dracor was - or he thought so, until he saw the two dragon statues. These ones had runes carved into them. But the ones on their bottom jaw gave him chills. These were not draconic ones, rather, they were made to cause utter destruction. The demons, which created them, were known for their immense power, but Am'ar could only guess their origin as they had sharp edges and spiky shapes, surrounded by other draconic runes, most likely to contain their power.

He then went to the top of the wall, checking the rifts made for the archers. A real masterpiece indeed, he could defend this wall even against a huge army with only a handful of men. The orb controlling the statues amazed him - after touching it, even he could have ordered them around, knowing exactly where they were. After spending some time in his state, he even realized the runes origin and their objective. They were indeed demonic runes of destruction, controlled by the dracoinc ones around them. This made possible breathing fire by the Dragons, as well as breathing DEATH on the foes. There were small differences between the two dragons - the left one could raise the dead made by their dark breath, while the other one could control undead with it's gaze.

Then, as he went back to the tent, he thought about how he should manage things. There were three platoons remaining in the camp, the Juggernauts - the best defensive unit of the rebels - the Freedom Riders - the fastest light cavalry unit, who were left behind as they are capable of quickly coming to the aid of anyone who needs help - and the Impalers, a group of archers and spear-men. He also had a handful of elves under his command, who were proved to be the best archers. He called for the captain of the four groups, and met them in Talban's tent.

Captains: Sir! We are here as you asked.

Am'ar: We have to reorganise our defences. Reposition our archers, so at least half of them will defend the new gate, and find a wizard, who can think fast enough in the place of two, then send him to the Dragon Orb.

Elven Captain: I'll send a mage there, also, our archers can hold that wall perfectly. I recommend regrouping the Impalers.

Am'ar: All right, the Impalers should stand by for now. The Juggernauts should defend the inner wall, and send some volunteers of the Freedom Riders on scouting mission to Greatwood Forest. Tell them that if they find anything suspicious, don't overextend, just gather information, then get back and report to me right away - and only to me.

Captains: Understood sir!

As the captains left the tent, Am'ar turned to Dracor, who seemed to be awake.

Am'ar: So, you are a dragon, and not even from Getax.

This sentence caused Dracor to smile. His identity was exposed, though it's thanks to his condition it turned out like this. Still, he was grateful for Am'ar not revealing it to others.

Dracor: I am... And you are right, I'm not for Getax, I don't even know where that is. - he sat up, feeling well already to do it - If we came this far, let me introduce myself properly, since no one is around. I am Dracor Scaleflame, son of a dragon and the demon Anklya. I am at your service, though I wouldn't expose my identity as long as possible. My world has been destroyed, and right now I have no objective rather than regaining my lost memories, which seems to be better as time passes.

Am'ar: A half-demon, I see... How can I be sure we can trust you? I know you did much for us this far, but there is still the chance of you going berserk, or being turned by the enemy.

Dracor: You are right in this, I could be turned against you, if not for two facts. The first one is the fact that my mother was not entirely a demon of darkness, but a demon of darkness and fire, and so was my father of light and fire. Still, I am susceptible to dark powers, that is why I have this...

As he said that, he invoked his dark powers, summoning a ball of compressed darkness in his hand, using lots of power. As he did that, the chains of light appeared around his wrists.

Dracor: These chains were originally bounding my power, but right now they are only enough to limit them, so I can't overflow with darkness. I hope it's enough to convince you.

As he said it, he nullified the magic, and the ball disappeared, with the chains following suit.

Am'ar: I see. I hope these are strong enough to do that. I am from another world as well, with my memories missing. I think we should help each other in regaining our memories.

As Clarox returned to his king, he was trembling with fear. He didn't even feel the power of his lord, but already knew the consequences of what happened. This could be easily his end, if the King was in a bad mood. As he entered the throne chamber, he knelt in front of the throne.

King: Clarox... I hope you brought me some good news.

Clarox: My king... The wraith, calling himself Zynn the Great, is a powerful being. He nullified all my powers with a single move and sent me back to transmit a message... He... He said that if your majesty want to speak with him, your majesty should go and see him personally.

King: You fool!

As the king's powers were released in his anger, the castle started to tremble - not just beings or the nature feared his powers, but the terror reached the core of everything around him. And his powers targeted Clarox, surrounding him and grasping him. The demon suffered - being an arch-demon of great power, he trembled in terror - right now, he had more of seizures than trembling limbs, and he choked as the pure anger struck him. His skin started to melt, causing utter pain all over his body. With no mana left after the encounter, he could not even resist a bit. His flesh burned and black fog of anger surrounded her mixed with a cloud of his own blood.

Then, it all ended. He was still alive, thanks to his king's "wisdom". He wasn't killed because he was needed, but right now it hurt him so much he wished he was dead. He looked up, seeing where the king's powers went - all the pillars on the left side of the throne were destroyed, as a wave of pure force smashed through them.

He had to regenerate, so he dissolved his body, and returned to his personal space. Not only his replaceable body, but his core being was hurt as well, and he felt as he leaked the precious life-force. He needed some time to regenerate, that was sure.

King (telepathy): I need you for my goals, Clarox, and that is your luck. I know you can't do anything right now, so you get some time to regenerate. Then he make the life of that fool Zynn hell, tempting all the residents of the forest against him.

Clarox (telepathy): Understood, my lord...
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
OOC: Because they were inactive, they'll probably return.
I paced about nervously, my hands lunging for Gaia at any sound. "Aaron, calm down! Your going to panic yourself to death!" Alaina said, looking at me worried. "I'm sorry, I just can't stop worrying about Kareena, I mean she is sooo young! Too young for the battlefield!" I said, sitting down in order to stop the pacing, which only made me tap myself nervously. "So were we once, and yet, we've survived. So can she Aaron, and anyways, isn't she housing the guardian of Excalibur?" Alaina said, staring at me as though I were a rabid beast. "Your right, but STILL! And I wonder what happened to the other Aarons..." I said, pondering for awhile.

Meanwhile, elsewhere. "I told ya we shouldn't have bothered, I'm just as good!" A voice bickered. "Shaddup! We have worse to worry about, like getting outta this wierd realm!" Another shouted. "Alright ENOUGH!!! WE SHOULD MAKE A PLAN INSTEAD OF FIGHTING!" Another shouted, near shattering the others ears. Who are these strangers? Why they are three identical people, each with a unique personality. You especially couldn't tell them apart in the realm they are in, a realm in which only darkness is seen, with white outlines being shown in the locals. In here lie three clones of a man who is in a very different world.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: Post updated!


Talban suddenly opened his eyes widely, and puked on the floor from the wooden table he lied on. A long disgusting stream. Everything looked blurry, but he easily noticed the blood and green liquid leaving his body. He was all sweaty and his stomach felt upside down, while a terrible headache haunted the back of his head. Finally done puking. He sat up and spat a couple of times.

Now he started to remember what had happened. The march towards the Arena, then the terrible sandstorm that separated his forces completely, and then the attack from the fearful desert creatures - the Qua'thar. One had stung him in the side with their large poisonous claws, but he managed to escape, only to collapse and wake up here.

Where am I? he thought to himself, and looked around. It was a small cozy room, with a few bookshelves, paintings and a few chairs. It was only lid by a single lantern, hanging on a natural wall - These walls proved that it was no ordinary house. Maybe he was underground?

The old wooden door suddenly opened, and a boy with an exotic dark skin color appeared. He was clad in clothes that only could belong to the desert people. He remembered them from his childhood, when his father took him on exciting journeys to the Arachi desert, to watch the bloody, but nevertheless entertaining battles in their Arena, before the Kingdom of Evil's arrival. The boy was surprised to see the duke awake and his big brown eyes stared wordless at him for a while, but then he ran off, leaving the door open.

Talban decided to follow, and stepped down from the table - right into his own vomit. He ignored it - he felt much better and took one step at a time, giving himself all the time he needed. His armor was gone, he only wore pants and a large bandage on the lower part of his chest, covering the wound from the Qua'thar attack.

He got out of the small room, walking through a narrow corridor swinging, with lanterns nailed to the brown natural rocky walls. His curiosity made him walk faster, but that got his entire body start aching. He could collapse any second, but he moved on.

The road ended in a sudden.
Wait, there's another wooden door!
Talban pushed with his weakened body, and fell into a new room as the door opened. A large hall - with people! Most notably, a man of high priority sat in a throne across the room, and he looked at Talban.
Am'ar had been gone for an hour now. The orc spent a lot of time working with the smiths - something he was naturally good at, they said. And in his absence, he had asked Dracor to stay in the tent and guide the visitors.

When Dracor finally had the time, he had decided to use it for reading - and Talban's collection of books was indeed interesting. He skipped those written in the elvish language, but the others were filled with stories as well as history, mostly of the Greatwood region.

Another soldier entered Talban's large light blue tent. Like the others, he was amazed by the looks of the interior, and took the usual seconds to look around, before telling what he had to. It was the only tent large enough to have bookshelves and other furniture, while decorated with all kinds of art. Dracor laid down the book on the table before him and looked at the soldier.

"I'm looking for duke Talban, or in case he is still not here - the greenskin commander will do..", the soldier said with a tired voice.
"Talban is still away, and commander Am'ar is gone for the day. Leave me a message and I will make sure he gets it", Dracor replied kindly.

The soldier looked at Dracor suspiciously, but spoke up anyways;
"I just rode all the way from Hillcrose Top - we have successfully built up a defensive camp there, as we were supposed to, but commander Asorath has mysteriously disappeared. The second-in-command have taken control of the army, but wanted to ask for new orders?"

"A quite important message. Please come back in the evening - Am'ar will tell you personally what message to bring back", Dracor replied, and watched the soldier leave the tent to the silence of reading once again.
"Who exactly do ye think ye are? Messin' 'round with Jerag ain't a good idea!", Jerag said courageously at the being. The ex-bandit never could get enough attention.

"You don't know who you are messing with, kid", the inferno being said and turned to Regex again.
"Arkrion is being released in our homeworld, and if you want your daughter to live on, I'd say you should help me..". With that sentence, the mysterious being vanished into the air, leaving the cyborg stunned by the message.

"Hey! Come back here ye fiery piece o shit! Scared, eh?", Jerag continued, but was surprised to see Regex not being entertained.

The hatted man looked at Jerag. 'what an irritating pest', he thought.
"Jerag.. Stay out of my business, okay" Regex said with irritation in his voice, and those who knew him well would easily have noticed that he was deeply touched being reminded of his daughter. "Coup de Burst!", he said and ran away with inhuman speed. He needed to be alone for awhile...
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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009

Regex soon arrived at the location where Auxion was slain, he finds the fallen bodies of the 6 waygates.
He sits near a rock and watches the bodies, with his new powers he's able to see what he wasn't able to see before; the energy of war.

He had a flashback on the battle of the best. Shortly after he considers taking the power for himself, he finally shouts:

Regex: Auxion, I know you're not dead, show me your Orb!

However he was mistaken, Auxion didn't respond.
After taking a closer look at the area he found the Orb, which was half cracked any lying on the ground.

Regex: I'm no fan of such powers, but I'll just have to use it to stop that thing.

He grabs the orb, which flows its energy right through him.

Regex: Such power!
Regex: Awaken, Waygate of Space!

The waygate of space is transfered into Regex, but the power is unbearable, he is forced to put it out of himself.

Regex drops the orb: Reverse yourself, Waygate of Space!

The power disappears, but it leaves his body minorly burned in dark flames.

Regex: If I can't use it, then I really have no choice but to give it to him...
Regex: Show yourself Inferno!

A meteor falls out of the sky once more, the Inferno appears.

?: I knew you'd call, tried to tame the powers of the waygates for yourself, did you?
?: What is your answer? Shall you give me the Orb?

Regex: ...
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: Just a spark of activity, to remind you guys that the story has not ended yet :)
Chapter XLIII / Chapter 43

Talban managed to rise up from the dusty floor. The old man on the throne stared at him, with a wrinkled face. Talban looked around - there was about 10 people in the room, most of them were guards, all quiet and all focusing at him.
Their greybearded leader had a large turban, and a saggy white outfit decorated with gold and gems. On his shoulder sat a small furry creature.

They had clearly all expected Talban to speak, but when he didn't, the leader decided to do it himself.
"You were lucky to survive that Qua'thar attack... Looking at your belongings, we could tell that you are from the Talban-family? Is that correct?"

Talban nodded.
"I am Jorn Talban" he said, a little scared of revealing his identity to the strangers.

The leader's gem-clad fingers reached down in a small red silk pouch, and he took up a small piece of bread, and gave it to the lively red-eyed pet at his shoulder.
"I saw you when you was just a child mr. Talban, travelling with your father. I am Nasur Haraja, leader of the Arachi people and lord of the sands. Welcome to our temporary home.", he said warmly, and revealed a smile beneath his thick grey beard.

"Thanks for taking care of me lord Nasur - But I have to leave soon, my entire rebel army is awaiting my command" the duke said hastily. He was worried what had happened to the rebel forces, without him to lead them.

Hearing that, Nasur stood up from his comfortable throne, and his calm face changed into a more serious and curious one.
"So, you are the mastermind behind those rebels? You do know what you are up against, right?"

"Yes lord Nasur - the Kingdom of Evil, but our forces have pushed deep into their lands, and I'm confident that-"
"Wrong!" Nasur's voice echoed in the room, until it was quiet. He then continued
"The kingdom's true power lies within their servitude to the God of shadows and pure evil, Zaarnoth. Never underestimate the powers of the Gods - if Zaarnoth wanted to, he would have turned the tide already. You are fighting a hopeless war, that's why my people stay out of it" the old leader said wisely.

"But, we can't just stand and watch as evil takes over the world! We have to fight, we have to keep believing that we can end the terror!", Jorn Talban said proudly.

"I tell you again, it's suicide, but if you wish to join your dying brethren, it's your own choice... but I surely would have expected more of a Talban.." Nasur Haraja said quietly, as he sat down on his throne again.
Rex had successfully escaped the raging sandstorm, seeking refuge in a cave in a mountain. He had waited for the storm to end in quite a while, but it stayed, and entering it would most certainly be his death.

Losing patience, he decided to walk longer into the dark tunnel. After a while, Rex passed a lantern nailed to the rocky wall.. and another one, and another one! This mountain must be inhabited!
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008

While Am'ar had been with the smiths, Dracor did some research, taking a good look into the many books around Talban's tent. There wasn't any that could draw his attention for more than quickly reviewing them, mostly to learn a bit about the history of the continent, except the one he found just before the soldier came for orders. That book was special - it was magical, and even Dracor nearly overlooked this fact, thanks to the powerful suppression magic it had on. On the first sight, it was an ordinary book about the Elvish culture as seen by an outsider. However, after breaking the magic seal and rearranging the pages, the entire book was reformed. It had some essential information about Avataria, that may be not known by anyone living on this land.

According to the book, some kind of hidden dimension's gate can be found deep underground, and it has a deep connection with everything that happened so far - world travellers losing their memories, the evil gaining strength suddenly, and even with Dracor's seal being reformed. There was no direct answer, it mentioned some kind of magical source of energy, later referred as the "Pulse".

It also included a research on a new kind of magic, which was already forgotten by the Avatarians - a special formulae, which can be used to reform spells into global or long ranged ones, using the "Pulse" as the medium. However, using this power had a risk factor of losing one's memories partially or entirely in case the spell fails or is interrupted, or even causing mass destruction as the power of the "Pulse" is fed back through the caster.

The last case was impossible in case of Dracor - he was strong enough to withstand such a feedback, but even so, his memories would be destroyed completely by the thing known as the "Pulse", leaving him as a pure being of instincts. Even so, he spent some time memorizing the method in case of emergency. Then he sealed the book again, and right when he put it back on a shelf, Am'ar arrived back.

Dracor: Welcome back. A soldier was here, saying that they have build an outpost at Hillcrose Top, but their commander is missing and that they are awaiting for your orders.
Am'ar: Commander Asorath? Damn, he is one of the few officers I could leave important tasks to. I have to rearrange our forces, assign a new commander and send some reinforcements there so they can move on and...

At this point Dracor interrupted Am'ar, showing a serious face.

Dracor: I will go. I will take the Freedom Riders with me, if it's not a problem. I'm not a soldier, not even a commander, but I hope I can manage.
Am'ar: ... *thinks* ... All right. Knowing who you are, I know you can cope with the task at hand, and hopefully your dark side won't cause a problem either.

Saying this, Am'ar left the tent, only to be back in a minute with the Freedom Riders' commander.

Am'ar: He is Dracor Scaleflame, one of our most important allies. He will go on with you to Hillcrose Top to help there in reinforcing our new front line. Also, handle him as an advisor - he is not your superior, nor a soldier. He did not vow to serve our ideals, but he is a powerful mage and as far as I can tell, reliable.

In matter of minutes, Dracor got ready to depart, with the Freedom Riders being ready to depart at any time. Before Dracor left, Am'ar suddenly realized something.

Am'ar: Oh, I nearly forgot it, but I got terrible news. Our men lost track of Duke Talban. I would like you to keep an eye out for him.
Dracor: I will. If you have anything bearing his presence, I can more easily find him.

Amar looked around, then found a book on the bookshelf and took it to Dracor.

Am'ar: I've seen him walking around with this book a lot in his free time. I hope it's enough
Dracor(leaving the tent): We will see. Farewell, take good care of the camp!
Am'ar: Farewell... My friend...
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Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
Aaron's Perspective:
I walked over to Dracor, who seemed to be preparing to ride out. "Hey, ya preparing to head somewhere?" I asked, my hand secretly reaching for my compact pistol in case of treachery. "I'm looking for the duke and his men, if you wish you may come." Dracor asked, something reminded me of Rex's father. Hmmmmm, he has an air of mystery about him... "Sure, gimme a second though." I said, walking towards Alaina. "Heya, I'm heading out, but I can't let you come with me. It could be dangerous, I want you to have something.." I said, handing her Gaia. "Aaron! I couldn't! This belongs to you! I really shouldn't" Alaina said, handing it back. "I want you to be safe Alaina, I don't want you to die again, next time I might not be able to save you." I said, placing it firmly in her hands, "Goodbye." I kissed her on the cheek and walked off, but not before also waving goodbye. "Got a spare sword? Gave mine away."I asked. "Yes, but it wouldn't be as powerful as yours." Dracor said, how did he know my sword's power? "Errr, I dunno how would you know that. But thanks." I said, taking the sword he had outstretched, it seemed to have some aura of temperament. But I could not see any magic of any kind, nor any damage or any other form of temperament. Suspicious.... I'd need to keep an eye on him.

3rd Person :)OOC: I'll start referring to it as 3P, just lettin ya know)IC:
Meanwhile, in the desert a small company was trekking out towards a camp in the distance. "I really did not think I would survive..." Kargath said, his scales once a bright blue, now turning a dull and lifeless light blue. His scales now no longer shone brightly, even in direct sunlight. "Well, your fine for now.... However, we really should see a healer."Kareena said, although Taera seemed to be objecting largely to this, as her eyebrows seemed locked in a angered pose. Kargath seemed to ignore this, although the other soldiers sometimes glanced at her with confused expressions, though it could also be because she is so young and yet an experienced fighter. "I am glad you saved me, I can now die the way I wish to, FIGHTING!!!!" Kargath's now crackly voice boomed, this seemed to cheer him up a great deal, which made Taera smile. Which resulted in Kareena quickly turning away, she silently muttered what sounded like a reprimand to herself, resulting in more confused looks. When they finally reached the camp, Kargath was reduced to a weak crawling, which was sometimes interrupted by him shouting in anger. "Heal, him, now." Kareena said, also fairly weakened, and started walking towards a unoccupied tent.
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Level 7
May 3, 2011
OOC : I'm planning when this RP ends, I'm only gonna send Leo and Aina back to their home planet. Having Vayne leave behind and pass his legacy in Avataria is a good idea in the next season.


"Hey, what do you wanna do tomorrow?" A familiar voice calls out. Vision turns on, as the first thing appears is Leo in a teal uniform. "I don't know... You decide, Leo." Vayne says as he leans back and covers his face with his palm. <How the hell did I even fail in my test... Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep...> He slowly close eyes, but a voice interrupts, and Vayne opens his eyes. Aina in a maid uniform stands beside them, with a tray in hand. "You coffees are here, Master." She says in polite manner. Leo lets out a long whistle, as he looks up and down, looking at Aina. "I can never get tired of you in a maid uniform. Vayne is one hell of a lucky bastard." He laughs as Aina hits him with the tray. They noticed Vayne was staring outside the window. "I wonder if we can stay this way forever..." He sighs. Leo lets out an arrogant doubt, as if confident in himself. "Of COURSE we can stay like this forever, dude." Vayne looks at him. As Aina and Leo smiles warmly at him, Vayne follows, but soon the vision shattered like a glass.

Vayne opened his eyes under the bright morning. He was resting in the forest, after finishing his exam. Few moments later, he quickly packs all his stuff and continues walking. Soon after, a small sight of smoke can be seen, as he quickly picks up his pace. He runs quickly towards the smoke, and then, he stopped upon a giant gate, with two guards standing at both directions. He tries to take one step, but the guard noticed him, and quickly raised his spear against Vayne. "Who are you?! State your name and purpose! Are you with the Evil Forces?!" One of the guard yells as he commands the other one to find the leader.
"I'm not..."
"You shut the hell up, monster! Nobody wears an armor like that!"
The guard rushes back with Leo following at the back. Leo gasped as he stared at Vayne, and vice versa. A green-skinned man came upon seconds, as he demanded a question. "Who are you? Leo, do you know him?" He asks Leo, as he charges towards Vayne and hugs him, tears in his eyes. "VAYNE! YOU'RE BACK!" They both felled to the ground, as more soldiers came to the scene. "Leo... I'm... back..." Vayne slowly loses conscious, as Leo tried his best to call him back.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
OOC: Edited Zynn's part, added Clarox to the story

After some hours of riding, the group of Aaron, Dracor and the Freedom Riders reached the outpost at Hillcrose Top. Or what should have been it - what they found was a place of massacre. Dead bodies lying everywhere, the smell of dead and burnt people filled their lungs. Dracor turned away from the rest to hide his tears - well, they were not tears for the fallen, but the effect of this smell to his heightened senses. Then he took a deep breath, and turned around, only to fint Aaron in front of him, looking at him.

Aaron:Are you fine?
Dracor:Yes, I'm fine, I'm just... Not used to this...

As he didn't say the last word *smell*, Aaron thought that Dracor got nausea because of the sight, and placed his hand on the half-dragon's shoulder, then after a second or two, turned back to follow the others, who already set out to look for any survivors. It took them half an hour to realise that nobody have survived. However what they've found made Dracor realise something: the enemy was an army of demons and liches, who could freely remove their footprints. He closed his eyes, and used the same spell he did when he first met Selia in the forest. An orb of fire appeared high over his head - high enough so that the surrounding people won't notice it, or so he thought, as Aaron actually caught up to what was happening, but he didn't want to disturb the ritual. As the orb was formed, Dracor could watch the area from the point of the eye - and in that moment, he understood everything. What has happened in the outpost, or what the plan of the evils was. He saw something that even he could only see through that eye - an army of inter-dimensional beings, who were everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They looked like shadows, and ate human feelings. Their touch was cold enough to leave a burnt scar and they were invisible the naked eye. These grotesque beings were moving towards the resistance's camp at the Wall of Horrors. They somehow avoided them, but now there were two problems at the same time: the attack force was either destroyed or had to be notified, and the Freedom Riders had to get in front of the shadows, which was impossible normally, as the beings needed only two hours to get to the camp. Well, at least normally. But with two beings capable of powerful magic it was not impossible, and they both realised it. Dracor could feel the draconic Seed of Power pulsing within Aaron, and by now, the other could also understand Dracor's powers to some degree.

Dracor:So, we have no chance but to go back and fight. But if I'm right about you... You have the Seed implanted in you, don't you?
Aaron:Yes... And you are a dragon, aren't you?
Dracor:So we're on even terms. I can help you awaken the seed more, making you able to use it easier, and we need that power to transport all these people. I could do it alone, but most likely many of them would not survive the process, I can't control large scale space-defying spells well alone.

As he said it, he placed his right hand on the chest of Aaron, and his eyes glowed up - at the same time as Aaron's. Aaron could feel as bearing the power became easier. Then they sent the surrounding people into a circle, and stood on both sides of it. Then, after a short while of chanting, they all disappeared into light. The travel was fast, but for the two casters, it seemed an eternity - the Pulse, the heart of Avataria resisted all magic that ripped through space or time, and even though this time it wasn't a dimensional hole, it exhasuted both Aaron and Dracor. And after what seemed an eternity to them and a few seconds to the others, they reappeared in front of the camp.

It didn't take much time for the King to make a plan. His most fearsome minions, the astral leeches did their job well - they infested the rebel outpost at Hillcrose Top, where no mage could be found, and slowly evolved into an army of hungering horrors that killed the soldiers and started moving to the central camp at the Wall of Horrors, following his majesty's orders. But he had one more thing to do to suppress these filthy humans, elves, orcs, and whatever else they were. He suddenly disappeared from his throne chamber, and reappeared in a place with some trees around that suddenly rotted thanks to his presence. He stood in front of the wraith that called himself Zynn the Great.

King: So you are that pathetic fool who thinks he can order me around. Now, kneel before be and beg for my forgiveness!

His voice echoed with power, but Zynn did not see him as someone who he should obey, not one he should fear or feel anger for. It wasn't out of ignorance; he knew he himself was one to rule people, and the other person was a ruler as well. He didn't feel anything towards the King, and as such, the King's greatest power became negated. He could rule over any being, taking over their feelings and emotions towards him. but the power in his voice did not reach this stranger, and he understood the reason.

Zynn: So you are the King of that demon, who have attacked me. I sense your power, but it has no use on me. So, explain to me, what do you need me for that much?
King: You are born to be a ruler, I see. And if I'm right, you've chosen this area to take over. As of right now, I have no authority over it, so I may oversee it for you, but there is something both of us must take care of. Even you must've felt that immense power a little while ago. And you know as well that the source is dangerous.
Zynn: That is true, I've felt the power. But I have not decided yet if I should join the fight, or stay away from it.
King: I see. Well, you better choose fast - if you are my ally, I will think of you as that later as well. But I'm going to destroy those mortals before, one way or the other. There is no reason for you to side with them, since they will be dead soon enough. But I have more things to attend to. Now, excuse me...

And the demonic King disappeared, leaving Zynn alone who, deeply in thoughts, turned around to look out the window. He watched as two stores bellow the beings who called themselves worked on his palace. Their skin became pale, and their eyes missed the light of freedom and happiness. They were slaves, bound by Zynn's presence.

Zynn(thinking):So, the Evil King wants to ally me...

It took some time, but Clarox was ready to launch the next attack, which was a crucial moment for the battle. At this time, he couldn't go with a weak, indirect attack. His foe bore a strong will, which he had to crush before the plan could commence. He gathered his energies, and his pocket-world shook as he uttered the nightmarish words of power. And after a few seconds, the spell was released, reaching the gree-skinned leader of the rebel forces, who stood outside the protected tent.

Am'ar was at the blacksmith, just about to finish a new armor with the smith, when the attack reached him. He suddenly fell to his knees as the forcefull attack reached his mind. It caused him great pain, and such a chaos in his thoughts it was unbearable. He heard his own sound in his head, talking randomly hundreds of things at the same time, while another voice in a deep, hellish tone spoke thousands of words, some of them he understood, some of them he did not, but his head felt like it was about to explode. He sanity was slipping away bit-by-bit, and he coudln't even tell where he was.

The smith saw Am'ar's bad state, and called for help. With a soldier, they lifted the orc and started moving with him towards his tent. The walk, which seemed for Am'ar to take an eternity, ended in half a minute as they ran up with him as fast as they could. As they reached the tent's entrance, suddenly a circular wall of light erupted from the ground around the tent. And what's more, Clarox suddenly appeared in front of the tent. He seemed shocked - shocked by the fact that he was forced out of his own dimension, and by the sudden feeling of the opportunity that he could kill the enemy leader right away. He took a careful step towards the tent - he could freely enter the wall of light, which meant it only defended against magic. Or not, as he heard a sudden roar, then another. Two stone dragons dropped from the sky behind him, and several dozen soldiers rushed to him, some of them armed with Aaron's Mk1 armor Am'ar worked so hard to create in this deserted environment the wall meant.

Am'ar slowly opened his eyes as the pain was gone, and blankly looked at the demon. He didn't show any feelings, emotions, nor did he command the soldiers to attack. He stared at the demon, and Clarox could only see a blank body through his eyes...

And then, Am'ar blinked and his mind returned - it was overflown with hate, anger, pain, but some kind of joy at the same time - joy over the fact that he survived the attack, that he could remain sane after what has happened. He uttered three words, then silently nodded for the smith and the soldier to bring him to his bed.

Am'ar:Destroy the demon!

Upon his word, all the soldiers rushed at the demon, and even the dragons understood their duty - they started absorbing the demon's mana into their bodies, binding it to Avataria's plane at the same time, so he couldn't escape. In a few minutes, Clarox was no more. He fell into his own trap, dying in the process. The statues devoured the remains, then flew back to their place at the Gate of the Ray of Hope.
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Level 7
May 3, 2011

-Chapter XLIV...-

Vayne was lying on a bed, with Leo standing at the side and Aina sitting beside him, holding his hand. Leo takes a step, and pats Aina’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, the doctor say he just needs some sleep.” Aina nodded, but turned to Vayne and said, “But I just can’t the feeling that he won’t wake up again off me…” Leo looks away. He was about to say something, but Aina interrupted. “Sorry, but I want to stay here for a bit longer. “Alright.” Leo walks out the tent, and headed to his.

Leo sits at his bed. He dugs himself into his palms, and memories started flowing in.

[That time… If only I was there to help… Why wasn’t I there…]
Slowly, a house on fire slowly appears. Leo was panicking. He didn’t know what to do. He rushed here and there, desperately trying to settle the fire. He rushed back to Vayne’s side. “We need to get out of here!” Leo yelled, as a chunk of wood came crashing down between them. Leo and Vayne each dodged opposite directions simultaneously. They stood up, and agreed to rendezvous at the playground they usually play at. Leo rushes down the stairs leading to the kitchen, and at the same time, another huge chunk of wood fell down, destroying the stairs.

Leo opened the backdoor, which was surprisingly still fine. He ran out, and a huge forest came into view. The mansion they was in are built right in front of a forest, so that they had a way to escape if the mansion was attacked or in the same case, a fire. Leo trained here with his foster father so he knew the forest paths. He ran straight, every once in a while turning back at the mansion. Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred. He stopped, and turned to look. A black aura emit from the house, but that didn’t stopped Leo.

He knew he had to catch up to Vayne, before anything else happens, so he made a big choice. He ran to the side of a hill, and jump from there. The hill was a slope, leading directly to the playground, and since it was a slope, he wouldn’t die from it. But the injuries can still be very heavy, so he never did it. Leo was wearing long pants that is won’t break easily, but when he reach the ground, the pants was tore apart, causing a few injuries to the leg, and even huge open wound on the leg and the hand. [I… must find… Vayne…] He thought, as he slowly conscious, and then fainting.

Days later, Leo woke up in a hospital. Apparently, he survived. But Leo remembered he needed to meet Vayne, who was in the same hospital, and was in the neighbor room. He quickly got up, while using things to support him, and reached Vayne room. Inside was Vayne, staring at the ceiling lifelessly. Leo looked at Vayne with horror in his eyes. <What… happened….? Was that black thing, him?> Leo thought as he slowly kneels at the ground, crying.

[If only I didn’t lose my conscious, would I be able to help him? If I could’ve, he wouldn’t be stucked with such a bothersome burden…]
Leo lied back down on the bed, and started to drift into a sleep.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009

Regex was still unsure of what to do next, but Infernity saw there would be no stopping if he did it. He went for the orb, grabbed it, looked at Regex.

Infernity: You know... I saw that you liked Selia up to a certain degree. Thing is, the Pathium Council has found and took her with them.

Regex: What?

Infernity: It's true, but because the Deva are my enemies too, I want to give you my powers united with Auxions, because I know you have the anger, the patience, the motives to destroy them.

Regex: What are you saying?

Infernity consumes the orb of the sealed one, and transforms into Inferuxion.

Inferuxion grabs the hand of Regex.
Inferuxion: Behold, the power of a semi Deva. Forbidden Waygate, Activate!

Inferuxion disappears, Regex obtains the full powers of Inferuxion, but everyone, excluding Regex forgets that he merged with Regex, instead they believe he simply teleported away.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
OOC: As I don’t know whether sanofa mentioned this, but I’m still gonna post it anyway.


Aina had been holding Vayne’s hands for as long as she can remember. She was extremely worried he might not wake up, like the incident back at their world. “Please don’t let it happen again… I don’t want him to go away…” She slowly lose her consciousness, then she falls, all the while still holding Vayne’s hands.

When Aina was young, her parents was strict. Very strict. To the point that they don’t let her hang out with even her friends, sometimes even forcing her to stay in the basement for 3 days as punishment. Even though her results was great and all, with superb beauty to top it all off, she regrets it. <Why did I have to be born in that family? Why can’t I hang out with my friends? Why can’t I have lower grades?> She thought that all her life have been just to maintain her family’s appearance, a living trophy, until she met Vayne. All he ever does is sit at a hill and stare at the sky all day.

Their meeting was fate, but destiny did not let them go. The day they met at the school was as if planned by god. The other students all respected her, all like dogs, wagging their tails at their master. She felt as if she couldn’t act as who she is, a carefree girl, and must become all high and mighty. But to Vayne, she was like any other student. He didn’t talk to her as if she was some princess, he had conversations with her normally, like friends talking to each other.

Because of this, she had that speck of love for him that she did not realize. What further this love, was an incident involving bullies. One snowy day, Aina was by herself at the school gate to wait for her driver, who was in a traffic jam due to snowing. She was called by her seniors, to the back gate. Unknown to their true motive, she heeded their orders and followed them. They teased her and threw her around, insulting her, saying she was a good for nothing princess. She was suffering, both physically and mentally, because she knew that this is what she would get from getting high and mighty, that she wouldn’t be on the good sides of everyone.

It was this time, someone stopped them. A teenager, in thick clothes and a scarf, standing in the middle of a walk way.

“Who’re you? You want to get beaten up like her too?”One of the grunted.
“I said, let the girl go. If you do, I won’t hurt you.” Vayne stared at them angrily.
“Little kid acting tough, eh?
“We’ll show him who’s boss.”
One of them charged at Vayne, hitting him, but he didn’t falter, instead returned the punch to him, followed by a strong kick. “How dare you?!” Another charge, and punched Vayne again, but again, he returned the punch, but another punk kicked him from behind, causing Vayne to fall. Aina, watching from distance, stared at horror, wondering why would Vayne help her. <I’m not someone good… Please don’t get hurt because of me…>

After the punks left, leaving the horrified Aina and beaten Vayne. She quickly got up and placed Vayne’s head onto her laps. Crying, she asked why did he did this.
“I just don’t like those shitheads… Don’t you get the wrong idea now…”
“What wrong idea?! You’re hurt because of me!”
“No… I brought this onto myself… Should’ve brought Leo with me…”
“L..Leo? Who’s… that?”
“A friend… of mine…” Vayne said, then touched Aina’s face, wiping the tears.

“A girl… as pretty as… you… shouldn’t cry… It’ll make you… grow wrinkles…” Vayne said, then fainted.

Vayne suddenly wakes up, in a tent. He remembered what happened. He thought that he might have fainted from exhaustion. He tried to move his hands, when suddenly he realize something is holding his hand. It was Aina, sleeping soundly like baby. He got up, and sat there, on the bed, while looking at the entrance, as if awaiting for something to happen. Aina then wakes up, staring at Vayne. He moved closer, and wiped her tears. "A girl as pretty as you shouldn't cry. It'll make you grow wrinkles." He gave a small smile. She suddenly burst into tears, and hugged the shocked Vayne. "You came back... Where did you go?! You idiot!" Aina yelled while crying. He smiled again, and hugged her back. "Who cares? I'm back, Aina."
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Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
OOC: It's time Aaron was seen in a darker light, a eviler light..
[218, 1p Aaron]
Slinking towards Dracors tent, I wondered why I was exerting myself so much when I could rest and wait. But I wanted answers, and frightening things were beginning to form in my head, memories of jumping across roofs in the night. And.... The frightened face of a man, his plea for mercy cut short by a well directed stab through the heart. Dracor was busy meditating, I could feel a lingering presence....A demon? Nay, demons did not feel this way, Razet certainly didn't. I shuddered, eventually I would have to face him. But would I win? you will a voice whispered in my head. I shook my head and asked, "You got a minute?" "I suppose, what is it?" Dracor asked. "I've been seeing...Things, could you help me shut them out?" I asked hopefully, the visions showed things I really didn't like. "These visions may be memories, I can't shut away memories, not forever atleast..." He replied, "I can help unlock them though, seeing as holes are beginning to form in your mental barriers." Without awaiting an answer, he lifted his hand onto my right hand, and removed the glove. A glowing lime green mark showed, it was of a ornate arrow, connected to curving lines of black. He touched it, and the world went dark.

I was leaping through the night, face hidden by a mask and hood of a night blue color. My similarly colored robes flowed in the wind, a window loomed into view. Through it, lay a young girl on a bed. I knocked on the window, hanging from it's pot-holder. She opened it, only to gasp at seeing me. "Ee-" slap! "!" Her cry silenced as I slapped her to knock her unconscious, I checked her pulse, she was still among the living. I crept silently out, looking for my targets room. I knocked, and the man opened it, only to pathetically fall to his knees. "Please! Mercy! I had no choice! They would've cleaned my treasury dry!!!" He wailed. "So instead, you let billions die when they could've been cured? You selfish worm!" I whispered, drawing my knife. "No! PLEASE! I'LL PAY FOR THE CURES!!! STO-" SMACK! "Just shut up and die." I said in disgust, plunging my blade through his heart. I am a called a vigilante, but many don't realize that evidence will not be found sometimes, hence I am a executioner unburdened by procedure. I follow a code of honour, justice, and stealth. This was one of many villains who escaped trial. Those who try to aide villains, are also slain.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: I'll cut the long story, I promised, in two or more bits, but here is the first part :)
Clock, despite the fact that I dislike you are on your way to start another subplot, I must say that I personally think your writing clearly have improved a lot since you entered the RP. But please be careful not to use too many colors etc. in your text, as it will only appear in normal colors on the wiki, and thus can't be differed from the rest of the text.
Rex was exhausted, nevertheless he continued down the dusty underground tunnel. It seemed to be an endless road of brown and red rocks, luckily he passed a new lit lantern in regular short intervals, until the natural tunnel ended in a smoothly carved stone archway, and he entered a large circular room, with a lot of space in all directions - he was impressed. But a lot more impressive, was the large piles of shining golden coins, graced with diamonds and beautiful gems in all colors. Rex' pupils widened quickly, almost completely hiding the dark red rings around them. This.. treasure chamber.. so full, he never would have imagined anything like it!
This place awoke Rex' hidden draconian love of treasures. No dragon or draconian could pass this room not amazed. Looking from side to side, he walked down a path through the chamber, passing several golden statuettes and glittering items of great value. Oh, what joy! He leaned forward and grabbed a handful of golden coins from the endless masses. On one of the coins was a beautiful artwork depicting a castle, "Reyvmadir - 50 Noics" he read. Noics? Must be the Avatarian's currency. Rex dropped the coins again, one by one, to hear the satisfying sound of them hitting the other coins.
Then suddenly, he realized the presence of powerful magic energies in the room. He followed the path towards the source with curiosity, and turned around a corner of large piles of coins. There, he found a sight to behold.
A shining ruby crystal, the size of an ogre fist, emitting tempting magic energies in the fire element. Only a few meters in front of him, on a round one meter tall pedestal, which was covered in unreadable strange markings and letters.
The magic essence.. It was irresistible! Rex licked his dry lips, and stepped closer. When he slowly reached out for it, he greedy felt the powerful magic energies flowing up through his fingertips, with satisfaction.

"Hey! There's someone near the Sun Ruby! Get away from there!" a silk-clad guard yelled, and ran towards the surprised draconian, while unsheathing a saber blade. Many other guards followed behind him. Rex grabbed the ruby. That power! As it flowed inside of him, he felt it conflicting with his own dark energies. He knew mixing different types of magic energy was dangerous, if not done correctly, but there was no time to reconsider now. He readied his last energies for a tough battle, but he knew he was way too exhausted to let his father take over, and perhaps not even able to use his own draconic powers.

He had to try! Pain shot through him, as he spent his last magic energies, the dark ones as well as the fiery, on breathing a cone of chaotic fire. Three of the guards screamed in agony as their skin got burnt by the powerful flames, but only for a few seconds - Rex collapsed, letting go of the large beautiful ruby as he hit the ground. All out.
Jorn Talban gladly received back his light blue armor, shining like never before. The Arachi people had repaired the hole in the side, and polished the colored steel. He and the Arachi people's leader were the only two present in the throne room.

"Sadly, your shield and sword are gone, forever buried in the Arachi sands.." Nasur Haraja spoke, while the rebel leader took on the armor.
"You sure you want to return to that bloody battlefield Jorn?", he continued.
"Yes, my honor shall not suffer anymore to cowardice", Talban replied proudly, while examining a large hand painted map of the Arachi desert, hanging on the natural wall.
"You are a brave soul, young Talban, just like your father was.. but in the end that only led him to the grave. Fighting against the might of Zaarnoth himself, will only make you end up like him", the old lord of the sands spoke, saddened, while he dug down in a small silk pouch with his left hand, for more bread bits to the furry red-eyed creature on his shoulder.
Talban moved away his attention from the map and glanced confidently at the elder man, knowing just the answer:
"At least my father died for a good purpose, and people will remember him for that. I fight for the freedom of the future world, and I believe that is worth dying for"

Just as he finished the sentence a sweaty guard ran breathless into the room, but took no time to catch his breath.
"Milord! .. *hagh hagh* .. come to the.. *hagh* treasure chamber.. immediately! .. important!"

The worried expression on Nasur's winkled face got even worse. After a few seconds of consideration, he ambled to the throne, and picked up a long golden staff, with a white crystal ball fastened to the top, which leaned on the seats high back. He turned around with a serious look directed at Talban.
"It will take too long walking through the corridors! Get close to me!"
Talban did as told, while the guard sat down, trying to relax his muscles and lungs from the hectic run. Nasur spoke a few magical words, resulting in the crystal ball glowing with a bright white light, then sending out magic balls of Arcane energy, circling around the two. The crystal ball kept emitting new light orbs, all finding different ways to circulate around the human bodies, which apparently scared Nasur's pet animal as it's chubby body desperately tried seeking refuge below his large turban. The light balls were spinning faster and faster, until they moved so fast it looked like a barrier of white light all around them.
Nasur had teleported them. To an amazing treasure chamber, apparently. With four bodies on the floor.
"What happened here?", the Arachi people's worried leader asked the remaining guards.
"That strange minion of Zaarnoth got in, tried to steal the Sun Ruby, and killed three of us!", replied a guard whose voice was both sad and angry.

Talban now noticed Rex' body among them! His characteristic spiky white hair was easy to recognize.
"Rex!", he yelled and ran towards the draconian, who was disguised as a human. He shook Rex' body, but his ignorant ally wouldn't wake.

"You know that murderer!?", the same guard asked walking threatening towards Jorn.
"Yes, he's my friend and ally, and he is definitely not a minion of Zaarnoth" answered Talban while he rose up from the body, and looked directly into the hating eyes of the guard. Rex wasn't Talban's friend, they didn't even like each other, only to a point where they could tolerate each other, but that didn't mean he should let this guard decide his fate.
"Is that so!? You-", before the guard could finish his sentence, Nasur interrupted "Stop it!"
He cast a quick spell on the bodies, and Jorn surprised saw their fatal wounds got smaller, not entirely removing them, but definitely making a remarkable difference.
"Take them to the doctors right away - there is still hope for them"
The other guards didn't hesitate to carry their friends up through the long tunnels. And soon, only Jorn, Nasur and Rex were left in the room.

"I'm sorry on behalf of my friend's actions", Talban said, while looking at the sleeping draconian. Rex actually seemed strangely friendly and innocent, in this state. It actually reminded him of one of the first times he drank alcohol and ended up being as 'dead' as Rex now was. This made him laugh silently to himself.
Of course the lord of the sands didn't find anything funny.
"You said you missed a lot other allies of yours in the sand storm, no?", Nasur asked, while picking up the heavy ruby from the floor and carefully placing it back on the pedestal.
"Yes, and I have no idea if they survived, or where they are", Talban answered, his face quickly turning serious again.

Nasur sighed, and concentrated on casting yet another spell. The Arcane energy made the crystal ball glow brightly again.
"Look into the ball, Jorn", you could easily tell the elder desert man was tired from his voice, but Talban once again obeyed.

On the ball's surface, appeared a large oasis surrounded by the sandy hills of the Arachi desert. Then zoomed in on a camp in the oasis, revealing many familiar faces.
"Yes! Yes, that's where they are! Right there at that oasis" Talban exclaimed pleased. Nasur, however, was, easily perceived, getting more and more tired for each time he used magic.
"Jorn.. you should know that despite the stupidity of leading that war of yours, I.. I really hope the best for you and your rebels" Nasur said, with a voice hinting sadness.
"Well, come with us then, the Arachi people and especially your magic could definitely prove useful", Talban said.

The lord of the sands was quiet for a couple of seconds, maybe considering joining?
"No.. that war, is not ours" he said and looked at the Sun Ruby. He turned his head back again.
"Your friend just needs some rest and he'll be fine.. I can do one last teleportation spell with the two of you, but that's as far as my powers go this day. Bow down, close to your friend Jorn", Nasur spoke, whereafter he mumbled a lot of strange magic words, once again lighting up the white orb...
The loudly speaking draconian sat strangely all quietly in the shadow of a palm tree. Those of his dark-blue scales he couldn't hide in the shadow became azure blue in the intense sun light.

But he couldn't help wondering whether death would come for him. Ever since he arrived on Avataria, he had been exposed to things he never would have imagined would happen back on Getax. The fight with Rave at the Rebel Base Camp, where he was frightened - a mighty draconian like him should never get scared. Not to speak of the endless walk and collapse in the Arachi desert. His body sure had been pushed to the limits, and he knew life would test him a lot more during the war. He was lucky to still be alive.

Back on Getax, where he spent his entire youth, he never had such experiences. Except for the very first years of his childhood, his dark dark childhood, that he'd rather not think of..
Being the son of a dead mother and his father Cadaos, who was on a murderous rampage around the planet, because he thought all of his unhatched children had been destroyed, surely wasn't easy. Kargath's- and his slightly elder brother Rex' eggs were the only two hatching, and together they spent their first years in the ruins of the large mansion, belonging to the very same selfish elven mage, who had power hungrily stolen Cadaos unhatched children, but paid with his life to Cadaos' fury, like he deserved. Luckily, or perhaps not, a group of elves from the largest city on Getax found the two young draconians, but decided to take only Kargath with them. Why? Because his scales were blue as their mother, while Rex had gotten the black scales of their infamous father. Kargath would never forget that horrible time, nor forgive them for leaving his brother behind and cutting his last family connection. Though, growing up safely in the big city was most certainly a better youth than what he would ever get in that ruin.

Suddenly, his many memories were interrupted by a blinding white light, appearing in the middle of the oasis camp. The light vanished, but in it's place were the rebel leader and.. Rex?! Rex lay unconscious on the sandy ground.

Kargath quickly got up and ran worried towards his brother and Talban. Many others did the same.
"You're back!" a rebel soldier yelled happily.
"I am, and I now know a short way out of this horrible desert", he answered, remembering the detailed map from the desert lord's throne room.
"But what of taking over the Arena?" another soldier asked.
"This journey have cost too many lives already, and that is not what I wish of my soldiers. Our adventure in this desert will have to end soon.", he replied, while noticing Kargath bowing nervously down over Rex' body.

"Relax Kargath, your brother just needs to rest for a while. We should put him in a shadowy place, and wait patiently" he said and sent a caring smile to the draconian.
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Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
OOC: ok, and I won't. And Aaron will stay even after the end, and transform part of avataria(perhaps the desert) into something alike Getax, and have a family with alaina..
Chapter XLV:
[220, 3P]
Jerag watched Aaron repeatedly demolish and rebuild the training dummies(with the demolishing alternating between being demolished via magic or his sword), and walked over to him. "Any reason why you're bullying the dummies?" Jerag asked, ducking as a blast of ice devoured a dummy whole, and blazed past Jerag. "Must-" whack! "Get-" bang! "Stronger!" He answered, destroying one with a particularly impressive blend of swordplay and magic. "Ahh...Worried about this Razet fellow? Sounds like a zombie to me." Jerag answered. Aaron slumped to the ground, and said. "I'm not sure I'll survive..."
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Level 7
May 3, 2011

Vayne wore his armor, while Leo reminisce how they would usually fight until one falls. "Yeah. Those were the times. How the fuck did we end up in this situation." Both of them laughed. Aina then walked in and asked what's wrong. Then, Vayne remembered something.
"You guys can talk with each other here. I have something to discuss with the leader." He then walked outside, but before so, Leo stood up.
"Oh no you don't. You're bringing us." He pointed to him and Aina.

Soon, they reached the tent. They went inside, only to find Amar about to walk out. "What's the matter? Why are you three here?" He asked. "I have some thing to talk to you about. Let's sit down." They sat down in a circle, with Amar sitting on the side of his bed. "What is it that you need to talk about?" He asked, while Leo and Aina each grabbed a chair and sat down, with Leo grabbing two for Vayne. They sat, and Vayne spoke. "It's about the Evil forces. The time to go back our time is coming." Amar raised his left eyebrow. He didn't understood what Vayne meant. "What do you mean?"
Vayne pulled out a sheet of paper. "This. This is the conditions for the path back to our world to open." Amar took the paper, and took a glance.

"One, the weather must be in an bad situation, as bad as possible. Two, the highest mountain would be the gateway. Third, you must NOT have any metal or iron on you during the travelling, if not, it would fail. Fifth, you must wait for the situation in number 1 for a thousand years, as it only occur once in a thousand year. I see. You intend to travel back to your world using this method?" He returned Vayne the paper, and he gave it to Leo, who in turn, placed it on to the table beside. "Yes, and all the conditions have been fulfilled, except for the first one. The weather is getting worse by the minute. And if my sensor's right, the worst possible weather is two weeks from now. We'll need to take over the castle by then." He said, as he pulled out a square device. It had a silver metal plating at the back, with the the screen taking almost all the space on the device. Upon touching it, a list of weathers came out. Vayne scrolled all the way down, when it said "DOOMSDAY" in big letters. He showed it to Amar, who again, raised an eyebrow.

"Why does it says doomsday? Is doom really coming to us?" Amar asked.
"Nah, I just made it appear like that. But that aside, it means a weather so bad, natural disaster occur at a higher rate. We'd best act now, if we were to return back to our world." Vayne said, as he placed the device back into his portable bag.
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
OFF: Gheez, Alaina and Aina causes a headache to distinguish :D

Dracor and Aaron enetered the tent, just as Vayne finished her sentence. The two just came back using the teleportation spell, and seemed to be in a hurry.

Dracor: There are mentall leeches coming towards us from the Land of Evil. There is an army, and our camp on Hilcrose Top got destroyed by them. They've killed everyone and leeched their feelings, thus they are a lot stronger now. We have to prepare defenses. And the worst is that a mortal's naked eye can not see them.
Vayne: What are you saying, and who are you? I haven't seen you before.
Dracor: Oh, I'm sorry. I am Dracor Scaleflame, currently the most powerful spellwearer arou...

At that moment, Dracor realised what was off since he entered Am'ar's tent. He identified the presence of the Reaper inside Vayne.

Dracor: What is the meaning of this? What is the Reaper doing here, in a mortal's body?

Orb of black flames were formed around him, circling and pulsating around him, ready to attack. Vayne didn't hesitate either and entered his new Reaper mode, maybe best described as Holy Reaper form immediately and drawn his broadsword.

Vayne: Not as if I choose to become the vessel of this monster.
Am'ar: Back off Dracor, Vayne is a friend of us.

On Am'ar's word, Dracor cancelled his spell, so did Vayne his form. Both of them looked at the other with distrust. Then Am'ar broke the silence after a few seconds.

Am'ar: So you said we have some serious problem incoming, didn't you? That means we have to arm ourselves, both physically and mentally. You also mentioned that these things can not be seen. How can we fight them then?
Dracor: Any mage can reveal their presence, as seeing interdimensional beings is an ability shared amongst all the magic users. We can also project and bound them to the physical world, but on such a large scale it is problematic. We can prepare a battlefield though, in which we can fight them, but I need the help of as many mages as possible.
Am'ar: Interdimensional you say... Then we handle them with a small group.

As he said these words, he went to a chest in his tent, and pulled out a small mechanical thing. It had a colored glass and mechanics built around it.

Am'ar: This eyewear was made to let us see what we can't. Also, interdimensional beings are weak against energy based weapons.

As he said it, Vayne and Aina started to smile. With only the five of them excuding Leo, who is a swordman, they can annihilate the entire army.

Aaron: So be it. They will be here in a few hours, let's perpare ourselves before they arrive.
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Level 7
May 3, 2011

Vayne touched something around his upper right part of the head, and then suddenly, a blue screen stretched over to the opposite side. Then, words suddenly came up, with a circle locked onto the glasses Amar gave the team. Suddenly, a sound occured, and then Vayne placed back the eyewear on the table. "The Scanner, eh? Guess I'm not in the frontline. Those the energy chargers I had is still with me. It's a pretty old model, but it'll do the trick." He said, as he quickly got out, and ran to his tent.

"I'll go check things out. See whether the things are coming, and if they do, how far." Vayne said, as he activated his Energy boots. It eminated a light blue force, before blasting off to the sky, making it look like floating reddish-orange flowers. "I'll go warn everyone." Aina decided, as she quickly ran out, leaving Dracor, Aaron and Amar in the tent. "I guess we should be going to prepare. Let's go, Aaron." Dracor gently patted Aaron's shoulders before going out. Aaron followed, leaving Amar alone. "I'll need to come up with a plan if anything happens." Amar mumbled, as he took out a paper, scribbling on it.

Vayne floated at the skies, turning left and right, with his fingers constantly touching his right head. The view zoomed in and out, with a degree info at the side, a minimap on the top right, and information about the land on the lower left. He kept turning, but found nothing. Just when he was about to give up, a warning popped out. Vayne stopped, and touched his right head again. It quickly switched it view over to another area, where a small gusts of wind can be seen. vayne zoomed in, when he found the monsters. Vayne did not hesitate. He quickly flew back down and ran over to Aina, who gathered the soldiers at the campfire.

"They're coming. We best get this over with quickly." He said, followed by a nod from Aina, who then started shouting.

"Please calm down! Vayne and the others will take care of this! But before then, we'll need to defend this camp if even anyone of them reaches here!" The soldiers took less to no time at all to line up in lines, followed by their respective squad captains. All of them quickly grabbed their weapons, and went to their stations. The captains then went to Amar's tent, where the strategy would be formed.

Vayne landed just at the right timing where when both Dracor and Aaron came. They were readied, with weapons that seemed powerful.
"You guys ready?" Vayne asked, turning into the Holy Reaper.
"Where's Aina? Aren't she gonna help?" Dracor raised a question, pointing at the Aina commanding the soldiers.
"She needs to stay here to help in case we leak one of them. Besides, we're enough to take on those bastards, unless you don't believe so." Vayne laughed.
"You're right. But that doesn't mean otherwise. Why don't we have a bet?" Dracor said in a sarcastic voice.
"What do we bet on?" Aaron asked.
"Yeah, what DO we bet on?"

"We'll bet our rations on the number of those little creatures killed. I'm sure I'll win. Be prepared to give me your foods!" Dracor laughed, as he charged out of the camp. "Oh no you don't! Those rations, are as good as mine!" Vayne followed, with his Energy boots started up, as he flew outta base, tailing Dracor. "I don't really care about the bet, but I ain't about to lose to those two!" Aaron screamed, as he tailed Vayne.

The trio charged out when Aina was commanding the soldiers. "Those are the three weirdest pair, with Vayne being the stupid one. Sigh... But with those three, they might be able to pull it off." She smirked, as she commanded louder, improving the soldier's morale.

As for Leo, he pulled out a circular device that had a red glow. Inside it, are small little orbs floating around on a very high speed. "I hope these proves their worth. I didn't pay all of my expenses for a fucking worthless objects." He mumbled, as he placed the device next to his broadsword. The orbs started to flowed into the blade, as it slowly glowed red. By the time the device turned black, his broadsword became crimson red. "Hell yeah. The energy merged with my blade! Now to follow those guys." He said, as he ran out. He ran over to the entrance when Aina grabbed him. "Oh no you don't. We need a muscle head here." She glared at him. "Aw, but I wan-" He stopped. Aina was glaring at him like an evil dragon, as she let go of him. She looked at Leo, who stood at the outside of the camp. <Please be fine, Vayne...>
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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
A day had passed since Talban's return. They had all been working very hard since then, readying a caravan for their journey back out of this terrible desert. Why did they even come here in the first place? What was so important about some dusty old ruins of an Arena, that they had to march through miles of endless sand hills, to conquer it? Giving up already seemed like a huge disappointment in Talban's skills as their leader, Dillich thought. They hadn't accomplished anything, except numerous losses of allies.

Nevertheless he was happy to finally leave the desert, and finally end the long pointless torture. Dillich was still in his twenties and he wanted to see more of the world before his death. He definitely had seen enough of the Arachi desert now.

Suddenly, he noticed Kareena, the little savior. He and all of the soldiers truly owed their lives to her. Realizing he sat still during all of his deep thoughts, he shamefully resumed his work, not wanting to disappoint the girl. His job, along with many of his fellow soldiers, was to build wagons to their horses, so they could store barrels of water and other heavy stuff. It was rather difficult to do that from the decreasing variation of strange palm trees and with few tools at their disposal, but eventually they made it work.

He looked around the oasis camp, it was a rather strange look. Most of the rebels around him were trained for war as soldiers, but now they had to work in a whole new way. Some carried around heavy boxes and other stuff, some packed water from the lake into large barrels, while others took care of the horses. Seeing Kargath in the group who nursed the injured and sick, was rather weird. He had expected the strong draconian to help with something else, but he probably wanted to look after his brother. That Rex. They didn't even look like each other, Rex normally had the appearance of a human or maybe an elf, but Dillich had seen him in combat. Rex' black scaly body appeared, striking fear in anybody around him. Kargath was nothing like that, he had gotten the impression that the blue draconian was very lively and joyful.

Oh, he forgot his work again. He knew that in the recent events, since he arrived with Asorath's army, had contained more excitement, surprises and mysteries than the entire rest of his life, and he simply couldn't stop thinking about all that had happened so far.
His brother had been taken from him. The only person that he had shared his young life with, back then, was gone. Mother died before their eggs hatched, and their father.. their absent father was the murderous Cadaos, hated by every elf and draconian on Getax. The elves that had taken away his brother, had refused to take him with them only because of his black scales reminding them of their rampaging father.
Rex grew up alone, in a tainted ruined mansion. Those ignorant elves had forgot all about him, and his brother never showed his face again. Rex knew that, in the entire world, only his father would accept him, but sadly Cadaos didn't knew of his existence. He looked up to his father, even though he never had seen him, and wanted to follow in his steps. He continued his search for his father through his teens, eventually disguising himself as an elf and entered the slums of the largest city on Getax. He asked for information anywhere he could, and in the end getting knowledge of their father's arrival on Avataria. He knew that he had to find his father at all cost, and somehow followed him and ended up somewhere in the Wastelands of Evil in Avataria...

Rex opened his red eyes widely, as if waking up from a bad dream. He stared directly into the scaly head of his worried brother Kargath. Rex' facial expression showed a second of gratitude, then slowly turned into the usual ignorant look.
"Brother, you're awake!" Kargath said happily, trying to keep eye contact, but Rex broke it.
"Never felt better.."
Despite just waking up, Rex got up and walked off, seemingly without the hassle.
Talban stood on the highest hill he could find in the oasis, overseeing the busy camp, with his long graying scarce hairs waving in the silent wind, while his newly polished light blue armor, marked with the symbol of the Greatwood region on the chest with pure gold, shone attention-demanding in the sun. His helmet, shield and sword had all disappeared in the sands during the dramatic escape from the Qua'thar, but he could easily get new weaponry when they arrive at the base camp.
In a few hours they would start their last journey returning back through this damned desert, and Talban optimistically expected the travel to only last the remaining day.

The soldiers of the camp had told him of a girl called Kareena, who had shown surprisingly responsible behavior, despite her young age. Not only did she save the lives of most of the lost rebel soldiers, but she also managed to accomplish building up the very camp he stood in, together with the first soldiers she saved. There were quite a lot of people in the camp, way too many to easily spot out a short girl. He had not had a chance of speaking to her yet, but he most definitely would, if he saw her.

Suddenly a soldier, from the border of the oasis camp, yelled for Talban to come look. In the horizon a horse-riding army was quickly approaching. For a moment, Jorn almost felt cold, realizing that their camp had no defenses and many of the soldiers had lost their weapons, he knew that he was not prepared to fight an army, that seemed to be the size of his own.
He stayed quiet for a few seconds, watching as the enemies came closer, heading straight for their camp.

"Every rebel in the camp!!", he yelled as loud as he could. He noticed their trusty looks upon him.
"Leave your work right now! .. stand up and ready yourselves for a hard battle!"
That triggered an amazing movement in the camp, everybody did as told, searched for their weapons and ran up to Talban, forming a regiment behind him.

They all stood, anxious of what was about to happen, for a few minutes. Kargath made his way through the many soldiers, and without a word, he took Talban's side, with a firm grip on his two-handed axe, ready to engage in another battle. However, when the opposing horse riders got near, Talban was very surprised to see the hospitable Nasur in front, leading an army of the Arachi people. Talban stood up on the nearest box, in order to let as many rebels see him as possible.
"Lower your weapons, rebels, these are not our enemies! Please resume your work from where you left off!" he said with a relieved voice.

Seeing his loyal soldiers returning to their separate jobs, he again turned to face the army. The horses stopped on a line, with only Nasur's black horse continuing trotting towards the rebel camp. Talban decided to go to meet him on the halfway.

"Greetings lord Nasur, what are you doing here?" Talban said, when they were close enough to hear each other. His voice still bore a hint of relief.
"I can ask you the same thing, Jorn", Nasur replied, and got down his horse, while his fluffy pet clung to his shoulder, as always.
"What do you mean?" Talban asked. He noticed the old man's outfight being a lot more warlike than when he first met him.
"I saw it all in my crystal ball - leaving the desert now will be the biggest mistake of your life, Jorn." Nasur said, almost with a fatherly voice.
"Lord, I don't think you understand - we need to get back to the war", Talban replied confused.
"I have already told you, that it's a hopeless war. You fight not only against the King's minions, you also fight against the might of Zaarnoth himself", the lord of the sands spoke, while fishing up a piece of bread from the usual small red silk pouch.
"If you've come only to try repent my point of views again, I'm sorry, but I won't leave this war!", a twinge of anger entered Talban's voice. Nasur still kept the bread in his hand, while the pet impatiently followed it with it's red eyes.
"Oh no no, Jorn, in fact it is you who repented my point of views. Despite the lies I have told myself for many years, this war is indeed mine, and I believe it can't be won without my support..", Nasur spoke, much to Talban's surprise, and finally gave the piece of bread to his pet.
"Are you saying that you will join our cause?", the rebel leader asked.
The old man sighed, but continued.
"I am saying that you need.. something.. from the Arena, if you are to have just a slight chance of winning the war, and I know how to get it.", Nasur confessed. Talban looked into the air for a few seconds, thinking it all through.
"Are you sure Nasur?", he asked, holding a short break before continuing "Because my people won't be happy when I tell them I changed the plans"
"Yes.. yes I'm sure, Jorn".
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Chapter XLVI

The three fighters ran towards the army of shadows, getting ready for battle. Vayne took on his Holy Reaper form, and grabbed his broadsword as it started to glow faintly. Dracor summoned orbs of fire around him, a total of six orbs that orbit around him. As he chanted, fiery tendrils of darkness and light shot out from his forearms, leading the rush - a nearly granted handicap for the others. But just nearly, since Aaron didn't wait a second to release his magical powers as well, and in a moment shards of pure energy pierced the air, flying towards the shadows.

Vayne (thinking): You won't leave me out like that!

With that, Vayne slashed with his sword in the air, gathering the power of the reaper within. His slash left a mark in the ground, and all three attacks reached the shadows at the same time, resulting in a huge blast. Just two seconds, and the trio rushed in the gap they just blew into the mass, and soon they reached the middle without any problem, not seeing anything because of the thick smoke. There, with their backs against each other, they waited for the smoke to settle.

Dracor: I hope you are ready, the fun part didn't even start.
Vayne: Don't be so ahead of yourself, you won't eat tonight.
Aaron: Maybe, but he is right - this may be the best part of life so far.

All three grinned, and the smoke settled, revealing the beings made of mostly feelings, thoughts and energy. The circle has already closed, leaving no way out - the quiestion is, if there is any need for that.

Aaron: 'you ready?
Dracor: Bring it on!
Vayne: Get on with it!

The three rushed out in three different directions, jumping at the army surrounding them. As Vayne reached the horde, he sticked his sword into the ground, shouting "Gravitation Push!". And in front of him the ground shattered in a cone, with the shadows smashed into pulp.

Vayne: 31!

Aaron summoned a handful of spears of light, then even more and more, and soon a hundred of spears flew behind his back, then in a moment he made them fly with his mind, piercing through the horde.

Aaron: 38! You better haste yourself Vayne!

Dracor stopped halfway between the incoming horde, and started chanting - a circle of fire appeared under him, then symbols of magic. A few seconds of channelling, then a huge circle appeared under his part of the horde, a magic that would erupt in seconds.

OOC: No time to continue :3
Level 7
May 3, 2011
OOC : I'm leaving Dracor's big attack to someone else. Can't think of any impressive fire magic that'll amuse you all. Not like I did, anyway. xD)

Looking at how Dracor was about to unleash something huge, he decided to kick it up a notch. He threw his broadsword up high and he slammed his palms on the ground. The blade stopped midway, at the same exact moment, the horde all decided to followed the blade, as they all lost the footings. Literally. They floated midair with the yell of a command, and Vayne took this chance to unleash a attack almost unseen from the naked eyes. "Zero GRAVITATION!"

He kicked one of the horde, using them as a steeping stone or sort, as he jumped off and launched himself to another one, while he did the same to the others. He stopped just as when the broadsword that floated in the air was beside him, and grabbed it. Suddenly, a grayish circle formed just in front of him, facing the floating hordes and Vayne stabbed his broadsword onto the circle.

"Black. HOLE!"

A black space opened right before the circle, and it absorbed everything in it's path. The ever so floating hordes was suddenly sucked into the black space, despite their struggles to escape. Vayne landed with a loud impact on the ground, showing a thumbs up while rubbing them against his nose. "Let's see how you can top that up, Dracor! That meal's as good as mine!" His smile emitting obvious arrogant in it.

Vayne showed off his ability, and Aaron wasn't amused by it. He had to say though, that it was quite amazing. Since when did he learned magic moves? Well, Aaron'll just ask him later. For now, he must concentrate on winning the bet. "I won't lose to you, Vayne!" Suddenly, he floated up in the sky. Circles of shining blades formed behind him, and his blade was suddenly enforced by a huge shining light. A wing formed at the back of his body and his entire figure emitted immense brightness. His eyes turned golden white, as he threw his hand amongst the wondering confused hordes and with the yell of his spell's activation, a whole entire squad of the horde was erased.

"Heaven's wheel!"

His blades spun as slowly, one by one, it flies out of the circle, and it stabbed into the land his hand waved towards. Smokes appeared and it hazed Vayne and Dracor's vision towards the area. Slowly, when the mist was gone, shining blades landed in a perfect circle and moments after, it all disappeared. "Top that up, you two."
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Seeing how the others went on with their attacks, Dracor changed his mind - as he saw the holy spell of Aaron, he altered his spell, and the runes around him changed one by one. Then five pillars of fire raised from the ground around the area he set for his spell, and they started twisting, until they engulfed the entire area and became a huge whirlwind of fire, a sight to behold.

Dracor (to the others): Let's see how you can handle this!

He muttered a few words in his draconic language, and suddenly everything went silent - the trio couldn't hear their breath or heartbeat, nor anything at all. This was for about one second, then the ground was shaken, and the pillar disappeared into the clouds, revealing what's left within it - ash, flying in the air. The physical ash of something without physical form. And a huge fissure in the ground, showing the burning depths. And something huge emerged from it - an elemental of fire, taking on different shapes every moment. Then came another, then another, until the fissure was surrounded by them.

Dracor pointed at the shadows, and called words that merged the newly arrived elementals who then went to where he pointed, and begun to fight with the shadows.

Dracor was disappointed with himself. He didn't feel it was enough, and he knew what he could done to satisfy himself. He summoned his demonic powers, and a huge black circle appeared under the shadows, and dark tendrils rose from it, slowly burning anything they touched. Something was not right, the trio could hear the death-cries and suffering of these shadows, something they shouldn't have. Ever.

And Dracor grinned. He enjoyed this little show, and something inside him went out of control - his demonic powers were on a rampage, and deep inside, he knew it, but couldn't stop it right now. He uttered demonic words, and a huge pentagram formed around a huge region, enclosing a lot of the shadows and even the trio. He then released the spell, so powerful and huge that his mortal body couldn't bear with it, and with a flash of BLACKNESS, he turned into a black dragon with red spikes and wings. Darkness flew from his shadow, and his breath became poisonous in this form. Even his horns became twisted, and he resembled something as much of a dragon as a demon.

He released his demonic powers, and black flame engulfed the area, burning everything, including the shadows.

Waiting for Dracor's turn, something amazing happened. The entire world went dumb, as they watched an amazing sight - a pillar of fire, reaching the Heavens, destroyed a huge part of the horde. But what happened after that was not right, not even a little bit. The demonic magic, binding and torturing these leeching beings, caused them to shiver, and the shrieking cries felt like the worse thing they've ever experienced.

Then, the huge magical circle appeared, and Dracor turned into something that seemed evil.

Vayne: What the...?

The reaper's power in Vayne reacted to the dark demonic powers, and he realised instantly, what happened, what was Dracor's true nature. But he didn't have enough time to say. Aaron had just enough time to cast a shield around him, and Vayne used the reaper's form defences to protect himself from the black flames that engulfed them.

In around ten seconds, the flames died, leaving a blank, ash-covered land, and the three warriors inside the burnt area. Another wave of the shadowy beings came from outside the circle of ash, but they were far away enough to let Aaron and Vayne tend to the new threat. They slowly moved towards the demonic dragon, and Dracor looked towards them.

Vayne: Dracor, can you understand me?
Aaron: Be careful Vayne, he could be dangerous.

Vayne ignored Aaron's warning, and moved closer to Dracor, reaching dangerously close to the dragon. Dracor did not show a single sign of understanding Vayne, just followed Vayne with his red, slightly glowing eyes. Then as Vayne closed in, he took a deep breath, and breathed black fire towards Vayne - but the Reaper's power protected Vayne from such an attack.

Vayne: I know what it is like to be consumed by darkness. You can overcome it, just like I did.

Dracor did not hesitate - he hit Vayne with one of his paws, and if not for Vayne blocking the attack in the last moment, he would have died there, but still, he flew back quite a bit, and landed not much behind Aaron. Dracor understood what was happening, but his situation was quite bad from his point. Then he remembered the chains, and started calling ancient words inside of himself. When his body would have just attacked the other two, chains of light erupted from the ground and bound him, slowly awakening his power of light. As this happened, he begun to transform into his true form that he could never take on - his belly was covered with whitish scales, slowly becoming red towards his sides. His wings became black with red membrane. His horns became straightened again, and his iris turned to tri-color, representing his true nature. As the chains disappeared, he shook his head and looked around, then with a flash of light, he returned to his human form - but his eyes remained the same, white, black and red at the same time.

Dracor: Th... thank you... I guess I'll have to give you my share anyway.
Vayne (laughing): Don't joke with me, a bet without a risk is not fun at all.
Aaron: Uh well... I guess I have to agree with you, even without much to do with what happened. Now, shall we get back to business?

As he said it, they all looked around, seeing that the shadows already came just too close to them to be comfortable...

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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: Sorry for the delay guys, but here it the unfinished version - I'll make a new post with the rest of the story, but that means I need one of you guys to make another post. I spent a lot of time on it, to perfect it as much as possible - credits to my mum for helping a bit with grammar. However, as it is really long I fully understand if you don't wanna read it, so I'll make sure to write a summary in the main thread soon :)
Your fight seems really interesting, I'd love to join it, when I've finally finished my planned story of Talban's journeys in the Arachi desert! :b
By the way, you both wrote the wrong numbers in the post counter, please correct that :)
Talban's hazel horse and Nasur's black stallion ran rapidly side by side, while horse riders from both their armies rode just as fast, all around them. Those rebels who had no horses had to share with others. They had already ridden for half an hour now, and with still no sign of the Arena, Talban grew impatient.

"Are you sure you know where the Arena is?" Talban yelled loudly, to drown the sound of the wind.
"My grandfather built it as the pearl of our culture.. of course I know where it is." he replied.
"Oh.. but are we there soon?" Talban questioned impatiently.
"Yes, very soon Jorn. Remember that obelisk we passed some time ago?" Nasur asked. Talban remembered the obelisk very well - how could one possibly forget a half buried five meter tall monument built of sandstone, filled with glyphs of gold and decorated with colorful gems, sticking up from the sand in the middle of nowhere? He nodded.
"Before the frequent sandstorms started to occur in the Arachi desert many years ago, there was a road from that obelisk to the Arena. It took, approximately, one hour to walk that path on foot, and we're riding on horseback now" Nasur explained.

Just as he finished the sentence, they reached the top of another high sand hill, and were relieved to find the Arena in sight. As they neared in on the massive circular structure, Talban glanced at the impressive construction. It was built from columns, with the same kind of golden glyphs and gems as on the obelisk they passed a while ago. The tall columns held together several floors, which once formed the amphitheater, filled with people, around the circular sandy arena ground in the middle, where various fighters once fought against each other, either willingly or enslaved by the Arachi people. Talban remembered one of those violent fights, many years ago, that he watched with his father.

It seemed rather deserted now, but he knew they shouldn't feel safe when entering the ruins. During the rebels' last attempt at claiming the Arena, they were surprise-attacked by evil minions of the King. Now, with Nasur's army by his side, he was prepared for anything. He turned his head and looked at the riding army following behind him.

"Ready yourselves for a potential ambush!" he warned, and once again looked forward at the glorious Arena. They were already in range for enemy archers to attack, and the closer he got, the more tense in his muscles. However, he reached the large square entrance, which once held a wooden gate, without sighting any enemies, and made his horse slow down and hopped down the saddle, still looking attentively out for poachers. Nasur arrived soon after, and tied the bridles of his dark stallion to a column, and thereafter took a leathery bag from the stallions' back, and followed Talban through the entrance into the shadows. Their army stayed outside in the sun, awaiting orders.

"Jorn, there is something that you should know..", lord Haraja sighed and continued "My connection to the war is much bigger than you think"
"How so?" Talban asked, as they stepped farther into the dark ruins.
"Let me tell you a story of me and my elder brother, Kazar Haraja. He was the heir to the Arachi people's throne, and as such, trained hard to become a great warrior like all of the desert lords before us. As the younger brother, I was destined to become his royal vizier, so I practiced magic and studied Avataria's history through my entire youth, while Kazar spent all of his time in the Arena, and eventually became a well known fighter, often receiving new challenges by other great fighters coming to this very Arena - and never lost" Nasur said, his hand reached out for the walls as he walked by, leaving a clean line between the layer of dust. Talban could easily tell the old man was touched by the memories.
"But then, why is it you who are the desert lord?" Talban asked curiously.
"He lost.. One challenger defeated my brother, and left the Arena without a word. I was there, I saw the shame in my brothers eyes. He had been humiliated like never before, and his reputation as undefeated had been ruined by this one mysterious stranger. Later that night, Kazar pursued the stranger alone, with a burning wish for revenge in his head. He didn't tell anyone, not even me, but I know what happened that night. Kazar found the stranger and demanded a rematch, but once again, my brother lost. However, surprisingly the stranger lectured him and taught him why he couldn't win, promising to make him the most powerful fighter mankind had ever seen. Kazar blindly accepted being trained by the stranger, but that was the biggest mistake a man could ever make, for the stranger was no other than the God of evil and darkness, Zaarnoth himself, in a fake human shape. And though Zaarnoth kept his promise of making Kazar the most powerful fighter of all time, he also stripped my brother from all his humanity. He fell to the darkness and he never returned to us, and left me for the duty as heir to the Arachi throne... but not only that, my brother also came in charge of the Bane of Light, Zaarnoth's evil intentions to convert Avataria into a world of darkness and evil.." Nasur explained, with a heavy heart.
"Does that mean th-" Talban was interrupted.
"Yes Jorn, Kazar is the very person that you all know as the King" the desert lord revealed.
Talban was speechless.

"But I can't live a lie no more, I can't hide away from a war that I might know the only solution to. And the solution is right here, somewhere in this Arena" Nasur said.
"I understand lord Nasur, but what are we looking for?" Talban asked, still surprised by Nasur's story.
"We are looking for a blade, the powerful blade that my brother used in all of his battles, until he became an apprentice of Zaarnoth" Nasur explained.
"And you are sure it is in these ruins?" the rebel leader asked.
"I hope so, Jorn, I hope so. Go tell our people to come look with us.. but please don't tell them of my brother. We are the only two who knows the truth" Nasur pleaded.
Talban heeded the desert lord's words, and stepped back out in the sunlight to get the rebel soldiers follow inside the ruins, helping them look for the blade.
They had looked for some time now, but still no sign of anything. The young magician Kareena searched with Kargath the azure draconian and Dillich, who still did all he could to pay back Kareena for saving his life back then, but he knew that no matter what he did, it would never be enough.

"Kareena, come look at this!" Dillich exclaimed, and the others rushed to the painting on the wall, he was looking at. They could barely see it in the ruin's dark corridor, but it's motive stood out - a beautiful blood red heart, surrounded by twisted branches covered in thorns, and a white sword on top of the heart. It was the only painting they had seen so far - all other decorations consisted of glyphs, gems and sculptures only.
A familiar ghostly shape appeared, but only Kareena could see it. It was Taera, the guardian of Excalibur, her sacred weapon. She had been guiding Kareena ever since the girl came in possession of the weapon.
"There is indeed something about this painting that feels strange" Taera said, "I feel a massive amount of magic energy streaming from it - from behind it?"
Kareena nodded, she felt it too.
"Kargy, do you think you could break through this wall?" Kareena asked, and looked at her scaly friend.
"Of course, I could break through anything! .. But why?" the large draconian's voice boomed.
"Well, I believe there's something behind it", she smiled, revealing her cute dimples, that no man could ignore. Kargath was no exception, so he asked the others to stand back, while he readied his battle axe.

The draconian took a few steps back, then charged towards the painting. The wall with the painting on collapsed and revealed, as Kareena and Taera had foreseen, a secret room on the other side - or actually, it appeared to be a labyrinth, but it was terribly dark and Kareena got goosebumps from the breeze streaming out. Not because she was scared, but the wind was filled with magic energy and it felt weird when it reacted to her own.

"How did you know that?!" Dillich exclaimed with amazement.
"She's a magician, they just know stuff" Kargath wasn't surprised, but he wondered what lurked inside. He glanced at the darkness with despise.
"I think we should light this place up a bit" Taera suggested, and Kareena agreed. She concentrated to make the Excalibur change form. It successfully reshaped into a glowing wand, lighting up the entire place.
"Shall we?" she said happily, and passed the draconian who had not dared enter the shadows. Dillich and Kargath followed speechless soon after the young magician.

The architecture of the labyrinth seemed to differ a lot from the rest of the Arena. It was made of tall dark rockwalls, still covered with the similar glyphs though. However, the deeper they walked in, the less glyphs, and more runic letters started to appear. Suddenly, after walking a long distance, Taera's eternally calm eyes got avid.
"I understand those two runes!" she said frightened and stopped while staring at the wall. Kargath and Dillich continued walking, as they could not see or hear Kareena's ghostly guide, but Kareena made them stop.
"This one means Shadow.. and this one means Demon - Vayne have always had those two marks on his back because of the Reaper. I think we are at a terribly wrong place Kareena", you could easily tell from Taera's voice and desperate look, that she was worried and afraid.
Kareena too, but she didn't know what to do. Her young, but smart head always seemed to have the situation under control, but now she felt lost. Taera's warning should be taken seriously, but she wasn't sure she even remembered the road back anymore, and it felt like the surrounding darkness was creeping in on them, staring mockingly at them, while the different magic energies conflicting around her body, started to hurt. Too much pressure!

She sat down and cried silently, like any normal girl in her age would have done. Only Taera understood her feelings, in fact she was part of them, but she wasn't the only one who sat down next to her and comforted the young magician. Her two companions joined the ghost. This was when Dillich noticed something. On another wall was a painting with the very same motive as up in the corridor.

"Kareena, I think we're on the way to the blade - look there" he said, and pointed at the painting with the sword, the heart and the branches. She looked up, still with tears in her eyes and revealed her cute dimples in a thankful smile.
"Shall we?" he said with a resolute smile and held out his arm, to help up the girl from the floor. She took his hand and they continued their journey longer into the darkness together, eventually reaching a room filled with black devilish sculptures and dark runes all over the place. There was no longer any ancient Arachi glyphs on the walls, only evil ones. Literally evil runes. Kareena and Taera felt covered in so much dark energy from all sides, that their own magic energies seemed negligible. However, they were relieved to find what they were looking for in the middle of the room. On a beautiful pedestal lied a saber blade, so beautiful that it shone as the only light in the room, except for Excalibur.

The thin, incredibly sharp metallic edge of the saber-formed blade seemed to be able to cut through anything. Flawless glyphs adorned the masterpiece in a straight line from the top of the blade to the handle. White smooth leather was wrapped around the golden handle, which was covered in small gems in numerous colors. Some of the gems were missing though and holes in their place left the blade incomplete. Dillich reached out for the blade.

"You wouldn't dare!" an echoing female voice suddenly called out in the dark room. Dillich pulled back his hand with a shock and looked panicking around in the room, not knowing where the voice came from.
"Reveal yourself woman!", Kargath's draconian voice boomed and revealed, much to the surprise of the others, a hint of fear. His grip on the axe tightening, as there were nothing in the world he hated more than not being able to tell where his foes were at.
"You shouldn't be here..", she said with a soft, yet angered and twisted voice, and suddenly two torches lit themselves near one of the statues. A living statue of a sitting winged demoness, covered in dark metallic parts all over her body. Mechanical cylinders pumped noiselessly from her wings and metallic clawed fingers covered her hands. In her right hand she held a halberd, while her left hand rested lazily on her thigh. Nobody answered, as they were all speechless, except Taera.
"I.. have seen her before. When I was Vayne's guardian, they fought - don't underestimate her Kareena!" Taera warned into Kareena's small ears.
"I'm Lilith, and this place belongs to my father.. you shouldn't be here" Lilith repeated.
"Your father?" Kareena's young innocent voice filled the room, unexpectedly not bearing any look of fear in her eyes. Maybe because she felt Taera's supporting hands on her shoulders. Lilith looked at the girl almost peacefully, as if she had forgotten her hate for the intruders.
"Yes, my father, the King - he told me this was the place he accepted the offer of true life and committed himself fully to the Master of the Void, and also.. my birthplace" she looked around, and for a short moment her eyes were filled with nostalgia, but she came to her senses, and continued.
"But you shouldn't be down here mortals.. and I can't let you leave either.." Lilith tilted her halberd, so she had a grip on it with both hands, and looked bloodthirsty on the intruding rebels.

Dillich stubbornly grabbed the blade, and pointed it at Lilith.
"No!! How dare you touch my father's blade!? Put it down human!!" she ordered, and rose up from her sitting position.
"L-let us go with it, and I won't hurt you!" he replied, scared.
"Fool.. you can't hurt me! Put it down!!", she said with a despising tone, and spread her huge wings offensively.
"I-I won't! I was told this blade bears immense powers and might be our key to victory over that father of yours! His daughter shouldn't be a problem" Dillich tried to sound confident, but the shaking in his voice spoiled the truth.
"Heh.. the blade is not meant for you, pathetic rebel! But if you won't give it to me, I'll have to take it from you.." her twisted voice, however, didn't leave anyone in doubt that she was not lying. She stepped calmly down from the short pedestal that she was sitting on just before Dillich grabbed the blade.
The pistons kept on pumping silently inside the cylinders on her wings, small pieces of metal circulated around her body to form her magical armor, and her villainous eyes were fastened upon Dillich. He held up Kazar's blade, it's curved shape pointed threatening towards the approaching Lilith, but as she closed in on him, he knew that she was right. He didn't pose a threat to her at all, and her halberd seemed much longer and much more frightening than the blade in his hands.

"Kareena! Use the Excalibur!" Taera suggested, and Kareena didn't wait a second to concentrate on fusing her own magic energies with those stored in the powerful weapon. A dangerous act to fuse two different types of magic energy, but she had mastered it and successfully felt the energies meeting in a positive reaction, flowing through her wand. When she felt ready, she unleashed all this magical power in one large light blue ball of united glowing magic particles. The ball flied quickly through the room directed at Lilith, faster than most human eyes can react to in such short range. Lilith just noticed it before it hit her, and she was forced to fall backwards on the impact, destroying several of the black sculptures.
However, the magical hovering small pieces of her body armor, reflected the ball, so it couldn't reach her real body, and instead it flied to the ceiling of the room, causing a small explosion there in blue and white flames. It had left a remarkable crack in the bricked ceiling. Kargath noticed tiny grains of sand sprinkled down from it.

"What?! But I was sure that this was how Vayne and the others defeated her the last time - her armor seems to protect against normal physical attacks as well as single magic type, but when we fused all of our magic energies in one attack, her armor couldn't resist the power" Taera explained, surprised Kareena's spell didn't work. It had left the poor girl exhausted.
"Stupid mortals, that was your last mistake!", Lilith stood up from the ground, like nothing had happened, and then, in a quick merciless move, pierced through Dillich's chest with her halberd, right through his iron armor, bones and inner organs, like it was butter. Dillich took a last breath and dropped the blade. Not being able to speak, he just stood there silently and looked at the blood streaming out of him, while hearing the cries of Kareena behind him.
Kareena was broken inside and cried endlessly, but Kargath held her back from stupidly running towards her dying friend. He had a plan in mind, and it was their only chance. He lifted the girl quickly to his scaly back. She had been there before, riding him as if he were a dragon.
"Stay there.." he whispered and continued ".. and hang on!"
Setting off the ground in the same second with Kareena hanging on to his shoulders and his two-handed axe in his hands, leaping to the highest pedestal in the room - the one once embellished with Kazar's beautiful blade, only a meter from Lilith and Dillich. He successfully landed on it and didn't hesitate to bang the spike on top of his massive battle axe into the crack, that had been caused by Kareena's spell. Lilith had drawn out her halberd from Dillich's chest, watching him fall lifeless to the floor, then prepared another attack against the two other intruders, but it was too late. Kargath twisted his axe, triggering the cracks to spread, and finally the ceiling collapsed as he had hoped. He jumped away with Kareena, and watched as Lilith and Dillich were flooded with sand from the hole above - and to Kargath's relief, a ray of sunshine also appeared from the hole he had created, and the pile of sand was tall enough, for him to carry out Kareena through the hole.
Ahhh, the sun...
Rex walked alone, as he had always preferred, through the ruined corridors. He couldn't believe the searching for that stupid blade was all that they came out here for? Neither could he stop wondering why destiny had put the humans in charge, when it should be the draconians. He knew that he was way smarter and stronger than Talban could ever be. It was hopeless to find it - and Talban wasn't even sure it was here. Many smaller corridors, connected to this long circular one, led out to the amphitheater, from where you could see the Arena ground. He walked slowly out through one of those small corridors with short unmotivated steps, and had to shield himself from the sun with his arm when he got out.
He had to admit that the view was amazing from this high point. Rex noticed someone walking the arena ground, soon surprisingly discovered it was his own little brother, Kargath, carrying the small savior girl on his back, walking away from a hole in the middle of the Arena's abandoned battleground. They looked all worn out. Rex snorted mockingly when looking at his azure-scaled brother. He would never understand the love of humans his brother had. Kargath was pathetic. Why couldn't he try be the legacy of their powerful father, Cadaos, like Rex did? Kargath bore the color of their mother, that they never knew. Rex hated thinking back of their childhood, so he shook his head and turned around to walk inside again, but just as he had taken the first step he heard a loud noise behind him.

He once again looked at the Arena, and noticed the hole had gotten a lot larger... from it, a familiar villain had burst out. He was surprised to see that it was Lilith, once a partner of his. In one second all of Rex' despising of his little brother was replaced by worry. Lilith chuckled in her usual evil way, reminding him of his past in the King's army. Rex knew his brother could do little against the powerful demoness, so he didn't hesitate to jump off the high amphitheater's edge, and summon his scarred leathery bat-like wings, while gravity pulled him down towards earth, but he easily found time enough to get wind beneath his wings, and soar towards the back of the King's evil-minded daughter.

"Stupid mortals! Did you really think you could defeat me that eas-" she was interrupted as Rex clashed into her, and still clinging on to her, while they fell down towards the ground together. On the way, he mercilessly continued his attack by breathing fire into her surprised metallic face, but she was hardly damaged and turned the situation to her favor, when she spread her wings slightly. Her wings caught more wind than Rex', turning them around in the air. When they finally crashed against the ground, Rex was on the bottom of their fight and had the largest impact. Dust from the sand shot up all around them, and hung in the air for a few seconds, hiding the outcome of the fight for Kargath and Kareena. As feared, only Lilith stood up afterwards.

"Traitor!" She said with despise, and spat at the unmoving Rex, then chuckled and faced the two remaining rebels.
"No mercy this time... Darkness Gate!" as she spoke the words, a black rift opened slowly in the middle of the arena. It sucked in anything around it. Sand corns on the ground flied into the black abyss and disappeared. The more got into it, the bigger it got and the heavier intake effect, and though Kargath tried run away with Kareena on his back and his claws stuck deep into the sand in each step, it soon proved extremely difficult not to be part of the blackness...
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Level 7
May 3, 2011
OOC: Gotta remind myself I'm not writing a fucking novel.)


The shadows all jumped at them simultaneously. Vayne couldn't repel the assault with his gravitation magic, as it would repel his allies as well. He couldn't do anything while watching the shadows leap onto them. It's big round white eyes showed no emotion, however, it's blood thirst was easily detected by Vayne. It wished nothing but destruction, and nothing can control it. A wish for everything to disappear. A wish for total annihilation. It's something Vayne had already once experienced before, and it's also something that tells him that these shadowy figures wanted nothing but to rest.

"They're human souls..." Bewildered by the new possibility, he quickly lifted his broad sword. A roundhouse kick followed by a violent smack from the blade quickly ended the assaulting forces. Draco and Aaron are both surprised by this. They both stared at Vayne in a shock, and Aaron walked closely to Vayne. "What do you mean? Weren't just some kind of abomination made by the Evil forces?" His voice was shaky, as if trying to doubt the answer he was about to be answered. But in actual, Aaron knew it too. He knew all too well of the screams of these shadowy beings. They all screamed for help. For someone to end their suffering. Unknowingly, they all started killing. As if hoping that could save them. But, it was not the right way. "The reaper inside me tells me to reap their souls. I don't know whether it wants to save them or it just likes it, but one thing I do know, is that I want to end their suffering." Vayne gripped his sword hard. Aaron gave him a slap in the shoulder, and walked a few steps in front of him. He raised his sword towards the shadowy figures, and blades of light all float at his back. They all form a circle, and Aaron stands in front of this formation. "I can feel it too. Their cries and sufferings. It hurts me to listen to it. I keep forgetting that this is how the Evil forces worked." He turns and gave Vayne a reassuring smile. "So let's end this. So that no more lives or souls will have to suffer again." Draco followed, and took the same few steps as Aaron. "I can't feel what you're talking about, but it seems likely that my powers are in need here." Draco smirked, and turned to face the two. Vayne brought up another laugh. He stood in the middle of the three, and he placed the sword up to his shoulder. "Well, I don't see why you aren't needed, Draco. Just, don't use those flames. They actually suffer from it. Try using your light powers more. That could help enlighten them. If not, just blow them away." Draco laughed, and Aaron joined.

<Oi, reaper.> He thought to himself. He knew that the reaper would receive his call. <Hey, answer me, you dumb reaper.> Then, a force, or a presence entered his mind. <Why do you need me, kid? Have no not bothered me enough already?!> The deep voice of an old man voiced out. He is clearly angry with Vayne, but he paid him no heed. <I need your powers to bring these souls to rest.> He was very straightforward, but behind those words lies a determination to save those trapped souls. The reaper recognized that determination, but he wanted to test him. <Very well... However, you must answer this question.> The reaper made his demand loud and clear, and Vayne was unprepared for it. But moment later, he resolved himself. Whatever the question might be, he will answer it. He will gain the powers of the reaper and save those innocent souls forced to do the Evil forces's bidding. <Then, here comes the question.> Tension built up in Vayne. He doesn't know what question he might ask. Finally, the reaper spoke up. <If I were to offer you my powers, you will be consumed by my will. In order to fight against it and make it your own, you will need to show me your will! Answer your determination by handling the powers I shall offer you! Are you ready?> The reaper's offer will be a powerful one, but the consequences were something Vayne were not expecting. But, no matter how much he might hesitate, he can be sure that he is strong enough to handle the power. <Bring it on, reaper. I'll take control any kind of powers you will offer to me, and use it at my own will!> The reaper, as if nodding, died away. <Then I bid you farewell. Good luck, kid.>

Suddenly, immense pain assault Vayne's head. He held his temples and knelt on the ground. Aaron and Draco was startled, and they quickly tried to discover what happened. However, any questions they asked are as good as ignored, as Vayne screams in agony. The enemy did not hesitate. They took this chance and charged towards the trio. Aaron quickly reacted to this situation by creating a light barrier around them. The figured all smashed against this barrier, but luckily enough, Aaron was powerful enough to manage this much. "What happened to Vayne?!" Draco turned to Aaron, whose sweat was clearly dripping down from his head. "I don't know, but one thing I know is that he's trying something outrageous. But, I think he'll be fine. He's the Vayne we're talking about, after all." His speech was shaky, but it had meant just what he said. He believed that Vayne will get through whatever he's going through. For now, he thought that he should nothing more than protect his suffering friend. The screams was all it took for him to be charged up for this.

An overwhelming power takes over Vayne. He struggles to get it under control, but it's will was all so much powerful than his. He could do nothing but suffer the pain as blood thirst and hatred flows into his mind. He slowly loses himself, and a familiar voice he had been hearing ever since the pain started was getting further and further away. Ah... Is he being consumed? Is he gonna be trapped here forever? Vayne thinks back on his life. He had been living his life for something. He couldn't find that thing, nor did he had any idea what was it. He didn't know. All he could do was live his life. That's all. But then, he got something from his life. Two people who changed his life to it is now. In a deep well he was trapped. He was covered in darkness for all the time since he could remember. But then, two hands reached out, and dragged him out of the well. The light shines brightly on his eyes, but that didn't made him avoid looking at the two black silhouettes. Their smiles were apparent, and once he got used to the light, those two were Leo and Aina. He was saved by them, and now that they are trapped in this world, Vayne vowed that he will get them back to their world. But in order to do that, he must first overcome this obstacle. He remembers the unbroken friendship with Leo. He remembers the feeling he felt every time he saw Aina. He remembers that he is not alone. A will stronger than before appeared, as quickly, the overwhelming darkness was soon dispelled.

Slowly the pain fades away. Vayne opened his eyes to find Aaron already on his knees, spreading his arms out wide. Draco was beside him, doing the same. He quickly got back up, although still staggering, he walks to the duo. He patted in their shoulders and they both looked at him, relieved. But suddenly, the barrier breaks. An enemy jumps in from behind Vayne, aiming for Vayne. Vayne turns and the shadow was cut into half the next moment. The blade he holds now forms a black aura. It's entire sword emits an aura of death, and it feels as if when touched, you lose your life. <I now grant you the powers that you had once before. Use it wisely. In return, show me what you can do with it. Impress me, kid.> Vayne smirked, as he clasps his two hands together on the blade. Slowly, it retracts to a normal blade size, and seconds later, Vayne pulled the weapon from the left and the right. It splits into half, and forms a twin blade. He now holds two blades clad in black wave. "So this is the powers he offered me? Well, what a nice find." Another shadow jumped to him, taking its chance to strike. But it was too late. Vayne swung his sword to the right, and in an instant, it disintegrated. But, unlike before, where the shadows just loses its form. This time, when it disintegrated, a white light inside it floats and flies up to the sky. The souls that became the shadows was all cleansed after getting cut by the sword.

The shadows took a step back. But they all charged towards Vayne, as if telling him to end their lives. Vayne can hear their voices, so he knew that they knew that they could find peace after getting cut by the sword Vayne now holds, and they wanted him to end it. To end their suffering was his goal then. The bewildered Aaron and Draco, exhausted from before, could do nothing but sit there and watch as Vayne fights off the shadows. The white light floats up to the sky every second, and it fills the skies with lights. All in a minute, Vayne has already used more than 5 forms of weapons, and each of it are guaranteed to have killed at least 3 of them. First, the double blade, then the spear, the broadsword, the axe, the rapier, the sword, the scythe and finally, a copy of his guns, Excalibur. It took out most of the shadows there, and Vayne stood in the middle, breaking only a few sweat. In the distance was more of them, but this time, they are all organized, unlike before, where they attacked mindlessly. It was sure that someone was commanding them, but Vayne temporary paid no heed to the horde, as he turns back and face the two. "So, are you two just gonna sit there and watch me own the battlefield?" Vayne's sarcastic tone was still indeed here. Aaron and Draco looked at each other and laughed. They quickly got back up and walked to stand at the side of Vayne. "Ain't no way am I gonna give you my rations! This battle will be my win!" Draco announced his competition and charged into the horde, with wings of both red and white. Explosions occurred, as countless of shadows all flies up in the sky along with the pillar of explosion. Aaron turned towards the battlefield and shouted. "Oh no you don't! Those rations are mine! I'm gonna have meals all night long!" This time, Aaron charged into the horde. His legs are boosted by bursts of light. The white blades that appeared before appears again. Suddenly, streams of light blades flies into the sky, and rains down upon the crowd. Vayne then follows, taking out every enemy he sees.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Chapter XLVII
Given what Vayne and Aaron said, Dracor soon realised two things - first, he had to keep himself to light magic. And second, as they've already seen his true form, there is nothing left to hold him back from using it. He also got tired from protecting Vayne, and his human form couldn't endure more of his power. This is why he could afford to fly into the mass, and also he transformed halfway, becoming something similar to a draconian. He forced his newfound demonic powers dormant so he could wield only his white magic, and doing so, the black strips and scales faded into red or white ones. Done with this, he flew high into the air, looking around.

Vayne and Aaron fought hard with the shadows. As they fought, lights flew high to the sky in masses. But then, looking around, he became terrified. The shadows swarmed everywhere he could see, even around the rebel camp. And there he saw his two summoned dragons that were supposed to protect the outer gate. Between them fought Leo with a glowing crimson sword.

Aaron: What's up, Dracor, did you already give up on your dinner? I thought dragons eat a lot!

Both Aaron and Vayne laughed on this for a moment, then they saw the grim expression in Dracor's eyes.

Dracor: They reached the camp!
Vayne: Aina!

Dracor flew to the two and stopped between them. "Make me some room!" he said, as the shadows closed in on them. Vayne started tearing them apart, while Aaron summoned light wards in their places, slowly creating a small, temporarily safe area around them. Dracor sent them to the edge, then, with an eruption of fire, light and darkness, took on his true form - the demonic holy dragon that stood before the two not so long ago.

Get up on my back! heard Vayne and Aaron in their minds. The touch of Dracor's mind reminded Vayne of the reaper, and only realized now how old and inhuman the dragon is, erasing the image that the human form left in him. Dracor left the ground as soon as both fighters grabbed anything, and flew towards the camp, only a bit above the ocean of shades. He didn't slow down getting close to the gate - instead he used his claws to tear up the ground and stop them beside one of the summoned stone guardians. Vayne and Aaron jumped off, and Vayne run to the both terrified and amazed Leo.

Leo: What the...
Vayne: It's Dracor. Is Aina safe? When did they get here?
Leo: Not so long ago. We knew there was something off when the two guardians left the other gate without a command and flew over the camp.
Aaron: There are too many. We couldn't see the end of them from the back of Dracor.
Dracor(telepathy): I have an idea, but I don't think it would be too good. We either kill them all slowly, or I try to summon the flames of Purgatory. But it would erase both the shades and a lot of the people inside the camp - I can't even tell how many. But tell me if you have a better idea.

Amar was walking towards his camp to plan the next step, when two huge forms shadowed the camp. The two guardians, summoned by Dracor's ancient magic to protect the Gate of the Ray of Hope, flew towards the gate facig the lands of evil. Seeing this, Amar thought that someone took control of them on the walls, and ran there. But there, instead of a mage controling the glowing blue ball that represented the minds of the dragons, he saw the orb pulsing with red and white. Seeing this, he started running where the dragons went, and called every able men to go with him, including Leo. They ran to the top of the inner wall, where they saw that the two dragons in front of the game, breathing death to something not visible. Amar took his visor in front of his eyes, and nearly staggered off the wall. He saw a black mass of shades wherever he looked, and the two statues were fighting them.

Amar cursed. The three most powerful fighters of him were somewhere in the mass afar, and only flashing lights indicated that they were still alive. He faced the soldiers and told them to get some visors and find any weapons that have a magical nature, to fight the shades. Then he realised that Leo was missing. Looking down, he saw the lad fighting the shades between the dragons, with a sword glowing in crimson color.

Amar(thinks):Oh, that hot-headed idiot... Actually, all of them are quite hot-headed. I'll have to scold them when they come back.

Then he imagined as he stands in front of Dracor's true body, a huge dragon, and scolds him. He couldn't stop but smile on the thought.
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Level 14
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: Ohayo! I am Kyousuke Imadori, and I'm here to post mah story!
First, the introduction of my characters!

It was just a lonely day like the day before, when his journey at the Avataria had began, with a strange explosion that generated a strange blue light in the forest far north of the Hillcrose Top... the man who will bring peace.

Out of the thick blue smoke appeared a mysterious humanoid doing a weird pose. He had blonde wavy hair, pure black plain eyes, and a slim body of a young man. He wore a pair of boots made out of an unknown type of leather, a pair of black leather-pants with a leather-belt, but wore absolutely nothing on his upper body. Melo was his name. He was a clumsy inter-galactic ranger who always failed to capture every criminal that he encountered on his journey. But that was only one of the reasons why he was called an "idiot" by his fellow rangers. But unlike any other ranger, Melo was the only one who had a pet. On his shoulder he put a weird-looking tiny creature, he called it Fufu.

"How far is the target?" Melo asked the tiny creature.
"Damn you! Let me eat first, you heartless scum!" replied Fufu with his very deep demonic voice.

His pet Fufu was one of the endangered inter-galactic species who agreed to join Melo on his missions because of the promise that he will help him find a female specie to save Fufu's clan as well as the whole species. Fufu's clan had a special ability which could locate any object or person no matter how far it was by using their extraordinary sense of smell. But, for some reasons they now had a bad habit of falling into a deep sleep after eating, and worse, there was no way to wake them up except by waiting for them get hungry again. They look just like lizards but a little bigger though. They don't have teeth and claws, and they have a very poor eye-sight. Most of them are cocky and short tempered as well.

"Hey! Did you hear me?! I said let me eat! I'm starving here!" Fufu growled.
"Na-na-na-na-na-na! I'm not hearing anything Na-na-na-na!"
"You bastard!" Fufu then bit his neck with his tiny jaws.
"Huh?" Looked at Fufu on his shoulder with bored-looking eyes "I can't even feel it, you know"
"I don't care! I will bite you until-"
"Until what? Until I find a female fufu?"
"Until you feed me! And how many times do I have to tell you that we are not called 'fufus'?! We are 'Gigantuhoiriecus' you pest!"
"Gigant what? Whatever you say Fufu"

And then the two idiots continued their search for a certain person.

"Say Fufu, how far is the target, seriously?... hey Fufu... Hey!"
Melo noticed the small pieces of mad chunks on his shoulder as well as his sleeping pet.
"Whaaa! W-what did you eat?! We don't have time for this!"
Grabbed Fufu with his hands and shaked him.
"Wake up! Waaakeee-uuuup!... It's no use... huh? What's that?" putting Fufu on his shoulder once again.
He saw two children playing a wooden ball while walking towards his direction.
"Wha! Stealth-mode!" and he began climbing the nearest tree.

"Shhh... Did you hear that? I think I've heard someone shouted 'stealth-mode'" said the cute little girl.
"You mean that weird guy who's climbing on granpa's tree?" replied the little boy while staring at Melo.
"... Um... is it okay?"
Suddenly, the wooden door from a tree house next to the apple tree opened up. As the smell of gunpowder mixed into the air, Melo's eyes became wider and wider making a surprised face. Out behind the wooden door, a white-bearded old man wearing a blue cloak, on his hands he carried his shiny 6.66 caliber rifle, aimed at Melo.

Later that day...

"Why'd you did not say immediately that you are not really stealin' mate?" said the old man while putting bandages around Melo's right-arm, shoulders, stomach, and chest.
"I WAS SAYING THAT FROM THE BEGGINI-!" blood spilled from his stomach.
"I'm relieved that you didn't die, I was so scared," the cute little girl put gunpowder on his wound to help his grandfather.
"Ha! You're lucky, you're still alive, you're in our house, and you can even eat granpa's home-made apple pie," said the little boy. And the old man lit the gunpowder to stop the bleeding. Melo cried like a little kid, like a baby, and like a sissy girl on that unforgettable day... pitiful.

Night came. After Melo had enough rest, he said his goodbye to the old gramps and his two grandchildren, thus left the tree house together with his pet. Though he wanted to stay a little longer, he cannot involve that peaceful family in his mission, "I must carry my own weight at all times," the words that he cannot forgot and a rule that cannot be violated.

Melo was talking from his mind while walking slowly and carefully because of his wounds.
"This leather jacket really suits me uh, thanks to that old man, I will repay him someday."
"Oh, right, he said that there is a small village at the end of this road, I guess I'll just follow this path to gather information."

"Uhhhh... I'm hungry... f-frog queen... give me something to eat... bah," said the half-asleep Fufu.
"... It's about time you woke up,"
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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: I'm gonna split the large post up into even smaller bits, just to keep the activity alive in here, but the subplot is definitely nearing it's end, so that we can get back to the main plot together :)
Jorn Talban stepped silently around the dark corridors of the abandoned Arena, all by himself. He needed time to be alone and think. Was he doing the right thing by looking in these ruins for a blade that perhaps wasn't even here, or would this only delay their reunion with the other rebels even further for no reason. As he continued his walk over the dusty sand-colored bricks he kept asking himself the question - would his dead father be proud of him? A hidden thought inside him that the meeting with the desert lord awoke.

The silence was broken when Kargath leaped with haste into the corridor, Kareena clinging to his broad shoulders. This was the first time Talban had seen the azure draconian without his massive two-handed axe, and hurrying further towards Talban on all fours, which somehow seemed more natural for the draconian due to his long muscular arms.
"Run Talban! We gotta get outta here quickly!" Kargath's deep voice boomed.
Talban didn't question the loyal rebel ally, and ran as fast as his armor allowed him, in the same direction as Kargath was heading, but was soon surpassed by the much faster creature.

Meanwhile from the top of Kargath's scaly back, Kareena noticed that this corridor was very close to the place where they broke through the wall and entered the underground labyrinth. Out of a sudden Taera's ghostly shape appeared to Kareena flying next to her. She sent a surprised look at the exhausted girl, and spoke
"I sense a new magic energy that I haven't felt before. It's neither good nor evil, but it's heading our way from the labyrinth"
Kareena didn't reply, but instead looked at the dark hole with fear. They didn't have time for anymore trouble, with Lilith's Darkness Gate rapidly spreading outside in the Arena battle ring, sucking up anything, and soon the whole Arena would be part of the unspeakable empty blackness, and thus all the unknowing rebels searching inside the ruins, would be sucked in too.

Kargath continued his hectic escape through the corridor, looking for a way out. Talban got more and more behind, and in his confusion he stopped up. What were they even running from? Suddenly a voice calling his name interrupted Talban's quick breaths, and he looked at the direction of the voice. From a large hole in the wall, caused by Kargath a while ago, a faintly glowing soldier stepped out. Kargath and Kareena had gotten out of sight.
"Talban" repeated the soldier's slightly upset voice.
"Yes?" the rebel commander replied, secretly being kind of uncomfortably afraid of the approaching man. Was the soldier slightly transparent or did Talban's eyes just play tricks on him?
"I'm sorry Talban.. I was doubting you to be our good leader, I should never have done that. I see that now" the mysterious soldier kept getting closer.
"What do you mean?" Talban said, and couldn't stop his blue-green eyes from staring frightened at the soldier.
"I mean that only now I realized how much I must respect you... I know now that the gods all have their eyes pointed at you"
Talban was speechless. The soldier was now so close that Talban could see the sorrowful face of the soldier. He had also correctly realized that this was a ghost of a fallen rebel that had returned either to apologize or to haunt him.
"I'm sorry, that I couldn't be of much use in life milord" the ghost knelt down before Talban, breaking out in tears, which slowly fell from his cheeks and vanished once they hit the dusty floor.
"A-all I ever did, was abandon the journey through the desert, get lost and was saved by a little girl... which I then died trying to protect, but it's of no use anyway Talban! Lilith will get her! My foolish actions doomed us all milord!"
the dead rebel cried. Talban knelt down too, and tried look the soldier in the eyes, but the ghost had his face pointed towards the floor. The silent sobs from the dead soldier was all that filled the corridor for a while.
"What's your name soldier?" Talban said, his voice a lot more relaxed than before.
"D-Dillich milord" the ghost replied.
"Dillich, we can't change the past, so we shouldn't worry about it. However, we can change the future, so let's stick to worrying on that, okay?" the rebel leader said, with a comforting voice. Dillich looked up into the friendly blue-green eyes, and as his mood got better, the mysterious magic particles around his transparent body glowed even more.
"I.." he didn't finish the sentence, but instead suddenly exclaimed "Come!", and grabbed Talban's arm. A flashing light appeared all around them, and faded out again to surprisingly reveal whole new surroundings. They were in a dark room, with black sculptures and walls covered in evil runes. In the center of the room was a high pile of sand, leading up to a hole in the ceiling.
"This, milord, is where I took my last breath, a breath of regret and sorrow.."
Dillich stepped towards the pile of sand, then turned around.
"I will do a last service for goodness.. but you have to promise me that you will watch Kareena and protect her no matter what happens"
"I will Dillich, I promise you that" Talban promised, keeping the eye contact, watching Dillich's relieved face, until the ghost turned to face the pile of sand. Dillich reached down and picked up a shining curved blade and held it in front of his former leader.
"This is the blade that you were looking for. It was the magical blade worn by the King, before he became a king. I held it in my hands before I was struck down, but the blade was never meant for me. The gods would never deem me worthy enough for using it's powers, but I'm sure they think otherwise about you milord!"
He handed Kazar's blade to Talban, who felt unknown powers flow into him as soon as he touched it. He couldn't tell how, but he felt connected to the blade - it's handle matched so perfectly well with his own fingers.
"Yes, milord, the gods are proud of me. Knowing that, I might be able to join them now" Dillich spoke with relief and looked up, with his eyes closed however and a smile on his lips. His body slowly dissolved.
"I thank you for all you have done soldier, rest in peace!" the rebel leader replied thankfully, and was left in silence.

Suddenly the ceiling of Lilith's room started cracking off in pieces and one by one was sucked up into the huge black bubble above, where they disappeared, never to be seen again. If Talban didn't move very soon he would be next...
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