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Age of Wonders-VoW v1.6

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Age of Wonders-Valley of Wonders v1.6
by Zeal

This is my tribute to Age of Wonders and Might and Magic games.
This is a RPG with classic Might and Magic system.The story takes place in the Age of Wonders world (blessed continent) during the final battle between Keepers and the Cult of Storms in the Valley of Wonders.


the map contains-

-23 different hero classes with unique skills and spells.
-over 500 different spells
-Might and Magic leveling system
-lvl cap 60
-socket items
-set items

special thx for modelers
fixed IamMclovin, Nesrudin, Urkdrengi, Norimrad, TJ, donut3.5, HappyTauren, Moler

i removed some bugs i notised and added an upgrade for summoned units (undead and nature minions)

ps-post comment plz

fixed some small bugs
added more forge items and potions

fixed some small bugs
added new set items for caster
some balancing changes (archmage,sharpshooter)

decreased lag
fixed some small bugs
money return trigger

some balancing changes
some gameplay changes

some balancing changes
money back trigger fixed

new class skills
gameplay changes

new quests
gameplay changes
some new stuff :)


In the first days of the World all living beings were ruled
by the Elven Court where the Wizard King Inoch set
upone its throne where he maintained the delicate balance
over the Light and Shadow.
Banished from his garden,a new race called Humans sailed to
Inochs realm attracted to expend there and enter
the Valley of Wonders seeking the Elven Court.In defiant hordes
they besieged the Valley.Unable to repeal the siege King Inoch
and his Court were slain.
Queen Elwyn Inochs second wife fleed the burning ruins with her
baby Julia.Inochs firstborn prince Meandor fell among the dead
The fall of Inoch Court divided Elves into fractions.Some of them
desired only to rebuild tranquility but others scared by their loss
swore on annihilation of all things human, unable to forget the
carnage these Dark Elves cultivated malice,embaceing the shadows
and from the dark underground hideouts they sharpened weapons of

But the child Julia grew in a remote islland where Queen Elwyn
gathered elves from the Inoch Court.As she matured she allied
herself with virtue joining cult called Keepers.
Mistaken for dead and shackled by vengeance Meandor embraced
the Dark Elves and found the sect called the Cult of Storms to roar
terror on all who oppose their dark ideas.

After two centuries of war a new Star appear over the Valley of
Wonders. Keeper scouts spotted Meandor lurking around the ruins of
the Elven Court. In response Julia too followed the omen hoping to
understand her dark brother scheme.
And uneasy silence engolved the lands

Inoch have risen from the dead to take his rightful place in the Valley of Wonders.Now the armies are gathering. Apocalypse is approaching.
The Bloody Star of Vengeance shines over the guilty humans but they will have no shadow to hide for the shadow belongs to Meandor

The time for the new aeon has come.

YouTube - Age Of Wonders Intro


Age, of, Wonders, Valley, Wonders, Strife, Cult, Storms, Might, Magic, War, warcraft, Void, Zeal, RPG, role, game, strategy,

Age of Wonders-VoW v1.6 (Map)

This map has been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you believe this map review is not accurate, or require another review, please feel free to contact Alexis Septimus via his profile listed below. This map will only be reviewed again, for the second...




Notice & Contact
This map has been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you believe this map review is not accurate, or require another review, please feel free to contact Alexis Septimus via his profile listed below. This map will only be reviewed again, for the second and final time, under certain circumstances. Please don't repeatedly ask a mod or admin to review your map, as there are many other resources waiting for approval and it'd be selfish.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, use his
Visitor Message.
Map Review

[Yes] Author & map name
[Yes] Map description
[Yes] THW rules & regulation
[Yes] Map in English language
[No] No Error/Crash/Fatal error
[No] Quality are acceptable
[Not Visible] Credit given to custom resources.
[Yes] Not stolen/hack/de-protect map

Status : Reject
Condition : Poor
Review : 2

Note : Is no wonder that your map image doesn't show up at certain point. You should ensure the preview was 128x128 instead of 256x256.

The trigger are poorly develop, it could be execute with a lesser command and there is a lot of trigger leak such as this trigger below. Leak could cause a major lag in the game. I do not mind a leak trigger as long it was a single player map and the trigger doesn't get repetitive, unfortunately your map isn't the one.

  • creep
    • Events
      • Time - Every 20.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order Shadow Demon 15 0494 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 070 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Nature Elemental 15 0489 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 069 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Treant Elder 14 0658 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 068 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Corrpted Treant Elder 14 0123 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 067 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Elric the Protector 15 0297 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 072 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Azktor the Unholy 15 0723 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 071 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Queen Elwyn 15 0234 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 074 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Bormac Orcbane 15 0736 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 073 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Bronze Drake 12 0676 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 076 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Black Drake 12 0544 <gen> to Move To (Center of Region 075 <gen>)
Some trigger such as unit contain xxx item at slot 1 could be change to unit contain item of type xxx so it would naturally cover up the entire slot. Even the victory condition could be make in much simple aspect as well.

The starting location and hero selection are way wrong as well, including the credit list. Credit should be given at quest log or loading screen. But, you give it at map description. Which part of it only visible at warcraft if the description is too long.

Hero selection could be improve by using tavern or dialog button, instead of typing function.

I am sorry to said this, but it doesn't fullfilled 3 major criteria which you are needed in order for it to gain seal of approval (Look at the list of approval at top of the review).

Sources rejected.

The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else. Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 2
Apr 10, 2008
Is there a site or email for bugs and other things?
I noticed that:
-there is no Axe Grand Master Shop for the evil team (team 2 with orcs and undead).
-You can rapidly pick up weapons that you cant carry and get more and more dmg for some time that makes killing enemys easy.
Level 1
Apr 19, 2008
I realy love this map!!! I think you did an awsome job, but just for an opinion ( not meaning to critize) i think you should allow other races to be warriors, mages, ect.
Level 4
Oct 2, 2007
I realy love this map!!! I think you did an awsome job, but just for an opinion ( not meaning to critize) i think you should allow other races to be warriors, mages, ect.

thx for the comment btw the map is already too big ,I could try that but it would take additional triggers and units and i am not sure if the map will be small enough to be created in multi player
Level 2
Apr 10, 2008
while we are at the topic "mapsize"... i cant imagine that this map is already nearly 4 mb great that seems a bit too much. somtimes the map gets more laggy every 2-3 minutes until i cant do anything (i dont have the best pc i know but that shuoldnt happen). maybe there are some wrong or too long usless triggers? or some memory triger laggs or what ever its called? i dont want to offend you and didnt made a map by my self (but tried it and look a bit at friends maps) but like i said i cant imagine 4 mb in this map even with the few custom models^^ pls overlook you triggers and if needed (dont know how good you are at triggers) maybe take some help :)

at least its a nice map! keep it up




I think the laggs are caused by the creep spawn which is - i think - not very good. After a loger time of playing huge amounts of low-level creeps are at the spawn points and need lots of traffic/ram usage.
So think about the spawntime/-amont. I'd advise to count the units/creepspot with an integer to make sure, there can't be more than a certain maximum. In addition it isn't good to let creeps spawn all at once. This may cause laggs, too. Put in a small "Wait"-command between the single spawns, so this won't cause any laggs.

What i also recognised is the huge lose of gold if you don't know if you can by a certain item/ability. Make shure the player gets its gold back if he dosen't recive a item because of the false class for example. I'd espessialy remind you to create a "money-back-trigger" for the classchanges, because it is very demoralizing if you loose 600 gold just because of missing triggers...

Keep on work! This may become a good map!
Level 4
Oct 2, 2007
I think the laggs are caused by the creep spawn which is - i think - not very good. After a loger time of playing huge amounts of low-level creeps are at the spawn points and need lots of traffic/ram usage.
So think about the spawntime/-amont. I'd advise to count the units/creepspot with an integer to make sure, there can't be more than a certain maximum. In addition it isn't good to let creeps spawn all at once. This may cause laggs, too. Put in a small "Wait"-command between the single spawns, so this won't cause any laggs.

What i also recognised is the huge lose of gold if you don't know if you can by a certain item/ability. Make shure the player gets its gold back if he dosen't recive a item because of the false class for example. I'd espessialy remind you to create a "money-back-trigger" for the classchanges, because it is very demoralizing if you loose 600 gold just because of missing triggers...

Keep on work! This may become a good map!

well the map already have max creep integer and its 1000 and I am sorry if the map lags on your computer it doesn't lag on mine.I could reduce the max but i don't know how that will affect the lvling speed.If that cause the lag on tcp/ip or b.net games i will lower the integer.Anyway this was suppose to be a hack and slash type of game.

As for "money-back-trigger" I would gladly make them of its so important (its very easy to gain money)

thx for comment
rate it if you like




Your max-int depends on all creeps. I don't think this is a good idea. What I advised was, to give every single creepspot a max-int so you can avoid that the available creeps (1000) are all "blocked" by the low level creeps.
When i played the map, after 2 hours no creeps of my level spawned because the counter reached its bottom end because of mass lvl1-3 units.
The easiest way to realise that is an array.

The money-back-trigger are useful in this way, that i don't want to pay for nothing if I've done a false click.
It is not THE important thing, but if you have time, it would be nice if you would implement something like that :)
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
thx for the comment btw the map is already too big ,I could try that but it would take additional triggers and units and i am not sure if the map will be small enough to be created in multi player

Thats not a problem , just download Wc3 Text File Optimizer 4.7c , I uploaded it for at 2shared - file upload :cute:

Also ive been wondering if you can make me a loading screen for my map (Outland TD) , PM me or something if can please. Thanks :thumbs_up:

Love the map , 5\5 :thumbs_up: