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Random Arena v2.4

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Reactions: Death Priest
Combat up to 12 players with almost every default Warcraft III unit in the game! (Along with custom units.) Each time you die you respawn with a new unit; it could be something powerful or perhaps something weak. You must play well with the cards you are dealt to win!


- Over 500 different playable units!
- 56 different random events!
- 43 custom items!
- Adjustable gameplay of your choosing!

The objective is to achieve a particular number of kills before anyone else. The kills required to win are decided by the host at the beginning of the game. Each time you die you receive a new random unit or hero. For every player you kill, you receive gold, which you can spend to evolve your unit by walking to any of the 4 circles of power on the map.

Due to the immense amount of items that spawn in the arena, and the random events that occur, even players with the strongest heroes may find themselves outmatched by the underdog.

Note: This map is protected.

If you have any questions, comments, or bug reports, please email me at [email protected]. (Or you can just post here.)


Fixed a serious glitch that would cause erratic score gains when a player used The Imploder during the double points event.
Optimized the size of the map.
Added 1 new rare random event.
Added 1 new rare item.
Fixed a bug that would cause random events to repeat twice at the same moment. (Unconfirmed)
Additional creatures can be found in the Mystery Cage.
Due to issues with lag, players can no longer infinitely summon units during WTF Mode.
All Paladin models are now utilized.
If a player gets a humiliation, the proper name of the critter will now always display.
Game modes are now chosen from a tavern containing descriptions of each mode.
The host can now repick the game options at the tavern.
Players can now change the camera angle using the commands, "-cam1, -cam2, & -cam3."
Units killed by Super Stomp should no longer respawn with a unit guaranteed to die in 5 seconds.
Male villagers can now evolve into a Tower Builder.
Players targeted by Finger of Death will now be notified.
Sapphiron's True Form is now easier to control.
Silithid's attack speed has been increased.
The Blob's mana has been reduced from 500 to 250.
The Flying Dutchman can now reload cannonballs at the cost of mana.
Poison Nova's range has been extended again.
OVER 9000!!! now has a 5% chance to activate per hit.
Monstrosity's movement speed has been increased.
Tower Builder's hit points have increased to 1500.
Mini-Infernals now have 300 hit points, increased from 200.
The Lucky Murloc can now drop any rare item.
Exploding Shot no longer deals double damage during Steroids Mode.
Rune of Mana can no longer be found while WTF Mode is activated.
All units except for the wisp now have the harvest ability.
Bosses can no longer become intoxicated from a random event.
A summoned version of Supremus can no longer be revived.
All trees with Sentinel are now removed when the game restarts.
Players targeted by Discharge will no longer have their camera adjust if the spell is casted on a summoned unit.
The Tower Builder can now repair much more quickly.
Critter Revenge no longer activates against units with Divine Shield or spell immunity.
Fixed Flood's tooltip to display the correct amount of damage.
The tag (FFA) has been added to the lobby.
The word "upgrade" has been replaced by "evolve" because it makes more sense.
Kamikazie's hotkey has been changed to, "A."
The Blob's envenomed weapon's have been replaced by envenomed tentacles.
Murloc Stalker and Skeletor no longer have a feedback graphic when attacking.

Random Arena

Random Arena v2.4 (Map)

22:49, 7th Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2: Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating. You can find my full review at post #21.




22:49, 7th Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating.

You can find my full review at post #21.
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
A very chaotic but fun map!
I suggest that you make the arena a little bit bigger and perhaps lower the size a little too...
the loading screen image is rather pointless and custom models (if there are any in there) are rarely seen...
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Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
The changelog just mentions everything that I added into the game for each version that I've made. So for instance, the changelog for version 2.0b would be the most recent (as of 11/03/08) changes that I've made to the game.
Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
Ah, sorry about the confusion. Yeah, the changelog is in the Quest Menu in game. 2.0a and 2.0b were mainly bug fixes, particularly focusing on fixing a couple new items that would cause your unit mysteriously die when used.

I made way too many changes from version 1.8 to 2.0 to actually list them here, so you're gonna have to check out the changelog in game for all the details. In short though I added "WTF Mode," 3 items, a rare item system that includes 8 items, 10 units, and 1 random event.
Level 3
Jun 18, 2006
Yeah that was unnecessary but i do agree with him on 1 point in the map size, lower map size is always good and easier to host/low wait time. Everyone has different connections after all, it will definitely accommodate more people & more will play your map. =)
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
It was necessary. I realy hate when people are lieing like that.

Small map size?

Let's think... Everyone says that this map is great and it rocks, it's fun to play, better than dota...

The why isn't it hosted on bnet? I never saw it even once! Hmmm?

That MUST be because of the low map size! People think like: "Nah... This map is too easy to host, only 100 kb :( I'll better go find a 4 mb map somewhere...".

Without comments...

I suggest you to first create a map with little map size <500 kb (better if <400), then wait for people to try it out and then make the map bigger and bigger.

Until it's not under 500 kb I won't even bother dling it, sorry...
Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
It was necessary. I realy hate when people are lieing like that.

Small map size?

I don't recall ever claiming that this was a small map size; the most I said was that people download it fairly quickly when I host it.

The why isn't it hosted on bnet? I never saw it even once! Hmmm?

This map is only a couple months old, I'd be extremely shocked to commonly see it on the list. And just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not being hosted.

That MUST be because of the low map size! People think like: "Nah... This map is too easy to host, only 100 kb :( I'll better go find a 4 mb map somewhere...".

Have you ever seen the Angel Arena maps that are hosted? Several of them are around 4 mb and people are hosting them and often.

I suggest you to first create a map with little map size <500 kb (better if <400), then wait for people to try it out and then make the map bigger and bigger.

The first version I released of this game was 760 kb, I just didn't release it on the Hive Workshop until I thought it was high enough quality. What you just said is what I have been doing; I've been expanding upon my game and making it bigger (and better), which is why it's now 2 mb.

It's fine if you don't want to download the map, and I do appreciate feedback, but please stop attacking me and making false accusations.
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Level 3
Oct 21, 2008
Hey, could you please send me the unprotected verison? i will edit the terrain to look a bit nicer, but nothing else. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: i wont say that i created the map, only that i created the terrain.
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Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
bounty hunter2's Review on Random Arena v2.3c

Random Arena v2.3c is an arena type of map made by Xebarsis. The goal is to score the amount of kills required to win, that are set up on the beginning of the map. You get a random unit from Warcraft III at the start, and once you die you get another one, and so on.

The biggest issue of the map, as in most maps is its terrain. First of all it is very boring, plain. It's a big board. You should make the terrain have some strategic advantages and disadvantages. The tree model looks really ugly, and the terrain tileset variation isn't well.

The object editor work, is well non existent since regular units are used. Yet there are some problems, since the goblin squad didn't have a inventory. Was that planned? I think all units should have an inventory.

The general idea of the map is fine, and well fun to play, when full house. It's as wereguy said very chaotic and simple.

You should try and set the game modes choice better. Since a dialog box doesn't really explain how do they work. Make a tavern and then choose from it, with a tooltip which contains a description.

The balance is well, also non existent. Since this map is basically who has the most luck. This isn't bad, but it's not good. It's basically a map for "when you are bored."

You should also try and add more to the description, more tags and some images perhaps. But do put them in hidden tags. (Images I mean.)

Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating. Since it was quite simple, needs better terrain, and needs game mode, aswell as description polishing. The size is too big for such a simple map.


The map was reviewed by bounty hunter2 on 8th of June. 2009.
Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
Thank you for taking the time to look at my map and for approving it.

The biggest issue of the map, as in most maps is its terrain. First of all it is very boring, plain. It's a big board. You should make the terrain have some strategic advantages and disadvantages. The tree model looks really ugly, and the terrain tileset variation isn't well.

Aw, well I like how the terrain looks. In fact I thought the trees gave the environment a lush appearance. Well, I didn't want to add too many of the strategic advantages and disadvantages you talked about because it would make melee ground units very hard to play due to the variety of ranged and air units that would be in the arena. If everyone had similar units I would understand the need for strategic points.

The object editor work, is well non existent since regular units are used.

Along with the standard Warcraft 3 units, there are actually 76 custom units you can spawn as. So to say the object editor work is non existent would be wrong. Although it's very unlikely you would see all 76 units in one game, custom units with unique abilities are definitely prevalent throughout the game.

Yet there are some problems, since the goblin squad didn't have a inventory. Was that planned? I think all units should have an inventory.

The very first units you start with are goblin sappers, and since there are no items on the field at the time I removed their inventory to encourage players to blow up their opponents as soon as possible. In the event you spawn with a goblin sapper later in the game, it does have an inventory.

You should try and set the game modes choice better. Since a dialog box doesn't really explain how do they work. Make a tavern and then choose from it, with a tooltip which contains a description.

In the Quest Menu (F9) I do have a section dedicated to explaining what the game modes do, but it's not accessible from the beginning since the host would be selecting the game options, so I do agree with you on this.

The balance is well, also non existent. Since this map is basically who has the most luck. This isn't bad, but it's not good. It's basically a map for "when you are bored."

Although luck can play an amazing role in how well you do in the game, especially if you've never played the game before, I've found that with the right amount of skill it hardly matters what units you get. There's such a wide variety of items and methods of getting gold that players who do end up getting a bad combination of units can get to the top by upgrading their poor units and by utilizing items to take down stronger opponents.

You should also try and add more to the description, more tags and some images perhaps. But do put them in hidden tags. (Images I mean.)

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, could you explain please?

Approved with a 2/5 (Lacking) rating. Since it was quite simple, needs better terrain, and needs game mode, aswell as description polishing. The size is too big for such a simple map.

The only way I could make the size of the map smaller would be to strip content from the game, due to the immense amount of random events, custom units, custom items, and the several custom models. I wouldn't want to remove anything from the list I mentioned to decrease the size of the map.

While I don't necessarily agree with the low rating you gave my map, I appreciate your criticism, and thank you for taking the time to play it and approve it. :grin:
Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
Unnecessary, yes. But he is right, this map is too big for a minigame D:

The most I could possibly do would be to remove the loading screen, which would save around 250 kb. Other than that, there's just so much content packed into one "minigame" that to save memory I would have to remove gameplay elements and stop updating my map... which I'm not willing to do. Because when I update my map, I add more content which increases the size. :sad:
Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
Whoops, I thought there was only 1 page :3
How big are the imports?
Have you Optimized it?

Well the imports say 2869 KB, but the map size UNOPTIMIZED is 2.2 megabytes, so I'm not sure how that works. Yes, I have optimized the map, which only saves about 150 KB.

Potentially I could remove custom models from the game to save some space, but I guarantee that would make people who have played the game before extremely disappointed to see the models removed, and it would also make my game less appealing in general.
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Level 3
Sep 15, 2008
I dont know, it is just a suggestion, but I think (Again, this is just my opinion) that it should be at least half the size.
Also, you should use model squisher.

Ooh, an MDX optimizer! That's just what I need. I'll definitely squish down the models for next version, and I'll think about taking a couple out. Thank you for the suggestion.

Edit: Using the model squisher I have managed to optimize the map to 1.9 megabytes.
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