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2P Campaign: Arthas02

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
2P Campaign : Arthas
Created by: [The]Blood_Head on Eurobattle
Chapter Two: The Evacuation
Version 1.0:
Uploaded: 2P Campaign : Arthas
"Three days later at the Capital City..."
version: 1.00 - Uploaded
Version: 1.01 - Decreased file size by half, Changed King Terenas model.

Sagi5533 Presents

2P Campaign: Arthas
Created by [The]Blood_Head

Map Info:

This chapter is custom made. I'm planning to make about 9 chapters, Any tips or ideas for lore/triggers or possible changes will be appreciated. :)


- I'll add later A save/load code system.
- Story stays true to belive despite major lore changes.
- All levels are set as Hard, there will be no easy/normal/hard choices.

The Lore:

In this chapter Arthas, Jaina and Uther the Lightbringer will face the horrors of the Undead Scourge. Prince Arthas will have to convince his Father King Terenas Menethill II that Lordaeron is indeed doomed.


Lordaeron's Intro:



Undead Siege:




Special Thanks:

- TheSpoon: For the idea of 2P campaigns.
- Tranquil: King Terenas Model.


arthas, jaina, lordaeron, uther, terenas, king, of, royal, azeroth, kel'thuzad, mal'ganis, dreadlord, legion, time, timeline, scourge, alliance, knigh

2P Campaign: Arthas02 (Map)

15:38, 7th Apr 2016 Rufus: Rufus ReviewMap ScoreGameplay:11 / 30Aesthetics:13 / 20Total:24 / 50 Rating Chart 45-505/5 Highly Recommended35-444/5 Recommended25-343/5 Useful15-242/5 Lacking0-141/5 Unacceptable Gameplay Chapter 1: The players...




15:38, 7th Apr 2016
Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:11 / 30
Aesthetics:13 / 20
Total:24 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

Chapter 1:
The players don't really need to depend on each other in any special way. This might have aswell have been a single player campaign.
We had pretty fun the first chapter, but immidiatly stated that we realized that the game might be a little slow. We were pinned to the top-right cornor of the map with an entire city in front of that we din't even needed to explore. all we had to do was basically build a wall of towers, and then not do anything else. We tried to be a little sportmanlike and avoided this however by just building a few each. It turned out that the towers were only needed on one front, since there were barely any enemies coming from the west. We held out and was victorious, but it didn't really feel like we accomplish anything. Also, the gold mine expansions to the west was never a target for enemies who just walked past if they were going there at all. Normally in vblizzard campaigns, you have to complete and optinal quest to obtain one extra gold mine. Those two were completely free however, resulting in lots of extra gold. One would have been enough, or perhaps you should have placed them further apart so one player can't take them both with one townhall.

Chapter 2:
Arthas stated that he was going to go see his father, and left Uther and Jaina to build a few bases, which doesn't make sense really as they are already in a heavyily fortified city in the middle of the human kingdom. Additionally, for some reason Arthas was placed outside the gate in the middle of the road for no appearant reason. However, only player one got to control a hero here. Uther was computer controlled, and even though the heroes wasn't needed in that stage, it was strange that one player had a hero and the other didn't.

The waves of enmies in this map was much harder than the first map which is good. hHwever, we barely hold on, by building a bunch of towers in a narrow walk way. That is the only reason we could live until the timer ran out. You might want to consider to nerf this a little.

Chapter 3:
All units save for the heores was not really needed in this mission as out heroes were super-strong already. You should either make enemies stronger, or heroes weaker. The item drops only made it all easier. It was a nice feeling of power, although unbalance and not very fun in the long-run.

Chapter 1:
I like that you used the original warcraft map as a template.
The opening cinematics were great! Your future vision was a good idea, however, it would have been better if arthas was a little transparent, indicating that he wasn't really there. Also, his animation is set to unanimated, holding him in a strange stiff position with his book floating beside him. This needs fixing.

I won't take the terrain into consideration as it is not yours.

Chapter 2:
The city was quite beautiful. Well created in most aspects. The outside and the walls wasn't very good though. I think most mappers can agree with me when I say "noise is bad". The noise tool never create an appealing terrain. you didn't use it much, but the few areas outside the walls it was applied on, didn't look very good. the walls also had the higher / lower tool used on them, making them look strange and tilting. I also don't approve the cliff caves in the city, they don't fit and have visual bugs.

Chapter 3:
You used many "statues" in this mission. I think it was at perhaps six occasions that the golems came alive. It felt repetetive and it is not very original. The atmosphere was good, however there were a few areas that had been left pretty blank and dull. The terrain could be improved by adding more doodads.

What really bugged me about this mission was that king terenas ahd changed. He no longer used the king model, but instead looked like the white-haired Paladin.

Also, Jaina couldn't possibly know what the lever releasing the deom did, yet she told everyone as if it was natural. This didn't work completely either. see bugs section.

I like the touch that it was the bloodhill bandits that made a comeback.

Chapter 1:
Jaina's return timer restarts after it expires.
Jaina just appeared. No teleport in or anything. Suddenly she just stood beside us.

Chapter 2:
Arthas appeared on the road instead of in the throne room as stated in the gameplay section of this review.
Before launching the chapter I had to fill the enemies and allies with computer players myself.

Chapter 3:
The lever outside the bandits demon prison under the capital of the human kingdom didn't work properly. it opened the demons cells, but the demons didn't attack.

There are quite a lot of things that doesn't work as intended. The campaign in general felt a little repetetive, and slow-going. The best mission according to me was the third one, were you didn't rely on a timer as main-game function. In general this campaign is approvable in its current state when the bugs are fixed. If you want a good rating however, you'll need to work further with each episode, and perhaps a few side-quests and new ideas.
I also think that you should add save codes. No data or items were transferred between the maps, which caused each map to be a reset of items and resources. Although since there wwasn't many items to pick up, it wasn't the biggest of issues.

The terrain was well done overall. The city in the second chapter was grand and beautiful, though with a few flaws. The third chapter was not as good looking as the second, as a few areas were left blank and uninhabited, but still provided the right vibe and atmosphere.

The storyline was interesting andwell done. The cinematics also looked really good, save for a few details.
Those two were the biggest pluses of this campaign.

This map can be approved with a rating of 2/5 when all bugs have been resolved. For now, its status is set to Awaiting Update.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
How did you do it exactly? I'm trying to set a map I'm redoing to just Hard, but it's also part of a campaign. I don't want the whole campaign as Hard, just that map. How did you do it? I went into the World Editor on your maps, and couldn't find anything
To be honest I'm not sure I understood your question.. I meant that I used triggers only, not sure what did you mean. But you can always check Blizzard's campaign maps with MPQMaster. (basicly they used booleans if I'm not mistaken of true/false and conditions, You can also check Thespoon's maps he used nice loading system with difficult choices).