• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Human Serf (Peasant Alternative)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I realize this is a rather simple edit and will likely, fittingly enough, end up in the simple section. I just threw this together for my own personal use and thought others might like it as well, so it's all good.

Main Attractions
- Alternative to the peasant. (Never was fond of the head of the vanilla model)
- Militia Version Included
- Cleaner TC
- Various Tools (No more whacking trees with a pickaxe! :D)
- Matching skin tones for head and arms. (Check the vanilla model. You won't unsee it. o.o)
- New Portrait (Now with 75% less derp!)

Future Plans
- Villager Anims (Unarmed/Stand Flesh)
- Integrating All Models Into One

- JesusHipster, for the base model I used for the new portrait. (Permission to edit was granted in the description)

Human Serf (Peasant Alternative) (Model)

Human Serf (Portrait) (Model)

Human Watchman (Militia Variant) (Model)

Human Watchman (Portrait) (Model)

General Frank
While I see potential in this model, the little edits, the use of material from other people, the lightly edited skin and your own wish leads me to put it in Substandard. it is an okay edit nevertheless.
Y'know what, this is just great. You're right, it's probably much too similar to the Peasant to be more than Substandard, but the work itself is great & well done.

Hey thanks! Yeah I realize there was quite a bit more I could've done with it to push it towards full model status, but eh. I wasn't trying to make anything fancy. Although I WAS considering changing the pants up to be TC, with a similar gold stripe design as the shoulders/neck. What do you think?

Looks good. Still has the peasant style with a unique head and pauldrons. I like it, very useful for my map which uses peasant variants. 5/5

Heh, thanks for the rating! Glad you could find some use for it. And yeah, I was definitely trying to not stray TOO far from the original peasant. I was looking to make a variant, not a whole unique thing of it's own.

Not fond of the portrait, I mean I never was fond of the derpy villager portrait, but it still looks great!

Yea, I don't like the portrait either. Like I mentioned in the future plans thingy, I'm going to try to find a way to make an alternative portrait, somewhere down the line.
(˙ )_( .) How he do that (portrait eyes)

lol that portrait. on top of a broken jaw... looks like a guy talking with down syndrome while chewing food

Okay, okay I get it! I updated the portrait, haha. Shoutout to JesusHipster for his alternate villager portrait in the simple section. Used that, slowed the animations and changed the camera.
Level 2
Jul 21, 2017
This is great only one thing: In the viewer it shows that the work and lumber work use the same hammer tool while the lumber attack anim has an appropriate axe. Is this present in the download?
This is great only one thing: In the viewer it shows that the work and lumber work use the same hammer tool while the lumber attack anim has an appropriate axe. Is this present in the download?

That is working as intended. Stand Work is usually only used for repair or building. You wouldn't repair a building by smacking it with an axe or pickaxe, would you? xP Don't worry - lumber harvesting uses attack anims, not work, so he'll switch to his axe whenever harvesting wood.
You didn't have to, but wow I am glad you did!!! Looks like an actual human talking now!! GREAT WORK! Deserves the 5 i gave you even more now.
I'll give more rep once the cooldown expires.
Haha, thanks! I was hoping to update the portrait anyways. Most of that work was JesusHipster's, though, I just tweaked it. Might want to toss some rep his way, as well. ^^
Level 5
Jan 8, 2015
I am a big fan of militia units in just about any game. Glad to see things like this available to the community. I am shocked at how much content I have missed out on over the years, but glad to see the passion still here.