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Adding Particles to specific places

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Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Some say triggers are hard or texturing or modelling or animating. They are not. There is nothing harder than adding particles where you want, especially when we talk about Magos Editor (Ointwinkels btw didn't work for me when I tried to open an .mdl converted from Milkshape or Magos editor). Considering I put a camera instead of portrait, adding particles is the last thing but hard to do to make my model ready.

So, firstly, a good explanation thread to Magos nodes (particles, etc.) would be fine. Then what I want to do: My model is supposed to have 4 small light spheres on the edges of 4 spikes. Mana flare target (blue sphere in war3x.mpq abilities \ human \ spellbreaker \ manaflare) is perfect but it is .mdx. not a .blp and doesn't have a skin I think. I cannot add spheres to my model as it is already made and importing back to Milkshape means 'bye animations' and some other things done with Magos. Could someone help with making such particles where I want to? It will also help me educate myself how to add particles. Magos' tut for burning mk doesn't help me.
well adding particles is not that easy, first you'll need to get the point where you want to add them and then do a lot of more complex and hateful things.

Just in case here's oinker's tutorial, you may want to retry it http://www.oinkerwinkle.com/tools/tutorialglowymurloc.html

Well lets see where shall we begin for adding particles in magos?

unless you already know where to place the particle emitter(pivot wise), you'll require oinkerwinkle's vertex modifier, open it and select the vertexes in which the emitter will be located, then click tools -> center of Mass -> View and that will be our pivot point for when we create the emitter, now close the tool and go to mago's editor.

In mago's open the node manager and add a new particle emitter 2, then select it and clack edit node, afterwards give it the information we want in, like the pivot position (which we noted from VM), the name, etc; and finally click ok.

Now lets parent the emitter to a bone, in my case I parented it to the head because I wanted it on the eyes. Incase you don't know how to parent in magos, you move the object up and down to get near another object and left and right to connect or disconnect to it.

What's left is for you to do is set the particle settings, like the gravity, visibility, scale, color, lifespan, alpha, emession rate. Remenber to set those data. oh and don't forget to make them head or tail, else they won't render.
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