• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Hello. Can I use your models as the basis for my own?
    Please see About:
    Anybody who wishes to use and/or edit my models have full permission to do so, provided I get credit for the original work. This includes retextures, recycling animations and making icons!
    Hi Tauer, the job your doing is quite impresive, I need your help for the Guldan model. My discord is blavontenet My goal is to My goal is to play melee 1v1 on W3Champions with Guldan replacing the farseer and Blackand replacing the TC to still be able to play the META competitively and also enjoying CSW (Warcraft 2) in the melee mode.
    You absolutely rock, dude. I dare to say you're one of the best animation artists around, and your art style would be just perfect WC3... But it's simply much prettier then WC3 :p
    Hello is your Kargath model ready ? Amazing job you are doing.
    And what is that footman supposed to be ? something like WOW version of him ?
    Nice job on your models you are very talented
    Hello Tauer, do you take comissions? I want to buy a Sindragosa model (human/dragon forms). Please, let me know if I can contact you.
    Hey Tauer, great job on your Warcraft 2 models, especially the latest ones! I hope you don't mind if I use them on my ToD update and the future BtDP as well! ;) But I wanted to know: What if I use them while they are pending updates? Is something wrong with them performance-wise?
    Hey there! Thanks for the support :)
    Regarding the pending models: nothing is wrong with them per se. They had some minor things that could be optimized (a few duplicate keyframes) which amounts to maybe a few bytes (pure guess - I was not able to see a difference in filesize after fixing it) of data. So there's absolutely no danger in using them. I have just updated all the bundles with the optimizations though.
    Elder Shaman Ner'zhul model please!!!!

    Edit: a new model (don't replace the old one) with super cool animations!!!
    Perhaps you can cook something for the contest. ;)

    Hey Tauer, those hero models you've posted look really cool! I will try them out on my maps! 5/5 stars for you!
    Tauer, I love your orc models. Can you make a model of Warok Saurfang ? I really like your style, but the Saurfang model is not enough.
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    Reactions: Kh0l15
    Stefan.K made one using Tauers Grom animations i believe
    No This model using Tauer Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer not hellscream
    I love your all models!! I love the body of your grommash model. Can u please make a grunt model with the same body size and texture likes your greeny grommash?
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    Reactions: Kh0l15
    Thank you for the support! Unfortunately I have too many models on my plate to take requests at the moment.
    Hey Tauer!
    Hope you and your close ones are doing well!

    Once every couple of months I drop in your models thread to check for any updates I may have missed and when I did today, I noticed the thread was closed (likely due to no postings, I would assume).
    I wanted to write a message in, ask if everything is going well with you and perhaps if you have any updates for us, but couldn't do so.

    Could you perhaps look into unlocking it (if that's something you want to have happen) with a moderator?
    I would love if we can still discuss your work and check on you in there.

    Hello!! I'm fascinated by your work! I wanted to ask if you are going to upload the kargaht and killrog models to the hive. They look great!!!
    Eventually, yes :)
    Got a lot of models coming up, but it's a quite time-consuming process.
    Hello! I've been seeing your models and download it, but! some of the models not working for me like: Durotan (New), Blachand, Orgrim Doomhammer, Thrall/The Doomhammer. Could you tell me why cause i love those models and very very like it. Thanks for the models! oh and if you can do to make thrall/the doomhammer (Mounted) Thanks!
    Hello! I've been a great fan of your work here in HIVE for a long time! So, just like to ask, are you thinking in updating some of your old model to your more recent style, some need an update (Kargath, Blackhand, Kilrogg, Ner'zhul, Dentarg, and the Clan specific Grunts) Does that possibility exist in your "to do list"? I really curious about it and sort of hyped if such thing could happen! Because to be honest I'm still using those old ones in my project but... I would like to update them! Just a suggestion and constructive criticism! Nice to see you back Tauer! Looking forward for more from you!
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) Several people in this thread are purposely trolling. There is no way they can have such comprehension problems. Seeing some of their replies is just infuriating.
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