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Arathi Campaign

The Arathi were the most powerful tribe of humans. Under the rule of King Thoradin they united the rest of the human tribes and created the great kingdom of Arathor. Years later, Arathor divided into the seven human kingdoms: Lordaeron, Stormwind, Stromgarde, Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Alterac and Dalaran. They say the Lion of Stormwind, Anduin Lothar was the last decendant of King Thoradin. But they are wrong. For when Thoradin started unifying the human tribes, a few Arathi stayed behind. A few years later, they were joined by high elf deserters during the Troll Wars. These elves became the Sworn. These Arathi never joined the human kingdoms and have lived for centuries, undiscovered, in southern Duskwood. They are led by King Tenris... and High General Agamand Manadar.

One day, humans from Stormwind led an expedition to the very same area. King Tenris has summoned Agamand Manadar to eliminate this threat from their forests...


My campaign covers the story of the Arathi. As the introduction presents, they united the human tribes to create the seven kingdoms. I thought it was improbable that such a powerful tribe would come down to a single person (Anduin Lothar), so I decided to expand their story in to the (relatively) current Warcraft universe.

The story takes place sometime after the second war and the closing of the dark portal (Warcraft II), but before the third war(Warcraft III), in Duskwood, The Swamp of Sorrows and, Elwynn Forest and Deadwind Pass and also includes a version of the famed tower of Medivh, Karazhan.

v0.1.1: Demo version released. It contains the Prologue and the first two chapters. I planned to release when the first four chapters were ready, but I was curious what feedback i would get.

v0.1.2: Second demo version released. I have fix some bugs in chapter 1 and chapter 2 and also I included a beta for chapter 3!

v0.1.3: Third demo version released. I have improved Chapter 3, added more cameras to the intro, add chapter 4, added wildlife to chapter 1 forest and chapter 3 forest and fixed the bug that prevented chapter 2 to load.

v0.2.1: Beta released: I have improved all chapters. The heroes now have new abilities. I have added more creeps to chapter 3 and 4, I modified the side quests in chapter 3, added a new side quest in chapter 1 and added interlevel dependecies, meaning that if you finish a side quest in one chapter it will influence another chapter.

v0.2.2: Second beta released: The Arathi are back! Well I updated this thing AT LAST. It includes new chapters, one new interlude, and a completely different Chapter 3 as I wasn't satisfied at all with the previous one.

v0.2.2.1: Still at second beta. Some bugfixes on Chapters 2, 3, 5, 6 part 1 and 6 part 2.

Feedback and enjoy! Please tell me of any bugs as even though I've been working on eradicating any bugs I'm sure some of them are still left and I want to make it as bug-free as possible.

PS: I know the story is pretty ambiguous, but it will be clarified as the campaign goes. That's the beauty of it, it makes you wonder. As always, please give feedback so I can improve! Many thanks!

General Frank - Darkweaver's model
trolman - Chapter 4's and Chapter 6/Part 1's terrain.
WherewolfTherewolf - helped improve the terrain to Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 part 2.
Thanks to the guys that made the models included in History. I forgot to write your names down. If you see this, leave a comment saying "I made x model!" and I'll credit you.


arathi, humans, stormwind, arathor, anduin, lothar, agamand, manadar, darkweaver, kingdom, tenris, thoradin

Arathi Campaign (Campaign)

06:40, 4th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Well seems like a good map! :D
I like the idea and the campaign overall, although some things i dont like:
* No custom model for units/buildings/king,etc.(these are not smth that u must do, but it will make the map look better, plus your idea is nice, why not add some male archers? get it? :D).
* Terrain needs more variation of tilesets

* At the second chapter(the swamp battle) there is a mercenary camp but it requires lumber and food to train those units.. :p
* Short :)(i know its still unfinished

All to all, good luck, and hopefully this will be great!
Edit: +rEPzoERERE!!!...
Level 1
Dec 31, 2009

it is quite good so ar and i like the game play but there are 2 bugs i saw and they are:
* in the first misssion when the bandit hero attacks the base and he is lowered to a certain hp, it restarts to the cinematic where the sworn hunter and palidan persuades him to fight for them
*the mercanry camp mercanarys require food and lumber....
Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
Thank you for your posts. I shall fix the bugs right away. If you find any more please let me know! I did not use custom models to show that in fact the humans are descendants of the Arathi, and although they have different names, they are in fact the same thing. But I will consider using some custom models.
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Thank you for your posts. I shall fix the bugs right away. If you find any more please let me know! I did not use custom models to show that in fact the humans are descendants of the Arathi, and although they have different names, they are in fact the same thing. But I will consider using some custom models.

Well i dont see how using human custom models would make any race changes? :p..
Well they were away for a while, so i guess they did change during that time :).Maybe some different spellcasters, and Please remove the elven from the Arathi? why are there elves? :/...
And on your next chapters can u pls reveal a bit of the story of the kingdom, and the king itself.
Well good luck again ;)
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
well wehn i go 2 second campaing or swamp battle it just throws me out but first was sweet but cant tell for now the number because of that

I have the same problem with the second mission. When it should start uploding it (both from the end of the first mission and from the campaign's main screen) it simply kicks me back to the main screen. Any idea?

Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
You have made only a few scenes in this. No problem but a suggestion would be to add some life in the scene of the city. I mean there was no movement. The workers were totally still. That wasn't quite appealing.
You gave proper introduction, that's a + point.

Chapter 1
The description of the spell 'Immolation' is still for the demon hunter instead of sworn hunter. Same goes for Metamorphoses. Also you should place some description for the 2 hero units.
The campaign's description lacks proper directions. I mean that the invaders are encroaching on the Arathi lands. Where? No proper places? Drop some hints instead of making the player roam the whole map.

All the units in my control in the beginning are red units but the black hunter alone is purple. Why?

It is a strange forest, no wildlife.

You could place some workers in the outpost to make it a bit lively. Not for actual resource gathering if you don't want the landscape to change. Just with their animations to make the place a look.

When the quest for the ogres came the hero was moving his lips but his speech came directly into the log before appearing on the screen. You should fix that. Same happened many times.

Wasn't the base building way too fast? The purple hero had moved to proper position but all the others were still in the positions I had left. Something better like peasants coming & building, even if quite fast, would have been better.

The quests of both hero surviving is showed completed when I build the base. How come? They shouldn't be completed yet.

I can get to the King. You could have better placed the person in the beginning outpost.

As chapter 2 doesn't start this is all I can say.

You need some variety in the quests. It is all hack & slash & moving in the map randomly to find people to hack & slash. But for a beginning it is good. You can improve this.
Best of luck with the improvements.
Last edited:
Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
The Black Paladin is purple because there are 4 factions with the Arathi:
-The King's personal army (green)
-The High General's army (purple)
-Vanguard (red)
-The Sworn (yellow) (There are Sworn in red because they are enrolled with the Vanguard. The Sworn in yellow will be present in their own lands.)
The purple faction shall be present later in the game. Currently, Agamand commands the Vanguard, because he came to meet the King alone, with no escorts.

After the base is built, you can revive the heroes if they die, thus the requirements are completed.
Level 3
Aug 17, 2009
Good work a bit short but OK I've just read the book Tides of Darkness and thought like u. hmm what about when anduin wasn't the last^^
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
You've finaly added my map.Anyways i have a complain and its about the time,the idea i had when you said that they were gonna sneak in was that its night and the city is asleep.So time should stay 00:00.Also the bandits should be enemys both to the heroes and the guards.Some of the gurads should patrol around the city...Also the terrain in the other maps is kinda bad,call me if you want me to fix it.
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
Well I honestly didn't like it... it has nothing original at all.

Maps: In my opinion, huge maps are boring if the only objectives are "Destroy the enemy's base", really, I don't see the point of that, try to add more quests or something, there's no point to make the player move around a huge map, it only makes you lose time.

The terrain is flat, simple, well... it needs a lot of work, add more doodads, and change more the tileset.

Music: Totally out of place... it just doesn't match at all, and I'm just talking about the music of the second map.

Spells: Nothing new, there's no problem in the maps where you use an army, but when you only use the heros... well... it makes them pretty boring an predictable. (Spoiler: Come on... in the last map I only used two times Dark Shield to get to Storwind, I didn't have to fight at all)

This campaign... well, it needs a lot of work, there are many bugs, specially in the cinemas, typos as well, and more, but keep working on it.
Level 1
Feb 2, 2010
I liked campaign but you are so painstaking.why?

In the third or two campaign,these are fully same with Warcraft "Blood Elf Campagin"but i liked this campaign very well.4/5:thumbs_up:
Level 4
Jan 27, 2010

Just finished this campaign... horrible place to end it btw >_<;

I enjoy the story, it's something different from the usual but it still remains in the WC universe which I like.

First level, the "Invaders" attacked my base a total of 2 times, then they didnt move for the rest of the level... the map is huge, however has little to offer in terms of interesting things... just creeps... a lot of creeps... but only 1 side quest to kill Ogre Lords... could add in more side quests to slay the Troll Chief and the Mutant Murloc, would actually give a reason to venture that far outta the way. I liked the idea of subduing the Bandits to make them fight for you, however I dont like that after the first level you never see them again.

Second level, much more difficult, I attempted to finish the side quest however while I was doing that the enemy forces penetrated deep into my base and were attacking the castle... almost lost... and while I can hire help... they dont actually effect the battle enough to bother with them. I like the raptors however once again, big map, lots of creeps, only 1 side mission to kill a Wraith. I suggest toning down the Invader's to only having Level 2 Armor and Weapon upgrades to make them more even with the Arathi troops however the Invaders would still maintain the advantage.

Third Level. I like the Orc and Drainie troops, however I dislike that they're all basically allied against you... I mean the Orcs and the Humans are at war yet they attacked me at the same time and didnt turn swords on each other... Would have been better to make all 4 forces against each other... or make it to where the Drainie and the Orcs are at war and both ask you to assist them in destroying the other. Oh and after I subdued the Drainie he said they'd fight with me, however they didnt do anything for the rest of the level, harvested lumber and gold, but they didnt create any troops. And once again, I was attacked by the Invaders about 3 times, then they never attacked again (same with the Orcs).... made it way too easy to take out the other forces 1 by 1 since I was no longer being attacked by any of them. I like the map, should have done something with the central ruined city... maybe put some skeletons or something there, though for a change of pace, very few creeps on this map... at least compared to the other 2.

4th level. A little too easy for my taste, plus a lot of open area's with nothing in them, the massive field that only had like... 3 Kobold in it, could have added some peasant militia or something. After entering the city I ran into quite a few bandits, however they didnt do anything, they just stood there and acted like an allied force, not sure what the point to them was... Anyway just to test it out I ended up assaulting the front gate with both my Hero's after they got back together... and not surprisingly I ended up surviving, should make the city gate more fortified, and perhaps add in a couple cannon towers.

Maps: 2/5 (add in more creeps in level 3 and give more purpose for the creeps in 1 and 2)
Storyline: 4/5 (Really enjoying the storyline, cant wait too play the rest)
Difficulty: 3/5 (3 off the level's are too easy, while the other is too hard)
Overall: 3.3/5 (Really liking this Campaign, a little work and I would easily call it one of my favorites)
Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
Well, I've finished school (first semester at least) and now I have MUCH more free time to work on it, at least for the next 2 or 3 months (until the semestrial exams start) so I'm working REALLY hard on it. I've effectively started over. I'm using the current maps as a basis while modifying virtually everything. Balance and performance issues at most but I'll try to make it more entertaining and interactive. I thank everybody who supports me. Bear with me. I hope that by Sunday I will update it and add Chapter 5. Working hard!
Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
UPDATED AGAIN! I have improved all chapters. The heroes now have new abilities. I have added more creeps to chapter 3 and 4, I modified the side quests in chapter 3, added a new side quest in chapter 1 and added interlevel dependecies, meaning that if you finish a side quest in one chapter it will influence another chapter. Please comment and rate!
Level 1
Oct 20, 2008
Need any sort of Help?

I would like to help, if you want, i can import models for Buildings/Units/Doodads
and i Can make the Terrain more Full and Pretty Looking :D.

Only if you want me too though send me a Message if you do Would Love to help out.
Level 1
Oct 20, 2008
ok, i Downloaded the Campaign today and played it, I think that its a great Campaign, a couple of things need to be fixed:
1) The Bandit Cinematic happens every time you enter the region, Very Anoying.
2) When Darkweaver is in metamorphasis at the end of a Level and then the map ends, the Next map he will revert, Except he reverts in a Demon Hunter, and not the Darkweaver Model,
3) Is the Campaign supposed to end when he asks about Anduin Lothar, or did that jsut bug on me ( King Wrynn does not answer.

Other then that, its a really great campaign, You Could use some Models for the Arathi, But if you dont want to go through the trouble then the Darker Shading of the Units is fine, The Voice at the start reading out the Intro is awesome an awesome touch i was really excited to play after hearing that, Is there anyway that you could make it say what the Characters say in the Cinematics?

7/10 Wicked Campaign, the Bugs once fixed this campaign will easy make 9/10 :D
Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
ok, i Downloaded the Campaign today and played it, I think that its a great Campaign, a couple of things need to be fixed:
1) The Bandit Cinematic happens every time you enter the region, Very Anoying.
2) When Darkweaver is in metamorphasis at the end of a Level and then the map ends, the Next map he will revert, Except he reverts in a Demon Hunter, and not the Darkweaver Model,
3) Is the Campaign supposed to end when he asks about Anduin Lothar, or did that jsut bug on me ( King Wrynn does not answer.

Other then that, its a really great campaign, You Could use some Models for the Arathi, But if you dont want to go through the trouble then the Darker Shading of the Units is fine, The Voice at the start reading out the Intro is awesome an awesome touch i was really excited to play after hearing that, Is there anyway that you could make it say what the Characters say in the Cinematics?

7/10 Wicked Campaign, the Bugs once fixed this campaign will easy make 9/10 :D

About point 3: it's supposed to end there. Wrynn answers in the next chapter which is a "playable interlude" of sorts which explains who was lothar. Point 1 will be fixed on the next update. I'll have to look into 2. Never happened to me, lol. Also, I hope by the next update I'll have the next 4 or 5 chapters ready, though I'm trying not to rush it so that I can make them as good as possible.
Level 1
Oct 20, 2008
Ok cool

sweet, how long you think it will take to make more Chapters, i'm excited to play it lol,

huh kk, i was thinking it was a bug of some sorts, but guess it is just one of those things that happens, ( Illidan Model )

ok cool, because that was anoying i accidently ran through the Bandit thing again so had to listen to it 4 times :\ :thumbs_up:
Level 1
Feb 21, 2010
This campaign rocks! However there are some bugs that need fixing. And it is too easy, you need to increase the overall difficulty. Nevertheless, 5/5, I liked it!
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
Chapter 2 stil doesn't upload unfortunately. It keeps kicking me back to the main screen, I saw other people had the same problem, perhaps it's a common issue?
Level 2
Feb 27, 2010
Hi , this is a great Campaign, please make another one.
Its a pity there are only 4 missions here.
I make it to mission 2 i think i have patched my game now so i hope i can play the next.